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KODE M.K. : BING3301



1. Telitilah kode mata kuliah, jumlah soal, dan jumlah halaman dalam Naskah Tugas
Mandiri ini. Naskah ini terdiri dari 04 halaman yang berisi 45 butir soal.
2. Bacalah setiap petunjuk soal dengan seksama.
3. Tuliskan jawaban Anda dengan jelas pada Lembar Jawaban Tugas Mandiri (LJTM)!
4. Periksa kembali pengisian identitas dan tanda tangan Anda pada LJTM.
5. Kirimkan secepatnya LJTM Anda ke UPBJJ-UT sebelum batas waktu yang ditentukan.



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PALING TEPAT! 9. How do you do madam?
Qustion 1 A. I’m well.
1 x 1/2 B. Just fine.
1. Why are you in a hurry?
A. I am going to mend my bicycle. C. Very nice.
B. I have to catch the bus. D. How do you do?
C. I got nightmare.
D. You scared me. 10. How did he get hurt?
A. I’ve reminded him about it.
2. Why didn’t she go to the movie? Because .... B. He loved it.
A. her friend was sick C. We found him in the yard.
B. he lost her parents D. He got hurt in a fire.
C. she’s already seen it
The Channel Tunnel Qustion 2
D. I’ve read it
1 x 1/2
3. Whose book is this? In 1858, a French engineer. Aime Thome de
A. People always say it. Gamond, arrived in England with a plan for a twenty-
B. Absolutely yes. one mile tunnel across the English Channel. He said
C. It’s his. that it (11) .... possible to build a platform in the center
D. I’ve read it. of the Channel. This platform (12) ... as a port and
railway station. The tunnel would be well-ventilated if
4. How did she know his name? tall chimneys (13) .... above sea-level. In 1860, a better
A. She’d already met him. plan was (14) .... by an Englishman, William Low.
B. He is a good friend. He (15) .... that a double railway tunnel should be built.
C. Because she is my best fellow. This would solve the problem of ventilation, for if train
D. She is my neighbor. entered this tunnel, it would draw (16) .... fresh air
behind it. Forty-two years later a tunnel was actually
5. Did you lost any money? (17) .... If, at the time, the British had not feared
A. One hundred dollar is enough. invasion, it would (18) ... compeleted. Recently, there
B. You know, it’s mine. has again been great (19) .... in idea of a Channel
C. Only two dollars. Tunnel. If it is built, it (20) .... Britain to Europe for the
D. Five dollars is too much for me. first time in history.

6. Could you give me her address? 11. A. a will be

A. Okay if you don’t mind. B. will
B. Sorry, we lost her. C. would
C. I’m awfully sorry, but I’ve lost it. D. would be
D. You have to realize it.
12. A. a will serve
7. Do you think that I can do that job? B. served
A. Absolutely yes. C. would serve
B. It’s right. D. was serving
C. We can see it.
D. Don’t worry, we’ll help you. 13. A. were built
B. were building
8. Why do you look at me like that? Because .... C. built
A. you can meet me on Sunday morning D. are built
B. I have to help him
C. you look so pale 14. A. a put back
D. I am so crazy B. put down
C. put about

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D. put forward She crossed the finish the line some three hours
ahead of the second-place finisher. Another
woman, Susan Bucther, won three consecutive
Iditarods: 1986 - 1988. American Rick Swenson is
the all-time champion with a record of five
15. A. a was suggested Iditarods wins.
B. was suggesting The longest dogsled race in the world, however, is
C. suggested Russia. The 1,234-mile (2,000 kilometeres)
D. suggest Bernegnia Trail is from Esco to Markovo, Rusia.
The 1991 race was won by Pavel Lazarev in 10
16. A. in days, 18 hours, 17 minutes, and 56 seconds.
B. out of
C. up 21. How many days did Dick Willmarth complete
D. of the race?
A. 9 days.
17. A. a beginning B. 10 days.
B. begun C. 15 days.
C. begin D. 20 days.
D. began
22. What was the nationality of Dough Swingley?
18. A. has been A. French.
B. having B. English.
C. had been C. American.
D. have been D. Canadian.

19. A. interesting 23. Who was the winner of the race in 1967?
B. interested A. Libby Riddles.
C. was interesting B. Dick Willmarth.
D. interest C. Dough Swingley.
D. Susan Butcher.
20. A. a will
B. is connecting 24. How old is the first woman that won the race?
C. will connect A. 25 years old.
D. connects B. 26 years old.
C. 27 years old.
Read the passage below carrefully and choose D. 28 years old.
the answer of the following questions!
25. Where is the longest dogsled race held?
Adventures of Today Qustion 3 A. South Africa.
1x1 B. America.
The fastest time ever in the Iditarod dogsley race C. Russia.
was set by Dough Swingley of the United States. D. Canada.
He completed the race in 9 days, 32 hours, and 43
minutes. The Anchorage to Nome, Alaska, race is Read a short story below and answer the
1,135 miles (1,827 kilometers) through long questions that follow.
streches of Tundra, frozen lakes, and wastelands.
Blizzards and below-zero temperatures are part of Man of Courage Qustion 4
the race. Although the Iditarod has been practiced 1 x 1/2
informally since 1910, the official race was in 1967. On the night of August 2, 1943, a Japanese
The winner of that race, Dick Wilmarth, completed destroyer cut through the waters of blackett Strait,
the race in 20 days, 49 minutes, and 41 seconds. west of New Georgia in the Solomom Islands. The
The first woman to win the race was a 28-years old night was dark; the weather, bad. The Japanese
Canadian named Libby Riddles on March 20, sailors on the destroyer were watching, particularly
1985. After nearly 18 days on the trail, Riddles and for U.S. patrol torpedo boats. These PT boats were
her thirteen huskies beat sixty teams for the small, about ninety feet long and eighteen feet
$50,000 top price. Riddles had taken the lead wide. They carried a crew of ten to fourteen men.
during the final days of the race by pushing into a They were extremely fast, the fastest boats yet
snowstorm the other contestants decided to sit out. developed by the U.S. Navy. They could reach

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speeds of up to sixty miles an hour. They generally C. He gave necessary orders to leave the
carried two torpedoes, at least one machine gun, ship because the ship began to burn.
and sometimes even light naval guns. They had D. He reminded the PT boat to get away
been causing great damage to Japanese shipping from his ship.
in the area, even sinking several Japanese
When the commander of the Japanese
destroyers saw a PT boat about half a mile off, he
gave the necessary orders, and the destroyers 32. How many miles were the commander saw
turned in the direction of the small PT boat. The the PT boat from the Japanese destroyer?
destroyer moved at speed of almost fifty miles an He saw it about ....
hour and soon was on top of the smaller boat, A. a half a mile off
which was travelling at slow speed. It cut cirectly B. one mile off
through the PT boat, breaking it into two pieces. C. one and a half mile off
The destroyer then moved on, leaving the PT boat D. two miles off
to burn and sink to the bottom. Flames were
already pouring from the PT boat as its gas thanks 33. Which ship was burn?
exploded. However, for some strange reason, only A. The U.S Navy.
the back half of the PT boat sank. The front half B. The Japanese destroyer.
remained floating in the rough water. C. The PT boat.
D. The Japanese Navy.
26. Who was the passenger of the destroyer?
A. The U.S Navy. 34. What was the speed of Japanese destroyer
B. The Japanese Navy. when they struck the PT boat?
C. The Japanese Sailors. A. Thirty miles an hour.
D. The American Sailors. B. Forty miles an hour.
C. Fifty miles an hour.
27. How long was PT boat? D. Sixty miles an hour.
A. Sixty feet.
B. Seventy feet. 35. The Japanese destroyer cut the Pt boat into
C. Eighty feet. ....
D. Ninety feet. A. two pieces
B. three pieces
28. How many crews on Board? C. for pieces
A. Seven to nine men. D. five pieces
B. Eight to eleven men.
C. Nine to thirteen men. 36. Which part of the PT boat was floating on the
D. Ten to fourteen men. water?
A. back half of the boat.
29. What speed was the PT Boat reach to? B. the machine of the boat.
A. Forty miles an hour. C. front half of the boat.
B. Fifty miles an hour. D. the wings of the boat.
C. Sixty miles an hour.
D. Seventy miles an hour. The PT 109, as the U.S boat was called, originally
had a crew of thirteen men. A young lieutenant, 23
30. Who was the developer of PT boat? years old, was in command. Two men were killed
A. Japanese sailors. immediately; the remaining eleven men in the crew
B. The U.S Navy. lived. Although several were badly hurt or burned.
C. American sailors. Some were thrown into the water. Five of men,
D. The Japanese Navy. including the young lieutenant, were in the front of
the boat when the destroyer struck. They remained
31. What did the Commander of the Japanese there. The young lieutenant, thrown bodily from
destroyer do when he saw the Pt boat? one side of the boat the other, looked up as the big
A. He reminded PT boat to leave the destroyer passed through the boat and thought to
Solomon Island. himself, “This is how it feels to be killed”.
B. He gave necessary orders to turn in the He was not killed, however, but simply badly
direction of the small Pt boat. shaken up. Soon he was able to direct the
operations of collecting the six men who had been

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thrown into the water. One man, McMahon, an B. An engineer.

engineer, was badly burned. Another man, Harris, C. Japanese sailor.
had hurt his leg badly. The young lieutenant swam D. U.S Navy.
to these two men and half pulled, half guided them
back to the boat. The other members of the crew
soon made their way back to the still floating front
of the boat. Eleven men in all now crowded onto
this small section of the boat.
37. How many crews were in the PT 109 45. How many men were there in the front half of
originally? the boat?
A. Ten men. A. Ten men.
B. Eleven men. B. Eleven men.
C. Twelve men. C. Twelve men.
D. Thirteen men. D. Thirteen men.

38. What was the military rank of the commander

of the PT boat?
A. Sergeant.
B. Lieutenant.
C. Major.
D. Captain.

39. Where was the lieutenant when the destroyer

struck the PT boat?
A. In the front of the boat.
B. In the control room.
C. In the ship’s stern.
D. In the left side of the boat.

40. How many people were killed immediately

when the boat struck?
A. One man.
B. Two men.
C. Three men.
D. Four men.

41. Who was badly turned?

A. Harris.
B. Mc Mahon.
C. Commander.
D. Lieutenant.

42. How many people were alive when the boat

A. Seven men.
B. Eight men.
C. Nine men.
D. Ten men.

43. Who is Mc Mahon?

A. The Lieutenant.
B. The crew of the destroyer.
C. The Commander.
D. The crew of PT boat.

44. Who is the man that pulled and guided Mc

Mahon and Haris back to the boat?
A. Their Commander.

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