Multiple Choice

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London Parks

London is famous (1) ... its parks and gardens. Some of them belong to the
Crown (2) ... they are all open to the public and the entrance is free of charge. In St
James's Park you can watch and (3) ... swans, ducks, geese and other water birds.
Hyde Park (4) ... to be a hunting ground and is still popular with horse riders.
Those (5) ... like a good argument should go to the Speakers' Corner to listen to
individuals (6) ... their speeches on various subjects. Regent's Park now houses
London Zoo and open-air theatre where Shakespeare's plays are staged (7) ...
summer. Not (8) ... the parks are in the city centre. Greenwich and Richmond are
located in the suburbs. All these areas of green give the city dwellers an excellent (9) ...
to enjoy some peace and quiet (10) ... from traffic and crowded streets.

1. A) by B) for C) from D) with

2. A) because of B) unlike C) despite D) but

3. A) feed B) eat C) breed D) lead

4. A) should B) ought C) used D) have

5. A) who B) whose C) which D) whom

6. A) doing B) giving C) taking D) talking

7. A) to B) at C) in D) on

8. A) each B) whole C) every D) all

9. A) chance B) knowledge C) account D) source

10. A) apart B) about C) away D) around

Different Religions
From our earliest days, many people (1) ... believed in a power or powers greater than
themselves. This belief is known as religion. In ancient times, it was a way to (2) ...
sense of the mysteries of the (3) world; evil spirits were thought to be responsible (4) ...
bad weather and disease, for instance. Ancient peoples felt that they had a measure of
control over (5) ... lives when they made offerings and prayed to friendly spirits, whom
they believed could help them win battles or 6) ... better crops.
Even today, when people know the scientific explanations for such things as thunder or
the eruption of volcanoes, (7) ... look to religion to explain some of the other hard-to-
understand things (8) ... we experience as humans – things like the purpose of life or
the reasons for tragedies. (9) ... most religions spring from the same basic human need
to (10) ... in a great power or powers, the ideas, practices, and traditions that religions
involve can be very different.
1. A) will B) are C) have D) has

2. A) make B) do C) take D) give

3. A) customary B) essential C) typical D) natural

4. A) of B) for C) by D) in

5. A) theirs B) they C) them D) their

6. A) breed B) gain C) rise D) grow

7. A) many B) lots C) plenty D) much

8. A) which B) what C) why D) when

9. A) During B) Although C) Despite D) However

10. A) consider B) admit C) accept D) believe

When you think about the (1) ... of an elephant do you think of their amazing trunks,
beautiful ivory tusks, their large flapping ears, or just their immense size? As you (2) ...
already know, elephants are the largest land animals in the world today. (3) ... part of
their anatomy is helpful to the elephant to survive in their environment. But it is the
elephant's trunk that is the (4) ... important to them.
(5) ... their trunk has over 40,000 muscles, it allows the elephant to move their trunk in
many different positions, and gives them the ability to grasp and to (6) ... up objects.
Their trunks are also very strong. In (7) ..., they could uproot large trees from the
ground if they needed to. The elephants also use their trunks to communicate (8) ...,
and for their sense of smell. Even though an elephant has a total of 24 sharp teeth,
they only (9) ... to use two or three of these teeth (10) ... the same time.

1. A) marks B) points C) features D) articles

2. A) need B) have C) may D) ought

3. A) None B) Both C) Each D) All

4. A) best B) most C) more D) worst

5. A) Despite B) But C) So D) Because

6. A) pick B) go C) raise D) grow

7. A) order B) fact C) advance D) case

8. A) to B) with C) for D) from

9. A) make B) do C) set D) put

10. A) at B) on C) in D) by

Stop the Invaders

Even if you take good (1) ... of your body, you can still get sick sometimes. Germs can
invade even a healthy body! Getting sick can make you feel miserable, but (2) ... are
some things that you can do to help yourself get better quickly and be more
comfortable. (3) ... first thing to do when you are not feeling well is to (4) ... your
parents know.
Sometimes it is hard to tell whether you have a cold, the flu, or something more
serious. So your parents may take you to the doctor. Your doctor can (5) ... tests that
will let you know (6) ... is making you sick. You may be sick (7) ... of bacteria. Strep
throat is an (8) ... of an illness caused by bacteria. If bacteria has made you sick, your
doctor (9) ... give you antibiotics. Antibiotics are medicines that are designed to help
your body get rid (10) ... the bacteria that is making you sick.

1. A) care B) responsibility C) attention D) trouble

2. A) that B) this C) there D) it

3. A) Some B) An C) A D) The

4. A) admit B) permit C) let D) allow

5. A) do B) put C) carry D) follow

6. A) what B) which C) how D) when

7. A) although B) despite C) because D) due

8. A) case B) model C) symbol D) example

9. A) have B) will C) is D) had

10. A) for B) from C) of D) in

Where Were LOGO Bricks Invented?

In 1932, a carpenter named Ole Kirk Kristiansen started a company in Billund,
Denmark, that (1) ... wood stepladders, ironing boards, and toys. He named the
company LEGO, a word (2) ... by combining the first two letters of leg and godt, the
Danish word (3) ... "play well". Soon, Kristiansen (4) ... making only high-quality toys
out of wood.
After World War II, LEGO started producing plastic toys. In 1949, the company
launched Automatic Binding Bricks, (5) ... first interlocking construction blocks. In the
1950s, the name was changed to LEGO bricks, and the company came out with the
LEGO System of Play, (6) ... included 28 sets and 8 vehicles. It (7) ... began selling the
toys (8) ... of Denmark for the first time. In 1958, LEGO received a patent for the
modern bricks (9) ... famous today. The new bricks not only had studs on top, but tubes
inside that lock onto the studs of (10) ... bricks and hold them securely together.
1. A) did B) turned C) reached D) made

2. A) formed B) organised C) sorted D) regulated

3. A) from B) for C) to D) after

4. A) were B) was C) are D) is

5. A) it B) his C) her D) its

6. A) which B) who C) whom D) whose

7. A) too B) either C) also D) above

8. A) outside B) apart C) away D) outdoors

9. A) so B) such C) many D) few

10. A) next B) another C) other D) others

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