M-10 Nandpur Mairi

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HEAD OFFICE : 134, Ind. Area, Ph.

1, Panchkula (Hr
Ph : 0'172-2576904, 5057358{0)
Mobile :9779224444 | 9415OOO244
E-mail : oth_pkl@rediffmail.com, oth.pkl@gmail.com
Website : www.othbio.com

Concrete Mix Desisn

Grade: M-10
Ref No.OTH,4{M-o7/AE/AMB/20 I 8 Dated :23.06.2018
Issued to: The Aisistant Engine-
Amb Sub Division, Lab No.OTH,M-839/2018
Sample: Coarse aggregate 20 mm, l0 mm & Iine-
dggregale fcoarse Sand r. Cenenl IppC-Ambuja Date of .eceipt :l 1.06.2018

Agency: M/s Satish Kumar Sharma Go!1. Contractor. Your relercnce: Sample delirered bylour

Name of work: Up gada

Formation improvement, R/wall, B/wall, closs drainage, M/T, cold mix technology,
cement concrete
Pavement, Drain & Parapets , pMGSy Logo boards, K.M. stone etc. including
fiie year maintenance
(under PMGSY regular Batch-I for the year 201 7- 1 8) package No. HP_ 12_

Mt Desizn As Per IS:10262-2009.15:456:2000 & Sp:23-i 982


l.l Grade designation M-10

1.2 Type ofcemenr PPC
1.3 Maximum nominal size ofaggregate 20 mm
1.4 Minimum cement Content 220 Kg/m3
1.5 Maximum water Cement Ratio 0.60
1.6 Workability(Slump) 0-25mm
EXpOSUTe COndrtron Mild
1.8 Degreeofsupervision Good
1.9 Tlpeofaggegate ., Crushed Angular Aggregate

Page-1 6Xrc
Omega Test House,
Plot m- 114. lnddhal ea Phse j. p$ch kuia (HaryaaJ

ilLi I lti"l ?i6iip:i::1"'!i'."11"1'J;;,'gn*"'''5017t58 2 76ooi


2.1 Cement used PPC

2.2 Specific gravity ofcement 3.00
2.3 Specific gravities of :- "
a.) Coarse aggregate 2.69
b.) Fine aggregate 2.67
2.4 Water absorption
a.) Coarse aggregate 0.68 %
b,) Fine aggegate t.o0 %
2.5 Free (Surface) moisture
a.) Coarse aggregate Nil (Absorbed moisture also nil)
b.) Fine aggegate t.80

2.6 Sieve AnaJysisi Coarse aggregate:

o/oage Different fi action
Coarse aggregare fiaction Remarks
ISi Sieve Analysis of F-t F-II Combined Conforming
designation, Coaase ' 20 nm 10 mm to table 2 of
mm agglegate IS:383-1970
Fraction Reaf: 2007
F-I F-II 60% 40% 100 vo
40 100 100 60.0 40.0 100 100
20 94.6 100 56.7 40.0 96;7 95-100
l0 1.5 73.3 0.9 29.3 30.2 25-55
4.7 5 0.2 I1.4 0.1 4.5 4.6 0-10

2.7 Sieve analysis Fine aggregatei

IS: Sieve designation, mm % age Passing Limit for Grading Zonell

10 100 100

" 96.4 90-100
2.36 86.3 75-100

l.l8 65.8 55-90

0.60 48.5 35-59
0.30 21.6 8-30
0.15 6.8 0- l0

Omega Test House,
Plot nol14, hduslr ial sea Ph6el, Pachrul(Iiart€D).
E mailr olnjkl@enifimail 60,otl.pkl@gnail.@n Pbon€!l?2-50915a,25169M,
Mobile: +9 I 941 ?005387, +91 9?79224444, \ 9 Ar 5$4244.
,"t{"r+ 1.65 s


/'*=tar!et average compressive strength at 28 days.

f: characteristic compressive strength at 28 days, and

,F Standard deviation

From table l, standard deviation, s = 3.5 N/mm'

: 10+1.65 x 3.5

=15 ]7Nhm2 or 757 .7 k9lct?


Irom Table 5 oflS 456, maximum water - cement ratio = 0.60

Based on experience, adopt water-cement ratio as 0.55

0.55 < 0.60, Hence O,K.


From table 2, maximum water oontent = 186 litre (for 20 mm aggregate).

Water-cement ratio = 0.55

Cement Content: 186/0.55 = 338.2 say 338 kg/ml

Cement quantity is very high, so we have taken cement content 250 kg/m3.
From table 5 ofIS: 456, minimum cement content formild erposure condition =
220kglm3 250>220 kglmr, Hence O.K.
So required water content for 250 kg cement is 137.5 liters.


Omega Test House,

Plot no- 134, hdubi6l are?. ?b6el, Pdchkula(gao@).
E-mil odjtl@redift nail.om, od.pkl@sboil.on lbor€r0 l?2-5057 358, 251 6904,
Mobilq +919417005387. +919??9t4444. +919415cfo244.


From Table 3, Volume of coarse aggregate corresponding to 20 mm size aggregate and fine
aggregate (Zonell) for water --cement ratio 0-50 = 0.62

ln the present case water cement ratio is 0.55; therefore, volume ofcoarse aggregate is required
to be decreased to increase the fine aggregate content. As the water-cement ratio higher by 0.05,
the proportion ofvolume ofcoarse aggregate is decreased by 0.01 (at the rate of-/+ 0.01 for every
+ 0.05 change il water cement-ratio). Therefore, conected proportion of volume of coarse
aggregate fol the vr'ater-cement ratio of 0.55 = 0.61.
Note: In case the coarse aggregate is not angular one, then also volume of coarse aggregate may
be required to be increased suitability, based on experience.

8.OMix calculations:

The mix calculations per unit volume ofconcrete shall be as follows:

Volume of concrete

Volume of cement

--- x--- = 0.0833 m3

3.00 1000

Volume of water

------- x ------- = u_ lJ /J m_
r.00 1000
Volume ofall in aggregate !- (0.0833+ 0.1375)l = 0.779 m

0 .719 x 0.6l x 2.69 x 1000 = 127 8 kg

Mass of fine aggregate 0.779 x0.39 x2.67 x 1000 = 8l lkg


Onega Test House,

Irdulrial dea, Pb$el, Pechrala (Ha.raa).
Plot no- l14,
E mail othjkl@Ediiinail oh, oth.pkl@gnoilmn Phon.rol72-5057358,2576904,
Mob le +ola4l 7001187 |91q7792rr444, 491e8t5000:44.
9.0 Mix proportions Calculations for Trial No I !

Watef LVm' Cement, kg/m' Fine Aggregate. kg/m' Coarse Aggregate, kg/m'

250 8l I 1278

3.244 5.112

Similarly Trial II and Trial III canied out.-


Water, Ltlm' Cement, kg/m' Fine Aggregate, kg/m' Coarse Aggregate, kg/m'
t34.7 245 816 1286

0.5 5 3.33 5.248


Water, Ltlm' Cement, kg/m Fine Aggregate, kg/m' Coarse Aggregate, kglm'
t32.0 240 821 t293
0.55 5.387

10.0 Compressive strength: Verified compressive strength in respect ofthe designs mentioned in
this report is given below for ready rcference:-

Compressive strengh, Kg/cm2:-

Trial No - I Trial No - II Trial No - III

7 days 128.8 120.0 115.5

At 28 days Under Testing Under Testing Under Testing

Note: The result is based on 75 % ofTarget mean Strength.

The 28 days compressive strength will be conveyed after the completion ofthe test.


Omega Test House,

Plol ne 134, IJdusEial ma, Ph&-L Pmchknh GLry@).1
E-mil: othJtr@rediffnail con, orh.pkl@gmail.@n lhonerol ?2 -50s13s8,25169cl,
Mob'le: +91941?m5387, +919779224444, +9198r5V&244.
I 1.0 Recommendation: In our opinion TrialNo- II ofthe essential particulars are given below, is
the most appropriate and economical one and is, therefore recommended to be adopted for M-10

Proportion of constituents:


Water, Ltlm' Cement, kg/m Fine Aggegate, kg/m' Coarse Aggegate, kg/m'

t34.7 245 816 t286

0.55 I 5.248

Actual quantities required for the Mix per bag ofcementi

Water, Lrm' Cement, kg/m' Fine Aggregate, kg/m' Coarse Aggregate, kg/m'

21.5 50 r66.5 262.4

0.55 I 3.33 5.248

l. For water cement ratio (dc) for 0.55 :27.5 Liters

2. Extra quantity of water to be added for absorption in case of = (+) 1.784

coaxse aggregate, at 0.68 % by mass

3. Quantity of water to be deduct for free moisture present in = (-) 2.991

sand, at 1.80 % by mass

4. Actualquantity ofwater to be added Q1.5+ 1.784-2.997) = 26.29 Liten

5. Actual quantity offine aggregate required( 166.5+2.991) : 169.4 Kg

6. Actual quantity of coarse aggregate required (262.4-1.784) :260.6Kg


Omega T€st House,

Plol no- I 14, hdusliial &e4 Ph6+I, Pdchkrla (Ha.rqa).
E-mjlr oLhJkl@redirF@il.com. oth pkl@gmail con Pbone 0172,505?158, 2576904.
Mobile: +919417005137- +9197?9224444. +919815000244
Actual ouantities reouired for the Mix:

Water, Ltlm' Cement, kg/m Fine Aggegate, kg/m' coa6e Aggregate, kg/m'
128.4 830 1277
20 mm = 766.2
l0 mm:510.8
0.524 3.388 5.212

For 50 kg bag ofcement the quantity ofmaterials are worked as below:

Water, Ltlm' Cement, kg/m' Fine Aggregate, kg/m' Coarse Ag$egate, kg/m'

26.2 50 169.4 260.6

20 mm = 156.4
10 mm: 104.2
0.524 3.388 5.212

Note: Aggegate should be used in saturated surface dry condition. If otherwise, when
computing the requirement of mixing water, allorir'ance shall be made for the free (surface)
moisture contributed by the fine agglegate and coarse aggregates. On the other hand, if the
aggregates are dry, the amount of mixing water should be increased by an amount equal to the
moisture likely to be absorbed by the aggregates. Necessary adjustments are also required to be
made in mass of aggregates. The surface water and percent water absorption of aggregates
shall be determined accordine to IS: 2386.


NOte: l. The results relate to the sMll€ t6t€d.

2. Sanple consumed in testing.
3. This r€pon is nol to be reprodsc€d wholly or in part and c€imot be 6ed d eviden@ in th€ coun of
Law & should not be lrled in any advenising nedia withotrt sperial pennission in writing.

Omega Test Housq
PIot no-I34, Industisl dea. Phel, ?dch*ula(Faryea).
E bair: orh--lkr@&didmail con, olb ptl@gn3il om ?non :01?2-505?354.25769M.
Mobile: +9r94r7005387, +919779224444, 19198r5M244.
HEAD OFFICE : 134, Ind. Area, Ph'1, Panchkula (Hr.)
Ph : 0172-2576904, 50s7ss8(O)
l,tobile r 9779224,444 | 9815000244
E-mail r oth-pkl@rediffmail.com, oth.pkl@gmail.com
Website : wwwothbio.com

Concrete Mix Design Grade M - I 0 at 28 days

RelNo.OTH4.IM-07/AE/AMB/20 I 8 Dated :14.07.2018
Issued to: The Assjstant Engineer,
Amb Sub Division, Lab No.OTttM-839/2018
Sample: Coarse a\geg te 20 nrm, 10 mm & Fine
Date of receipt :11.06.2018
aggregate (Coarse Sand) , Cement [PPC-Ambuja].
Your reference: Sample deiivered by your
Agency: M/s Satish Kumar Shama Govt. Contr'actor.
Name of rvork Up gradation & widening of Nandpur to Mairi road Km. 0/0 to 24/195 (T-0a) (SHl
Formation improvement, R/wall, B/wall, cross drainage, Ma[, cold mix technology, cement concrete
Pavement, Drain & Parapets , PMGSY Logo boards, K.M. stone etc. including five year maintenance
(under PMGSY regular Batchl for the year 2017- 1 8) Package No. HP- 12- 125.

Mix Desisn As Per IS:10262-2009.15:456:2000 & SP:23-1982

1. Design Stipulations:
a.) Characteristic Compressive Strength iequired in the field at 28 days: 10 N/mm'z.
12.oTarget Mean Strength: 15.77 N/mm']or 157.7 Kg/cm'?

13. Compressive Strength: Verified compressive strengrh in respefl ofthe mix designs mentioned in this
report is given below for ready reference:

Compressive Strengtb Kg/cm'z

MD( No. - I MXNo.-tr MD( No. - IIl

At 28 days 177.7 164.4 151.1

14. Recommendations: Our .ecommendation is same which is recommended in our earliest test report

ofeven 1ab. No.839/2018 Dispatched vide RefNo.OTH,NM-07/AE/AMB/20l8Dated:23.06.2018 for

Mix. No. Il.


Omega Test House.

Plot no- l14, Indulrial dea, Phd*I, Pmchkuh.(llarym)
E mail olhjkl@reditrnail com, olh pkl@gna,l.coh Phone:ol ?2,505 73 5 8. 25?6904.
Mobile +919,11?005387. +9197?9224.u4, +9r9815000244.

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