Introduction - Sensory Perception PDF

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Inneke Hantoro

Sensory analysis ​A ​scientific method
used to evoke, measure, analyze and
interpret those responses to products as
through the senses of sight, smell, touch,
taste and hearing
The principal uses of
sensory techniques
• Quality control
• Product development
• Research
The primary function of sensory
testing is to conduct ​valid and reliable
test, which provide data on which
sound decisions can be made
Factors govern sensory
• ​Definition of the problem ​; what it is we
wish to measure
• ​Test design ;​ leave no room for

subjectivity & take the ​known sources of

bias, minimize the amount of testing

required to produce the desired

accuracy of results
• ​Instrumentation ;​ test subjects

selection & training, ​knowing their

sensitivity & bias

• ​Interpretation of results ;​ using

statistics, drawing ​conclusions

What for?
→ ​Specification & QC ​☼ ​→ ​Shelf
life studies ​☼ ​→ ​Taint potential ​☼
→ ​Product matching ​☼ ​→ ​Product
reformulation ​☼ ​→ ​Product
mapping ​☼ ​→ ​Product
acceptability ​☼
Specification & QC
☞ ​What’s the target of specification? ​☞
Does the product match the target
specification? ​☞ ​What variation in quality is
to be expected? ​☞ ​What’s the normal
variation in each attribute? ​☞ ​Is there any
noticeable difference between this
product and the reference standard?
☞ ​How long can this product be stored
before there is a noticeable change in the
sensory quality? ​☞ ​How does the sensory
quality change
with storage? ​☞​How long before the
changes in sensory quality make the
product unacceptable? ​☞ ​Hedonic test ​☞
Difference test ​☞ ​Consumer test

Shelf life Study

→How would the quality be affected if
recipe/process/package were changed?
→Does this change make a noticeable
→Does this change cause the product
to vary outside the
normal range?

Product Mapping
→​Especially for global market product
→​To identify key drivers of consumers
behavior or preference ​☞ ​What are the
sensory attributes of products already on
the market? ​☞ ​Which combination of
constitutes consumer’s ideal product? ​☞
What further change in formulation is
needed to achieve this target sensory

Product Acceptability
☞ ​Which product is most
preferred/liked? ​☞ ​How much is this
product liked? ​☞ ​How much is the
appearance/flavor/texture of this
product liked or disliked?
☹  ☺ ​Bad Maybe good or maybe
bad Good ​☞ ​How much can this
product be changed without affecting
its liking/acceptability?
Testers (as Measuring
• Quite variable over time
• Very variable among themselves
• Very prone to bias
So....requires that
• Measurements be repeated
• Enough subjects
• The sensory analyst respects the

many rules & pitfalls ​which govern panel

The chain of sensory
Sense organ

Conducting a sensory
The role of the sensory analyst (seven
practical tasks)
According to Standard Sensory
• ​Determine the project objective
• ​Determine the test objective
• ​Screen the samples / Panelis
• ​Design the test
• ​Conduct the test
• ​Analyze the data
• ​Interpret and report results
Sensory Attributes
• Order of perceiving the attributes of a
food: ​✓ ​Appearance ​✓
Odor/aroma/fragrance ​✓
Viscosity/consistency, texture/mouthfeel
✓ ​Other flavor* attributes ​✓ ​Noise
• ​The impression perceived via
chemical senses from a ​product in
the mouth
• ​In the process of perception, most or
all of the attributes overlap

• Color
• Size and shape
• Surface texture
• Clarity
• Carbonation
Odor/ Aroma/ Fragrance
• is detected when its volatile enter the
nasal passage and are ​perceived by the

olfactory system
• The amount of volatiles that escape from
a product is affected ​by – ​the temperature –

the nature of the compounds, and ​– ​the
condition of a surface
• Many terms may be ascribed to a single
compound (thymol = ​herb-like, green,

• A single term may be associated with
many compounds (lemon ​= α-pinene,

β-pinene, α-limonene, β-ocimene, citral,

citronellal, ​linalool, α-terpineol, etc)

Consistency and Texture
• viscosity
• the rate of flow of liquids under some
force, such as gravity
• Consistency
• Texture
• The sensory manifestation of the
structure or inner ​makeup of products in
terms of their:
– Reaction to stress – Tactile feel
• The sum of perceptions resulting from

stimulation of the ​sense ends that are

grouped together at the entrance of the

alimentary and respiratory tracts

• Includes: ​– The aromatics; olfactory
perceptions caused by volatile

substances released from a product in

the mouth via the posterior snares –

​ The
tastes; gustatory perceptions caused by

soluble ​substances in the mouth (salty,

sweet, sour, bitter, umami) –
​ The
chemical feeling factors
• Is minor but not negligible sensory
• Measure the pitch, loudness and
persistence of sounds
The Human Senses
• Vision
• Touch
• Olfaction
• Chemical/ Trigeminal Factors
• Gustation
• Hearing
• Some aspects of color perception

which must be ​considered in sensory

• Subject often give consistent

responses about an object ​color even

when filters are used to mask

• Subjects are influenced by adjoining or

background color ​and relative sizes of

areas of contrasting color; blotchy

appearance affects perception

• The gloss and texture of a surface
affect perception of ​color
• Color vision differs among subjects
• Somesthesis: tactile sense, skinfeel
• Kinesthesis; deep pressure sense
Nerve fibers in muscles, tendons, &
joints → deep ​pressure, kinesthesis;
to sense the tension & ​relaxation of
• Nerve endings in the skin surface,
epidermis, dermis, & subcutaneous
tissue → touch, pressure, heat, cold,
itching, & tickling
• Kinesthetic perceptions corresponding

to the mechanical ​movement of muscles

(heaviness, hardness, stickiness, etc)

result from stress exerted by muscles of

the hand, ​jaw, or tongue & the sensation

of the resulting strain ​(compression,

shear, rupture) within the sample being

handled, masticated, etc

• The surface sensitivity of the lips,

tongue, face & hands is ​much greater

than that of other areas of the body,

resulting in ease of detection of small

force differences, particle size

differences, and thermal & chemical

differences from hand & oral

manipulation of products
• Airborne odorants are sensed by the
olfactory epithelium ​(located in the roof of

nasal cavity)
• Optimal contact is obtained by moderate
inspiration (sniffing) ​for 1 – 2 sec
• At the end of 2 sec, the receptors have
adapted to the new ​stimulus
• One must allow 5 – 20 sec or longer for
them to de-adapt ​before a new sniff can
produce a full-strength sensation
• A complication → the odorant(s) can fill
the location in which a ​stimulus is to be

tested → reducing ability to detect a

particular odorant or differences among

similar odorants
• Potential panelists should be screened
OHactory ​wisery ​cortex
Tast ​sunsory
Frontal ​cortex

cortes ​Olatory ​tract ​Ovaciory ​bulib

Taube ​receptor ​cols

• Ammonia, ginger, horseradish,
onion, chili peppers, ​menthol, etc →
stimulate the trigeminal nerve ends
→ burn, heat, cold, pungency, etc.
• Subjects often have difficulty
separating trigeminal ​sensations from
olfactory and/or gustatory ones
• is a chemical sense (like olfaction)
• Involves detection of stimuli dissolved
in water, oil, or saliva by the taste bud
• There is no risk of the contact being
too brief, but there is ample opportunity
of oversaturation
• The prudent taster should take small
sips and keep each ​sip in the mouth for
seconds then wait for 15-60 sec ​before
tasting again
• The 1​st ​and 2​nd ​sip are the most
• Other conditions in the mouth which

affect taste ​perception:

– Temperature – Viscosity – Rate –
Duration ​– Area of application of the
stimulus ​– The chemical state of saliva –
The presence of other tastants in the
solution being ​tasted

Gl​o​ssopharyngeal ​nerve
Facial ​nerve

Vallate ​papillae ​Foliate ​papillae
Fu​ngiform ​papillae




Tip of tongue

Perception at threshold &

• A threshold is not a constant for a
given substance but a constantly
changing point on the sensory
continuum from non-perceptible to
easily perceptible
• Our threshold change with moods and
the time of bio- rythm, hunger and
• Compounds with identical threshold
can show very ​different rates of increase
in intensity with concentration

Types of
Types of Sensory Analysis
Discriminative test ​→Is the product
different or same as the reference?
Descriptive test ​→What does this product
taste like? ​→How does these products
differ from another in sensory quality?
Preference or hedonic test ​→Do you like
this product? ​→Is it acceptable? ​→Which
other attributes do you like? ​Consumer
test can include all of the above test or
Methods Selection –
Decision Tree
→ ​Consumer ​question? acceptability
​ ​→ ​Sensory

question? analytical
​ ​→ ​Question ​are different? of

whether products ​→ ​Question ​differ on a of
​ ​sensory
how products ​basis?
→ ​Probe ​other approach?

test issues
​ ​or –
​ need ​Choose from: ​YES
​ ust-right
Preference/choice Rated Acceptability Ranking ​NO J
→ ​Probe ​other approach? test issues
​ ​or –
​ need ​YES
Choose from:

Triangle Procedure Duo Trio Procedure ​NO Dual

​ Standard
Test ​Paired Comparison ​YES ​R-Index Approach

Choose from: ​
Flavor Profile
Go to Panel Setup
Rated ​Control Difference
​ from Other forced-choice QDA
Approach Spectrum Method Free-choice Profile
Go to Panel ​Hybrid

Factors Affecting Sensory

• ​Psychological factor
– Expectation error (knowledge of
experimental objectives/ ​samples may

influence the judgment) –

​ Suggestion effect
(comments or noises made out loud can

influence the judgment) –​ Distraction error –

Stimulus and logical error ​– Halo effect and
proximity error
(Judgments concerning the rating of one
attribute may ​influence the ratings of other

attributes when assessors are asked to

judge several attributes at once).

Factors Affecting Sensory
– Attribute dumping – Habituation
(when assessors score similar
on a regular basis) – Order effect –
Contrast and convergence effect –
Central tendency error – Motivation
Factors Affecting Sensory
• ​Physiological error
– Adaptation – Perceptual
interactions between stimuli –
Physical condition
• ​Cultural factor
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