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Mr. Thiem/Mr.

SS7 Final Exam Review Packet
June 2019

Test Format

Part 1 - 30 multiple-choice questions- 60 points

Part 2- Constructed Response- 2 documents with questions- 10 points

Part 3- Thematic Essay- 30 points

Important Vocabulary
Please know the definitions. This will help you to understand and answer the
questions. You will need to use a dictionary.

1. Abolish- To end something

2. Alter-To change

3. Arctic-A cold and snowy environment

4. Armada-A group of ships

5. Avoidable-Something that can be prevented

6. Channel-A body of water

7. Climate-weather conditions

8. Conclusion-the end or finish of an event

9. Consent-permission

10.Consequences-the effect of an action

11.Corrupt- A government official who abuses their power

12.Debt- To owe money

13.Discrimination- Being treated differently

14.Dissatisfied- not pleased or happy with

15.Draft- required to take part in the military

16.Economic depression –economy is going down

17.Expedition-a journey for a purpose

18.Fervor-intense or passionate feeling

19.Foraged-searching for something usually food

20.Frontier-new territory that is mainly unexplored

21.Frugal-To be cheap

22.Guerrilla-Fighting using your knowledge of the land

23.Impenetrable-Difficult to enter

24.Inconceivable-Difficult to believe

25.Inaugural-the first of something to occur

26.Manufactured-Something that is made with a machine

27.Merchants-People that sell goods

28.Militia-A small amateur army

29.Momentous-large and big

30.Mutiny-To go against a captain or a military leader

31.Opposed- To be against

32.Persuade- To convince

33.Petition- A signed document trying to get something done

34.Plantations- A large farm usually in the south

35.Principle- A rule or a belief

36.Prohibit-to not allow

37.Prosperous-To do well economically

38.Quarter-To provide shelter or housing

39.Reform-To remake and change for the better

40.Regulate-to limit something

41.Rendered- To come to a decision

42.Resent- To dislike

43.Restrain- To hold someone back

44.Revise- To edit

45.Scarcely- not a lot

46.Seceded- to break away

47.Seizing-to gain control of by force

48.Self-evident- it explains it self

49.Shrieks- a loud high pitched noise

50.Significant- important

51.Suffocated- Not being able to breathe

52.Tensions- Anger

53.Textile- Clothing

54.Traitor- Someone that betrays or goes against their country.

55.Uprising- Rebellion

56.Voluntarily-do something willingly

57.Unalienable-can’t be taken away

Important People- Please know about these in detail.

1. John Cabot- Italian explorer that looked for the north west passage-He did
not find it

2. Henry Hudson- English explorer discovered Hudson bay and Hudson River
also looked for the north west passage- crew left him to die

3. King George III- He was king od Britain during the American Revolution

4. Andrew Jackson- responsible for Indian removal act, trail of tears and he
was the seventh president

5. Thomas Jefferson- He wrote the declaration of independence, bought the

Louisiana territory and was president

6. Abraham Lincoln- president during the Civil War, wrote The Gettysburg
Address and The Emancipation Proclamation

7. Horace Mann- responsible for reforming public education

8. Dred Scott- sued for his freedom in the supreme court, said he was property

9. Daniel Shays- led a rebellion against government taxes

Content- Please know about these in detail. Do not just define them.

1. Arctic region- North pole region

2. Great Plains- Middle of America, Flat Grass lands good for farming.

3. Eastern Woodlands- The north eastern part of the U.S. The Iroquois
4. Northwest Passage- A sea route above north America to reach Asia

5. Spanish Armada- A fleet of Spanish ships trying to invade Britain.

6. Middle Colonies- PA, NY, NJ, DE

7. Southern Colonies- VA, SC, NC, GA, MD

8. New England Colonies- CT, RI, MA, NH

9. Pilgrims- Came from England on the Mayflower seeking religious freedom

10.Mayflower Compact- First agreement for self-government in America

11.Middle Passage- Voyage from Africa to America where slaves were

transported. Horrible conditions on board.

12.Columbian Exchange-Exchange of products, plants, diseases between the

Americas and Europe.

13.French and Indian War- causes, key people, effects-British and French were
fighting over control of the Ohio River valley.

14.Stamp Act-Tax placed on paper products. Ex. newspapers, signed


15.British Parliament-The legislative branch of Great Britain. Make laws.

16.Declaratory Act-Got rid of the stamp act and Britain had the right to tax the

17.“The shot heard ’round the world”- Battle of Lexington. First shot of the
American Revolution

18.Boston Tea Party- Sons of liberty dumped tea into Boston Harbor to Protest
the tea act

19.Minutemen- Colonial soldiers that were read y to fight quickly They used
Guerilla warfare

20.Declaration of Independence- purpose- It declared that the Colonies should

be independent from Britain

21.American Revolution- causes, key people, effects – The taxation from

Britain. Key people: King George, George Washington, and Thomas
Jefferson Effects: America gained their independence from Britain.

22.Battle of Yorktown- The last battle of the American Revolution. French

navy blocked British ships.

23.Shay’s Rebellion- causes and results: Protests caused by government taxes.

Government stopped the rebellion before it spread. Proved the articles of
confederation were weak.

24.Article of Confederation: first written constitution of the United States.

25.Federalists- beliefs: Leader: Alexander Hamilton loose interpretation of the

constitution, wanted a national bank. Wanted a strong federal government

26.Republicans- beliefs; Leader Thomas Jefferson strict interpretation of

constitution no national bank Strong state government

27.Louisiana Purchase- all details Napoleon sold to Thomas Jefferson 15

million Mississippi and port of New Orleans doubled size of the U.S.

28.Formation of political parties George Washington warned against political
parties because it would divide the country grouped disagreed about how
the government should be run.

29.War of 1812- causes, key people, effects caused by impressment Key

People James Madison Francis Scott Key Andrew Jackson Effects Jackson
became famous and showed that the US could fight against Britain

30.Indian Removal Act- causes and effects- white settlers wanted the natives’
land, Andrew Jackson approved it, trail of tears was made (forcing natives
off of their land)

31.Trail of Tears- Natives were forced to move to Oklahoma many natives

died, Cherokee was the main tribe forced

32.Texas Revolution- causes, key people, effects- Caused by land dispute

between people who moved to Texas and Mexican government, Santa Ana,
David Crochet, Steven Austin, Sam Huston, Texas defeated Mexico, Texas
became an independent country

33.Mexican-American War- causes, key people, effects- U.S. wanted to buy

land from Mexico, Mexico refused, President Polk started a war with
Mexico, U.S. won and gained territory

1. Ex: CA, New Mexico, AZ

34.Industrial Revolution- how did it begin?- Ideas for machines were brought
from Britain, started in textile(clothing) industry, Slater was given credit for
starting it all

35.Underground Railroad- how did it work? -A series of secret trails from the
South to North for runaway slaves. Guiders were called conductors.
Stations were the safe houses

36.Oregon Trail-A pioneer trail to the west. From Missouri to Oregon.

37.Santa Fe Trail-A pioneer trail to the west. From Missouri to New Mexico.

38.Mormon Trail-Trail taken by the religious group known as the Mormons to


39.Forty-niner Trail-Pioneer trail taken to California to search for gold. In the

year 1849.

40.Rights of women in the West-More rights than other woman because they
worked as hard as the men in order to survive.

41.Public education in the US- Changed by Horace Mann, reformed public

education so all people had access.

42.Dred Scott case- results-Could not sue because he was considered property

43.Lincoln’s election- effects-Election of 1860, many southern states seceded.

Afraid he was going to get rid of slavery.

44.Civil War- causes, key people, effects-Slavery, states’ rights, tariffs, cultural
differences between north and south. Jefferson Davis, Abraham Lincoln.
Robert E. Lee, General Grant. North won, south had to be rebuilt, slavery
was abolished, Lincoln was killed.

45.Ironclads- A new type of battle ship that had iron on the outside.

46.Problems of the Confederacy- Few Factories, Fewer Soldiers, less
technology, telegraphs and railroads.

47.Role of African Americans during the Civil War- Fought for the North, The
Emancipation Proclamation convinced then to fight to end slavery.

48.Battle of Gettysburg- turning point in the civil war for the north, because
the south ended up fighting a defensive war.

49.Battle of Atlanta- General Sherman burned everything in his path to Atlanta

this is known as Total war.

50.Appomattox Courthouse- General E. Lee surrendered to Grant, ending the

Civil war.

51.Results of the Civil War- the US was reunited, new amendments (13,14,15),
Lincoln killed, south destroyed


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