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CONTROL SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION Applying Symbols and Identification 2nd Edition by Thomas McAvinew and Raymond Mulley (sd Connecting People and Mdeasin Automation + Control v Notice The infoxmation presented in this publlation is forthe general eucation of whe reader. Hecate neither the author nor the publisher have any conte over the #8 of the informuatlon by the reader, both the author and the publisher disclaim any aud all ability of any kind arising out of such use. The reader is expected to exercise sound Profesional jaxgment in using any of the infor mation preseated in & paticular agplication Additionally, neither the author lr the publisher have investigated or considered the affect of any patents on the ability of fhe retder to ase any ofthe information In a particular application. “The reader i responsible for reviewing any possible patents that may afect any particular use cf the information presente, Ang references to commercial products in the work are cted as examples only: Neither the aithor nor the publisher endosses any referenced comercial prove, Any taemarks ox trade names reforenced belong to the respective owner of the shark oF fuante, Neithet the author nor the pub= lisher makes any representation regarding the availabilty of any exerenced commercial product at any tim. The manufacture’ insuuctions on use of any comercial product must be followed at ai ames even i in confit with the information in is publication, Cogyright © 2004 ISA ~ The Eastrumemtation, Systems, ant Automation Society All rights reserved, Puinzed in the United States of America Ww9ETSS432 ISBN 1-55617-896-4 (pbk) No patt of this work may be represuce, stored in a tettieval system, or transmitted in any foora ‘or by any mieans, gectronis, mechanical, shotacopving, recording cr otherwise, without the prior ‘written permission of the publisher ISA 67 Alexander Drive RO, Bow 12277 Research Tangle Park, NC 27709 Library of Congress Data Mulley, Roytnona, ‘Control system documentation : applying symbols and identification / by Raymond Mutley and Thomas MeAvinews.. 2nd ed paw Incase ince, ISIN 1-55617-8964 (pbk) 1. Aylomatic contiol-Documentation. 1. Mcavinew, Thomas, fl Title ‘Tj213.M745 2008, 629.8-de22 2000073085 Contents A TOOLS OF COMMUNICATION Introduction: Symbols and Identific: Symbols, identification, and Docum! Summary Ques tation 2 THE ELEMENTS OF SYMBOLISM Introduction: Tue Building Blocks Geometric Fi Lines. Summary Questions 3 THE ELEMENTS OF IDENTIF|CATION Introduction: Building Block Names Basic Ktentification (Tag Numbers) Functional Identification Legitimate Function Designators Parallel and Serial Loop Numbering Coding Summary Questions 4 PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAMS: Introduction: Know the Process Purpose of the Process Flow Diagram Utility to Control Systems Engineers Development of the PFO Content of the PFD Style of the PED Instrumentation Shi non the PED Specific PFD Equipment Symbols Summary 1B 23 26 29 29 30 31 36 a7 30 39 40 43 4B

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