A Very Good Evening To Our Tutor and Fellowwwwww

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A very good evening to our tutor and fellow student.

Ladies and gentlemen I hope you in

a healthy condition and have a nice day. Like to say thanks to god for give us mercies and
blessing day today. Before I begin my speech I would like to introduce myself my name is
Nur Natasha Binti Eddie I`m 18 years old and I`m student in Open University Malaysia for
taking Diploma Early Childhood Education

I am here to present my speech on the topic of “which secondary language are worth to
studying today “ so, the purpose of my talk today is to make you realize and why I choose
english language are worth to studying today?

Ladies and gentlemen,

In the beginning, secondary languages are worth studying today is English language
because English language is the most spoken language in the world even we know that
there are other languages that are often used by persons other than English .However
,English more widely used around the world and became the language of international
communication is paramount. It cannot be denied since English is the main language used
for communicating with someone other nationals who using full English language.

Besides that, mastered in English language also can open a world of job opportunities
for us. We now that having a job are very important to us to survive our life especially for
now that our economy is slowly getting worse. So with mastered in English we do not
have a problem to get a prestigious especially with private sector and always remember
that employer more interesting for taking employee that able to communicate in various
language including English Language. For example, work in the field in
telecommunication, broadcasting and information technology and more that very need to
using in English Language. Therefore, graduate schools or university proficient in
English that easier to get a job then compared to those who are less English-speaking. In
addition, Those who are proficient in English are more interested to employers from big
companies that which usually offers a more lucrative income. it is clear that English is
very important for us to learn today for utilize us to purpose for building our career in the

Secondly, English language also is the main language in business. Even Malay is official
language to our country but in business the language are often used is English Language.
For example, English is used when a business is in progress. According to Malay
language research very rarely used during the course of business. This is the case,
because the Malay language does not have the exact term to state the meaning of the
business. English proficiency is not only important to ensure career success but also
important to ensure a strong relationship with the business. If we do not learn English so
individual business, company and country will be limited. When business opportunities
be limited, this will not only affect the country's economy but also affect diplomatic
relations and the good name of our country. Therefore, English language is very
important for business.

Apart from that, we know that English language is the language of government. So
every employment under government must learn English language or must know to speak
in English or write in English. For example, when we want to apply to a new job under
the government we should make a resume in English for the company to see our resume
or when the company call us to make a interview and of course it must in English when
they ask a question for us and we also need to answer their questions in English so that
we can ensure their presence and the desired job is easy to find Therefore, we have to
master the English language in preparation for us to make it easier to get the a job under
the government.

Thirdly, it can lead to the chance to attend accredited universities. several universities in
the world main English as a compulsory language in universities. So that’s why English
very important and if you want to enter the university such as this must be fluent in the
English language in speech or writing because of the nature of this university will be
given assignments in the language to identify our ability to speak English or not. For
example, in our country there are also several universities that 100% using English
especially Open University Malaysia that there are tasks that need to be make in English
for oral communication to prepare for future when we get a job. Therefore, we must
know that English language are very important to us to enter to enter this prestigious
university like this and this English language also very important in education in our
country to we are in line with the educational goals of creating individuals who can

compete in the global world. Mastered in English language started from school of
producing individuals who can communicate effectively with other people from different
country. For example, mastered in English very important when an individual assigned to
overseas. Failure to communicate effectively with English will affect our opportunities
for social and economic opportunities. Obviously, English language education at the
school level is able to produce the same individual to make us same level with other
societies around the world.

Besides that, you will meet a new people of different language worldwide and
also when we are in our class our you during travel or we can follow international groups
or forums when we want to know current issues related to culture, sports, fashion or
anything globally. Will be able to get acquainted or talk with a new people with a
different language and we have great opportunity to get inspired and also can motivated
by others and can learn a new language from a different country in the
world.Therefore,by mastering English language we will be able to meet other people with
different languages and are more open-minded to others.

Ladies and gentlemen

Then, English language to can help us to introduce our culture to other people from a
different country. For people who are nationalists, the benefits of learning English in the
Age of Globalization, which is certainly a very proud for them. Because, for those who
can speak English, they can help Malaysia to introduce its cultures to the realm of the
world. Indeed, Malaysia has a wide variety of cultural and tourism also very impressive.
Likewise, and this will attract more tourists to our country and thus can improve the
economy of our country.

In addition, English is important because it is a language of telecommunication or an

internet language. It is said that the community is able to get the latest information so that
the community does not become a person who does not know anything, provided that the
community should adjust the English language perfectly. Understand the content
presented in international information channeled through satellites or mass media, radio,
television and newspapers. More in this information technology era, many advanced tools
have been created for communication between society and abroad such as the internet.
Furthermore, the English language is expressed. Therefore, we must emphasize the
mastery of English as the language is the language of the internet and

Ladies and gentlemen,

Apart from that, everyone feels useful to others. The benefits of learning English in
this era globalization can make us more useful to others. Therefore, for those who master
the English, they are able to divide the knowledge of English into the public, especially
for those who do not even know how to learn English. Becoming a mentor or a teacher is
a profession that many people want. If they have good English skills. Apart from being
useful to others, by mastering the English course we can make money. For example, we
can open a tuition class that teaches English those who do not speak English because
nowadays many people do not know English.

Nowadays, there are people who do not want them to speak English and only want to
speak Malay or their native language. The power of English is everyone who wants to

gain their resume to get the job they want. Therefore, with a little daily learning, you can
have these skills. Then you can be proud of your ability to communicate with others with
confidence without hesitation to communicate in English as we know that English
learning is very difficult and everyone knows. By learning English people will
automatically respect your commitment to learning and maintaining your English. The
ability to help and communicate with people will help you get the honor. People will also
see you know about you and your perspective on other things. They will be interested in
you and your experience in life. They will want to know one's thoughts, hopes, fears and
opinions from other cultures. When you feel more like you are more attractive, you will
feel more special and confident.

Next, The benefits of learning English in this era of globalization are very important
especially in the job as a translator to translate the English language to people who do not
know the English language. Besides, the average traveler traveling to our country is also
growing and also outsiders who come to business. Therefore, the job as a translator is
very important for now and most importantly, this job also makes money for us by
opening a translator company that serves customers who want translators.

In addition, the importance of English is the language of knowledge in the era of

globalization and modernization. English is an important language source. For example
most encyclopedias, books, references, information, research and other treasures are
expressed in English to understand the contents of the reading material. But for those
with low English skills, can they understand the content recorded in the reading material?
Of course the answer is no. therefore; this is what is said for optimum knowledge. With
this, it is clear that English is very important in enhancing our knowledge of
understanding English well in the meantime, Learning English will give you access to the
world's largest source of reference.

Ladies and Gentlemen

As well as, mastering the English language can also keep the brain in order for our
thinking to be sharper. This is because our brains store various information by using
associations. if the strengthening of old information and the addition of new information
then the brain cells develop quickly to form new relationships as more and more neural
networks are formed, the longer and stronger the information is kept. In addition, when
we learn English you are really sharpening our brain to think that the English language is
a very difficult language to learn for people who do not know it personally but for those
who have mastered the English language for them is easy. Therefore, we must learn to
master the English language so that we have the better thinking so that we can solve the
problem especially that involving the use of English and also help us in any situation
involving the use of English. Additionally, mastering the English language also prevents
illness from forgetting when our age has grown older as practicing reading in the English
language and that causes the brain to grow and always thinking about learning new

In addition, the mastery of English gives us space to improve the dignity of the
nation. This is because when we speak English, we will be more confident to
communicate with other countries in the world. in line with the current international
modernization, English is accepted as the world's intermediate language. By mastering
English, we are able to throw out good ideas or comments while attending international
conferences. For example, when under the leadership of our former prime minister, he is
fluent in English and can voice the minds of the world community. This has opened the
eyes of the international community towards the ability to communicate with strangers.
therefore, the world community has put confidence in society and indirectly increases the
dignity of the nation in the world. if the issue of mastery of English is only seen by
Malaysian people, then we will receive the same fate with other countries in Southeast
Asia. The country is still underestimated in the eyes of the world despite having higher
technology than Malaysia. this is due to the degree of English proficiency that is still in
its position. It is clear that English is the most important aspect of raising nation race for
the country.

Additionally, The good of mastering English is also very useful for immigration for those
who want to look overseas like United States as a country that upholds English as their
language. So it is important for us to live and visit there to always use English to avoid
social discrimination because of ethnic, racial, and ethnic differences. More, in the United
States, to become a citizen, you must pass an English test.Therefore, we must master the
English language from the beginning so that if given the chance to go to the
English-speaking country, it is easier to enter the country with and communicate with
other people more easily.

Furthermore, over the last few centuries, many classical films and world literature
have been created in English. Although you may have access to a translation copy. The
same thing can be said for classical work translated into English. These types of
destructive translations make it difficult to appreciate some of the great works of English
artist from Shakespeare to Stephen King. From Hitchcock to Scorsese, to really feel the
hard work of a movie or literature, it's best to have native language. Likewise one of the
benefits of learning English is your understanding of pop culture. If you learn from some
of the major films today, it can quickly give you topics that can be linked to millions of
people. Hopefully, this gives you more opportunities and practices. Therefore, by
mastering the English language we can enjoy the world's culture better. You can enjoy
English movies without relying on subtitles, understanding English songs and reading
famous novels in their native language.

In conclusion, it is clear that the good of English language learning is very important to
us especially in the era of modernization and for the future. In addition, this will make
our country comparable to other world countries in various fields such as business,
employment, learning and more. and I hope you are well aware of the goodness of
mastering English well and hope you understand and enjoy the speech I have delivered
just a moment ago. Dear tutor and fellow students that I respect I think that's just a speech
from me and I thank you all for giving full attention when I delivered my speech a just a
moment ago and I’m sorry if I have a mistake when I delivered my speech just a moment
ago. Thanks.

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