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Week 6 Assignment Solutions

1) The optimal range of carbon and nitrogen (the C:N ratio) in composting process is
a) 10:1 and 15:1
b) 15:1 and 20:1
c) 20:1 and 25:1
d) 25:1 and 30:1

2) Biochemical processes transform the organic fraction of MSW into gas, liquid and
solid conversion products
a) True
b) False

3) In Composting process, the temperature rise is caused by endothermic reactions

associated with microbial respiration
a) True
b) False

4) In Composting process, to minimize loss of N as ammonia (NH3+) gas, the pH should

be kept below 8.5
a) True
b) False
5) Solid waste from a new industrial park is to be collected in large containers, some of
which will be used in conjunction with stationary compactors. Based on traffic at
similar parks, it is estimated that the average time to drive from the garage to the
first container and from the last container to garage each day will be (t1) 15 and (t2)
20 min, respectively. If the average time required to drive between containers is 6
min and the one way distance to the disposal site is 15.5 km for which speed limit is
55kmph, .Assume 8-hour workday.
Pick up time per trip for hauled container system, Phcs= pc+uc+dbc
pc+uc 0.4 hour/trip
Time per trip for hauled container system, h/trip Thcs=Phcs+s+a+bx
Number of trips per day Nd =[(1-W)H-
Given S=0.133; a=0.016; b=0.011; Assume off route factor (W) as 0.15.
Determine the pickup time per trip (in hrs/trip)
a) 0.3
b) 0.5
c) 0.7
d) 0.9
Phcs= pc +uc+dbc
Use pc+ uc= 0.4 h/trip
dbc=0.1h/trp (given)
Phcs= (0.4+0.1) h/trip = 0.5 h/trip
6) From data given in Question number 5. Determine the time per trip (in hrs/trip)
a) 1.01
b) 1.21
c) 1.41
d) 1.61
Thcs= Phcs +s+a+bx
Use Phcs = 0.5 h/trip
b= 0.011
Thcs =0.5+0.133+0.016+0.011(50) h/trip
=1.20 h/trip

7) From data given in Question number 5. Determine the number of trip that can be
made per day (in trip/day)
a) 3
b) 5
c) 7
d) 9
Use: W=0.15 (assumed)
H= 8 (given)
T1= 0.23 h
T2 = 0.33 h
Nd=[(1-0.15)8-(0.25+0.33)]1.20 h/trip
=(6.8-0.58)/1.20 = 5.18 trips/day
Nd(actuial)= 5 trips /d
8) From data given in Question number 5. Determine the actual length of the wok day
(in hours)
a) 4.8
b) 7.8
c) 10.8
d) 13.8
5trips= (1-0.5)H-0.58/1.2
H= [(5*1.2)+0.59]/0.85 = 7.74 h

9) In Environmental engineering laboratory, a research scholar is working on

composting techniques. He collected a MSW sample of mass 5 kg, which contains
the following composition.
Component Percentage (%) Moisture content (%)

Paper 30 10
Card board 20 5
Cloth 20 5
News paper 15 5
Other compost material 15 5
Estimate the moisture concentration of the waste
a) 6.00
b) 6.25
c) 6.50
d) 6.75
10) The scholar plans to make a mixture (using the MSW sample from the question
No.9) for the process of composting with of a moisture content of 50%. To achieve
this moisture content he wants to add wastewater sludge (Solid Content 10%). Find
amount of wastewater sludge (X in Kg) to be added to the solids of this MSW to
obtain desired concentration of moisture content to start the process of composting
a) X = 4.3
b) X = 5.4
c) X = 6.0
d) X = 7.5
Assuming 100 Kg of waste
Component Percentage Moisture Dry Dry Weight
(%) content (%) Content (based on 100
(%) Kg)
Paper 30 10 90 27
Card board 20 5 95 19
Cloth 20 5 95 19
News paper 15 5 95 14.25
Other compost 15 5 95 14.25
Total 93.5
Moisture content on wet basis (MCsw) 6.5
Mass of Compost MSW (Xsw) 5 kg
Desired Moisture content (DM) 50%
Mass of Wastewater sludge(X) X
DM=[( Xsw * MCsw) + (90 * X)]/ (Xsw+X) 5.4 kg
50 = [(5*6.5)+(90*X)]/(5+X)

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