Troia Filed Time Stamped Complaint

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@coPY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF HANCOCK COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA. ‘Theodore Troia and Judie Troa, his wife; Rickey Thompson; Alana Arp; Robert Meallster, Jr; Myla McAllister, a minor, by her nest friend Alana Arp; Jodi Bender and Mike Bender, her husband: Luciana Bender, a minor, by her next friends Jodi Bender - and Mike Bender, Britany MeAllister (Bron) and Christin Brown, her husband; Corliss Brown; Marie Brown; Armind: Butler and Rebecca Buller, her spouse; Dernis Barrow; David Carbasho; Donel Colliers; Dorrina Collies; Sedeedi Colliers; Lucille Colliers; Luke Bash; Desiree Cunningham; Tina Edwards; Larry Femandez; Cheryl Fortney and Walter Ray Fortney, her husband; Casie Francis and RJ. Francis, her husband; Sara Hiller; Cesare Jennings and Kamilah Jennings, his wife; Laura Jennings; Curtis Jeter, Jery Jeter, Js Earlean Jones; Paula Leathers; Mattie Leathers; Yvette Leathers; Vivan Lyons and Marshall Lyons, her husband; Tammy McAllister and Robert Meallister, Sr. her husband; Willie Milton; Clifford Minger and Tonia Minger, his wife; Cora Morton; LeSonja Rene’ Murray; James Pendergrast; Brandon Pendergrast; Omeka Peteway and Michael Shon Petteway, her husband: Sarah Seyler; Brandon Kompardo, a minor by his next friend Sarah Seyler; Martin Stecle; Linda Hosier; Tate Troia; Kisha ‘Washington and Leslie Washington, her husband; Kyle Wilson; Kayla Greene; George Thomas; Briella Thomas, Londyn Thomas, and Gaige Thomas, ‘minors, by their next friend George Thomes; Asha CChlodi an aduit on betult of herself and on behalf ofher minor children, ‘ouree Anderson, Urijah ‘Anderson, and Giovansi Anderson, as their guardian and next friend; David Leathers; Hassen McNaie; ‘Aaron McAllister; Kayla Mcallister; Brooke McAllister, Sadie McAllister, and Aaron M. McAllister, minors, by their next friend Aaron MeAllister; and George “Thompson, a minor, by his next friend Kayle MeAlliste, PLAINTIFFS, Frontier Industrial Corporation, a foreign corporation; City of Weirton, « West Virginia municipal corporation and political subdivisien of West Virginia; Mingo Junction Steel Works, LLC, a foreign corporation; Robert W. Zuchlewski, an individual; SCM Engineered Demolition & Explosives In. a foreign corporation; Panhandle Cleaning and Restoration, inc.,a West Virginia corporation; Rocky Rift Consulting, inc, a Pennsylvania corporation; and VTC Insurance Group, a Michigan business entity, DEFENDANTS. COMPLAINT COME NOW Plaintiffs, by and through undersigned counsel and for their Complaint against the Defendants, and each of them, do hereby allege as follows: THE PARTIES 1 The Plants reall residents o property owners ner th bas site described herein and tus, allege that they haves derivative relationship with one another a local residents, neighbors, anu property owner secking declaratory and injunetive relief against the City of Weirton as set {orth in Count One below tiled “COUNT ONE ~ DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF AGAINST THE CITY OF WEIRTON REGARDING ITS ISSUANCE OF DEMOLITION PERMITS AND FOR OTHER RELIEF AS SPECIFIED”" Neaty al Plants were Cty of Weirton residents and property owners in the area of the demolition, and some rented or boarded inthe area ofthe demolition, All Plaintfs suffered injures to thee person andr property as a proximate result of the ations ofthe Defendants ‘A. Plaintiffs, Theodore “Ted” Troia and Jodie Troa, area married coupe residing at 436 Mildred Avenue, Weirton, West Virginia and own rel estate located at 2405, 2407, and 2409 Weir Avenue and 220 Kentucky Steet, near Weir Avenue al of which properties are loeted in Hancock County, West Virginia “The other Plaintiffs include: B. Plaintiff, Rickey Thompson, resides at 2415 Weit Ave., Weirton, Hancock County, ‘West Virginia, and is a beneficial resident of that residence. Mr. Thompson was near the center of the worst ofthe blast effect. Pl iff, LeSonja Rene’ Murray, isa sometime resident at this same address and suffers from respiratory disorders aggravated by De’endants” actions. C. Plaintiffs, Alana Arp and Robert McAllister, Jr, are both residents of 2402 Weir Ave, Weirton, Hancock County, West Virginia and own 317 Heward St, ear Weir Avenue, Weiton, Hancock County, West Virginia, Plaintiff Myla McAllister, a minor, resides t 2402 Weir Ave, Weiton, Hancock County, West Virginia and brings her claim pursuant to W. Va. R.C.P Rule 17(c) by her nex fiend and mother, Alana Arp. D. Plaintiffs, Jodi Bender and Mike Bender, rea maried couple residing at 325 Kessel St, near Weir Avenue, Weirlon, Hancock County, West Virginia and also bring suit pursuant o W. Va.R.C. P. Rule 17(), 38 next fiends of Plaintiff, Luciana Bender, a minor. E, Plaintiffs, Britany McAllister (Brown) and Christan Brown, area marred couple residing at 2220 Weir Ave., Weirton, Hancock County, West Virgina. F. Plaintiff, Corliss Brown, a resident of 313 Howard St, near Weir Avenue, Weiton, Hancock County, West Virginia, G. Plaintiff, Marie Brown, is a resident of 316 Kentucky St, near Weir Avenue, Weirton, Hancock County, West Virgina, 1H. Plain, David Carbasho, owns propetes at 2322 and 2802 Weir Ave,, Weirton, Hancock County, West Virgin Plaintiff; Donell Colles, resides at 2512 Weir Ave, Weirton, Hancock County, West Viena, J. Plaintiff, Dorina Colliers, resides at 2614 Weir Ave, Weirton, Hancock County, West Virginia

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