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Faculty of Applied Technical Sciences

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Enhancing Efficiency of PV Panel using clay pot

Presented by Hamza Al-Ajalain and Yousef Qandah

Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor Degree
of Mechanical and Maintenance Engineering.

Supervised by: Dr. Wahib Owhaib

Defense Committee:

Dr. Wahib Owhaib

Dr. Wael Al-Kouz

Dr. Sameer Al-Dahidi

Defense date: 03/03/2019


Photovoltaic (PV) Panel development has become an essential component in all energy
organizations. This is due to the fact that people are tending to be more familiar with low carbon
systems with the time, which it more nature friendly (no pollution) and high efficiency by
generating electricity.

Photovoltaic development is driven by several factors one of them is high temperature of

photovoltaic cells, which it decreases the output power of the PV when the cells temperature start
exceeding the optimum temperature.
In this dissertation you have between your hands the proof of enhanced PV output power by
designing a conservative cooling system consists of a natural water cooler (clay pot) and a
rectangle reservoir (one of the surfaces is the back surface of PV).

The cooling of the PV cells happens by the heat exchange of passing a flow on the back surface of
the PV panel flowing through outlet pipe to the clay pot where the hot water gets cooler then the
water flows out into the reservoir inlet continuously making a circulation based on thermo siphon
concept. Clay pot is an evaporative cooling refrigeration device work without electricity,
therefore there is no energy consumption in our system.

The cooling system is conservative because of there is flow circulation without pump and water
cooling by evaporation, there is no energy consumption, so we take advantage.


First and Foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to our advisor Dr. Wahib Owhaib, for
his support, patience, and encouragement throughout our graduation project. It is not often that
one finds an advisor and colleague that always finds the time for listening to listen to the little
problems and roadblocks that unavoidably crop up in the course of performing research. His
technical and editorial advice was essential to the completion of this thesis and has taught us
innumerable lessons and insights on the workings of academic research in general.

A simple thank you is not enough to repay our debts, rather a true promise that we will not give
up until we have reached our God-given potential.

Abstract ......................................................................................................................................................... I
Acknowledgement ........................................................................................................................................ II
Table of content .......................................................................................................................................... III
List of figures ............................................................................................................................................. IV
List of abbreviations and variables ...............................................................................................................V
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 History .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Local photovoltaic system ............................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Background .................................................................................................................................. 4
1.4 Problem Statement ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Objective ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Methodology ................................................................................................................................ 5
1.7 Expected result ............................................................................................................................. 5
2 Literature Review ................................................................................................................................. 6
3 Design and development of cooling system ......................................................................................... 9
3.1 Water passive cooling .................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Sensors Configuration ................................................................................................................ 10
3.3 CAD design ................................................................................................................................ 11
4 PV performance in hot regions ........................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Solar radiation to electrical power .............................................................................................. 11
4.2 Maximum output power of pv cells............................................................................................ 12
4.3 Temperature effect on PV cells .................................................................................................. 14
5 Results & discussion .......................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 Testing on normal PV panel with measured radiation of 1150 W/m2 ....................................... 15
5.2 Testing cooling system without flow on PV panel with measured radiation of 1150 W/m2 .... 16
5.3 Testing cooling system with flow on PV panel with measured radiation of 1150 W/m2.......... 17
5.4 Comparison between the three different tests ............................................................................ 18
References .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Appendices ................................................................................................................................................. 23


Figure 1–1 The energy mix in Jordan .......................................................................................................... 3

Figure 2–1 Mono-Crystalline silicon cell ..................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2–2 Mono-Crystalline silicon Module .............................................................................................. 7
Figure 2–3 Poly-Crystalline module ............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2–4 Poly-Crystalline module ............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3–1 Configuration of Water-Cooling System ................................................................................... 9
Figure 3–2 Sensors configuration............................................................................................................... 10
Figure 3–3 CAD design for solar panel with water cooling ....................................................................... 11
Figure 4–1 PV cell structure ....................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4–2 Current & Voltage Curve ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4–3 Fill Factor From the I-V Curve ................................................................................................ 13
Figure 4–4 a PV system at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology................................. 14
Figure 5–1 Thermocouples Configuration on Panel .................................................................................. 15
Figure 5–2 Results of Normal PV Panel .................................................................................................... 16
Figure 5–3 Results of cooled PV Panel without flow ................................................................................ 17
Figure 5–4 Results of cooled PV Panel with flow ..................................................................................... 18
Figure 5–5 Power VS Time ........................................................................................................................ 18
Figure 5–6 Efficiency VS Time ................................................................................................................. 19


P [W] Power
V [V] Volts
I [A] Current
G [1000 W/ m2 ] Solar Irradiation
T [ºC] Temperature
A [m2 ] Area
t [minutes] Time
Ø [º] Angle
ηc [-] Efficiency
FF [-] Fill Factor
ISC [-] Isolated Signal Converters
STC [-] Standard Test Conditions


The operation temperature of photovoltaic cells is one of the most important factors to consider
having high output power, every photovoltaic has certain operating temperature which at this
temperature the PV is producing the optimum current and voltage. There’s reduction in conversion
efficiency can easily noticed when the temperature of the cells starts exceeding the operating
temperature. Therefore, reducing the operating temperature of photovoltaic cells is important for
the PV panel to work efficiently and protect cells from irreversible damage.

A number of researches about PV passive cooling systems with different approaches. Most of them
by air circulation which is simple and natural way to be done. In order to enhance PV efficiency
by convection, fins were used to increase the exposed surface area and the air can pass through the
fins freely. On the second-hand water was used in PV cooling system, it was sprayed on the back
surface of the cells even the front surface too, also flowing water film on the front surface to
exchange heat with PV cells but this way has losses due to sun light reflection because of water.

For PV cooling system energy consumption is a killer factor, enhancing the efficiency of PV panel
using clay pot is a conservative system, heat exchange between back PV cells surface and flowing
water film decrease cells temperature and the water get higher temperature and less dens.
Therefore, thermo siphon concept allowing the system to have water circulation based on the
different of density between cold water (high density) and hot water (low density), hot water get
cooler through evaporative cooling refrigeration device (clay pot) thus, cooling using clay pot is
fulfillment. Cold water (high density) goes from clay pot by gravity force to exchange heat with
back surface of the PV panel.

Active cooling is effective to cool PV panels. However, with the additional power consumption
involved, the active cooling purely used to lower the operating temperature does not have obvious
benefit in the net gain of efficiency.


In 1876 William Grylls Adams and his student, Richard Evans Day, discovered that an electrical
current could be started in selenium solely by exposing it to light, they felt confident that they had
discovered something completely new.

In 1905 Albert Einstein published the first theoretical work describing the photovoltaic effect
titled “Concerning an Heuristic Point of View Toward the Emission and Transformation of Light.”
In the paper, he showed that light possesses an attribute that earlier scientists had not recognized.
Light, Einstein discovered, contains packets of energy.

In the 1970s, improvements in manufacturing, performance and quality of PV modules helped to

reduce costs and opened up a number of opportunities for powering remote terrestrial applications,
including battery charging for navigational aids, signals, telecommunications equipment and other
critical, low-power needs.

In the 1980s, photovoltaics became a popular power source for consumer electronic devices,
including calculators, watches, radios, lanterns and other small battery-charging applications.
Following the energy crises of the 1970s, significant efforts also began to develop PV power
systems for residential and commercial uses, both for stand-alone, remote power as well as for
utility-connected applications. During the same period, international applications for PV systems
to power rural health clinics, refrigeration, water pumping, telecommunications, and off-grid
households increased, and remain a major portion of the present world market for PV products.


Jordan has limited natural resources, it imports 96% of its energy, at a cost of 4019 million JOD
in 2012 and the natural conditions for solar are excellent, with an intensity of direct solar
radiation with 5 to7 kWh/m². For these reasons, Jordan is focusing to expand the renewable
energy sources and it aims to promote renewable energy to share 10% In the primary energy mix
in 2020. Jordan has scarce energy resources, which makes renewable energies an attractive
alternative. Moreover, PV potential in Jordan is high because it lies in a hot weather conditions

Figure 1–1 The energy mix in Jordan

For small scale projects, any customer can sell the excess of his own small Renewable Energy
system to the grid with selling price 17 US $ Cents/Kwh and If the customer uses Jordanian
origin Renewable Energy systems, he will get a 15% as an incentive to the mentioned price. By
using the cooling systems mentioned before, we get a higher efficiency and more energy which
make it more feasible for small project or residential buildings to make a PV system with cooling
to cover their electricity consumption and sells the exceeded energy.


PVs are used in order to convert solar energy into electric power, by energy conversion from
sunlight to electric power. Solar cells are used to produce direct current connected with certain or
several load so as to power equipment or to recharge a battery. An inverter whose efficiency is
about 95% is necessary in order to convert the DC current produced by PVs to AC, which most of
home equipment’s receive AC current. Solar cells must be protected from damages so most of the
times are closely packed behind a sheet made of glass. The power which is required is usually
much bigger than that a single solar cell can deliver, thus cells are electrically connected together
to make solar panels - solar modules.

Now a day energy engineer consultation required before start buildings, thus new buildings are
low carbon, tend more to produce energy passively. Buildings integrated PV systems are
particularly materials which are used to replace the ordinary construction materials in certain
regions of a building such as roof and windows. They are available in several forms like flat roofs,
pitched roofs, facades and glazing. These PV materials are used more and more nowadays as they
can provide the new buildings with sufficient electrical power, while they can be positioned also
to existing buildings. PV Panels are an opportunity for making an aesthetically appealing and
attractive building. It is very important also that they don't produce noise.


Operating temperature is the maximum point on the IV curve, where the curve start going down
along raising in cells temperature. This reduction in power reduces the system efficiency. The
domestic equipment needed will not be covered from PV Modules at summer time due high
temperature. The usage of electric equipment in summer is high because most of the people turning
their air conditioning on.


This project focus on enhancing the efficiency of the PV modules using conservative systems,
which while cooling the system there’s no power consuming on it.


The Methodology it followed to reach the objective of PV cooling system as follow:

1) 1-The system has been set up indoors, which it consists of (Solar Simulator, Clay Pot,
Pipes, Reservoir, thermocouples, clamp meter, radiation sensor and Data logger).

2) The isolated signal converter was calibrated to receive at max 65v.

3) The solar simulator was operated at full load to study the behavior of cooling using clay
pot in small interval.

4) The data were taken from 3 different experiments as follow, first: Normal PV panel.
Second: The PV panel under cooling. Third: The PV panel system without water.

5) The Data showed the enhancement of cooling using evaporative cooling refrigeration
device (The clay Pot).


The IV curve expected at certain temperature get saturated at certain temperature, which expand
power interval over time instead the reduction that result of increasing of cells temperature.


Silicon is a semiconductor material illustrated in suitable for PV applications, with energy band
gap of 1.1 eV. Crystalline silicon is the material commonly used in the PV industry, wafer-based
C-Si PV cells and modules dominate the current market. Crystalline silicon cells are classified into
three types as:

1. Mono-crystalline (Mono c-Si)

2. Poly-crystalline (Poly c-Si), or multi-crystalline (mc-Si)

3. Ribbon silicon

Commercial production of C-Si modules began in 1963 when sharp Corporation of Japan started
producing commercial PV modules and installed a 242 W PV module on a light house, the world’s
largest commercial PV installation at that time. Crystalline silicon technologies accounted for
about 87% of global PV sales in 2010.

While a mature technology continued cost reductions through improvements in materials and
manufacturing processes. If the market continues to grow, enable a number of high-volume

Manufacturers to emerge.

Mono-Crystalline silicon

Mono – crystalline silicon cells as shown in Fig. 1 have the highest degree of efficiency of the
three most common technologies up to 20%.

Production: is a type of photovoltaic cell material manufactured from a single crystal silicon
structure high purity silicon rods ( ingots ) are extracted from a cast then cut into thin
slices ( wafers ), which are then processed into PV cells. Expected lifespan of these cells is
typically 25 ‐ 30 years.

Figure 2–1 Mono-Crystalline silicon cell

Figure 2–2 Mono-Crystalline silicon Module

Poly-Crystalline silicon

The silicon molecular structure consists of several smaller groups or grains of crystals, which
introduce boundaries between them as Shown in Fig. 2.

Production: The production of these cells is more economically and more efficient
compared to mono - crystalline. Making the solar cell to have a lower efficiency. Unlike mono-
crystalline silicon, the silicon is cast in blocks. When it hardens, it results in crystal structures of
different sizes on whose border defects occur. These defects reduce the degree of efficiency [6],
Lab efficiency: 18% to 23%, and Production range: 14% to 17%.

Figure 2–3 Poly-Crystalline module

Figure 2–4 Poly-Crystalline module


• Well established and tested technology.

• Stable efficiency.
• Less expensive than single crystal silicon.
• Square cells allow efficient packing density.


• Uses expensive material.

• Waste in slicing wafers.
• Slightly less efficient than single crystal.

Ribbon silicon

String Ribbon Si wafers are grown by a vertical sheet growth technique that is currently in multi-
megawatt Production at Evergreen Solar. This technique produces low cost Si due to the high
utilization of the Si feed stock. The high quality of the processed String Ribbon wafers has been
previously demonstrated through high minority carrier lifetimes following cell processing.
The using of screen printing for metallization and the relatively deep junctions necessary for firing
the screen printable inks. A few years ago, it has been recorded as high with a percentage of 16.2%
efficiency cell. However, recent cells made with screen-printing are now approaching the 16%


There are two types of cooling systems; active cooling that required a pump, fan… which
consume energy the other type of cooling is passive cooling that doesn’t need energy for heat
extraction. The main advantage of cooling system to get higher efficiency and electrical output.
The passive cooling techniques are divided into 3 main groups: air passive cooling, water passive
cooling and a combination of both air-water cooling system. The results will be measured for
one case of cooling; water cooling with flow and without flow and to be compared with a non-
cooled panel.


The passive cooling system can be made by using a water circulation as described in the Figure

Ø 15º Cold Water

Figure 3–1 Configuration of Water-Cooling System

A clay pot is used to keep the water cooled; water gets evaporated quickly through the pores.
Cooling is caused by evaporation. Since this energy is taken from the water itself, it leads to a
lowering of temperature in the remaining amount of water. The cold-water flows from the clay
pot to the bottom of PV panel in pipes, then it flows uniformly from the bottom to the top of PV
panel by pressure difference. The heat energy is extracted from the panel to water. At the return
pipes, where the hot water is returned to the clay pot, since the hot water is lighter than the cold
water for equal volumes; as the temperature increase the density decreases. Water molecules
cannot get so close together at higher temperatures. The molecules have more kinetic energy and
take up more space as they move around in the water.

The electrical characteristics will be measured by I-Sensor & V-Sensor. The cells temperature
will be measured using a thermocouple.


Figure 3–2 Sensors configuration

The solar panel provides 36 V, 8.3 A at maximum power and its connected to the ISC-V that
used to convert AC and DC voltages into low level voltages or current loops, also it introduces
galvanic isolation between the high voltages and the displayed system. Five thermocouples were
connected to two four-channel temperature loggers which is connected directly to the converter
EL037. Also clamp meter was attached to the positive wire of the solar panel in order to measure
the output current and connected directly to the converter EL037. The data-logger was collecting
the data measured (current & voltage) and connected to PC where results were shown using an
EnviroMon software.


A CAD design were modeled using AutoCAD software to improve the quality of design and
improve communications through documentation.

Figure 3–3 CAD design for solar panel with water cooling



Photovoltaic cells are devices made of semiconductor materials in the form of p-n junctions and
are used in generating electricity through the photovoltaic effect. As the solar radiation hits the
surface of the semiconductor material, its valence electron’s energy increases by the amount of
energy of the photon it absorbs, and when the that energy is greater than the band gap of the
semiconductor material, the valence electron is freed, and pairs of electrons and holes are

created. In the presence of an electric field a flow of current is induced when a load is connected,
resulting in power generation (Kalogirou, 2009).

The highest efficiency of market-ready panels was 21.4% in 2016 for SunPower panels, in
practical terms, for two solar panels of the same size (2 m2 ), if one has a 22% efficiency rating
and the other has a 11% efficiency rating, the 22% efficient panel will produce 50% more watt
(W) of power under the same conditions as the 11% efficient panel. Assuming the same solar
radiation (1000 W/ m2 ) hits both panels, the 22% efficiency rating produce 440 W where the
11% efficiency rating produce 220 W.

Figure 4–1 PV cell structure


The output current of the PV cell can vary according to the incident solar radiation and the
external load applied. The produced voltage and current under certain conditions are given in the
cell’s characteristics I-V curve that show in the figure below, which is characterized by the short

Maximum Power Point

Current & Voltage
Short circuit current

Maximum Power Point


Open Circuit Voltage

Figure 4–2 Current & Voltage Curve

circuit current, open circuit voltage, maximum power point current and voltage (Imp, Vmp). The
PV cell should operate at its maximum current and voltage points to obtain maximum power

Another parameter used to characterize the IV curve is the Fill Factor (FF), The Fill Factor (FF)
is essentially a measure of quality of the solar cell. It is calculated by comparing the maximum
power to the theoretical power (PT) that would be output at both the open circuit voltage and
short circuit current together. FF can also be interpreted graphically as the ratio of the
rectangular areas depicted in Figure below.

Maximum Power Point


Figure 4–3 Fill Factor From the I-V Curve

The closer the Fill Factor is to unity, the more power the cell can provide and can be written as
equation as shown below.

Vmp x Imp
FF = (Equation 5-1)
Voc x Isc

The rated power of PV cells panels (Pmax) and their efficiency (ηc) are usually reported using the
maximum power points under Standard Testing Condition (STC), when the irradiation is 1000
W/m2 , the panel temperature is 25ºC, and an air mass of 1.5. To calculate the maximum power
(Pmax) and PV panel’s efficiency (ηc) the equations below are used.

Pmax = V x I (Equation 5-2)

ηc = x 100% (Equation 5-3)
G x Acell

The electrical performance of the PV cells; the maximum power points, vary with the incident solar
radiation and cell temperature.

As the solar radiation increases, the open circuit voltage increases logarithmically, whereas the
short circuit current increases linearly, resulting in an increase in output power. The increase in
PV cells temperature causes a substantial decrease in the open-circuit voltage, and a slight
increase in the short-circuit current causing a reduction in the power output (Zondag, 2008).


Solar panel efficiency is affected negatively by temperature increases. Photovoltaic modules are
tested at a temperature of 25 ºC (STC) and depending on their installed location, heat can reduce
output efficiency by 10-25% because the chemical reactions that occur within the solar panels are
more efficient at cooler temperatures than at hot temperatures. As the temperature of the solar
panel increases, its output current increases exponentially, while the voltage output is reduced
linearly. In fact, the voltage reduction is so predictable, that it can be used to accurately measure
temperature. As a result, heat can severely reduce the solar panel’s production of power. The
Figure below demonstrates the effect of temperature on PV panel’s efficiency using real time data
for a PV system operating at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia
(Malik, 2013).

Figure 4–4 a PV system at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Studies relating to temperature effects on PV efficiency have shown that increased cell
temperature of crystalline silicon cells can reduce the efficiency by 0.3–0.65%/K. The fill factor
for multi-crystalline cells decrease with a temperature coefficient of -0.12 %/K to -0.2%/K as PV
temperature rises above 25 °C (Marshall & Malimovska, 2002).



In this test, one PV panel was used without any cooling technique to be taken as a reference. The
test was conducted at measured radiation level of 1150 W/m2 , an ambient temperature of 15ºC.
During the tests, measurements of temperature, current and voltage were logged automatically at
intervals of 1 minutes. The distribution of thermocouples for measuring the ambient temperature
and PV cells’ temperature is shown in the figure below.

Figure 5–1 Thermocouples Configuration on Panel

The results of this test are shown in the graphs below:

Figure 5–2 Results of Normal PV Panel

1150 W/M2

In this test, the same PV panel was used with a tank attached behind the panel. The test was
conducted at measured radiation level of 1150 W/m2 , an ambient temperature of 17ºC.
During the tests, the current, voltage, radiation and power remained constant as the temperature of
the panel increased with time. The water on this test remained in the tank, no flow occurred; no
pressure difference between the clay pot and the panel. The highest temperature on the panel was
45.5 ºC and at 25 ºC the efficiency was 10.5%.

Figure 5–3 Results of cooled PV Panel without flow


In this test, the same PV panel was used with the same tank attached behind the panel. The test
was conducted at measured radiation level of 1150 W/m2 , an ambient temperature of 16ºC.
During the tests, the current, voltage, radiation and power remained constant as the temperature of
the panel increased with time but, the panel temperature is lower than the test without flow at the
same time. Also, the water on this test was flowing from the clay pot to the input of the panel and hot
water was flowing from the output of the panel to the same clay pot. The efficiency on this test at
STC; at panel temperature of 25 ºC was 11.12%.

Figure 5–4 Results of cooled PV Panel with flow


To determine the performance of the cooling systems, a comparison of the three tests should be



Power (W)

150 No Cooling
Cooling Without Flow
100 Cooling With Flow


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
Time (minutes)

Figure 5–5 Power VS Time

The experimental results showed that the continuous film of water (cooling with flow) on the back
surface of PV panel has one important effect of the operation of the system. It reduces the panel
temperature by absorbing the heat generated by the panel. Temperature reduction is significant
due to heat absorbed by the water. The heat removal from the PV panel by the water film increases
the temperature of the water running over the panel back surface and also causes evaporation due
to raising in temperature.

Cooling with flow Cooling without flow No Cooling

Power Interval starting Between 254.4- Between 232–259 Between 193.2–278
from min 2 [w] 267.4

The graph shows a big gap between the maximum power of no cooling experiment and the other
two experiments, which is because of diffusion of light on the PV front surface caused by the
bending resulted from water pressure fulfill the reservoir water. In the future the sheet metal will
be replaced with more elastic material to prevent to major things the first, angle diffusion to have
better performance (output power), and the second, to avoid the overpressure on the front surface,
which it could break the PV cells leading to burning PV and whatever around it.




Efficiency Without flow
Efficiency without cooling

2 Efficiency with flow

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Figure 5–6 Efficiency VS Time

Overall efficiency can be defined as the total energy output of the system compared to the radiant
energy received by the system. For cooling system with flow, total energy output of the system
consists of electrical energy produced and thermal energy produced, Thermal energy output is
defined as the increase in the internal energy of the water running over the panel due to the increase
in the temperature of the water (m Cp ΔT). As could be seen in there, there is a noticeable
improvement in overall efficiency interval of the clay pot water cooled PV panel using evaporative
cooling refrigeration system device (Clay Pot). The overall efficiency of pot water cooled with
flow PV system was achieved at Standard test conditions efficiency of 11.12% compared with
water cooled without flow PV as 10.5%, also compared without cooling 11.4 due to diffusion
angle because of the bending resulted from water pressure.


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A.1. Data for normal panel without cooling at solar radiation of 1150 W/m2 and tilt angle 15.8º

Time Ambient CH E CH I CH J CH K CH L Voltage Current Power

(minutes) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (V) (A) (W)
1 14.6 18.1 19.9 20 19.6 19.9 0.51 0.06 0.0306
2 17.2 18 19.8 20 19.4 19.9 16.04 3.86 61.9144
3 16.8 18.5 20.3 24.9 23.8 24.3 33.34 7.87 262.3858
4 16.8 18.5 20.3 24.9 23.8 24.3 33.34 7.87 262.3858
5 20.5 19.8 21.3 30.8 30.5 29.9 34.27 8.02 274.8454
6 20.2 23.8 22.9 41.9 41.7 40.9 34.48 8.08 278.5984
7 20.8 25.6 23.4 46.6 46.3 45.8 34.04 8.02 273.0008
8 20.8 25.6 23.4 46.6 46.3 45.8 34.04 8.02 273.0008
9 21.3 27.5 24 52 51.1 51 33.48 7.94 265.8312
10 23.1 29.2 24.7 57.2 55.8 56 32.94 7.86 258.9084
11 21 32.4 25.8 66.2 64 64.7 31.97 7.72 246.8084
12 24.7 33.9 26.4 69.9 67.3 68.2 31.59 7.67 242.2953
13 24.7 33.9 26.4 69.9 67.3 68.2 31.59 7.67 242.2953
14 23.3 36 27.1 74.3 71.3 72.6 31.11 7.59 236.1249
15 24.8 37.4 27.8 78.4 75 76.6 30.68 7.53 231.0204
16 25.1 40.6 29.2 85 80.8 82.4 29.99 7.44 223.1256
17 25.1 40.6 29.2 85 80.8 82.4 29.99 7.44 223.1256
18 25.8 42.1 29.8 87.9 83.3 85 29.66 7.38 218.8908
19 25.1 43.9 30 90.9 86 87.6 29.33 7.35 215.5755
20 26.5 47.3 31.4 96.1 90.6 92.6 28.68 7.26 208.2168
21 25.2 49.1 32 98.3 92.5 95.5 28.42 7.21 204.9082
22 25.2 49.1 32 98.3 92.5 95.5 28.42 7.21 204.9082
23 26.9 50.5 32.6 100.5 94.3 97.5 28.2 7.19 202.758
24 26.9 51.9 33.2 102.7 96.1 98.7 27.99 7.15 200.1285
25 28.3 54 34.5 106.2 99 101 27.56 7.09 195.4004
26 28.3 54 34.5 106.2 99 101 27.56 7.09 195.4004
27 27.2 55.1 35.2 107.8 100.3 102.3 27.37 7.06 193.2322

A.2 Data for panel without flow at solar radiation of 1150 W/m2 and tilt angle 15.8º

Time Ambient (°C)CH E (°C) CH I (°C) CH J (°C) CH K (°C) CH L (°C) Voltage (V)Current (A)Power (W)
0 14.3 16.6 13.6 15.2 15.6 16.4 0.51 0.06 0.0306
1 15.4 16.8 13.9 17.9 15.6 19 29.27 7.29 213.3783
2 16.2 17.4 14.5 21.5 16.1 22.7 31.38 7.61 238.8018
3 16.6 18.5 14.9 23.9 16.3 25.6 31.57 7.65 241.5105
4 17.4 19.5 15.3 25.5 16.2 28.1 30.93 7.52 232.5936
5 18.4 21 15.8 26.9 16.4 30.1 31.83 7.7 245.091
6 18.7 22.7 16.2 27.8 16.8 31.8 31.86 7.7 245.322
7 19 24.3 16.4 28.4 16.9 32.9 31.98 7.73 247.2054
8 19.3 25.6 16.2 28.9 16.9 33.8 32.09 7.76 249.0184
9 19.9 26.6 16 29.1 17.1 34.5 32.02 7.73 247.5146
10 20.1 27.9 15.9 29.5 17.5 35.3 31.95 7.73 246.9735
11 20.3 28.9 15.9 29.8 18 36.2 32.03 7.75 248.2325
12 21 30.1 16 30.2 19.1 37.1 32.02 7.76 248.4752
13 20.9 30.9 16 30.4 18.6 37.5 31.98 7.76 248.1648
14 20.7 32 16 30.7 19.6 37.7 32.05 7.77 249.0285
15 21.6 32.9 16.1 31.3 19.9 38.5 32.19 7.8 251.082
16 22.5 34.1 16.3 31.7 20.5 39.3 32.15 7.8 250.77
17 22.7 35.1 22.9 32.3 20.8 40 32.17 7.82 251.5694
18 22.5 36.3 20.2 32.6 21.4 40.7 32.18 7.82 251.6476
19 23 37.3 18.8 32.9 21.5 41.3 32.19 7.82 251.7258
20 23.4 38.4 18.4 33.4 22 41.9 32.34 7.83 253.2222
21 22.5 39.3 18 33.7 22.5 42.7 32.08 7.82 250.8656
22 23.6 40.1 17.9 34 23 43.2 32.07 7.83 251.1081
23 24 41 17.9 34.3 23.3 43.7 32.09 7.84 251.5856
24 23.7 42 17.9 34.7 23.8 44.3 32.11 7.84 251.7424
25 24.3 42.8 17.8 35.1 24.2 44.9 32.15 7.85 252.3775
26 24.7 43.6 17.8 35.4 24.6 45.5 32.16 7.86 252.7776

A.3 Data for panel without flow at solar radiation of 1150 W/m2 and tilt angle 15.8º

Time (Min)Ambient (°C)CH E (°C) CH I (°C) CH J (°C) CH K (°C) CH L (°C) Voltage (V)Current (A)Power (W)
0 16.6 15 14.3 14.6 14.4 14.7 0.34 0.06 0.0204
1 20.6 15 14.4 15.4 14.4 15.2 21.63 5 108.15
2 24.3 15.2 15 19.7 14.9 18.8 33.41 7.63 254.9183
3 25.6 15.7 15.2 22.5 15.6 21.9 32.95 7.72 254.374
4 26 17.2 15.5 24.5 15.4 24.9 33.02 7.75 255.905
5 26.7 19.9 15.4 25.9 15.3 27.5 33.11 7.79 257.9269
6 26.9 21.4 15.5 26.9 15.6 29.5 33.11 7.81 258.5891
7 27.5 22.5 15.3 27.4 15.5 30.7 32.96 7.81 257.4176
8 27.8 23.8 15.4 27.6 15.8 31.7 32.87 7.8 256.386
9 28.3 25.7 16 27.9 15.9 32.7 32.94 7.85 258.579
10 28.9 27 16 28.3 15.5 33.4 33.01 7.88 260.1188
11 30 28.1 16 28.6 16 34.2 33.19 7.93 263.1967
12 30.3 29.3 15.8 28.9 16.5 34.7 33.23 7.96 264.5108
13 30.4 30.4 15.6 29.2 16.8 35.2 33.26 7.98 265.4148
14 31.3 31.3 15.6 29.6 17.1 35.8 33.3 8.02 267.066
15 32.3 32.4 16 29.9 17.9 36.4 33.34 8.02 267.3868
16 32 33.2 18 30 18 36.9 33.34 8.02 267.3868
17 32.9 34.1 15.9 30.3 18.4 37.5 33.18 8.02 266.1036
18 32.7 35.3 16 30.7 18.8 38.3 33.09 8.01 265.0509
19 33.3 36.4 16.4 31 19.3 38.9 33.06 8.01 264.8106
20 33.2 37.6 16.5 31.2 19.7 39.5 32.99 8.02 264.5798
21 32.6 38.7 16.2 31.4 20.1 40 32.73 7.98 261.1854
22 34.1 39.7 16.6 31.7 20.7 40.5 32.86 8.01 263.2086
23 34.4 40.6 16.8 32 21 40.8 32.57 7.96 259.2572
24 34.8 41.4 17 32.2 21.7 41.5 32.4 7.94 257.256
25 34.9 42.3 17.1 32.5 22.3 42.1 32.5 7.96 258.7
26 35.4 43.4 16.7 32.6 22.6 42.5 32.48 7.98 259.1904


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