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Uninterruptible Power Supply for

X-ray systems

Siemens Healthcare Sector

Markets Served

A reliable source of Due to the critical nature

of medical operations, it is
the event of a heart attack.
One special form of this pro-
trast image of the patient’s
vascular system on the dis-
power can be a mat- natural that anyone operating cedure is called Digital Sub- play monitor – an important
ter of life and death an equipment relies not only
on power from the grid but
traction Angiography (DSA),
which allows even better
factor, especially for invasive
in medicine. Siemens also on power from back-up images to be recorded.
systems with uninterruptible
Healthcare Sector power supplies (UPS).
Staying on the safe side with
What happens if the power an integrated emergency
was impressed by fails? power supply
the reliability and the Eaton’s products’ reliability The power supply for X-ray The decisive advantage of
performance of the and performance were a key systems plays an important the Axiom Artis system is its
issue for Siemens Healthcare role in DSA, especially since integrated emergency power
Eaton UPS systems Sector when the company the introduction of such supply, provided by Eaton®
and integrated them integrated Eaton UPS sys- invasive procedures. What Power Quality. It prevents
tems into its angiographic happens if the power sud- life-threatening situations for
into their angiographic diagnostics systems. Among denly fails while the doctor is the patient. In such situa-
diagnostic systems. other things, the Axiom Artis examining a clogged artery?
The display monitor switches
tions, the doctor is forced to
emergency power supply cease all movement. Exami-
systems ensure that invasive off and the doctor can no nations and invasive proce-
procedures in heart blood longer see where the cath- dures cannot be concluded
vessels can be performed eter is – a potentially fatal without endangering the life
safely at all times. situation. One wrong move or health of the patient. To
of the catheter can damage prevent such dangerous situ-
the sensitive blood vessels. ations, since 1998 Siemens
An angiograph is a depiction This means maximum radiol- Healthcare Sector has been
of blood vessels by means ogy. These multi-functional working closely with Eaton
of a diagnostic imaging pro- X-ray systems are suited Power Quality, a manu-
cedure. Angiographs allow for X-ray examinations, for facturer of uninterruptible
vascular diseases such as angiographs and for the so power supply systems. The
arteriosclerosis and thrombo- called X-ray directed invasive companies jointly conceived
sis to be diagnosed or even procedures. Equipped with a a special EPS (Emergency
To learn more about acute vascular obliteration to digital imaging system, DSA Power Supply) solution for re-
Powerware UPS products, be detected and treated in provides a sharp, high-con- liably supplying power to the
please visit: Eaton Corporation is a diversified industrial manufacturer with 2007 sales of $13 billion. Eaton is a global leader in electrical systems and

components for power quality, distribution and control; fluid power systems and services for industrial, mobile and aircraft equipment;
intelligent truck drivetrain systems for safety and fuel economy; and automotive engine air management systems, powertrain solutions and
specialty controls for performance, fuel economy and safety. Eaton has 81,000 employees and sells products to customers in more than 150
countries. Learn more at

Axiom Artis line of products, In the event of a power

which includes a system failure, the Powerware 9390
platform and multi-functional takes over the task of provid-
angiography system for use ing uninterrupted emergency
in cardiology. power to the entire system
and supports the Axiom
Artis system controller. This
The idea is that the system
allows doctors to carry out
continues to function in the
all equipment movements
event of a power failure so
and to generate X-ray images
that the doctor can continue
even in emergency mode.
working. To this end, Eaton
The UPS also protects the
Power Quality had to special-
imaging system functions
ly adapt its Powerware 9390
from loss of data. In addi-
UPS (40 kVA) to work with
tion to the UPS system, the
the X-ray systems. Eaton had
emergency power supply
previous experience with
system also has a Power-
predecessor systems from
ware ATS 160 A automatic
Siemens, a fact which greatly
switch-over unit. If the ATS
facilitated product introduc- The doctor can follow the angiography on the monitor.
(Automatic Transfer Switch)
tion and system integration.
determines that the voltage
Heribert Amtmann, Acces-
drops below the specified
sories/OEM Components
value, it automatically discon- Heribert Amtmann is very Eaton is assuming the task
Product Manager at Siemens
nects the main power supply satisfied with the design: of assembling and setting
Healthcare Sector, said: “We
and switches to UPS power “With the ATS switch-over up the systems. For service
decided to go with Eaton
for the X-ray generator. At unit, Eaton has developed needs around the world, Sie-
because of the reliability and
the same time, the output a technically reliable and mens Medical Service is the
functionality of the Power-
of the angiography system’s cost-effective solution for first point of contact; on-site
ware products. To achieve op-
emitter is limited, i.e. the the continuous supply of usage is then arranged by
timum results from invasive
X-ray system switches from power to the system.” The Eaton Powerware service in
procedures, it has to be pos-
full-powered X-raying of the emergency power pro- coordination with Siemens.
sible to seamlessly integrate
patient to reduced output vided by the switch-over
the emergency power supply
X-ray mode. Instead of a unit is completely adequate
into our systems – Eaton
full display, only emergency for ensuring the patient’s
fulfilled this requirement per-
X-raying is available, but this safety. Without the ATS, a
fectly with its UPS design.”
is sufficient for the doctor significantly larger UPS with
to see and safely retract the approximately five times the
contrast agent catheter that output would be needed to
is still in the blood vessel. completely safeguard the
In this way, the doctor can angiography system, and it
safely conclude the examina- would cost more than twice
tion or invasive procedure. than the ATS solution. “With
In emergency power mode, this solution, which we have
a back-up time of at least 10 approved and integrated into
minutes is guaranteed. Once our system, we can guaran-
normal power returns, a lamp tee safe functioning of the
indicates to the doctor that system in emergency mode,”
she can switch back to nor- said Amtmann. Following
mal operation, and the Axiom the product development
Artis system is then available phase, the two companies
once again with full output. continue to collaborate:

Powerware 9390 (40 kVA)

Eaton and Powerware are trade names, trademarks, and/or service marks of Eaton Corporation
and its subsidiaries or affiliates.©2008 Eaton Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

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