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Tell me the name of this machine

These simple machines share a plan of attack:

A broom, a crowbar and a baseball bat

And so does a hammer when it's pounding a tack

And the fork in your hand when you're having a snack

It's a LEVER.

You can ride up a ramp or slide down a slide

Take a trip to the top of a roller coaster ride

You'll be using this tool with every stair that you climb

Go up a ladder, if you're so inclined!

Tell me the name of this machine

The one that makes going uphill so easy?


With an axe or a knife you can split into two

Any number of things that a razor can't do

And a sword's what to choose when you're challenged to duel

You can split, trim or cut with this versatile tool

Tell me the name of this machine

The one that helps split things into two?

It's a WEDGE

With the twist of a lid I could see right away

That the ridge on the jar is what made the lid stay

And the base of a light bulb has angular ribs

Which thread themselves tight when you twist the bulb in

Tell me the name of this machine

The one that holds things tightly together?

It's a SCREW

I know of a tool that you're going to like

If you skate on a board or pedal your bike

Using it turns heavy loads into light

It's a well-rounded worker, a handy device

Tell me the name of this machine

The one that moves weight so easily?

It's a WHEEL and AXLE

Changing direction of force can be done

When it's over a wheel with a rope you run

That's why when you want to take a flag to the sky

You pull down to go up; this invention is why

Tell me the name of this machine

The one that helps hoist things overhead?


Inclined plane, wedge or lever

Simple machines make work much faster

Wheel and axle, pulley and screw

Simple machines speed things up for you

If you’ve got to do some work
There’s a way to make it easier
Get a simple machine
To help you do it
You can get it done
And it just might be some fun
With a simple machine

The six simple machines are easy to remember

There’s the wheel and axle, the wedge, and the screw
The inclined plane and lever are there to help you do the job
And the pulley’s standing by to pull you through
If you need to lift some thing

Up to a higher place
There’s a simple machine
To help you do it
You could slide it up an inclined plane
You could raise it with a pulley
Now you know what I mean
Get a simple machine

If you need to split some thing

A wedge will help you do it
If you need to join two things
A screw with work for you
If it’s on too tight
And you really need to pry it off
Go get a lever to help it
Do the job with you
Humans become machinelike to the extent they lean on machines to do their thinking and
remembering for them; to the extent they look at the world through the computer screen
monitor. All these have become a routine for them. Routine of relying to machines.

I see the advances happening in technology and it’s becoming evident that computers,
machines, robots, and algorithms are going to be able to do most of the routine, repetitive
types of jobs.

The real question is not what machines or the network will be like in 2050, but what human
beings will be like in 2050...whether they’ll use advances in technologies as an excuse for
laziness or an excuse for imaginativeness...for laziness and lazy ways to make money and
rising wealth, which is certainly good in itself...whether they will lean on computers as
replacements for memory, replacements for thinking, replacements for computation and
calculation, the sorts of things we do in daily life, replacements for companionship.

We're like machines.

We have routines and sometimes
we over work and breakdown.
However, When we break, someone has to fix us
because we can't fix ourselves.

Don't be a machine but a human.

Maybe we should learn to use our heads
Instead of rely on machines,

Because when your eternal machines fail,

What else have you got to fall back on?

Changes in technology and our environment are slowly, but surely, making humans more

someone they know is acting “like a machine.” Earlier this year, US senator Marco Rubio
was compared to a short-circuiting robot after he repeated the same scripted lines in a
Republican debate. Frischmann also points out that it’s often hard to tell whether a call-
center operator is human or robot at first, and Amazon warehouse employees have said that
the degree of automated control involved in their work means, “We are machines, we are

machine-like behavior among humans, which is another way of saying that technology is
changing our environment to make us behave in a more robotic way.
every day, you and I and millions of other people routinely respond to a stimulus and click
and go without understanding what we’re getting ourselves into, we are behaving like
machines. We’re being, in a sense, conditioned or programmed to behave that way.”

Dehumanization can’t simply be blamed on the growing use of technology. Instead,

Frischmann says our fetishization of technology is behind the trend. We’re overly trusting
and reliant on technological developments, mindlessly assuming that every new piece of
tech must be beneficial.

The other key factor, he says, is our obsession with efficiency, which fuels the infatuation
with new technologies. “If we can be made happy, cheaply, then what could be better?,” he
notes. “You don’t ask questions, you don’t resist. You want to minimize transaction costs.
But sometimes being human is costly.”

Maintaining personal relationships, in particular, is a costly but ultimately valuable aspect of

being human. “If we lose our ability to relate to each other along the way, because it’s
efficient and cheap, we lose something of who we are.”

It’s entirely possible, says Frischmann, that it will be increasingly impossible to distinguish
between humans and robots because of our machine-like behavior as much as robots’
human-like features. And could this eventually become the norm, with humans spending
their entire lives acting like machines?

Talk abt kids nowadays routines. Going to tuitions without realizing the real happiness in
their life.

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