Unit 8 Comparative and Superlative : Helen Danced Better Than Mandy. Lesson 31

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Unit 8

Comparative and Superlative*

Lesson 31
Helen danced better than Mandy.

*Comparative and Superlative: 比较级和最高级

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In this lesson…

1. Part A and Practice ONE are a MUST.

2. If there is time left, go through Part B and C with
the student.
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Nina: Did you like the school talent show last week, Lucy?
Lucy: Oh, it was wonderful. Mandy danced so well!
Nina: Well, I think Helen danced better than Mandy.
Lucy: Which one was Helen?
Nina: The one with longer hair. I think she danced more energetic than Mandy.
Lucy: Yes, Helen’s dance was the most energetic one among all the competitors’.

TI: 1) T reads the dialogue first, then teaches the new words (bold) and key sentences (underlined).
Make sure S understands them. 2) T reads the sentences and S repeats.
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Comparatives are used to compare two things.

the comparative form of adjectives


1. We use -er for words with one syllable(音节). E.g. long → longer
2. We use more + adj. for words with two syllables or more.
energetic → more energetic

TI: 1) T teaches the grammar rule. 2) T reads the sentences and S repeats.
3) Make sure S is able to understand the rule and use it correctly.
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Superlatives are used to compare more than two things.

the superlative form of adjectives


1. We use -est for words with one syllable(音节). E.g. long → longest
2. We use most + adj. for words with two syllables or more.
energetic → most energetic

TI: 1) T teaches the grammar rule. 2) T reads the sentences and S repeats.
3) Make sure S is able to understand the rule and use it correctly.
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Irregular adjectives
There are also some irregular adjectives.

good → better → best

bad → worse → worst
far → further/farther → furthest/farthest
little → less → least
much → more → most
TI: 1) T teaches the grammar rule. 2) T reads the sentences and S repeats.
3) Make sure S is able to understand the rule and use it correctly.
Write the comparative and superlative
form of the following adjectives

1. clean → ________ ________

2. bad → ________ ________
3. small → ________ ________
4. good → ________ ________
5. beautiful → ________ ________

TI: T asks S to finish the exercise and corrects S as necessary. The answers are on the next page. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited

1. clean → cleaner cleanest

2. bad → worse worst
3. small → smaller smallest
4. good → better best
5. beautiful → more beautiful most beautiful

TI: T checks through the answers with S. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited

- Helen danced better than Mandy.

- She danced more energetic than Mandy.

- Helen’s dance was the most energetic one among all the

TI: T reads → S reads. Assist S with reading as necessary.

These are the key sentences of this lesson. Make sure S is able to use them to make dialogues. © 2017 Acadsoc Limited
Nina: I don’t really care if my friends are the same as me or different. I’m
quieter and more serious than most kids. But my best friend Lucy is more
outgoing than me. Lucy is really kind and very funny. In fact, she’s funnier
than anyone I know. I broke my leg last term but she made me laugh and
feel better. We can talk about and share everything with each other. I know
she cares about me because she’s always there to listen.

TI: 1) T reads the text first, then teaches the new words (bold) and key sentences (underlined).
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Make sure S understands them. 2) T reads the sentences and S repeats.
talent show [ˈtælənt ʃəʊ] 才艺表演会
better [ˈbɛtə] adj.更好的 adv.更好地
than [ðæ n] prep. 比
more [mɔː] adv. 更多 adj. 更多的
energetic [ˌɛnəˈdʒɛtɪk] adj. 精力充沛的
most [məʊst] adv. 最 adj.最多的
competitor [kəmˈpɛtɪtə] n. 参赛选手

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