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Sunday, 23 June 2019

Drug Liberalisation (Group E)

However, prolonged the usage history of drugs have been, they never truly were a part of the
true Indian culture. The increasing amount of drug usage and more importantly illegal drug
usage in the country has become a growing case of concern. In some states, the case is so
much worse that it would not be wrong to call it an epidemic. This, I believe primarily is due
to poor teachings the current (and the coming) generation have been given. The lack of
respect for the Indian culture, the lack of questioning and the blatant attempt to escape and
copy the west is ruining the current crop of young Indians. And, relaxing drug laws in such a
scenario would only mean adding fuel to fire. Given the the crime statistics of the country
and the massive young population this could only be a recipe for disaster. Instead, the laws
should become stricter than ever, the law and order should be more empowered in dealing
with such cases. This not only help curb the situation but also a chart a course for the young
Indians to follow and learn from. Also, simultaneously, the young need to be educated about
the various other rich legacies of the Indian culture. For example, the practises of yoga, which
will not only help counter the cheap intoxication but truly take them closer the feeling of

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