I&S Exploration

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Exploration - A process of discovery, seeking out new ways of looking at things.

Reasons for exploration :

• To find Resources

• To setup trade

• To conquer and control

• A form of adventure

• Human nature; to be curious about the world

The 15, 16, 17th centuries were the most successful in exploration to places where they had
never travelled before. The Portuguese and the Spanish played a vital role. There was an
improved technology, advance in navigation as well as the discovery of new trade routes.

Age of Exploration :

When : 1450 - 1650

Who : The Spanish and The Portuguese

Where : The Spanish went West, The Portuguese went east

Why : The Spanish and Portuguese rulers wanted safer cheaper trade routes to the spices of
Asia as well as convert the new world into Christianity. They were also greedy for new land,
gold and slaves, so the Spanish and Portuguese rulers, paid the explorers. This way Columbus
became rich and famous

These new voyages were mainly possible because :

New Ships : The caravels were faster and stronger with their square sails. Some of the cartels
had triangular sails to sail into the wind. The clinker built hulls were stronger. The rudders were
also larger and made the ship easier to steer.

New aids to navigation : There were many new inventions in the field of navigation, like a
compass for direction, a log and line for measuring speed in Knots, the lead and rope
measured depths in fathoms, astrolabes measure latitude enabling ships to know where they
were, Portolan maps were accurate coastal charts.

Treaty of Tordesillas - A treaty to prevent war between Spain and Portugal. It is an agreement
to divide the world between Spain and Portugal. Any land found on the west was Spain’s and
vice versa.

The Portuguese :

• Henry the Navigator : Set up a school for navigation at Sagre.

• Bhartholomew Diaz : Sailed to the cape of good hope ( tip of Africa )

• Vasco da Gama : Sailed to Spice Islands ( Indonesia ) by sailing up the coast of Africa and
taking an Arab guide across the Indian Ocean to the Spice Islands.

Columbus Voyage : He was an Italian sailor who had an idea to sail west around the world into
the east and reach India. The grand Voyage was paid by Queen Isabelle and King Ferdinand of
Spain who supplied him with 90 crew members ; some experienced sailors, some from local
jails. This voyage consisted of 3 ships ; the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Mario. There was
very less varieties of nutritional food which included; salted meat, dried fish, garlic beans,
bread and wine. The Pizon brothers captained the other 2 ships as Colombia captained, the
Santa Maria.

The Voyage : They left from the port of Palos, stopped at Canary island sale food and water
take on. The crew sighted land after 33 days ; San Salvador, and Columbus thought that it was

Columbus Discovery :

• Explored Jamaica, Hispaniola and Cuba

• Called them the native Indians and mistreated them

• They built a fort by dismantling Santa Maria that ran aground

• He was given the name ‘Admiral of the Ocean’ by Isabella and Ferdinand

• Amerigo Vespucci, realized it wasn’t India and it was named after him ; America

Life of the Sailor :

• Cramped ships were uncomfortable and got easily wrecked in storms

• Food because infected due to Maggots and Weevils, and starved on long journeys

• Scurvy ( from lack of Vitamin C ) made gums bleed and joints swell

• They feared sea monsters and were afraid to sail off the side of earth, as they thought it was
a flat planet

Magellan Exploration :

• Started on September 20, 1519

• Sailed west across the Atlantic

• He passed through the Strait of Magellan, a narrow pathway form the Atlantic to the Pacific.

• Sailors suffered crossing the Pacific Ocean

• Magellan was killed in the Philippines in March 1521 by an opposing tribe

• Reached the Spice Islands ( Indonesia ) in November 1521

• Del Cano led the expedition back to Spain

• Finished on September 6, 1522

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