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Wedding ceremony is usually a special moment in one’s life. From this

special event, there are many customs and beliefs that has revealed.

Fortunately, other countries have different traditions towards wedding

practices, contributing to the society the impact of this unusual believes.

Wedding practices is a concept to introduce the bride and groom to the

traditional world. With the accompaniment ofmusic, dances, songs, chants,

and the instruments that symbolizes theway of doing rituals. For over a

decade, traditional weddings are performed due to the presence of practices

that will make the wedding a historical one.

The Africa, in some may take wedding traditions for granted, but the

road to becoming newlyweds is one that is filled with poignant symbolism for

many African American families. From tying the knot to jumping the knot to

jumping the broom, the traditions incorporated in African American wedding

are often a mix of customs borrowed from Africa (Moore, 2014). There are

some ways to identify the wedding traditions of the African American

weddings likeasking the family of the bride for permission to marry, a fairly

common practice around the world, and the African American community is

no exclusion from this old-school courtesy school. In addition, for requesting

a bride’s hand in marriage is a tradition that can be traced back to Ghana, this

particular ceremony(also known as “kookooko”) begins with a groom

knocking on the door of bride’s home and waiting for entry ( Moore, 2014).
Here in the Philippines, traditionally the groom’s family pays for the

wedding and the grandparents act as the primary witnesses or sponsors. The

bride’s gown is often custom made and both the bride and groom white. It is

bad luck for the bride to try on her dress before the wedding day and to wear

pearl jewelry, which is considered a bad omen. The groom wears a sheer,

long-sleeve button-up shirt (barong tagalong) that is worn unbuckled over

black pants with a white t-shirt underneath. Another tradition that symbolizes

the unity of the couple is the lighting of a unity candle by two separate

candles held by the bride and groom to represent the joining of the two

families and invoke the light of Christ. The bouquet is not tossed and rather

offered to a favorite saint, the virgin, or on the grave of a loved one. (beau-

coup, 2018).

In some parts of the Philippines, particularly in Davao region there are

several people known asBagobo people living in the mountainareas.These

indigenous people, the culture, belief, and tradition have evolved for many

years. It is the most popular tribe in Davao. The name “Bagobo” was derived

from the words “bago” which means “new” or “recent” and “uvo” meaning

“grow” or “growth”. It is said that the Bagobo were the first ethnic group in

Mindanao ( Many of the indigenous people, the

traditions, culture, and lifeway face a questionable future. These changes are

due in part to the product of both historical relationship and cultural beliefs

and practices (Indigenous People Issues and Resources n.d).

Bagobos also have their own God named “Manama” that in the

historical side, Manama lived in Mt. Apo and believed that Manama gives and
bring blessings to the people. The Bagobo people believe that wedding is said

to be traditionally imposed by parental arrangement. The asking of marriage

(ginsa) to the girl begins when the two families chose their datu (bai). (De

Leon, 2018)

In continuation to this study, this small community only exists in Davao region

where few can understand and accept the culture and traditions of the

Bagobos. Hence, this ethnographical study will help to improve the values and

beliefs that will encounter for the upcoming study.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this ethnographical study aimed and preserved the

traditions of the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe especially the wedding practices.

Concerning culture preservation among these ethnic group.

Research Questions

The study was guided by thefollowing specified questions:

1.What are the factors that can help to preserve the traditional

wedding practices of the Bagobo tribe in SittioMakatabad, Malupo,

Bansalan Davao del Sur?

2. How modernization affects the traditional wedding practices

of the Bagobo tribe in SittioMakatabad, Malupo,Bansalan Davao del


3. What are the effects of different religions towards wedding

practices of the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe in SittioMakatabad, Malupo,

Bansalan Davao del Sur?

Theoretical Lens

This study was anchored by the following theories:

Theories of Ethnicity and the Dynamics of Ethnic Change in Societies (PNAS,

March 16, 2015).

The theory stated the impact of cultural program on 20 th century. In a

larger sense, the theory discussed about how ethnicity changed from time to

time. Cultural program had a big help in preserving traditional practices. The

primary purpose of cultural program was to promote, advocate, and raised

the tribal unity and community interaction.

Theories of Culture by Roger M. Keesing

Culture was the heritage of learned symbolic behavior that made

humans human. But, as time went by, culture slowly changed due individual

diversity. The challenged in recent years had been to narrow the concept of

culture that included less and revealed more.

These theories were related to this ethnological study for the reason

that the said theories both discussed the changes in tribal practices. The

theories will help to know the prevention that people must do to avoid

traditional practices from being vanished.

Significance of the Study

To introduced to the new people in exposing wedding practices of

Bagobo-Tagabawa and the importance of having a traditional way that will

manifest the cultural practices of this indigenous people. This study signified

the benefits that contributed to the Lumad(indigenous people) to conserved

the personal identity of the culture towards traditional wedding practices of

the Bagobo tribe.

The findings of this would provide reasonable data that will give an

advantage to the following:

Local Government Officials of Sitio Malupo, Anonang Bansalan

Davao del Sur. This would serve as a source of understanding about the

customs and traditions of the Bagobo-Tagabawa people particularly the ones

that concern wedding practices works.

The Bagobo-Tagabawa. Since the study will be conducted in Malupo,

Bansalan Davao del Sur, it is important to know the different perspectives of

the indigenous ones. Thus, it will give the view point of this study to

harmonize the culture and beliefs towards wedding practices.

Definition of Terms

Prevalenceis the fact or condition of being prevalent (Google)

Weddingis one of the most arranged events in the world which is full

of different culture. A ceremony where two people are united in marriage.

Traditional weddingis the primary established form of marriage

recognized in a given country or religious or social group given time.

Traditional marriage requires the families if the future bride and groom to

engage in ritual visits and exchange gifts.

SittioMakatabad,Malupo, Bansalan Davaodel Suris the location of the

study and the place where all the data will be gathered.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study isthe indigenous people in MalupoBansalan, Davao del

Sur. The data will be gathered fromSittioMakatabad, MalupoBansalan, Davao

del Sur. The estimated total number of population is 150 Bagobo-Tagabawa


This study limits only to the indigenous people in Malupo in preserving

the wedding practices of the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe. This is to concern that

only limited persons will be interviewed in this locale study. This focused on

how the Bagobo tribe exposes the cultural values of doing practices.

Organization of the study

The chapter 1 consists of introduction, purpose of the study, research

questions, significance of the study, definition of terms, scope and


The chapter 2 of the study consists of Review Related Literature to

determine the wedding practices of Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe.

The chapter 3 presents the description of the research process. It

provides information concerning the method that was used in undertaking this

research as well as a rationalization for the use of this method. This chapter

also illustrates the various stages of the research which consists of the

research design, the role of the researcher the selection of the research

participants, the data collection process and the process of data analysis,

trustworthiness and credibility, and lastly the ethical consideration.

The chapter 4 will reveal the findings of the research.

The chapter 5 will reveal the discussions, conclusions,

Chapter 2


This chapter of the study presents the integrated literature and

studies. This study focuses on the historical backgrounds and factors that

were expected to observe the traditions and beliefs especially the wedding

practices of the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe.

The Bagobo-Tagabawa Tribe and a look into their Culture

Another minority group found in Davao del Sur Province as well as in

Davao city that has a big influence to humankind is the people who brought

traditions and myths towards the land of indigenous ones with dignity and

existence is the BagoboTagabawa tribe. This community typically known as

prominent in the history of Mindanao. The Bagobo is a tribe that traces its

origin from the people who brought Hinduism to Mindanao during the Sri

Vijayan and Majapahit incursion. When the people intermarried with the

locals, they formed a new society and came up with the name Bagobo

(Information about Indigenous people, 2012)

The Bagobo constitute one of the largest groups among the indigenous

peoples of southern Mindanao. This group is composed of three (3) sub-

groups, namely the TAGABAWA, the CLATA or G IANGAN and the UVO.

Although, this ethnic group belongs to one socio-linguistic group, BAGOBO,

they also differ in some ways, such as the dialects, dance steps costumes and

the color preferences to mention a few (Mangune, 2015).

They are referred to as ethnic group because this group is the people

whose distinctive identity is rooted in history. From the beginning and to the
present, the Bagobos are the predominant inhabitants of the vast areas

extending from the west coast of Davao Gulf to the high reaches of Davao’s

famous and significant mountain ranges of Mt. Apo or Apo Sandawa to the

tribal people (Mangune, 2001).

` National Geographic Magazine (1948) stated that “Bagobo” is derived

from the root word “bago”, which means “new” or recent while the “ovo”

suffix means “grow” in the tribe’s dialect. The Bagobos have a light brown

complexion. Their hair is brown or brownish black, ranging from wavy to

curly. The men have an average height of five feet and three inches, while

the women’s height average is five feet. The root of the Bagobo nose is low,

while the ridge is broad. Thus, the shapes of the lips are full and the chins are

round. The Bagobos believe that life comes from Manama (God), the

Supreme Being.

The present struggle of the Bagobos particulary in Sibulan, at present

most of the indigenous people dislocated and suffered severe poverty.

Apparently, these group seemed to appreciate the new development that

were introduced in this generation even though the culture of the Bagobo is

slowly dying, Batucan (2011).

The Ethnic Groups Philippines (2011) stated that most of the Bagobo

have suffered dislocation due to the loss of the ancestral lands and the effects

of modern day insurgency. In this situation, the problem that has been faced

by the Bagobo people is not yet solved.

Davao Tribal Culture (2012) stated that before the Spanish formally

launched its conquest of Davao in 1948, the region was governed by tribal

leader called the Chieftain (Datu). These Datus were the equivalent of village

headmen. Aside from leading the people, the Datus are responsible for the

safety and peace of the community.

Its political structure was composed of the Chieftains called

“Matanum”, the Council of Elders, the Magani’s, the Babaylans and the slaves

called “Al-lang” in the native dialect. The Datu can have as many wives, but

upon the recommendation and approval of the first wife. In marriage, age is

not an issue for as long as agreements and settlements are reached, agreed

upon and complied with by both parties. All conflicts and problems are finally

addressed and resolved by the Chieftain with the council of elders (Mangune,


On the other hand, Upland Bagobo numbered 30,000 in 1962.

Economically, the traditional subsistence is derived approximately 75 percent

from swidden fields that yield rice, maize, sweet potatoes and other crops.

These indigenous people are being realistic about preserving agricultural

status. Not only for agricultural practices but also to the impact of giving

importance to traditions (Lebar,2016). Aside from that, the Bagobo tribe is

very helpful in terms of traditional aspects.

Today’s Bagobo have gone a long way. Though mostly are still in the

hinterlands. There are also others who had become professionals such as

teachers, accountants, lawyers, government employees and officials.

Appearance of Bagobo-Tagabawa Dress Code and its Different Uses

Traditional cloth and clothing as polysemic symbols of group identity

and personhood is one of the Bagobo-Tagabawa’s personal identities. The

Bagobo-Tagabawa call the ceremonial dress ompak (clothing) when

discussing it among co-native people but use kostyom (costume) when

talking to non-Bagobo. The indigenous people improvised these cloths to

stabilize the traditional way of making the cloth to fit in all the sizes of the

Bagobo-Tagabawa people especially in wedding practices/customs. The

diminished use of such clothing for everyday use, as well as the increased

visibility of iconic Mindanao tribal dress in high profile regional culture

festivals are repeated phenomena that the Bagobo project( Quizon, 2007).

Traditional clothes and jewelry are now worn only for village feasts and

religious ceremonies. The ceremonial attire of the Bagobo is most ornate and

artistic. Bagobo considered as the most colorful tribe in the Philippines,

heavily embroidering their abaca clothing with beads and stitch works. The

Bagobo tribe uses native clothes in order to be known and introduce to the

society how artistic and colorful the Bagobo tribe is.” If Bagobos did wear

their costumes, they usually wore them once or twice a year during special

events” (Garcia, 2015).

The Bagobos in the Province of Davao del Sur believe the traditional

clothing conveys a number of cultural meanings describing exactly what does

a Bagobo as a group of people (Quizon, 2007;Calefato, 2004). The Bagobos

assert that the traditional garments do not merely serve the clothing purpose;

the Bagobo people point to the tribal identity of the group (Quizon, 2007).

Thus, maintaining specifics of costumes is important for the reservation of

own cultural identity and legacy (Shoup, 2007; Alajaji, 2012). Traditional

clothing is merely important for every individual. Hence, it provides linguistic

approach to those who barely see the traditional way of using it.

Bagobo Wedding Practices and Instruments

Wedding practices can be determined as the traditional approach of

different cultures. In the sense that this typical practices can help to preserve

wedding traditions towards the Bagobo tribe. Aside from that, there are

various types of instruments that were played during religious and festive

occasions, for Bagobo tribe that is being incline to music is much way better

to feel the presence of the customs and traditions. The instrument gong,

which can be played by numbers of people, a large gong called bandir, and a

cylindrical drum named gibba (National Geographic Magazine, 1948).

Other musical instruments that are played with songs and dances are

the kuglong (two stringed flutes) and sawruy (tube zither). The kumbing

(bamboo jew’s harp), lantoy(ring Flute). But one that captures to this study is

the instrument palendag (lip-valley flute) are used for courtship. This is an

instrument that is used in addressing the man to take the woman for


There are dances in the home of the bride in the evening and second

morning after the panalugan/pamalugo (purification of the bride and groom).

During the garuzza (worship) where Bagobo dictate that the dance be

initiated only by the bagani, the men dance intermittently to the sound of the

gindaya during the gin^em. Bagobo dance footwork is characterized by a

series of syncopated stamps performed either as an initiating step, the close

of a close-step, a transitional count, or an accent at the end of a measure.

The stamp is done with the heel, although the whole foot is in contact with

the floor. The foot rebounds in a flexed position. At times, the ball of the foot,

with the heel raised, glides to fourth position in front, affecting a very

intriguing contrast of silent beats for the duration of a count (National

Geographic Magazine, 1948).

In the repertoire of steps, a travelling step stands out, seemingly

symbolic of the Bagobo’s reputation as one skilled with horses. It is a

combination of the basic step: a cut and two long travelling chasing steps.

The music accelerates to prod the dancer tobe more daring by dancing faster,

traversing space, improvising with turns, adding a sharper or greater bend of

the body or knee. These bring to mind an animated horse at a fast clip or up

on its hind legs to reverse direction. In a pose, the body weight sits over the

right leg, while the left with a bent knee is in an open fourth position. This

allows the right hip to be prominent; giving it lifted or jutting-out roundness.

It is reminiscent of the posterior of a bird, a common inhabitant of the

Bagobo tribe environment. One shoulder is held lower than the other. The

arms hang diagonally downward with a natural roundness and are held away

from the body. The head with the chin down bends toward the lower

shoulder. The whole torso half rotates and sways from the waist (National

Geographic Magazine, 1948).

Wedding practices is important in every ethnic group. It justifies the

cultures and beliefs that possesses into traditional world. It emphasizes the
way of knowing the right procedure on how to begin especially in Bagobo

wedding practice.

Indigenous people are the people who brought ethnicity in our society.

Some people cannot recognize this group because of the influences held in

this generation. Indigenous people are embedded with knowledge and faith

about preserving human culture, plac, history, spiritual beliefs, kin system,

and gaining values to see and understand what the world is all about.

The Importance of a Wedding in the Society

The wedding ceremony has a long been an integral part of marriage

and society. The wedding can be a meeting place, a beginning, a transfer, a

show, etc. These roles are not only exclusive from each other and can be

exemplified across cultures as shown by Sneizek (2005). Weddings are

inherently more than tradition. Evolution of these traditions so heavily instilled

in cultures and its importance are the characteristics that define the wedding

industry and its development. Different aspects of a wedding point to the

many intricacies of a seemingly simple ceremony. Weddings are not just a

short-lived, isolated affair with minimal influences. For most of history, the

marriage has been a financial transaction between two families. However,

these rites have inevitably been intertwined with material, social, financial,

and consumer contexts (Juliet, 2018).

A once modest affair has become a grand tradition with all of its

accompanying components. The grandeur of the wedding developed by the

wedding industry may then influence the wedding’s foundational roles.

Moreover, religious values, social status, financial standing, and cultural

traditions have inescapably influence the wedding industry. And the impact of

Westernization cross culture is apparent. Changes are evident within the

motivations behind weddings, the grandiosity of ceremonies, the

extravagance of gowns, the intricacy of cakes, the selection of the venue, and

the picture perfect bridal party (Joseph, 2018).

These white wedding essentials that were once characteristics of the

Western world have undeniably permeated various other wedding cultures.

The array of wedding activities undoubtedly has threads of influence, rooted

in familial suggestions, global trends, and media depictions. Nevertheless, at

the heart of the vibrant event of a 7 wedding ceremony is the celebration of

love, family, tradition, and community. This celebration manifests in how the

wedding ceremony developed is enjoyed (Joseph, 2018).

Wedding is an important event in every individual. It is the stage

where feelings cannot be explained, where memories can be cherished, and

where love binds two people in one heart. Love is the international language

that is spoken without boundaries, without difficulties and without differences.

An ethnic group all over the world has its different ways to conduct a

wedding. Marriage becomes a lifestyle choice, where partners must actively

and intensively participate in creating relationship and marriages’ (Heaphy et

al., 2013).

Women of the world acknowledge and respect the traditional styles of

their ancestors and try to incorporate some hint of tradition into their
weddings (Dentice, 2018). Obviously, wedding traditions composed of

symbolism and detail to achieve the perfect and suitable.

Existing Laws for Tribal Community

In Republic Act (RA) 8371, known as Indigenous Peoples Rights Act,

defined indigenous people as a group of homogenous society, who have

continuously lived as an organized community on communally bounded and

possessed land used as their abode, sharing common bonds of language,

customs, culture, traditions and indigenous religions, become historically

differentiated from the rest of the Filipinos.

United Nation Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO,

2001), mentioned that many rights of our indigenous people have been

disregarded group and there is a difference between indigenous group and

the general population exists. As supported by Dean (2003), while the human

rights of the indigenous people are continued to be neglected, these include

cultural and linguistic preservation, autonomy, environmental degradation,

incursion and discrimination. Furthermore, the interaction of indigenous

people and non-indigenous societies throughout the history has been

complex, ranging from outright conflict and subjugation of mutual benefit and

cultural transfer.

In the article published by Indian Ancestry (April 14, 2014), it was

stated that many of the indigenous people, their language and culture face a

questionable future. The relatively parallels is decline in cultural diversity. On

the other hand, Wieesner (2011) opined that indigenous people have rich and
ancient cultures, view their social, economic, environmental and spiritual

system as independent. Against all odds, the indignities of colonization and

lures of modern society, indigenous people have survived as communities

with a strong felt, time-honoured identity.

Lutz (2014) mentioned that the indigenous people who want to be

recognized as a distinct groups having own unique cultures. The indigenous

people wants to enjoy and pass on to the children the histories, languages,

traditions, modes of internal governance, spiritual practices, and all else that

makes the people who become.

1987 Constitution of the Philippines Articles XIV Section 2. Reiterated

the recognition, respect and protection of the rights of indigenous people to

preserve the cultures, traditions, and institution. This is a mandate of

preservation of the rich culture of the indigenous people to which in latter

days will erode and vanished on the flows of time.

According to the Republic Act No. 10066, it is an Act providing for the

Protection and Conservation of the National Commission for Culture and the

Arts (NCCA), and its affiliated Cultural Agencies, and for Other Purposes

(signed by President Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo on March 26, 2010). This

began as an interface program within the Subcommission for Cultural

Heritage (SCH) of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) in


Most importantly, having laws that presides to the cultural inhabitants

of the indigenous people can help to preserve values and dignities of the

indigenous ones.
Effects of Modernization on Indigenous Culture

Modernization basically means to remold a cultural system into a new

mode. Modernization can have both positive and negative effects on society

that can lead to controversy, thus, modernization has affected cultures and

traditions around the world (Santosh, 2016).

Traditionally, most of the indigenous groups have gone through

because of the impact of modernization. Due to the influence of

modernization, some of the cultures and beliefs were slowly fading, especially

when it comes to wedding practices. Also, because of the different religions

that were introduced nowadays, it kept on covering the traditional way that

has lead to culture change (Santosh, 2016).

Dhimal represent one of the oldest indigenous groups of Nepal. Aside

from traditions and customs, Dhimal marriage has changed with the influence

of modernization and globalization. Marriage is an important social institution

of the Dhimal society and thus integral part of its traditions (Santosh, 2016).

The factor of having modernization nowadays is that the society

improves quality of personal being. This modernization gave a big impact to

the indigenous ones especially the Bagobo-Tagabawa people. For instances,

wedding practices of the Bagobo-Tagabawa is different from other ethnic

group, in the sense that the practices that are performed before the wedding

cannot be seen nowadays because of the influences given out by

modernization (Santosh, 2016).

Modernization is the “transformation of a society from a rural and

agrarian condition to a secular, urban, and industrial one” (Britannica, 2009).

There are many different tribes and cultures in many different nations

including the Kayapo, Gullah, and Samoan aboriginal cultures. These

indigenous cultures have managed to adapt along with modern cultures and

maintain their traditional values. Tradition-directedness is “the rigid

conformity to time-honored way of living” (Macionis, 2006).

The bottom line is that modernization has a great effect on societies

big or small, especially when it comes to the ethnic group. Boas stressed the

imminent lost of North American Indian languages, values and technology

and material culture to gain public support for salvage (Stocking 1982; Godoy

Chapter 3


This chapter of the study deals with the presentation and conversation

of methods that applied to conduct the study. It presents the research design,

role of the researcher, data collection, research participants, data analysis,

trustworthiness and credibility, and its ethical consideration.Also, it discusses

the process gathering data and analyzing data.

This study will help the researcher to gather accurate information.In

order to get the necessary information, the participant will participate through

answering the questions and give an honest answer and to be comfortable

upon interviewing.

Research Design

The researcher used qualitative research design in conducting the

study. Qualitative research is characterized by its aim, which relate to

understanding some aspect of social life, and its method which generate

words rather than numbers as data for analysis, interviews, and document

reviews (Creswell, 1998).

Narrative analysisis a term that subsumes a group of approaches that

in turn rely on the written or spoken words or visual representation of

individuals. These approaches typically focus on the lives of individuals as told

through their own stories.These approaches typically focus on the lives of

individuals as told through their own stories. The emphasis in such

approaches is on the story, typically both what and how narrated (Atlas ti,


Role of the Researcher

In this qualitative study, the researcher is the main instrument in

gathering information. Hence, the data are mediated through these human

instruments, rather than through inventories, questionnaires, or machines

(Denzin& Lincoln, 2013). In this stage, the researcher is the most important

element upon gathering data. Also, in order to gather the necessary

information to answer the problems that were tackled in this study.

My role as a researcher is to know the way in doing wedding practices

of Bagobo-Tagabawa in Sittio Malupo, Anonang Bansalan Davao del Sur and

to know their cultural procedures upon doing the wedding rituals.

Aside from that, some of the ethnic groups can relate to this study

because of the fact that this study conducts traditions, which brings their

ethnicity back into life again. The interpretation of cultures that will lead to

ethnographic approach and understanding that will be developed through

close exploration of several sources of data.

Furthermore, I communicate with the selected couples of Lumad

(Indigenous People) in Sitio Malupo, Anonang Bansalan Davao del Sur about

this study. I am expecting their participation for this ethnographical study,

and listen to their different perspectives in this study. I will ask several

questions with respect, loyal and understanding interviewer.

Research Participants

The study used a purposive sampling since it is the most effective

technique when one needs to study a cultural background and take as a

validity towards necessary purposes. Choosing the purposive sample into this

study can determine the ethnographical approach because it is reliable and

competent when gathering data.

The participants of this ethnographical study were the selected Lumad

(Indigenous People) couples in Sittio Malupo,Anonang Bansalan Davao del

Sur. The respondents were randomly selected for the reason that the

researcher cannot interview them all, since the total population of Bagobo-

Tagabawa in that particular place is one-hundred and fifty(150) indigenous


Data Collection

The researcher made sure that an interview went through in proper

discussions. The researcher used Focus Group Discussion (FGD) typically via

in-depth interviews from the Bagobo-Tagabawa couples, who are the most

important sources in this ethnographical study. Furthermore, this study

requires face to face interview with the respondents so that their opinions and

other matters will be heard and analyzed directly by the researcher.

Before the data collection, the researcher must give permission from

the Barangay council as well as the Barangay Chieftain. Also, a letter of

permission given to the selected participants in Sittio Malupo,Anonang

Bansalan Davao del Sur to conduct this study. The researcher typically

contacted the participants personally.

After that, in conducting this study, the researcher also gave consent

letters which contain a remarkable discussion about this study. Next, the data

analysis extracting significant statement from transcribed interviews and

researcher included their personal experiences. Lastly, the researcher gave

the guide questions in the sense that they will be oriented on the question

they will intake.

The participants were informed that a voice recorder will be needed for

the whole duration throughout the interviews. The researcher herself has

notes to take down some of the words that were unable to hear and to gain

extra collected data.

Data Analysis

In data analysis, all the data will gathered and will be analyzed once

the data analysis is done. This study includes the background and procedures

of the participants, so the data in this study from the participants will be

analyzed, transcribed and linked.

The study employed narrative and performance analysis approach

which aim is to discover repeated similarities in people’ stories (Kawulich,

2005). In this stage, the participants share about their personal experiences

based on the question given by the researcher. Thus, the answers of the said

participants from the audiotape and written procedure were translated,

encoded and transcribed.

In processing the data, the study will undergo coding to categories the

collected data. This includes asking questions about the data, confirming the

analytical procedures that were exposed from the said study and transcribing
data.After transcribing and coding the data, the researcher will then organize

in forming procedures that will help to gain a deeper understanding in this

study.The data must be organized to make sure that the collected data is

accurate and utilized.

Lastly, the data analysis will provide a conclusion. In this stage, the

researcher will give an explanation about the study. Hence, this study will

help the reader to understand what the purpose of your study is.

Trustworthiness and Credibility

The characteristics of trustworthy ethnographical study were discuss in

this page or has been introduced to this study. The term discussed used as a

guide to the researcher and was followed thoroughly.

For qualitative research, trustworthiness is all about establishing these

four things which were given below.This part of the study shows the

effectiveness and reliability. “Trustworthiness is consists of the following

components credibility, dependability, conformability, transferability” (Devault,

2018). Furthermore, this given components will be tackle below.

Credibility. Is the how confident the qualitative researcher is in the

truth of the research study’s findings.

Dependability. Is the extent that the study could be repeated by

other researchers and that the findings would be consistent. In other words,

this study aims the researcher to verify that their collected data is not

misguided, if not necessarily to gain the same result.

Transferability.Is the stage where the specific qualitative research is

established by providing readers study’s findings could be applicable to other

study, situations, and other matters.

Conformability.It is about giving conclusion without being bias to the

data gathered. Conformability was addressed through validation and

confirmation of the informants and the participants who agreed about the

transcription and interpretation of data (Miles and Huberman, 1994).

Furthermore, the researcher will then conclude the given data to

stabilize it thoroughly based on the said components.The researcher will take

full obligation to respect their cultures, their beliefs, and also for the fact that

the researcher will maintain his or her attitudes, behavior, upon gathering

information.The researcher will not be bias and will do her responsibility to

reveal accurate findings.

I the researcher will respect the rights and perceptions of the

participants. Through the presence of individuality, I will take the full

opportunity to ensure that all the collected data will be safe. It is important to

generalize all the given data so that there will be no gap in approaching the

study. The researcher will ensure to obtain reliable responses from the


The given components can help the researcher to form accurate

findings of this study. Also, with the participation of the respondents, the

researcher can ensure that their given perspectives can give benefit to this

Ethical consideration

Ethical considerations in research are critical. Since this ethnographical

study reflects to the personal lives of the respondents, it is right to consider a

justifiable use of ethical consideration. This concerns the following principles:

anonymity and confidentiality and lastly, the informed consent. This will entail

to the participants that there will no harm comes to them.

In this case, the researcher must ensure that the identities of the

participants are protected. It is myresponsibility to protect the personal

information of the participants in this study. Anonymity will handle the

individuality of the respondents, such as giving them pseudo or aliases if they

want to cover their true name of this particular study. Aside from that, proper

protocols will be used for the whole interview.

Another ethic principle should be observed, confidentiality is being

used. Since this is an ethnographical study, the participant’s information that

has gathered by the researcher should be kept to himself or herself.

Confidentiality is a must; the information will remain to his or her in order to

protect the respondent’s personal life. The readers or people outside this

study should not identify the participants of this study.

The last ethic that must be followed is the informed consent. Ethics are

the norms or standards for conduct that distinguish between right and wrong.

The researcher will provide informed consent either through letters or will be

spoken personally. The participants should know what kind of data will be

collected and how it will be used. The participants should have enough
knowledge about every aspect of the study. The researcher will respect the

decision of the participants, whether he or she will participate or not.



This chapter discusses the result and findings of the data gathered

from the interview conducted to the Bagobo-Tagabawa in SitioMalupo,

AnonangBansalan Davao del Sur.

Presentation of Finding

The purpose of this study is to aim and preserve the traditions of the

Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe especially the wedding practices. It also concern

about the culture preservation among this ethnic group. Thus, there will be

following discussions about the instruments that were played during the


Before the researchers collected the data, the researchers asked

permission to the Tribal leader of Bansalanand to the Tribal Chieftain of the

said place and from the research review board.The researchers used

purposive sampling for the reason that the participants are the leaders of the

tribe and they knew everything about the tribe.

In collecting the data, the data are analyzed using Narrative analysis

approach. This approach typically focus on lives of the individual as told

through their own stories,typically both what and how narrated. The answers

are being transcribed, translated, categorized and coded for the readers to

understand the content of the study.

There were interview questions asked during the in-depth interview to

the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe in SitioMalupo, AnonangBansalan Davao del Sur.

This narrative analysis study aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What are the factors that can help to preserve the traditional wedding

practices of the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe in SitioMalupo, AnonangBansalan

Davao del Sur?

The 2 participants are provided with the same answers. One of the

participants answered the following questions by writing in English.

Informant 1

“The traditional wedding practices of the Bagobo-Tagabawa are based

on the Intellectual Knowledge System and practices in which the officiating

Datu has the capacity to perform the wedding ceremony. There must be a

qualified Supreme Datu being designated by the Datus Three Consensus

manner by choosing a certain person. The presider will call the attention of

the couple to come on the prepared area for the ritual to be led by the

ritualist then the officiating Datu may start the ceremonial statement while

the wedded couple sitting down on the two pillows with mat and malong,

after that the two heads of the couple will touch each other as a symbol of

being one in the bond of love. Other the officiating Datu will proclaim the

wedded couple followed by reception in the bride residence.”

Informant 2

“AngpormaanakayNito, kung

ikawpananglitanNitogitawagkagtaranituan, mgamananambalpudnasila.Sauna


oohannilaba.Mao nasilapananglitanpanasailahamgamanonoboksila,

kanangmuamponasilabamgaNito. Kana puddiayngnasa Apo

bakanangsandawadiaymaonailangginasimba, iamponaniladirakaynaasilasa

Apo. Mao nay hinungdannganonggitawagnasiyag Mt. Apo karon.”

“The form of that is Nito. If you are a nito you are called a taranituan

and you are also a healer. Before, their beliefs are different. They believed in

worshipping trees. They believe that the trees have adopted Nito. Also they

are worshipping the Sandawa in the Apo. That is why it is called Mt. Apo

nowadays. ”

In this answer, the 2 participants came with the different classifications

about the wedding practices. The first participant who said about the

traditional wedding practices was based on the Intellectual Knowledge System

and practices in which the officiating Datu has the capacity to perform the

wedding ceremony. And the other participant who also said about praising

towards different elements like trees and that the belief of Bagobo-Tagabawa

is different before.

2. How modernization affects the traditional wedding practices of the Bagobo-

Tagabawa Tribe in SitioMalupo, AnonangBansalan Davao del Sur?

Informant 2


kasagarannamangudsamgaBagobokaronkayKristohanonnangmgatao run. Mao

may nakababaganasiyasailaha,

Kamonanagkuanananabalikonsiyaperokaronkay di

namabalikkaykristohanonnaangmgatao run. Mao nanang di nana

mubalikperoginapractice noon namoperosasayaw lang. Pwedegudnama

balikperosapamaagisasayaw. DirasaTribal Day ipakitasalaingtao.


Kailanganjudpahibaloonsailabaogimongistoryahonnasilaba. Unyanaa pay

gamaynaparamakuhanimoilang attention tungkolsa ritual



Bagobokaronba. Mao baya nay pinakaimportantekanang di namawalasabatan-

on karonangtribojudnila.


Dilijudnatowalaonsamgabata, dapattudluanjudnasila. Daghannabaya kayo

angnawaladirisabagobo. Parehasaakoangigagawmga pure bagobo man


Today, it depends because some of the Bagobo nowadays are

Christians. That is the barrier of the people. All of the beliefs of the Bagobo

can be brought back. Those people that are hoping that it will be back, it will

not come back because all of the people nowadays are Catholic. We are

bringing it back but only through dances during the tribal day.

The main purpose of that is to not let to be forgotten. We have to talk

to them about the tribal dances because it is only the way for them to see it.

Most especially to other people who are not speaking the Bagobo language

anymore. The most important part is that to not let the youth forget their
tribe. It should be passed on to them because like myself I am already old.

We have to teach them. Many of the bagobo are now gone like my cousin

who are a pure Bagobo but he speaks the Bisaya language.

Informant 1

“The impact of modernization to the traditional wedding is that

religious sectors in which young generationsbelieve that the legal basis is in

the church, because of the blessings from the almighty. There is some couple

they prefer to be wedded in neither the office of the judge nor mayor’s office

to conduct the wedding ceremony. According to them, the marriage

contract/license is a vital document for whatever legal purposes this may


“Nowadays, the traditional wedding practice of the Bagobo-Tagabawa

is still honored, respected by the state/government provided the qualified

officiating Datu will undergo a seminar in order to have a license to perform

the wedding ceremony.”

The answer of informant 2 stated that it depends on the situation if the

traditional wedding practices can be replaced again. There are instances that

this might bring back again. For informant 1 said that the impact of

modernization in which young generations believe that the legal basis is in the


3. What are the Bagobo terms of the things that were used during the ritual?

Informant 1

“The following materials needed on the wedding ceremony:

Mat- ekam
Pillows- golonan

Malong- kisi

Gong- agong

Cooked rice- kannen

Egg (chicken) - tal’log”

Indeed, these following materials were used during the ritual. For

further explanation, the researchers will discuss about these materials:

Mat (ekam) - is a piece of fabric used as a floor covering or support

from the ground for the wedded couple to bend their knees on the pillow.

2 pillows (golonan) - this material are used by the wedded couple

when they are kneeling.

Malong (kisi) - as a tradition for the Bagobo-Tagabawa, this

handwoven material is used during ritual.

Gong (agong) – is the instrument that is being played while the

dancers are entertaining the audience.

Cooked rice (kannen) – during the ritual, the wedded couple will have

to eat rice as a sign of their one great love.

Egg (tal’log) – also, upon doing the ritual, the wedded couple will also

have to eat the two eggs as a symbol of abundance for the married life.

Informant 2

“Angginagamitsamgakasal sauna kaybanig, unlan, sundang, ompak,





suotsababaekaypanapisan. Sa blouse kaydetor, kanangsalalakikaysaru-ar,


The things that were used in weddings before are mats, pillows, boles,

blankets and the clothes by both males and females. The mat is called as

ekam, the pillow is called golonan, and the bole is called lawut. The clothing

for females is called panipisan. Inabel is the name of the cloth use by males

as a blanket and made up of Abaka. The blouse females is called detor and

saru-ar for males and the belt is called akos.

The following answers of the 2 participants are the materials that are

being used during and after the ritual. These materials especially the clothing

of the wedded couple has been revealed.

Analysis of Findings

Participants Themes Core Ideas

Tribal leaders/Chieftain Wedding Practices of -Tribal Dances

of the Bagobo- the Bagobo-Tagabawa -Tribal Music

Tagabawa tribe of Tribe -Bagobo Materials

Barangay Anonang, -Traditional Bagobo

Bansalan Davao del Sur wedding

Modernizations affecting -Young individuals

the traditional ways of -Change of practices

Bagobo-Tagabawa -Adapting different

people beliefs
Table 1:Themes and Core Ideas of the participant’s answers.
Theme 1: Wedding Practices of the Bagobo Tribes

The first theme on the table above is the Wedding Practices of the

Bagobo Tribe which indicate the following on how the Bagobo-Tagabawa

tribes do during for their ritual. The practices included for the Bagobo-

Tagabawa tribe is their tribal dances, tribal music, Bogobo materials and,

traditional Bagobo wedding. These practices have been around and have

been passed on from generation to generation. These passing from

generations have brought up problems to the Bagobo tribe. As the informants

stated, the wedding practices does still exist. The informant 2 said

“Nowadays, the traditional wedding practice of the Bagobo-Tagabawa is still

honored, respected by the state/government provided the qualified officiating

Datu will undergo a seminar in order to have a license to perform the

wedding ceremony”, this further explains that in this generation, wedding

practices is still honored, and it provides the officiating Datu to conduct the

ritual. Without the participation of the Datu, the ritual will not begin.

Although, there is prevalence in the inconsistent use of Bagobo-Tagabawa

practices, there are few who still are practicing the proper procedure of doing

rituals. These core ideas have been honored to the indigenous ones of the

Bagobo-Tagabawa people. Wedding practices is important to them, it justifies

the cultures and beliefs that possesses into traditional world. It emphasizes

the way of knowing the right procedure on how to begin especially inBagobo-

Tagabawawedding practice.
The ceremony begins with the sound of the agong (gong). Afterwards,

the bridesmaid and the groomsmenstarted to dance as a continuation of the

ceremony. While dancing, the groom will enter to find the bride, and when

the groomfind her, he will put a thing on her head. The bridesmaidwill put the

ekam (mat), golonan (pillow), tal^log (egg) and kannen (cooked rice) on the

floor. After that, the wedded couple will kneel on the two pillows while facing

each other. Afterwards, the officiating Datu will enter while dancing (proper

dancing is the most important and sacred for the Bagobo-Tagabawa), and

upon starting the ritual, he must bite the (alive) chicken and have it on his

mouth while dancing around the wedded couple. Next, the wedded couple

will have to eat the tal^log (egg) and kannen (cooked rice). After they eat,

the two heads of the couple will touch each other as a symbol of being one in

the bond of love with the help of the officiating Datu. During the ritual, there

will be a scene where the groom will protect his bride to other man, he will

have to fight against him and have to kill him so that there will be no one

who can get bride from him and that end the ritual. In addition, the dance will

not be stop unless the ritual is done because as what the Bagobo-Tagabawa

people said that “dance” is one of the important in their life.

Theme 2: Modernizations affecting the traditional ways of Bagobo-

Tagabawa people

Another theme on the table above is the modernization affecting the

traditional ways of Bagobo-Tagabawa people which indicates the following on

how the modernization affects the traditional way of doing

practices.Modernization basically means to remold a cultural system into a

new mode. Modernization can have both positive and negative effects on

society that can lead to controversy, thus, modernization has affected cultures

and traditions around the world. The first problem that has brought up by

modernization to the Bagobo-Tagabawa is the presence of young individuals

because nowadays, some of the youth did forget where and how they came

from. The spreading Cebuano tribe has been a problem to the Bagobo-

Tagabawa tribe. Second, is the change of practices that connects to the ritual

of the Bagobo-Tagabawa. Some of the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe is afraid and

ashamed to show their beliefs and cultural practices to the other

people.Thisexplains how modernization greatly affects their ethnicity, culture

and beliefs. Due to the presence of different religions, Bagobo-Tagabawa

people slowly adapting the different beliefs that were introduced nowadays

and more of them transferred to another religion. Thus, it kept on covering

the traditional way that has led to culture change. As the Informant 2 said,

“Some of the Bagobo nowadays are Christians. That is the barrier of the

people. All of the beliefs of the Bagobo can be brought back. Those people

that are hoping that it will be back, it will not come back because all of the

people nowadays are Catholic”. This simply means thatthe Bagobo people can

be affected by the different religion nowadays.That is why some of them lost

interest of knowing everything about their culture.

Narrative Presentation of the Bagobo-Tagabawa Wedding Ceremony

The tradition that has led by the Bagobo-Tagabawa people brought to

their ethnicity a remarkable. The society is slowly accepting the presence of

this indigenous people for the reason that the government today is giving

importance to those Bagobo-Tagabawa descendants not only for them, but

for all the ethnic groups here in the Philippines. Aside from that, there are

instances that the ritual of wedding in Bagobo-Tagabawa is slowly fading. In

starting the ceremony, there will be sacred dance led by a one female dancer

and one male dancer. The officiating Datu will have to cooperate for the

ritual, it matters the most the presence of the Datu because he will be the

one who will conduct the ritual. This special event reminds to all the Bagobo-

Tagabawa how important to bring back the ritual again. In many ways, as the

informant 2 said “We are bringing it back but only through dances during the

tribal day”. This simply means that in this generation, the Bagobo-Tagabawa

will perform the ritual but on Tribal Day. Before, the Bagobo-Tagabawa wed

in the field without entering the church, they don’t have a church before

because they only praise Manama (God) and not the church. When the

wedding is done, the wedded couple will sleep together but instead of

sleeping in one bed, the elder sister of the bride will be at the center of the

wedded couple for the rest of the night that symbolizes as a test to the

groom. There are dances in the bride in the evening and second morning

after the panalugan/pamalugo (purification of the bride and groom). Also, the
Bagobo-Tagabawa are fun of dancing, their dance footwork is special for

them because of this symbolizes their ethnicity.



This chapter contains the summary of findings, conclusion, and

recommendations of the study. The findings are summarized according to the

results that have been gathered from investigation and research instrument.

The conclusions are based on the gathered data and the recommendations

are offered to recognize about the importance of wedding practices of the

Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe.


This study was done to bring into the minds of the people how

important the wedding practice is. It brings out the proper discussion on how

to do rituals. Also, it symbolizes the cultures, beliefs, and the preservation of

traditions towards the people of Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe of SitioMalupo,

AnonangBansalan, Davao del Sur.

There are 2 participants in SitioMalupo, AnonangBansalan, Davao del

Sur providing the knowledge about their culture. The participants are pure

Bagobo-Tagabawa descendants.

The study employed the narrative analysis approach. It used Focus

Group Discussion (FGD) typically via in-depth interview from the Bagobo-

Tagabawa tribal leaders. In keeping records of participants, the researchers

secured the recordings, notes and questions and then, transcribed these into

written documents.

Based on the findings of the study, the researchers arrived with the

following conclusions:

 The Traditional Wedding of the Bagobo-Tagabawa were introduced

and its practices by the Bagobo participants.

Informant 1

“The traditional wedding practices of the Bagobo-Tagabawa are based on

the Intellectual Knowledge System and practices in which the officiating Datu

has the capacity to perform the wedding ceremony”.

Informant 2

“Angpormaana kay Nito, kung

ikawpananglitanNitogitawagkagtaranituan, mgamananambalpudnasila.Sauna

mangud kay lahiginatoohanananila sauna, kanangmuamponasilabamgaNito.”

 Another part of the ceremony is the materials that been used by the

bridesmaid and the groomsmen during the ritual.

Informant 1

“While the wedded couple sitting down on the two pillows with mat

and malong, after that the two heads of the couple will touch each other as a

symbol of being one in the bond of love.”

Informant 2

“Angginagamitsamgakasal sauna kay banig, unlan, sundang, ompak,

habologmgasuotsababaeoglalaki.Angbanig kay ekam, angunlan kay

golonanunyaangsundang kay lawut.”

The things that were used in weddings before are mats, pillows, boles,

blankets and the clothes by both males and females. The mat is called as

ekam, the pillow is called golonan, and the bole is called lawut.

 There are changes of the modernizations about the Traditional

Wedding Practices.

Informant 1

“Nowadays, the traditional wedding practice of the Bagobo-Tagabawa

is still honored, respected by the state/government provided the qualified

officiating Datu will undergo a seminar in order to have a license to perform

the wedding ceremony.”

Informant 2

“Kailanganjudpahibaloonsailabaogimongistoryahonnasilaba. Unyanaa

pay gamayna para makuhanimoilang attention tungkolsa ritual ba.”

We have to talk to them about the tribal dances because it is only the

way for them to see it.

 Many of the Bagobo nowadays are often speak and some are forgotten

their own language.

Informant 2

“Unyalabawsatanan kay anginistoryahannilaba kay

gamaynalangangnagaistoryagBagobokaronba. Mao baya nay

pinakaimportantekanang di namawalasabatan-on karonangtribojudnila.

Most especially to other people who are not speaking the Bagobo

language anymore. The most important part is that to not let the youth forget

their tribe.
 There are impacts of the modernization to the wedding practices which

is the religious sectors.

Informant 1

“The impact of modernization to the traditional wedding is that

religious sectors in which young generationsbelieve that the legal basis is in

the church, because of the blessings from the almighty.

Informant 2

“Dependenamangudkaron, kasagarannamangudsamgaBagobokaron

kay Kristohanonnaangmgatao run, mao may nakababaganasiyasailaha”.

Today, it depends because some of the Bagobo nowadays are

Christians. That is the barrier of the people. All of the beliefs of the Bagobo

can be brought back.


Referring to the findings and analysis of the data, the researchers have

some recommendations about the study.

 The Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe should preserve their wedding traditions and

pass it through generations to come.

 The Bagobo-Tagabawa can introduce their wedding practices to the

people like the Christians.

 Explaining the wedding traditions to the Christians and other people

should be done by the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe will help understand the

happenings during the tribal wedding.

 If a Christian and a Bagobo-Tagabawa will be married, it could really help

the tribe if there will be a double wedding; one Christian-like wedding and
the other one is following the wedding traditions of the Bagobo-Tagabawa


 The chieftain should strengthen the Republic Act 10066. It is an Act

providing for the Protection and Conservation of the National Commission

for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).

 Future researchers should research the reasons behind the cultural change

of the Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe.

 Future researchers should research about the preservations done by the

Bagobo-Tagabawa tribe to preserve their cultures and traditions.

 Future researchers should not matter the research question number 1 for

the fact that it is not answered clearly by the present researchers.

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