Mapping My Academic Career

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Lorena Espinosa

GEOG 1400

Mapping my Academic Career

• Describe either how geospatial technology connects to an industry or field of study you
are interested in pursuing. If you are directly interested in geographic science or
geospatial technology, explain what you found most exciting and why.

I am pursuing a career in healthcare and technology plays a big role in the healthcare field.
Many hospitals use geography and spatial analysis to find the best location sites for new
hospitals or outpatient centers to better serve rural populations. An interesting topic I viewed
was how many agencies are using GIS to map and track the opioid crisis. They visualize
opioid overdose locations and connect people with resources. Disease surveillance has also
been beneficial, by locating certain areas that could be most affected by a disease. Treatment
and hygiene can then be more effective in targeting the disease, making elimination more

• Describe your current academic goals and how you plan to achieve them. Are there any
limitations or barriers you need to start considering and planning to obtain your
academic and career goals?

I’m currently in SLCC’s Spring 2020 nursing cohort. I am doing very well in the program
and I am striving to continue to do my best. I will be obtaining my Associate of Science in
General Studies, and my Associate of Applied Science in Nursing. I plan to attend the
University of Utah through SLCC’s RN-BS bridge program, which I have already applied
and been accepted for. Some minor barriers I have encountered is obtaining financial aid for
my last year at SLCC. I have had to retake classes in the past and have changed my major.
Thus, maxing out my credit hours for financial aid. I have had to change my major for this
summer in order to obtain grants this summer semester and will have to change back in the
fall for my nursing courses. It’s a little cumbersome how SLCC does their financial aid, but
it’s nothing I haven’t been able to work around. The financial aid office has been so great
working with me this summer.

• After completing an up-to-date DegreeWorks audit, what did you learn about your
current academic trajectory? Are you on schedule, ahead of schedule, or behind
schedule to meet your educational goals? Did meeting with an academic advisor (or
faculty mentor) help clarify and create small and long-term goals to achieve your
desired career? How is your current academic plan of action aligned to the institution
you plan to transfer to? If you don't intend to transfer to a college or university, what
are your next steps following your academic career at SLCC?
I recently met with Deron Hutchinson, the Nursing Program advisor and we developed a plan
on DegreeWorks in order for me to graduate with all my generals done while on break this
summer from my nursing courses, it has worked out well. I am required to have my general
courses fulfilled prior to starting a bachelor’s program in nursing, for most traditional 4-year
colleges (such as The University of Utah, Weber State University, and Dixie.) I intend to
start my bachelor’s in nursing either Fall of 2020 or Spring of 2021. Most bachelor nursing
programs are offered online, with no clinical rotations, and I will already have my RN
license, at which point I will be able to acquire a better income while working on my BSN.

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