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19 November 1965, Volume 150, Number 3699

after amputation of a limb), and the

peripheral neuralgias (which may oc-
cur after peripheral nerve infections or
degenerative diseases) provide a dra-
matic refutation of the concept of a
Pain Mechanisms: A New Theory fixed, direct-line nervous system. Four
features of these syndromes plague pa-
tient, physician, and theorist (8, 10).
A gate control system modulates sensory input from the 1) Surgical lesions of the peripheral
skin before it evokes pain perception and response. and central nervous system have been
singularly unsuccessful in abolishing
these pains permanently, although the
Ronald Melzack and Patrick D. Wall lesions have been made at almost every
level (Fig. 2). Even after such opera-
tions, pain can often still be elicited
by stimulation below the level of sec-
The nature of pain has been the cialization and an implicit psychologi- tion and may be more severe than
subject of bitter controversy since the cal assumption (8, 9). Consider the before the operation (8, 10).
turn of the century (1). There are proposition that the skin contains "pain 2) Gentle touch, vibration, and
currently two opposing theories of receptors." To say that a receptor re- other nonnoxious stimuli (8, 10) can
pain: (i) specificity theory, which sponds only to intense, noxious stimu- trigger excruciating pain, and some-
holds that pain is a specific modality lation of the skin is a physiological times pain occurs spontaneously for
like vision or hearing, "with its own statement of fact; it says that the re- long periods without any apparent
central and peripheral apparatus" (2), ceptor is specialized to respond to a stimulus. The fact that the thresholds
and (ii) pattern theory, which main- particular kind of stimulus. To call a to these stimuli are raised rather than
tains that the nerve impulse pattern receptor a "pain receptor," however, lowered in causalgia and the neuralgias
for pain is produced by intense stimu- is a psychological assumption: it im- (10), together with the fact that re-
lation of nonspecific receptors since plies a direct connection from the re- ferred pain can often be triggered by
"there are no specific fibers and no ceptor to a brain center where pain is mild stimulation of normal skin (8),
specific endings" (3). Both theories de- felt (Fig. 1), so that stimulation of makes it unlikely that the pains can
I be explained by postulating pathologi-
rive from earlier concepts proposed by the receptor must always elicit pain
von Frey (4) and Goldscheider (5) and only the sensation of pain. This cally hypersensitive "pain receptors."
in 1894, and historically they are held distinction between physiological spe- 3) The pains and new "trigger
to be mutually exclusive. Since it is cialization and psychological assump- zones" may spread unpredictably to un-
our purpose here to propose a new tion also applies to peripheral fibers related parts of the body where no
theory of pain mechanisms, we shall and central projection systems (9). pathology exists (8, 11).
state explicitly at the outset where we The facts of physiological speciali- 4) Pain from hyperalgesic skin
agree and disagree with specificity and zation provide the power of specificity areas often occurs after long delays,
pattern theories. theory. Its psychological assumption is and continues long after removal of
its weakness. As in all psychological the stimulus (10). Gentle rubbing, re-
theories, there is implicit in specificity peated pin pricks, or the application
Specificity Theory theory the conception of a nervous of a warm test tube may produce sud-
system; and the model is that of a den, severe pain after delays as long
Specificity theory proposes that a fixed, direct-line communication sys- as 35 seconds. Such delays cannot be
mosaic of specific pain receptors in tem from the skin to the brain. This attributed simply to conduction in
body tissue projects to a pain center facet of specificity theory, which im- slowly conducting fibers; rather, they
in the brain. It maintains that free putes a direct, invariant relationship imply a remarkable temporal and spa-
nerve endings are pain receptors (4) between stimulus and sensation, is ex- tial summation of inputs in the pro-
and generate pain impulses that are amined here in the light of the clini- duction of these pain states (5, 10).
carried by A-delta and C fibers in cal, psychological, and physiological Psychological evidence. The psycho-
peripheral nerves (6) and by the lat- evidence concerning pain. logical evidence fails to support the
eral spinothalamic tract in the spinal Clinical evidence. The pathological assumption of a one-to-one relation-
cord (2) to a pain center in the pain states of causalgia (a severe burn-
Dr. Melzack is associate professor in the de-
thalamus (7). Despite its apparent ing pain that may result from a par- partment of psychology at McGill University,
simplicity, the theory contains an ex- tial lesion of a peripheral nerve), Montreal, Canada. Dr. Wall is professor in the
department of biology at the Massachusetts In-
plicit statement of physiological spe- phantom limb pain (which may occur stitute of Technology. Cambridge.
19 NOVEMBER 1965 971
ship between pain perception and in- on occasion, abolish pain of pathologi-
tensity of the stimulus. Instead, the cal origin. But the fact that these areas
evidence suggests that the amount and carry signals related to pain does not
quality of perceived pain are deter- mean that they comprise a specific pain
mined by many psychological varia- system. The lesions have multiple ef-
bles (12) in addition to the sensory fects. They reduce the total number of
input. For example, Beecher (13) has responding neurons; they change the
observed that most American soldiers temporal and spatial relationships
wounded at the Anzio beachhead "en- among all ascending systems; and they
tirely denied pain from their extensive affect the descending feedback that
wounds or had so little that they did controls transmission from peripheral
not want any medication to relieve it" fibers to dorsal horn cells.
(13, p. 165), presumably because The nature of the specialization of
they were overjoyed at having escaped central cells remains elusive despite the
alive from the battlefield (25). If the large number of single-cell studies.
men had felt pain, even pain sensa- Cells in the dorsal horns (24, 26) and
tion devoid of negative affect, they the trigeminal nucleus (27) respond
would, it is reasonable to assume, have to a wide range of stimuli and re-
reported it, just as lobotomized patients Fig. 1. Descartes' (76) concept of the pain
pathway. He writes: "If for example fire spond to each with a characteristic fir-
(14) report that they still have pain (A) comes near the foot (B), the minute ing pattern. Central cells that respond
but it does not bother them. Instead, particles of this fire, which as you know exclusively to noxious stimuli have also
these men "entirely denied pain." Simi- move with great velocity, have the power been reported (28, 29). Of particular
larly, Pavlov's (15, 16) dogs that to set in motion the spot of the skin of
the foot which they touch, and by this interest is Poggio and Mountcastle's
received electric shocks, burns, or cuts, means pulling upon the delicate thread (28) study of such cells in the pos-
followed consistently by the presenta- CC, which is attached to the spot of the terior thalamus in anesthetized mon-
tion of food, eventually responded to skin, they open up at the same instant the keys. Yet Casey (30), who has re-
these stimuli as signals for food and pore, d.e., against which the delicate cently confirmed that posterior
failed to show "even the tiniest and thread ends, just as by pulling at one end
of a rope one makes to strike at the same thalamic cells respond exclusively to
most subtle" (15, p. 30) signs of instant a bell which hangs at the other noxious stimuli in the drowsy or
pain. If these dogs felt pain sensation, end." sleeping monkey, found that- the same
then it must have been nonpainful pain cells also signaled information in re-
(17), or the dogs were out to fool sponse to gentle tactile stimulation
Pavlov and simply refused to reveal when the animal was awake. Even if
convincing physiological evidence that
that they were feeling pain. Both pos- some central cells should be shown
specialization exists within the somes-
sibilities, of course, are absurd. The unequivocally to respond exclusively
thetic system (9), but none to show
inescapable conclusion from these ob- to noxious stimuli, their specialized
that stimulation of one type of re-
servations is that intense noxious stim- properties still do not make them "pain
ceptor, fiber, or spinal pathway elicits
ulation can be prevented from produc- cells." It is more likely that these cells
sensations only in a single psychologi-
ing pain, or may be modified to pro- represent the extreme of a broad dis-
cal modality. In the search for periph-
vide the signal for eating behavior. tribution of cell thresholds to periph-
eral fibers that respond exclusively to
high-intensity stimulation, Hunt and eral nerve firing, and that they occupy '
Psychophysical studies (18) that
Mclntyre (20) found only seven out only a small area within the total mul-
find a mathematical relationship be-
of 421 myelinated A fibers, and Ma- tidimensional space that defines the
tween stimulus intensity and pain in-
ruhashi et al. (21) found 13 out of specialized physiological properties of
tensity are often cited (2, 13, 18, 19)
several hundred. Douglas and Ritchie cells (9). There is no evidence to sug-
as supporting evidence for the assump-
(22) failed to find any high-threshold gest that they are more important for
tion that pain is a primary sensation
C fibers, while Iggo (23) found a pain perception and response than all >
subserved by a direct communication
few. These data suggest that a small the remaining somesthetic cells that sig-
system from skin receptor to pain cen-
number of specialized fibers may exist nal characteristic firing patterns about
ter. A simple psychophysical func-
that respond only to intense stimula- multiple properties of the stimulus, in-
tion, however, does not necessarily re-
tion, but this does not mean that they cluding noxious intensity. The view that
flect equally simple neural mechanisms.
are "pain fibers"—that they must al- only the cells that respond exclusively
Beecher's (13) and Pavlov's (25) ob-
ways produce pain, and only pain, to noxious stimuli subserve pain and
servations show that activities in the
when they are stimulated. It is more that the outputs of all other cells are
central nervous system may intervene
likely that they represent the extreme no more than background noise is
between stimulus and sensation which
of a continuous distribution of re- purely a psychological assumption and
may invalidate any simple psycho-
ceptor-fiber thresholds rather than a has no factual basis. Physiological spe-
physical "law." The use of laboratory
special category (24). cialization is a fact that can be re-
conditions that prevent such activities
tained without acceptance of the psy- ,
from ever coming into play reduces Similarly, there is evidence that chological assumption that pain is de- <
the functions of the nervous system central-nervous-system pathways have termined entirely by impulses in a
to those of a fixed-gain transmission specialized functions that play a role straight-through transmission system
line. It is under these conditions that in pain mechanisms. Surgical lesions from the skin to a pain center in the
psychophysical functions prevail. of the lateral spinothalamic tract (2) brain.
Physiological evidence. There is or portions of the thalamus (25) may,
'altern Theory then be triggered by normally non- Related to theories of central sum-
noxious inputs and generate abnormal mation is the theory that a specialized
As a reaction against the psychologi- volleys that are interpreted centrally as input-controlling system normally pre-
:al assumption in specificity theory, pain. Conceptually similar mechanisms vents summation from occurring, and
jew theories have been proposed were proposed by Hebb (33) and Ge- that destruction of this system leads to
vhich can be grouped under the gen- rard (34), who suggested that hyper- pathological pain states. Basically, this
:ral heading of "pattern theory." Gold- synchronized firing in central cells theory proposes the existence of a
icheider (5), initially one of the provides the signal for pain. rapidly conducting fiber system which
;hampions of von Frey's theory, was
:he first to propose that stimulus in-
ensity and central summation are the
critical determinants of pain. Two
kinds of theories have emerged from
Soldscheider's concept; both recognize
the concept of patterning of the input,
which we believe (9) to be essential
for any adequate theory of pain, but
one kind ignores the facts of physio-
logical specialization, while the other
utilizes them in proposing mechanisms
of central summation.
The pattern theory of Weddell (31)
and Sinclair (3) is based on the earlier
suggestion, by Nafe (17), that all
cutaneous qualities are produced by
spatiotemporal patterns of nerve im-
pulses rather than by separate modal-
ity-specific transmission routes. The
theory proposes that all fiber endings
(apart from those that innervate hair " •*

cells) are alike, so that the pattern for

pain is produced by intense stimulation
of nonspecific receptors. The physio-
logical evidence, however, reveals (9)
a high degree of receptor-fiber spe- \

cialization. The pattern theory pro-

posed by Weddell and Sinclair, then,
fails as a satisfactory theory of pain
because it ignores the facts of physio-
logical specialization. It is more rea-
sonable to assume that the specialized
physiological properties of each re- i
ceptor-fiber unit—such as response
ranges, adaptation rates, and thresholds
to different stimulus intensities—play
an important role in determining the
characteristics of the temporal patterns
that are generated when a stimulus is
applied to the skin (9).
Other theories have been proposed,
within the framework of Goldschei-
der's concept, which stress central sum-
mation mechanisms rather than ex- :o
cessive peripheral stimulation. Living-
ston (8) was perhaps the first to sug-
gest specific neural mechanisms to ac-
count for the remarkable summation
phenomena in clinical pain syndromes.
He proposed that intense, patho-
logical stimulation of the body sets up Fig. 2. MacCarty and Drake's (77) schematic diagram illustrating various surgical
reverberating circuits in spinal inter- procedures designed to alleviate pain: 1, gyrectomy; 2, prefrontal lobotomy; 3, thaia-
motomy; 4, mesencephalic tractotomy; 5, hypophysectomy; 6, fifth-nerve rhizotomy; 7,
nuncial pools, or evokes spinal cord ninth-nerve neurectomy; 8, medullary tractotomy; 9, trigeminal tractotomy; 10, cervical
activities such as those reflected by the chordotomy; 11, thoracic chordotomy; 12, sympathectomy; 13, myelotomy; 14, Lissauer
"dorsal root reflex" (32), that can tractotomy; 15, posterior rhizotomy; 16, neurectomy.
19 NOVEMBER 1965
inhibits synaptic transmission in a (36), and myelinated and unmyeli- pain (36), of hyperalgesia (10). It is
more slowly conducting system that nated (10) fiber systems. Under patho- important to note the transition from
carries the signal for pain. These two logical conditions, the slow system es- specificity theory (7, 35, 36) to the
systems are identified as the epicritic tablishes dominance over the fast, and pattern concept: Noordenbos (10)
and protopathic (7), fast and slow the result is protopathic sensation does not associate psychological qual-
(35), phylogenetically new and old (7), slow pain (55), diffuse burning ity with each system but attributes to
the rapidly conducting system the abil-
ity to modify the input pattern trans-
mitted in the slowly conducting, mul-
tisynaptic system.
The concepts of central summation
and input control have shown remark-
able power in their ability to explain
many of the clinical phenomena of
pain. The various specific theoretical
mechanisms that have 'been proposed,
however, fail to comprise a satisfac-
tory general theory of pain. They lack
unity, and no single theory so far pro-
posed is capable of integrating the di-
verse theoretical mechanisms. More
important, these mechanisms have not
received any substantial experimental
verification. We believe that recent
physiological evidence on spinal mech-
anisms, together with the evidence
demonstrating central control over af-
ferent input, provides the basis for a
new theory of pain mechanisms that
is consistent with the concepts of
physiological specialization as well as
with those of central summation and
input control.

Gate Control Theory of Pain

Stimulation of the skin evokes nerve

impulses that are transmitted to three
spinal cord systems (Fig. 3): the cells
of the substantia gelatinosa in the dor-
sal horn, the dorsal-column fibers that
project toward the brain, and the first
central transmission (T) cells in the
dorsal horn. We propose that (i) the
substantia gelatinosa functions as a
gate control system that modulates the
afferent patterns before they influence
the T cells; (ii) the afferent patterns
in the dorsal column system act, in
part at least, as a central control trig-
ger which activates selective brain
processes that influence the modulat-
ing properties of the gate control sys-
tem; and (iii) the T cells activate
Fig. 3. (Top) A histological section of the cat spinal cord (lumbar region). (Middle") neural mechanisms which comprise the
Cross section of the dorsal quadrant. The stippled region is the substantia gelatinosa.
(Bottom) Main components of the cutaneous afferent system in the upper dorsal horn. action system responsible for response
The large-diameter cutaneous peripheral fibers are represented by thick lines running and perception. Our theory proposes
from the dorsal root and terminating in the region of the substantia gelatinosa; one of that pain phenomena are determined
these, as shown, sends a branch toward the brain in the dorsal column. The finer by interactions among these three
peripheral fibers are represented by dashed lines running directly into the substantia
gelatinosa. The large cells, on which cutaneous afferent nerves terminate, are shown as systems.
large black spheres with their dendrites extending into the substantia gelatinosa and their Gate control system. The substantia
axons projecting deeper into the dorsal horn. The open circles represent the cells of the gelatinosa consists of small, densely
substantia gelatinosa. The axons (not shown) of these cells connect them to one another
and also run in the Lissauer tract (LT) to distant parts of the substantia gelatinosa. packed cells that form a functional
[From Wall (37)] unit extending the length of the spinal
974 SCIENCE, VOL. 150
;ord. The cells connect with one an-
other by short fibers and by the longer
Sbers of Lissauer's tract (37, 38), but
do not project outside the substantia
Ejelatinosa. Recent evidence (39) sug-
gests that the substantia gelatinosa acts GATE CONTROL SYSTEM
as a gate control system that modu-
lates the synaptic transmission of nerve
impulses from peripheral fibers to cen-
tral cells.
+ / S
Figure 4 shows the factors involved
in the transmission of impulses from
peripheral nerve to T cells in the cord.
®\\ )

Recent studies (39-41) have shown
that volleys of nerve impulses in large S
fibers are extremely effective initially
in activating the T cells but that their
later effect is reduced by a negative
feedback mechanism. In contrast, vol- Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the gate control theory of pain mechanisms: L, the
leys in small fibers activate a positive large-diameter fibers; S, the small-diameter fibers. The fibers project to the substantia
feedback mechanism which exaggerates gelatinosa (SG) and first central transmission (T) cells. The inhibitory effect exerted by
SG on the afferent fiber terminals is increased by activity in L fibers and decreased by
the effect of arriving impulses. Experi- activity in S fibers. The central control trigger is represented by a line running from
ments (37, 39, 41) have shown that the large-fiber system to the central control mechanisms; these mechanisms, in turn,
these feedback effects are mediated by project back to the gate control system. The T cells project to the entry cells of the
cells in the substantia gelatinosa. Ac- action system. +, Excitation; —, inhibition (see text).
tivity in these cells modulates the
membrane potential of the afferent
fiber terminals and thereby determines If the stimulus intensity is increased, that pain results after prolonged moni-
the excitatory effect of arriving im- more receptor-fiber units are recruited toring of the afferent input by central
pulses. Although there is evidence, so and the firing frequency of active units cells. First, threshold for shock on one
far, for only presynaptic control, there is increased (9, 24). The resultant pos- arm is raised by a shock delivered as
may also be undetected postsynaptic itive and negative effects of the large- long as 100 milliseconds later to the
control mechanisms that contribute to fiber and small-fiber inputs tend to other arm (43). Second, in pathologi-
the observed input-output functions. counteract each other, and therefore cal pain states, delays of pain sensa-
We propose that three features of the output of the T cells rises slowly. tion as long as 35 seconds after stimu-
the afferent input are significant for If stimulation is prolonged, the large lation cannot be attributed to slow con-
pain: (i) the ongoing activity which fibers begin to adapt, producing a rela- duction in afferent pathways (10). We
precedes the stimulus, (ii) the stimu- tive increase in small-fiber activity. As suggest, then, that there is temporal
lus-evoked activity, and (iii) the rela- a result, the gate is opened further, and spatial summation or integration
tive balance of activity in large versus and the output of the T cells rises of the arriving barrage by the T cells.
small fibers. The spinal cord is con- more steeply. If the large-fiber steady The signal which triggers the action
tinually bombarded by incoming nerve background activity is artificially raised system responsible for pain experience
impulses even in the absence of ob- at this time by vibration or scratch- and response occurs when the output
vious stimulation. This ongoing activ- ing (a maneuver that overcomes the of the T cells reaches or exceeds a
ity is carried predominantly by small tendency of the large fibers to adapt), critical level. This critical level of fir-
myelinated and unmyelinated fibers, the output of the cells decreases. ing, as we have seen, is determined by
which tend to be tonically active and Thus, the effects of the stimulus- the afferent barrage that actually im-
to adapt slowly, and it holds the gate evoked barrage are determined by (i) pinges on the T cells and has already
in a relatively open position. When a the total number of active fibers and undergone modulation by substantia
stimulus is applied to the skin, it pro- the frequencies of nerve impulses that gelatinosa activity. We presume that
duces an increase in the number of ac- they transmit, and (ii) the balance of the action system requires a definite
tive receptor-fiber units as information activity in large and small fibers. time period for integrating the total
about the stimulus is transmitted to- Consequently, the output of the T cells input from the T cells. Small, fast
ward the brain. Since many of the may differ from the total input that variations of the temporal pattern
larger fibers are inactive in the ab- converges on them from the peripheral produced by the T cells might be in-
sence of stimulus change, stimulation fibers. Although the total number of effective, and the smoothed envelope
will produce a disproportionate rela- afferent impulses is a relevant stimulus of the frequency of impulses—which
tive increase in large-fiber over small- parameter, the impulses have different contains information on the rate of
fiber activity. Thus, if a gentle pres- effects depending on the specialized rise and fall, the duration, and the
sure stimulus is applied suddenly to functions of the fibers that carry them. amplitude of firing—would be the ef-
the skin, the afferent volley contains Furthermore, anatomical specialization fective stimulus that initiates the ap-
large-fiber impulses which not only fire also determines the location and the propriate sequence of activities in the
the T cells but also partially close the extent of the central terminations of cells that comprise the action system.
presynaptic gate, thereby shortening the fibers (24, 41, 42). Central control trigger. It is now
the barrage generated by the T cells. There are two reasons for believing firmly established {44) that stimula-
19 NOVEMBER 1965 975
tion of the brain activates descending carry two-point discrimination, rough- components of the whole experience,
efferent fibers (45) which can influ- ness discrimination, spatial localiza- such as rubbing the damaged area,
ence afferent conduction at the earliesttion, tactile threshold, and vibration avoidance behavior, and so forth.
synaptic levels of the somesthetic sys- (48). Complex discrimination and lo- The perceptual awareness that accom-
tem. Thus it is possible for central calization, however, are not a modal- panies these events changes in quality
nervous system activities subserving at-ity; they represent decisions based on and intensity during all this activity.
tention, emotion, and memories of an analysis of the input. Indeed, the This total complex sequence is hidden
prior experience to exert control over traditional view is questionable in the in the simple phrases "pain response"
the sensory input. There is evidence light of Cook and Browder's (49) ob- and "pain sensation." The multiplicity
(44) to suggest that these central in- servation that surgical section of the of reactions demands some concept of
fluences are mediated through the gate dorsal columns produced no perma- central mechanisms which is at least
control system. nent change in two-point discrimina- capable of accounting for sequential
The manner in which the appropri- tion in seven patients. patterns of activity that would allow
ate central activities are triggered into The second candidate for the role the complex behavior and experience
action presents a problem. While some of central control trigger is the dorso- characteristic of pain.
central activities, such as anxiety or Iateral path (50), which originates in The concept of a "pain center" in
excitement, may open or close the gate the dorsal horn and projects, after re- the brain is totally inadequate to ac-
for all inputs at any site on the body, lay in the lateral cervical nucleus, to count for the sequences of behavior
others obviously involve selective, lo- the brain stem and thalamus. This sys- and experience. Indeed, the concept is
calized gate activity. Men wounded in tem has small, well-defined receptive pure fiction, unless virtually the whole
battle may feel little pain from the fields (51) and is extremely fast; in brain is considered to be the "pain
wound but may complain bitterly spite of having one additional relay, center," because the thalamus (7, 25),
about an inept vein puncture (13). it precedes the dorsal column-medial the limbic system (54), the hypothala-
Dogs that repeatedly receive food im- lemniscus volley in the race to the mus (55), the brain-stem reticular for-
mediately after the skin is shocked, cortex (52). mation (56), the parietal cortex (57),
burned, or cut soon respond to these Both these systems, then, could ful- and the frontal cortex (14) are all
stimuli as signals for food and salivate,
fill the functions of the central control implicated in pain perception. Other
without showing any signs of pain, yet trigger. They carry precise informa- brain areas are obviously involved in
howl as normal dogs would when the tion about the nature and location of the emotional and motor features of
stimuli are applied to other sites on the stimulus, and they conduct so the behavior sequence. The idea of a
the body (16). The signals, then, must rapidly that they may not only set the "terminal center" in the brain which
be identified, evaluated in terms of receptivity of cortical neurons for sub- is exclusively responsible for pain sen-
prior conditioning, localized, and in- sequent afferent volleys but may, by sation and response therefore becomes
hibited before the action system is ac- way of central-control efferent fibers, meaningless.
tivated. We propose, therefore, that also act on the gate control system. We propose, instead, that the trig-
there exists in the nervous system a Part, at least, of their function, then, gering of the action system by the T
mechanism, which we shall call the could be to activate selective brain cells marks the beginning of the se-
central control trigger, that activatesprocesses that influence information quence of activities that occur when
the particular, selective brain processes
which is still arriving over slowly con- the body sustains damage. The diver-
that exert control over the sensory in- ducting fibers or is being transmitted gence of afferent fibers going to the
put (Fig. 4). There are two known up more slowly conducting pathways. dorsal horns and the dorsal column
systems that could fulfill such a func- nuclei marks only the first stage of the
tion, and one or both may play a role. Action system. Pain is generally
considered to be the sensory adjunct process of selection and abstraction of
The first is the dorsal column- of an imperative protective reflex information. The stimulation of a sin-
medial lemniscus system. The largest (55). Pain, however, does not consist gle tooth results in the eventual acti-
and most rapidly conducting A fibers of a single ring of the appropriate vation of no less than five distinct
which enter the spinal cord send short central bell, but is an ongoing process. brain-stem pathways (58). Two of
branches to the substantia gelatinosa, We propose, then, that once the inte- these pathways project to cortical
and long central branches directly to grated firing-level of T cells exceeds a somatosensory areas I and II (59),
the dorsal column nuclei. Fibers from critical preset level, the firing triggers while the remainder activate the thal-
these nuclei form the medial lemniscus, a sequence of responses by the action amic reticular formation and the lim-
which provides a direct route to the system. bic system (60), so that the input has
thalamus and thence to the somato- Sudden, unexpected damage to the access to neural systems involved in
sensory cortex. The striking character- skin is followed by (i) a startle re- affective (54) as well as sensory ac-
istics of this system are that informa- sponse; (ii) a flexion reflex; (iii) tivities. It is presumed that interac-
tion is transmitted rapidly from the postural readjustment; (iv) vocaliza- tions occur among all these systems
skin to the cortex, that separation of tion; (v) orientation of the head and as the organism interacts with the en-
signals evoked by different stimulus eyes to examine the damaged area; vironment.
properties and precise somatotopic lo- (vi) autonomic responses; (vii) evo- We believe that the interactions be-
calization are both maintained through- cation of past experience in similar tween the gate control system and the
out the system (46), and that conduc- situations and prediction of the conse- action system described above may oc-
tion is relatively unaffected by anes- quences of the stimulation; (viii) many cur at successive synapses at any level
thetic drugs (47). Traditionally, the other patterns of behavior aimed at of the central nervous system in the
dorsal column system is supposed to diminishing the sensory and affective course of filtering of the sensory input.
976 SCIENCE, VOL. 150
Similarly, the influence of central ac- taneous activity, which would have the spread of pain, and trigger points at
tivities on the sensory input may take effect of keeping the gate open. Low- some distance from the original site
place at a series of levels. The gate level, random, ongoing activity would of body damage also point toward sum-
control system may be set and reset a then be transmitted relatively un- mation mechanisms, which can be un-
number of times as the temporal and checked (because of the predominant derstood in terms of the model. The
spatial patterning of the input is ana- loss of A fibers), and summation could T cell has a restricted receptive field
lyzed and acted on by the brain. occur, producing spontaneous pain in which dominates its "normal activi-
the absence of stimulation. This is a pos- ties." In addition, there is a wide-
sible mechanism for the pains of anes- spread, diffuse, monosynaptic input to
Adequacy of the Theory thesia dolorosa and the "spontaneous" the cell, which is revealed by electrical
pains which develop after peripheral- stimulation of distant afferents (41).
The concept of interacting gate con- nerve and dorsal-root lesions. Because We suggest that this diffuse input is
trol and action systems can account the total number of peripheral fibers normally inhibited by presynaptic gate
for the hyperalgesia, spontaneous is reduced, it may take considerable mechanisms, but may trigger firing in
pain, and long delays after stimulation time for the T cells to reach the firing the cell if the input is sufficiently in-
characteristic of pathological pain level necessary to trigger pain re- tense or if there is a change in gate
syndromes. The state of hyperalgesia sponses, so perception and response are activity. Because the cell remains dom-
would require two conditions: (i) delayed. This same mechanism can also inated by its receptive field, anesthesia
enough conducting peripheral axons account for post-ischemic pressure- of the area to which the pain is re-
to generate an input that can activate block hyperesthesia and for the delays ferred, from which only spontaneous
the action system (if, as in the case in sensation of as much as 10 seconds impulses are originating, is sufficient to
of leprosy, all components of the which occur when the large peripheral reduce the bombardment of the cell be-
peripheral nerve are equally affected, fibers fail to conduct (66). low the threshold level for pain. The
there is a gradual onset of anesthesia), We propose that the A-fiber input gate can also be opened by activities in
and (ii) a marked loss of the large normally acts to prevent summation distant body areas, since the substantia
peripheral nerve fibers, which may oc- from occurring. This would account gelatinosa at any level receives inputs
cur after traumatic peripheral-nerve for Adrian's (67) failure to obtain from both sides of the body and (by
lesions or in some of the neuropathies pain responses in the frog from high- way of Lissauer's tract) from the sub-
(61), such as post-herpetic neuralgia frequency air blasts which fired periph- stantia gelatinosa in neighboring body
(10). Since most of the larger fibers eral nerves close to their maximum fir- segments. Mechanisms such as these
are destroyed, the normal presynaptic ing rate, in an experiment meant to may explain the observations that stim-
inhibition of the input by the gate refute the view that summation of the ulation of trigger points on the chest
control system does not occur. Thus, effects of noxious stimuli is important and arms may trigger anginal pain
the input arriving over the remaining for pain. It is now clear that the air (70), or that pressing other body
myelinated and unmyelinated fibers is blasts would tend to fire a high pro- areas, such as the back of the head,
transmitted through the unchecked, portion of the low-threshold A fibers, may trigger pain in the phantom limb
open gate produced by the C-fiber in- which would exert presynaptic inhibi- (11).
put. tion on the input by way of the gate The sensory mechanisms alone fail
control system; thus the impulses to account for the fact that nerve le-
Spatial summation would easily oc-
would be prevented from reaching the sions do not always produce pain and
cur under such conditions. Any nerve
T cells where summation might occur. that, when they do, the pain is usually
impulses, no matter how they were
The double effect of an arriving vol- not continuous. We propose that the
generated, which converge on the cen-
ley is well illustrated by the effects of presence or absence of pain is deter-
tral cells would contribute to the out-
vibration on pain and itch. Vibration mined by the balance between the sen-
put of these cells. These mechanisms
activates fibers of all diameters, but sory and the central inputs to the gate
may account for the fact that non-
activates a larger proportion of A fi- control system. In addition to the sen-
noxious stimuli, such as gentle pres-
bers, since they tend to adapt during sory influences on the gate control sys-
sure, can trigger severe pain in patients
constant stimulation, whereas C-fiber tem, there is a tonic input to the sys-
suffering causalgia, phantom limb pain,
firing is maintained. Vibration there- tem from higher levels of the central
and the neuralgias. The well-known en-
fore sets the gate in a more closed po- nervous system which exerts an inhibi-
hancement of pain in these patients
sition. However, the same impulses tory effect on the sensory input (44,
during emotional disturbance and sex-
which set the gate also bombard the 71). Thus, any lesion that impairs the
ual excitement (62) might be due to
T cell and therefore summate with the normal downflow of impulses to the
increased sensory firing [as a result of
inputs from noxious stimulation. It is gate control system would open the
an increased sympathetic outflow (63,
observed behaviorally (26, 68) that vi- gate. Central nervous system lesions
64)] which is unchecked by presynaptic
bration reduces low-intensity, but en- associated with hyperalgesia and spon-
inhibition. Conversely, the absence of
hances high-intensity, pain and itch. taneous pain (7) could have this effect.
small fibers in the dorsal roots in a
Similar mechanisms may account for On the other hand, any central nerv-
patient with congenital insensitivity to
the fact that amputees sometimes ob- ous system condition that increases the
pain (65) suggests that the mecha-
tain relief from phantom limb pain by flow of descending impulses would tend
nisms for facilitation and summation
tapping the stump gently with a rub- to close the gate. Increased central fir-
necessary for pain may be absent.
ber mallet (69), whereas heavier pres- ing due to denervation supersensitivity
Spontaneous pain can also be ex- sure aggravates the pain (8). (72) might be one of these condi-
plained by these mechanisms. The tions. A peripheral nerve lesion, then,
smaller fibers show considerable spon- The phenomena of referred pain,
19 NOVEMBER 1965 977
system responsible for pain perception 27. P. D. Wall and A. Taub, J. Neurophysiol
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38. J. Szentagothai, J. Comp. Neurol. 122, 219
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idly in intensity that the patient is un- sents just such an abstraction from the 172, 274 (1964).
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observed spectra; both depend on the

positions of the atoms in the crystal,
but only the amplitudes are easily mea-
surable. As Perutz and Kendrew ex-
plained, the introduction of additional
heavy atoms into a crystal under in-
The X-ray Analysis of vestigation at sites which can be found
may make it possible to calculate phase
Complicated Molecules angles directly from the observed am-
plitudes of the spectra given by the
isomorphous crystals. One is then in
Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin the position that, from a sufficient num-
ber of measurements, one can calculate
directly the electron density and see
the whole structure spread out before
I first met the subject of x-ray diffrac- to work with J. D. Bernal in 1932. one's eyes. However, the feat involved
tion of crystals in the pages of the book There our scientific world ceased to in the calculations described 2 years
W. H. Bragg wrote for school children know any boundaries. In a subdepart- ago was prodigious—tens of thousands
in 1925, Concerning the Nature of ment of mineralogy, changed during of reflections for five or six crystals
Things. In this he wrote: "Broadly my stay into one of physics, we ex- were measured to provide the electron
speaking, the discovery of x-rays has plored the crystallography of a wide density distribution in myoglobin and
increased the keenness of our vision variety of natural products, the struc- hemoglobin. More often, and with most
over ten thousand times and we can ture of liquids and particularly water, crystals, the conditions for direct elec-
now 'see' the individual atoms and Rochelle salt, isomorphous replacement tron density calculation are not initially
molecules." I also first learnt at the and phase determination, metal crystals met and one's progress towards the final
same time about biochemistry which and pepsin crystals, and speculated answer is stepwise; if some of the atoms
provided me with the molecules it about muscular contraction. Our closest can be placed, particularly the heavier
seemed most desirable to "see." At friends were biologists and biochemists. atoms in the crystal, calculations, neces-
Oxford, seriously studying chemistry, I left Cambridge with great reluctance sarily imperfect, of the electron density
with Robinson and Hinshelwood among to try to settle down academically and can be started from which new regions
my professors, I became captivated by try to solve at least one or two of the in the crystal may be identified; the
the edifices chemists had raised through many problems we had raised. calculation is then repeated until the
experiment and imagination—but still I do not need here to give a detailed whole atomic distribution is clear. At
I had a lurking question. Would it not account of the theoretical background the outset of my research career, two
be better if one could really "see" of structure analysis by the x-ray dif- essential tools became available, the
whether molecules as complicated as fraction of crystals since this was done Patterson synthesis and Beevers and
the sterols, or strychnine, were just as long ago by W. L. Bragg (1) and Lipson strips. Patterson showed that a
experiment suggested? The process of again 2 years ago, very beautifully, by first Fourier synthesis calculated direct-
"seeing" with x-rays was clearly more Perutz and Kendrew (2). The experi- ly from the raw data without phase in-
difficult to apply to such systems than mental data we have to employ are the formation, represented the inter-atomic
my early reading of Bragg had sug- x-ray diffraction spectra from the crys- vector distribution in the crystal struc-
gested; it was with some hesitation that tal to be studied, usually recorded pho- ture (3). This was capable, in simple
I began my first piece of research work tographically, and their intensities esti-
with H. M. Powell on thallium dialkyl mated by eye. These spectra correspond Copyright © 1965 by the Nobel Foundation.
halides, substances remote from, yet with a series of harmonic terms which The author is Wolfson Research Professor of
curiously connected with, my later sub- the Royal Society in the Chemical Crystal-
can be recombined to give us a repre- lography Laboratory, Oxford University, Oxford,
jects for research. sentation of the x-ray scattering ma- England. This article is the lecture she delivered
in Stockholm. Sweden. 11 December 1964, when
A series of lucky accidents (a chance terial in the crystal, the electron density. she received the Nobel Prize in chemistry. It is
published here with the permission of the Nobel
meeting in a train between an old friend The calculation involves the summation Foundation and will be included in the complete
of mine, A. F. Joseph, and Professor of a Fourier series in which the terms volumes of Nobel lectures in English, published
by the Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam
Lowry was one) took me to Cambridge have the amplitudes and phases of the and New York.
19 NOVEMBER 1965 979

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