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An Internship Report
A Report Submitted To

Office of the Dean

Faculty of Management
Tribhuvan University
Kirtipur, Kathmandu

In the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA)

Submitted By:
Amnshu Khanal
Everest College
Exam Roll no: 9244/11
TU registration no: 7-2-355-0004-2011

Thapathali, Kathmandu
August, 2015

It is an immense satisfaction to prepare this internship report, which is an impartial
requirement for Bachelors in Business Administration (BBA). As a BBA student of
Everest College, I have selected Everest Bank Ltd one of leading commercial bank of
Nepal for the completion of my internship.
I am thankful to our Program director Dr. Jitendra Upadhyay, for providing me valuable
ideas, opinions and knowledge to make my report more informational and on the format.
Besides this, I am very grateful to all the faculty members of BBA Everest College and my
friends for their help and support.
Further, I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Ram Hari Acharya, Branch manager
of Everest Bank, Satungal for giving me chance to serve in his institution and for his
regular personal supervision throughout my internship period. I am also pleased towards
Mr. Amit Phuyal, Mrs. Anjana Shrestha, Mr. Manish Singh, Mr. Prakash Regmi,
Mr. Rajesh Adhikari and entire staffs of Everest Bank for their cooperation and kind
support. I feel lucky to get their time despite of busy schedule and to learn from each of
them. Their response and serious consideration has helped me to get knowledge about
banking sector. I am grateful to all of them.
Lastly, I would like to express heartfelt thankfulness to my family for providing me support
and motivation.

Amnshu Khanal
Everest College

Table of Contents
Approval Sheet

Recommendation Letter


List of Tables


1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Objectives of the study 2
1.3 Methodology of the study 2
1.4 Activities Performed in the Organization 4

2.1 Concept of Bank 5
2.2 History of Banking 7

3.1 An Overview of Everest Bank Limited 9
3.2 Achievements 10

4.1 Background 16
4.2 Activities Performed Under Various Departments 16
4.4 Problems Solved 26

5.1Conclusion 27
5.2 Lesson Learnt 28
5.3 Observed Gap 29

List of Tables Pages
Table No. 1.1: Representing no of weeks and activities performed 3
Table No. 2.2: Categories of banks in Nepal 8
Table No. 3.1: Share Ownership Capital of EBL 12
Table No. 3.2: Board of Directors of EBL 13
Table No. 3.3: Management Team of EBL 13
Table No. 3.4: Interest Rates on Deposit Accounts 14

ABBS : Any Branch Banking Service
AC : Account Checklist
ATM : Automated Teller Machine
CSD : Customer Service Department
D/D : Demand Draft
EBL : Everest Bank Limited
KYC : Know Your Customer
L/C : Letter of Credit
NRB : Nepal Rastra Bank
PIN : Personal Identification Number
PNB : Punjab National Bank
SCT : Smart Choice Technology
SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank Fund Transfer
TU : Tribhuvan University


1.1 Background of the study

Customer service is the process of ensuring customer satisfaction with a product or
service. Customer service is an extremely important part of maintaining ongoing client
relationships that are key to continuing revenue. Customer service department (CSD ) is
the first place a customer approaches after entering a bank. It is the place where
customers can place any queries related to the bank, place their problems related to
bank’s services and from where they can collect information about upcoming programs
and new schemes. It handles the concerns of customers. CSD should function effectively
in satisfying its customers as it is the first place where the customers come to seek for
help. This department performs regular and clerical nature of jobs and is the busiest
department in the bank. It deals with various activities like opening and closing of
accounts, issuing cheque books, providing bank statement, balance certificate, offering
initial customer counseling, etc.

Clearing is a process by which a banker exchanges cheques drawn against another bank
and deposited at their bank for collection or clearance from their customer at the clearing
house. Customers deposit cheque, drafts in their accounts, which are drawn on various
banks and bank serves their customers by helping them collect the fund in their account
through clearing function. As being the member of NRB, EBL accepts the cheque of
different banks. Until the cheques are handled to the respective bank, the payment is not
made to the customer. The respective of the bank visits the NRB daily to attend the meeting
of different bank to deal and adjust the transaction that has taken place.

Credit is an contractual agreement in which a borrower receives something of value now

and agrees to repay lender at some date in future, generally with interest. This term also
refers to the borrowing capacity of individual or company. Credit department provides

service to their customers analyzing new credit proposal and reviewing existing loan a\c
taking recovery action whenever necessary. EBL is providing different facilities according
to the need of the customers. It is responsible for approval and disbursement of loans and
advances. The activities of this department include managing the financial books of the
bank, checking all entries of the book according to standards, preparing daily reports,
revenue appropriations and calculations, etc. As loan is an asset to any financial
institutions, it is very necessary to ensure that it does not become bad. The first step in
ensuring that is to ask for proper documentation of the loan applicant.

1.2 Objectives of the study

The objectives of the study are summarized as follows:
 To study about banking activities of Everest Bank Limited
 To analyze the practical implication of the theoretical aspects learnt during the BBA

1.3 Methodology of the study

Completion of internship is a combination of the different types of activities. It starts from
the selection of the organization for the internship, placement at various departments,
duration of internship and performance of different kinds of activities.

1.3.1 Selection of the Organization

The most important and the initial part in the internship program is the selection of the
organization. It is the basis from which interns get the platform to learn something and
analyze the practical implication of the theoretical aspects learnt in the academic session.
There are a number of commercial banks. Intern selected Everest Bank as one of the
leading commercial bank of Nepal. Recommendation letter along with CV and other
required documents of the student was dropped in Human Resource Department of Everest
bank, Satungal. Positive response came from Everest bank and the intern finally selected
it for internship

1.3.3 Placement
Regarding placement, the internee was not placed in single department. The internee was
rotated in different departments according to the requirements. The specific departments
were Customer Service, Credit and Clearing Department at the EBL, Satungal branch. The
main reason of the rotation was to let the interns gain knowledge about the working
procedures and to let know the connections within the departments. The support and
cooperation the internee got in bank was instrumental.

1.3.4 Duration of Internship

The duration of internship period defined by Tribhuvan University is eight weeks. So, the
intern conducted the internship for two months, which started from 17th May, 2015 and
lasted till 17th July, 2015. During this period, the intern was allowed to work for various
periods in customer service, credit and clearance departments which helped her to develop
her knowledge regarding the functions and procedures of these departments.

Table No: 1.1 Representing number of weeks and activities

Departments 1st 2nd 3rd 4rth 5th 6th 7th 8th

Customer Service *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Credit Department *** *** *** *** ***
Clearance Department *** ***

1.4 Activities Performed in the Organization
The summarized activities done in various departments are as follows:
a) Customer Service Department
Customer service department is the most important department of any bank. It deals with
various services offered by the bank and numbers of customers make face-to-face
interaction with staff of bank. The activities performed in this department are:
 Account opening of the customers
 Issuance of Debit card and cheque book
 Account closing
 Providing information about products to the customers
 Assisting customers in filling withdrawal slips, forms ,deposit vouchers and cheques
 Issuing of balance statements and balance certificate
 Dealing and handling customer grievances
 Handling incoming calls
 Distribution of various forms
 Updated the different manual files
 Making phone calls to customers for various purposes

b) Clearing Department
The activities performed in this department are:
 Outward bills collection(OBC)
 Making daily OBC entries and return cheques entries
 Solving the queries of the customers
 Identifying standard and non-standard cheques
 Scanning cheques
 Entering the details of the cheques into the system. This includes cheque number,
account number, account name, pay bank, pay branch and the amount.

c) Credit Department
The activities perform in this department are:
 Providing the required forms under the credit department to the customer
 Providing the necessary information about the loans
 Observation of Draft preparation
 Photocopy
 Filling of different L/Cs according to respective L/C number
 Posting of L/C transactions on a manual register
 Filling bank guarantee and performance guarantee documents according to their
respective numbers
 Printing and filling necessary documents


2.1 Concept of Bank

A bank is an organization, the major function of which is to deal in money and credit.
Bank's main objective is to pool the scattered idle deposit in the public and channel it to
productive use. It collects deposits and lends or invests to those who stand in need to
money. Bank in other words is a custodian of money received from the depositors. Hence,
its responsibility towards the general public is pretty different than those involved in other
types of trades and services. Modern day banks exhibit the trait more of a department store
with a wide range of financial products to offer. Modern day bank's business is not confined
in borrowing deposits and lending advances only, it performs a host of other financial
activities which has immensely contributed to achieve industrial and commercial progress
of every country.
Following are some of the definitions of bank:
“Bank is a financial institution, which provides financial services that may be in the form
of accepting deposits, advancing loan, providing necessary technical advices, dealing over
foreign currencies, remitting funds, etc.”
-Nepal Rastra Bank Act 2002 B.S.
“A commercial bank refers to such type of banks which deals in money exchange,
accepting deposits, advance in bonds and other commercial transaction there than some
special functions performed by specified banks such as co-operatives, agriculture and
industrial banks.”
-Commercial Bank Act 2031 B.S.

2.2 History of Banking
The concept of banking is not a modern concept. This concept had started to evolve in the
brilliant human mind immediately after the humans were able to realize and develop
money. Though money had made the human life much easier than before but ancient
humans started to realize the complexities that evolution of money had created in their life.
So, in order to overcome these complexities and the difficulties that were attached with the
benefit of money the concept of banking emerged in the human mind. Earlier the
moneylenders and the landlords perform the banking activities as the informal banks but
later the activities of these people are formalized and the concept of bank as an institution
had emerged.
The word bank was originated from Germany. Before 1960 there was no such word as
“banking”. However, in the temple of Babylon the practices of safeguarding and saving
flourished as early as about 2000 B.C. Chanakya in his Arthasastra wrote in about 300 B.S.
mentioning about the existence of powerful guilds of merchant’s bankers received deposits,
advance loans and hundies(letter of transfer). The origin of the bank is linked to Latin word
“Bancus”, Italian word “Banco” and French word “Banque” meaning a bench or money
changer’s table, i.e. the bench in which the bankers would keep money and its records. .
The Jews of Lambardy were thought to be the early bankers who transacted third business
at the benches in the marketplace and when they were unable to meet their liabilities, the
depositors used to break their benches and this tradition had given birth to a banking term
“Bankrupt”. The first ancient Bank of the world is supposed to be the Bank of Venice
which was established in 1157 A.D. Following the footsteps of this bank, other two banks
were established in 1401 and 1407 named Bank of Barcelona and Bank of Geneva,
respectively. The crucial breakthrough in the modern banking history was made in 1694
A.D when the first modern bank “The Bank of England” was established. After the
establishment of this first English Bank, Banking sector had experienced various ups and
downs but still they persisted and because of that persistence they are now able to exist in
this 21st century world as one of the essential element of human life.
Presently, banks are not only the deposits collecting and loan lending institutions but also
the institutions which helps its customers from various ways as per their convenience and

ability with full security. They had been developed as the essential service providing
institutions in this rushing world. Hence, banking had become an important element of the
world economy in the present time.

The categories of banks in the context of Nepal are shown in the table.

Table No. 2.2: Categories of banks in Nepal

Category Component Minimum paid up Number
capital requirement
KA Commercial Banks 2 billion 30
KHA Development Banks 100 to 640 million 75
GA Finance Companies 100 to 340 million 48

Since the intern had completed the internship in one of the commercial bank of Nepal, the
analysis is specifically focused on the “KA” category depository institutions i.e. the
Commercial Bank.


3.1 An Overview of Everest Bank Limited

Everest Bank Limited (EBL) was registered on November 17, 1992 and came into
operation on October 18, 1994 (1st Kartik 2051 B.S.) with an objective of extending
professionalized and efficient banking services to various segments of the society. It is a
limited liability company and its registered office is presently located at Lazimpat, Nepal.
The bank is listed with Nepal Stock Exchange Ltd. and provides full commercial banking
services. The bank is promoted and managed by a team of experienced bankers and
Punjab National Bank (PNB), the joint venture partner of Everest Bank (holding 20%
equity in the bank) is the largest Public Sector Bank of India having 118 years of banking
history and is known for its strong systems and procedures and a distinct work culture.
With its presence virtually in all the important centers at India, Punjab National Bank offers
a wide variety of banking services which include corporate and personal banking, industrial
finance, agricultural finance, financing of trade and international banking. Among the
clients of the Bank are Indian conglomerates, medium and small industrial units, exporters,
non-resident Indians and multinational companies. The large presence and vast resource
base have helped the Bank to build strong links with trade and industry.
The bank is providing customer-friendly services through its Branch Network. All the
branches of the bank are connected through Anywhere Branch Banking System (ABBS),
which enables customers for operational transactions from any branches. EBL was one of
the first banks to introduce Any Branch Banking System (ABBS) in Nepal. EBL has
introduce “Bank of Wheel” system, whereby the bank is installed in vehicle and moves
around to different places to serve the segment deprived of proper banking facilities
through its Birtamod Branch. EBL is the only bank having representative office in foreign
soil. The office facilities remittance and Nepalese working in India can even open accounts

through the office. EBL has set up its representative offices at New Delhi (India) to support
Nepalese citizens remitting money and advising banking related services.
The vision and mission of EBL are as follows:
3.1.1 Vision
 To position it as a progressive & customer friendly bank providing financial and other
related services.
 To cater to various segments of society using advanced technology.
 To be committed to excellence in corporate values.

3.1.2 Mission Statement

 To provide excellent professional services & improve its position as a leader in the field
of financial related services.
 To build & maintain a team of motivated and committed workforce with high work
 To use the latest technology aimed at customer satisfaction & act as an effective
catalyst for socio-economic developments.

3.2 Achievements
The achievements can further be divided into:
3.2.1 Awards
 The bank has been conferred with the "Best Managed Commercial Bank" by ASIAN
PAINT NEWBIZ Award 2013.
 The bank adjudged as "Number 1 Bank" under CAMELS (along with Customer Base
& Branch Network) rating conducted by KAROBAR national daily (a leading business
media house of Nepal).
 The bank has been conferred with “Bank of the Year 2006, Nepal” by the Banker, a
publication of financial times, London.
 The bank was bestowed with the “NICCI Excellence award” by Nepal India chamber
of commerce for its spectacular performance under finance sector.

3.2.2 Pioneering Achievements
 EBL was one of the first banks to introduce Any Branch Banking System (ABBS) in
 EBL introduced Mobile Vehicle Banking system to serve the segment deprived of
proper banking facilities through its Birtamod Branch, which was the first of its kind.
 EBL introduced branchless banking system first time in Nepal to cover unbanked sector
of Nepalese society through biometric machine.
 EBL is first bank that has launched e-ticketing system in Nepal where customers can
buy yeti airlines ticket through internet.
 EBL introduced online payment of Mobile/PSTN/ADSL/NCELL bill or from the
counter as well.
 EBL is the first bank to introduce agro-specialized branch "KRISHI UDHYAM
BIKASH SAKHA" at Rajbiraj.
 EBL introduced Cash Deposit Kiosk for the first time in Nepal through which the
Customers can deposit Cash conveniently.

3.3 Shareholding Structure of Everest Bank Limited
3.3.1 Share Ownership
Detail of share ownership is as follows:

Table 3.1: Ownership Structure of Everest Bank Limited

Particulars % Share capital

A. Local ownership 80 1440.091,251

1.1 Nepal government - -
1.2 'A' class licensed
institutions - -
1.3 Other licensed
1.4 Other institutions 10.86 195,595,100
1.4 Individuals 69.14 1244,496,151
1.5 Others - -
B. Foreign ownership 20.00 361,147,800
Total 100.00 1801,239,051
Source: 20th annual report of Everest bank limited (2013/2014)

3.4 Board of Directors

EBL has eight members of Board of Directors (BOD). Company’s Board Committee
supervises different banking affairs. BOD’s are the leading personalities having qualified
experience in the respective sector. The Board of Directors of EBL consists of eight
directors among them three from EBL, two from PNB, two from Public shareholders, and
there is one independent director and chairman respectively as:

Table No. 3.2: Board of Directors of EBL
Name Position
Mr. B.K. Shrestha Chairman and Promoter Director
Mr. Ved K. Shrestha Promoter Director
Mr. Arun Man Sherchan Promoter Director
Dr. Bal Gopal Vaidya Promoter Director
Mr. PK Mohapatra Director (PNB, India)
Mr. Nabin Bhakta Shrestha Director from General Public
Mr. Mr. Shivasharan K.C Director from General Public
Dr. Rakesh Gupta Director (PNB, India)

3.5 Management Team

There are total of five members in the Management Team of EBL. A complete list of
Management Team members and their designation in EBL are given in the table below:

Table No. 3.3: Management Team of EBL

Name Designation
Mr. AK Ahluwalia Chief Executive Officer
Mr. AK Bansal Deputy General Manager
Mr. Rajesh Gautam Deputy General Manager
Mr. Pramod Raj Sharma Company Secretary

3.6 Products and services of Everest bank limited

EBL offers a wide variety of products and services, catering to wide range of customers
from individuals, to mid-market local corporate to multinationals and large public sector
companies, as well as embassies, aid agencies, airlines, hotels and government
corporations. Everest Bank’s policy is to extend quality services to its customer as properly
as possible.

3.6.1 Deposit Schemes
EBL offers a wide array of deposits schemes in both local and foreign currencies to help
one earn competitive interest rates in order maximize higher return on investments.
a) Current Account
b) Saving Account
c) Fixed Deposit Account
d) Recurring Deposit Account
e) FYC Deposit Account
f) Retirement Plan Account

The following table shows the interest rates on various deposit schemes:
Interest Rates on Deposit Accounts
Effective from 5th August, 2015 (Shrawan 20, 2072)

Table No. 3.4: Interest Rates on Deposit Accounts

A Saving Deposit 1.75% - 3.75%
B FCY Deposit account
1 US Dollar Savings 0.75%
2 Euro Savings 0.50%
3 GBP Savings 0.50%
C Fixed Deposit Account Individual Institution
1 1 month to less than 3 months 2% 2%
2 3 months to less than 6 months 2.50% 2.50%

3 6 months to less than 1 year 3.50% 3.0%

4 1 year to less than 10 years 4.50% 4.00%

3.6.2 Loan Schemes
The act of giving money, property or other material goods to another party in exchange
for future repayment of the principal amount along with interest or other finance charges
is called loan. A loan may be for a specific, one-time amount or can be available as open-
ended credit up to a specified ceiling amount.
EBL provides various two types of loan to its customer which is as follows:
 Retail Loan
 Corporate Loan
 Retail Loan
The retail loan is provided to an individual for their personal use rather than to the
institutions or to firm for business purposes. There are different types of retail loan
services provided to the customer by EBL are home loan, vehicle loan, education loan,
bike loan, flexi loan, future lease rental, professional loan, loam against life insurance
policy, share loan and tractor and water pump finance.

 Corporate Loan
A corporate loan is that which is given to the company or to a firm for business purposes,
rather than to a government organization or to an individual person. There are various
types of retail loan provided by EBL which are capital finance, working project finance,
trade finance and consortium finance.

Besides these EBL offers remittance facility, debit card and e-banking facilities. It also
provides locker facility to customer to keep their valuables like golds, diamonds, etc safe.
It provides foreign exchange facilities and 365 days banking facilities through New Road

4.1 Background
An intern has to perform many activities as a temporary staff. The intern was rotated
through various departments of the bank, which exposed the internee to the real world of
the bank and observed the real operations of the bank. During the internship period, the
intern had performed activities mainly in Customer service department and also in Clearing
and Credit department. At EBL, intern had an opportunity to learn various new things
through observation, experience, action and enquiry on continuous basis. Therefore, this
internship report in detail highlights the various activities performed by intern in these
respective departments.

4.2 Activities Performed Under Various Departments

4.2.1 Customer Service Department
The customer service department is the most important department of any bank. It is a place
where the customers first come and make enquiry about the services provided by the bank.
Customer service in banking is one of the most important ways to retain customers. It
includes responding to customers’ questions and complaints in a thorough and timely
manner and interacting with customers through face-to-face meetings, telephone, mail, fax
and e-mail. (Dansereau, 2011). The CSD of EBL responds to customers’ curiosity
regarding the financial services offered by the bank, listens the complaints of the customers
regarding the quality of the services and efficiently solve their queries and complaints.

The activities performed in this department are:
1. Account opening of the customers
During the internship period interns were placed in customer service department where
they provided following informations:
 Provided the information on minimum balance requirement and the interest rate in
various schemes
 Helped them to fill form on request
 Verified the attached documents
 Prepared the voucher for deposits

As mentioned earlier EBL offers wide range of deposit schemes like personal saving
account and corporate account. Various documents are required for opening different types
of accounts depending upon the nature of the account to be opened. The following shows
the different documents required for opening different types of EBL deposit accounts:

a) Personal Saving Account

A personal account is an account which is mainly targeted towards individuals for their
own perosnal use. The term “personal” is used to differentiate it from corporate account
which is solely used for business purpose. Usually, commercial banks differentiate
personal account from corporate accounts by setting minimum balance requirements, lower
fees etc. This account is used for complete non-business use.
The personal account includes EBL Saving Account, Saving Premium Account, Sunaulo
Bhavibsya Yojana, Naari Bachat Khata, Baal Bachat Khata and Saugat Bachat Khata, USD
Basic requirements for opening of Personal Account:
 Citizenship Certificate or Passport
 PP size photos
 Documents as: Family citizenship, Electricity/Water bills of their house

Basic requirements for opening of Joint Account:
 Documents certified from concerned Embassy
 All documents required for personal account are needed for all joint parties
 Special instruction must be provided to the bank in the application form in case of any
one signature among the joint account holders
 ATM/Debit Card is not provided to joint account holders

Basic requirements for opening Baal Bachat Khata are:

 A photocopy of a Birth Certificate of a minor (child)
 PP size photos of the child
 A photocopy of Citizenship Certificate of a guardian
 PP size photo of the guardian

b) Current Account
It is an account on which any amount deposited can be withdrawn through a cheque. It is
also known as checking account. It consists of:

 Proprietorship Account
A business firm registered in the name of a person/proprietor is known as Sole
Proprietorship Firm. The proprietor bears all the profit or loss of the business.
Requirements for opening proprietorship account:
 Registration Certificate
 Tax Certificate
 Citizenship Certificated Proprietor
 2 PP size photos

 Partnership Account
A firm registered in the name of more than one individual is known as Partnership firm.
The profit and loss from the business operation is shared by the partners. Requirements for
opening partnership account:
 Partnership Agreement deed
 Firm Registration Certificate
 Tax Certificate
 Citizenship Certificate of Partners
 2 PP size photos of partners

 Limited Company Account

Limited Company Account can be maintained by both private and public limited
companies. Requirement for opening proprietorship account are:
 Registration Certificate
 Memorandum & Articles of Association
 Name, Address of directors & Office Bearers of the Limited Company with copy
Citizenship Certificate
 Name & Signatures of the Persons Authorized to Operate an account
 Operation Commencement Certificate (for Public Ltd. Co.)
 Resolution of Board of Directors regarding opening & conduct of an account
 Tax Certificate

 Club Society & Association Account

Various clubs, social institutions, etc can also open accounts by fulfilling the requirements.
Requirements for opening this account:
 Registration Certificate
 List of Office Bearers
 Resolution Regarding Opening & Conduct of Account.
Name & Signature of the persons authorized to operate the account

2. Issuance of Debit card and cheque book
The customers can enjoy the facility of ATM. Accountholders can obtain ATM cards by
paying a charge of Rs.200. However, for the Student Account, ATM card is freely
provided. Through ATM card, customers can withdraw their cash without entering into
bank premises from any ATM terminal. When customer wants ATM card immediately,
instant card is provided. Customer can also request for the “Embossed Card” i.e. name
printed card. The request will be sent to ATM Cell of Baneshwor Branch by the CS staff
immediately. The request will then be forwarded to SCT by Baneshwor Branch. The cards
are then sent by SCT network to the Baneshwor Branch and then forwarded to other
respective branch. Customers can collect cards within 15-20 days. Before issuing the card,
information of issue has to be entered into the system then the information is entered in the
Instant Card Register. It contains details like Serial No, Card Number, Account Number,
Issue Date, Signature of the Accountholder and authorized signature. The card then needs
to be activated. The activation of card is done by Operation Incharge. The card can be used
after 48 hours of activation. One copy of ATM letter is kept by bank and it is filed for
future reference.
The new accountholder receives the cheque book immediately after opening account and
depositing amount in the cash counter. The cheque book contains minimum of ten cheque
leaves with acquisition slip. The customers can request the number of cheque leaves as per
their requirement. One cheque book contains maximum of 50 cheque leaves and if they
require more than that then multiple number of cheque books are prepared.
Apart from the new issuance of cheque books and ATM cards to the new clients, the old
clients were also issued with cheque books and ATM cards. The clients whose cheque
books were out of stock and who lost their cheque books were issued with new cheque
books. Similarly, the clients who unfortunately lost their ATM cards, damage of ATM
cards and so on were also issued with new ATM cards. In case of damaged ATM card
,customer has to return it before taking a new one. If cheque book is lost by the customer,
he has to fill the form of issuance of new cheque book and pay Rs Five hundred charge for
issuing new one. The cheque books and ATM cards were issued to the customers only after
verifying their signatures from the system.

3. Account closing
As per the request of the customer, account closing is also performed. For this account
closing form should be filled by customer who is examined by staff and forwarded for
Following functions are performed for closing the account:
 Provided the account closing form
 Known the reason for closing the account
 Verified the signature
 Ensured the unused cheques, used ATM card are returned back to bank
 Finally handled the documents to the authorized personnel

4. Providing information about products to the customers

In CSD, intern provided general information related to various products and services
offered by the bank such as account schemes, account opening, new products, debit card,
internet banking, locker facility, ABBS facility, charges of using various facility, utility
bill payments, etc. Various queries of customers were responded by the intern. However,
the intern directed the customers towards CS staffs if they were in need of detail and
technical information.

5. Dealing and Handling Customer Grievances

The overall functioning of this department is concerned with dealing with the customer and
handling their grievances. People with different queries and problems come in the bank.
Many customers approached CSD to get the knowledge regarding EBL’s products like
different types of account, use of ATM cards, operation of e-banking, SMS recharge etc.
The intern attended the confused and information seeking customers by clearly explaning
the different types of deposit schemes of EBL along with their respective interest rates,
documents required for opening different types of accounts, minimum balance required
and so on. Likewise, the intern also clearly explained the process of using e-banking and
SMS recharge method with the help of brochures.

6. Handling incoming calls
Intern had to attend the incoming calls of customer and deal with their enquiries and
requests. Similarly, calls were transferred to the respective departments according to the
demand of customers. Intern also handled phone calls of staffs within office and outside
the office and transferred calls to the respective department and staff according to the need
of the staffs.

7. Distribution of various forms

Different customers with different needs approach CSD whether the need is opening only
personal saving or the need is related to remittance. Before taking any facility of EBL, the
client must undergo through certain formalities by filling up the required forms like account
opening form for those customers who want to open any types of account, account closing
form for those customers who want to close their existing accounts, ATM card form for
those customers who want to get new ATM card or for lost ATM, e-banking from and pay
bill form for those customers who want avail these facilities, remittance form,
TT(Telegraphic Transfer) and DD(Demand Draft) form for money transfer, deposit
voucher for cash/cheque deposit etc. The intern identified the needs of the customers and
provided them with the appropriate forms and also assisted them in filling out the forms.
of using ATM cards.

8. Updated the different manual registers

The intern also updated the manual files regulary after opening account, issue of cheque
books, ATM cards(Instant card), Name card(SCT+VISA), Fixed Deposit Receipt and
receipt of couriers(documents from various banks and from head office).

9. Filling of various forms

The intern was required to file various forms including account opening form, form for
ATM card, form for SMS, mobile and internet banking, form for term deposit,etc. Forms
were filled in respective files. Account opening forms were classified as saving account,
salary account , fixed deposit account ,narri baccat khata, bal baccat khata ,current account

(corporate and individual). Similarly, ATM card forms were classified as SCT and VISA.
Classified documents were filled into respective files.

10. Making phone calls to customers for various purposes

The intern was required to make phone calls to customers which includes:
 To aware customers about their new cheques, new ATM cards, new pins of ATM cards,
e-banking passwords, etc.

4.2.2 Clearing Department

Clearing is a process by which a banker exchanges cheques drawn against another bank
and deposited at their bank for collection or clearance from their customer at the clearing
house. Customers deposit cheque, drafts in their accounts, which are drawn on various
banks and bank serves their customers by helping them collect the fund in their account
through clearing function. As being the member of NRB, EBL accepts the cheque of
different banks. Until the cheques are handled to the respective bank, the payment is not
made to the customer. The respective of the bank visits the NRB daily to attend the meeting
of different bank to deal and adjust the transaction that has taken place.
The activities perform on it are:
1. Outward bills collection(OBC)
Customer presents the clearing cheque and deposit voucher with the details of cheque like
account holder’s name, account number, date, amount in words and figure, name of the
bank on which cheque is drawn, cheque number and the signature. When such cheque and
voucher are received, the intern checked whether there was authorized signature and stamp
at the back side of the cheque. Then, the intern had to stamp (of EBL and Clearing ) in the
counterfoil side of voucher including the signature of concerned staff that will be returned
to the customer and the other part of the voucher is kept for clearing stapled with the
cheque. Clearing cheques are collected up to 3 p.m. on weekdays and up to 1 p.m. on
Friday. Those cheques are then forwarded to the staff that makes entry in the system and
generates report. The cheques are then sorted on the basis of banks and attached together.
Those cheques along with the report are sent to Baneshwor Branch. The Baneshwor Branch
will send those cheques to NRB, the next day for clearing. The customer will have his/her

cheque cleared within one and half day.

2. Making daily OBC and return cheques entries

After 3.p.m on weekdays and after 1 p.m. on Friday, the intern had to make entry of the
OBC cheques in the OBC register. The information to be entered includes account holder’s
name, account number, cheque number, name of bank, amount of cheque, currency and the
date written. In OBC, cheques relating to NPR, INR, and other foreign currencies are
The clearing cheque may be returned by NRB by sending a note containing the reason of

3. Electronic Cheque Clearing

The intern was required to do electronic cheque clearing under the supervision of the
concerned staff. Firstly, intern identified standard and non-standard cheques and scanned
them using electronic scanner. Then details of the cheques including pay bank, pay branch,
amount, cheque number, cheque dates were entered into the system.

4.2.3 Credit Department

Credit department is to provide service to their customers analyzing new credit proposal
and reviewing existing loan a/c taking recovery action whenever necessary. EBL is
providing different facilities according to the need of the customers. It is responsible for
approval and disbursement of loans and advances.
The activities perform in this department are:

1. Providing the required forms under the credit department to the

The various forms for the credit and loans tasks were provided by the intern to the

2. Providing the necessary information about the loans
The questions asked by the customers were dealt by the intern. They helped them by
providing information about the loans to the customers. For further dealings the customers
were to be forwarded to the head of the department or to the branch manager.

3. Observation of Draft preparation

The intern was not allowed to prepare drafts by themselves but they were allowed to
observe the procedures to prepare the draft and know about the draft in general.

4. Photocopy
Intern had to carry out the job of photocopying of important documents like citizenship
certificate, licenses, student ID card, other identification certificates and other documents
as per the requirement.

5. Filling documents
Intern was required to arrange various L/C documents and file them according to respective
L/C numbers. Intern also had to file different bank guarantee and performance guarantee
documents according to respective Bank guarantee (BG) and Performance guarantee (PG)

6. Keeping record of L/C transactions in manual register

Intern was required to receive documents from various banks and head office. Record of
document from different banks were kept in a manual register. It included airway bill
number, L/C number, other bank reference number, our bank reference number and date
of presentation of the document. Documents included bill of exchange, commercial
invoice, packing list, certificate of origin ,custom transit declaration certificate(CTD) form,
insurance policy and airway bill or air consignment note.
L/C is a document or written instrument issued by the buyer's bank authorizing the seller
to draw a certain amount in accordance with certain terms and conditions stipulating in a

legal form that all such bills will be honored. In other words, a letter of credit is a
document from a bank guaranteeing that a seller will receive payment in full as long as
certain delivery conditions are met. In the event that the buyer is unable to make payment
on the purchase, the bank will cover the outstanding amount. For example, L/C document
is drawn between Sipradi trading and Tata motors India. For this purpose buyer should
have a L/C account in a bank. Parties involved in L/C transactions are: Opener,
Beneficiary, Opening bank and Closing bank. It can be of four types i.e. Confirmed L/C,
Revocable L/C, Irrevocable L/C and Transferable L/C.

4.4 Problems Solved

The problems solved by intern are as follows:
 The intern clearly explained the customers about the different deposit schemes
provided by EBL and suggested the best one as per their needs and budget.
 Helped the customers in filling out the entire form from the documents provided by
them to the bank.
 Sorted out the problems of malfunctioning of e-banking and sms recharge by providing
step-wise instructions on the use of e-banking and sms recharge.
 Intern assisted the staffs in filling. Rearrangement of files in the cabinet was made so
that files required could be easily located.

5.1 Conclusion
The bank are the institutions providing wide range of services for accepting and lending
money .They play vital role in channelizing the surplus amount from the depositor to the
deficit one. They are the major regulator of the economy of the country like Nepal which
is always helping people in upgrading their economic condition as well the economic
condition of the whole country. It provides the opportunities for the people as well as the
government to utilize the available funds that remain idle on them.
The Nepalese economy is filled with much of uncertainty and insecurity as due to the
political instability and the competition between the commercial banks that puts a big
question mark on the profitability of any business and banking organization. However in
such situation, EBL can be said to be playing a biggest role for the development of
economic sector through its services.
EBL is playing a pivotal role in facilitating services to and from across globe. Being the
first Nepalese bank to open a representative office in Delhi, India, the Nepalese in India
can open account in Nepal from designated branches of Punjab National Bank and remit
their saving economically through banking channels to Nepal.
EBL is one of the best banks for its service towards its clients since its establishment. So
this bank is awarded “Bank of The Year-2006” for Nepal. This award is given by
international Bankers Association by valuation of service and works provided by this bank.
This bank is also fulfilling its social responsibility through building Public Parks, and
organizing Everest Game every year.
The whole internship period in EBL was a great experience where the time was spent
serving the customer in Customer Service, Credit and Clearing Department where intern
came up with new ideas and developed with skills to deal with the customers, so far to cope
with the real banking world situation. Working at EBL as an intern was a great opportunity
to develop conceptual and analytical knowledge about banking sector in Nepal.

5.2 Lesson Learnt
Knowledge is nothing if can’t be applied in practice. The 8 weeks internship periods have
become a great experience and a fruitful one where intern obtained insights into career
opportunities through interaction, observation and work experience in the organization. It
became a platform to be competent, confident and a skilled professional in the near future.
Working as an intern in different department of EBL at Satungal branch helped to learn
many things as:
 To implement the things that has been studied throughout the whole life into practical
 To handle customer grievances and solve it out effectively.
 The specific abilities like interpersonal skills, computer application skills, team work,
to be patience etc were enhanced during the internship period.
 Learnt about the general banking transaction process and the entry procedures at CSD.
 Learned the process of account opening in the bank under different account schemes.
 To maintain and handle the files, documents which might be helpful in the near future.
 Using different office equipments like fax, photocopy, cheque writer, printers and
scanner, etc.

5.3 Observed Gap

The theoretical knowledge we have gained while studying BBA for the last four years was
just a base to the practical life. The theoretical knowledge has helped me in many ways to
understand the actual working of the banking organization. Apart from the theory, the
internship program has totally given a different platform for us to prosper our knowledge
not just in using our mind in answering questions in exams but also to formulate the
operational activities of the bank. It is the bridge gap between the college and the


Shrestha, S.K (2011), Export Market Management in Nepal, Padma Educational
Enterprises, Kathmandu, Nepal
R.R Still, E.W. Cundiff and A.P. Govoni (1996), Sales Management, Prentice-Hall
of India, Private Limited


Everest Bank Limited, (2013/2014), 20th Annual Report


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