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A Study of Green HRM Practices and its effective

implementation in Few Selected Companies

Submitted to-
Dr Vijayshri Tiwari

Submitted by-
A Study of Green HRM Practices and its effective implementation in Few
Selected Companies

Nowadays it seems that a substantial number of organizations practice green human resource
management practices in the global situation. Exploring and creating about these green HRM
practices which are being practised and are to be practised by the business and other organizations
will contribute significantly to the HRM field academically and practically. Green HRM is an
emerging field of research in the organizational studies after the 1990s.
Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) is a combination of environmental management
and human resource management (HRM) practices. It helps organizations to uncover an alternative
way to reduce the cost without losing their experienced workers. Green HRM involves the
application of HRM policies to encourage the maintainable use of resources within companies and
to promote the cause of environmentalism. According to Gill man dip 2012, Shakti – “It involves
reducing carbon footprints via less printing of paper, car sharing, job sharing, telecommuting, and
video conferencing and interviews etc.” Hence GHRM involves two essential elements: HR
practices which are friendly to the environment and conservation of knowledge capital. The
practice of green HR includes recruitment, compensation and selection, performance management,
training and development, employee involvement and participation. The benefits of GHRM are:
Reduced Utility Costs, Decreased Environmental Impact, Improved Public Image, Refunds and
Tax Benefits, and Increased Business Openings
The HR Professional today is also helping the companies to adopt strategies to green their business
through online sharing of training/self-knowledge materials, by Encouraging employees to turn
off their computer monitor when they are not present on their desk. It also motivates the employees
to keep the lighting minimum during non- working hours and more usage of LED is also promoted
by the companies. The two elements of GHRM are:- environmentally friendly HR practices and
the preservation of knowledge capital. Green HRM policies and practices also help to defend and
enhance worker health and well-being.
HRM practices are the actual human resource programs, processes and techniques that actually get
implemented in the organization or business. Similarly, green HRM practices are the actual green
HRM programs, processes and techniques that actually get implemented in the organizations in
order to reduce negative environmental impacts or enhance positive environmental impacts of the
organizations. The ultimate aim of green HRM practices is to improve the organization’s
sustainable environmental performance and increase efficiency.
Aim of the Study
1. To what extent and how HR policies and practices can improve the environmental performance
of organizations.
2. Study Management of people through commitment to environmental sustainability
3. Changing attitudes and behaviors related to environmental issues in the workplace
4. To elaborate the need for GHRM initiatives and practices as an innovative approach.
5. To study current environmental sustainable solutions to stay “Green” in the Human Resource
function by reviewing the literature on HR aspects of environmental management
6. To study some of these practices followed in different companies or organizations today.
Time duration
(march-April) 2019
Sources of Data/information
The study will be based on identifying articles related to green HR by using the following
keywords: Green management, environment management system, human resource management,
training, development, recruitment, rewards and feedback. Secondary Data of different companies
and their green HRM practices.
Problem statement
Protection of Environment and save the planet Earth from future disasters caused by the
organizations in order to achieve their sole objective of profit maximization. Excess consumption
of natural resources as a raw material by the industries and other commercial organization there is
tremendous pressure on the natural resources of planet Earth which has lead to discussions on
topics such as ecological imbalances and biodiversity. Besides this Chronic stress is one of the
most common health issues in the workplace.
Expected Contribution of the Study
 This Green HR initiative study will help companies find alternative ways to cut cost
without losing their top talent and contribution of people management policies and
activities towards this broader agenda
 This study helps to state that HR can have a big impact without causing much expenditure,
good environmental management can improve sales and reduce costs, providing funding
for green benefits to keep staff engaged.

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