Gracie - Secret Sexual Signals PDF

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Secret Sexual

From Coach Gracie

Guys they can decide within seconds if they want to sleep with a woman. But for
us women, it takes a bit longer to decide when and how soon to sleep with a guy.

We can sense many things about a guy.

We can sense if a guy is confident and we can sense if a guy is nervous... and we
can sense this quickly and accurately!

But.... as you may know, women are especially good at sensing which guy will be
able to rock her world in the bedroom... and which guy is going leave us short of
the finish line :(

Because getting sex for a guy depends so much on how you act before you hit the
bedroom, I want to give you some information on Secret Sexual Signals.

I put together a special report for you with 7 Secret Sexual Signals that get women
turned on and wanting sex from you. I hope you like it.

These sexual signals will let ANY woman (Yes, that one you are about to go on a
date with!) know that you have what it takes to get it done in the bedroom. When
you know these signals she will want to make a move on you. You will never have
to worry about being rejected as you escalate sexually.

These signals ARE the sexual confidence that we women feel and it turns us on!

Let's get right into the signals so you can start “Turning on the switch” tonight.
Secret Sexual Signals - Gracie - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
The 7 Secret Sexual Signals

That Tell A Woman You Are A Great Lover

7 ways to signal you are good in the bedroom before sex

1. Never Talk About Ex's

Guys who are good in bed NEVER talk about their ex's. They especially never talk
about sex with their ex's!

When you are with a girl you have never slept with before she is curious about
your past relationships... but let her bring it up and then leave her curious about
what really happened.

A new woman you are out with does not want to be your psychologist. She doesn't
want to hear about any other girl.

If you want to sleep with her, and do it fast without many dates... you want to make
sure she knows that you are interested in her and want to get to know her. Talking
about ex's is the opposite of that! :)

Even more important is the psychology behind talking about your ex. Making ex's
a big deal shows that you aren't completely over her. And, to a new girl this often
is interpreted as you STILL want to have sex with your ex.

That is the biggest turn off to a new girl.

So let's keep this simple. Do not talk about ex's ever. If you mention a bad date
while joking around that’s not big deal and totally cool. But to turn on a girl and
send that sexual signal (That makes her want you fast) make all the attention on her
and not the past!

This simple tip makes a huge difference in the mind of a woman who is still
deciding whether or not to sleep with you. :)

Secret Sexual Signals - Gracie - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
2. Don't Talk About Not Having Sex Or Having A Lot Of Sex
(Make It Seem Like Sex Is NOT A Big Deal)

Guys who are good in bed do not spend a lot of time talking about sex with new
girls they are dating.

Think of it like this.

If you talk about sex with a girl a lot (Unless she brings it up, then it’s cool) she is
going to think you are creepy and a bit strange.

But.... more importantly it is going to make her NOT want to have sex with you
for a very different reason.

Here's why.

If she hears you talking about sex a lot she is going to think you ONLY want sex
with her. She will think you don't want to get to know her as a person.

She will think that you do not potentially want a relationship with her. Having a
woman think these things is NOT good. It is the worst thing she can be thinking.

Nothing will turn her off more than thinking you are a sex maniac who only wants
to get in her pants.

So, if the topic of sex does come up because she wants to talk about it that’s cool.
But keep her curious, keep her on her toes, and never ask when you and her will
have sex...

Just play it cool :)

3. Be Able To Make And Hold Eye Contact

Most guys never realize this secret sexual signal. Women LOVE eye contact and it
signifies total sexual confidence.

When you can look a woman in the eye she knows you are a real man.

Secret Sexual Signals - Gracie - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
Deep down she knows and feels that you will be able to please her and most

Eye contact signifies that you will lead the sexual interaction and not look for her
to lead in the bedroom!

THIS leadership and male power is one of the most important things for a woman.
It allows her to feel feminine and sexy, turning her on so that she wants to sleep
with you faster and with more desire.

You don't need to have crazy eye contact. Just make sure look in her eyes and hold
it for a few seconds and more importantly when she looks in your eyes, you look

4. Be An OK dancer

Yes, it’s true. Women see a guy who dances well and assume that he'd be good in
bed. Maybe it’s actually true, maybe not… lol.

However, since many women THINK it’s true you need to be able to dance ok.
You don't need to be an amazing dancer, just smooth enough that she doesn't think
you'll be clumsy and awkward in the bedroom. Lol.

Here's what I recommend:

Our host Bobby Bradshaw, claimed to be the world's worst dancer EVER. Now,
I've seen him out at clubs and he is certainly no Usher or Michael Jackson.

However, his dancing is not so bad that'd he'd ever LOSE a girl over it.

When I asked him what he did to learn it was pretty simple. He said he just learned
one move from a friend (Actually one of our camera guys!), looked it up on
Youtube and did it like 10 times until it because natural.

That move is called the 2 step. If you are worried that you're dancing is terrible
then simply look up this move on Youtube and get it down. It's super simple and it
applies to almost every type of music!!!

Even some latin dances like salsa are based around this simple move.

Secret Sexual Signals - Gracie - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
Simply do it ten or fifteen times and you'll have the 2 step down :)

When you are out with your girl just do the simple 2 step and look like a great

5. Demonstrate That You Are A Leader

Women love a guy that is leading and authoritative. We don't want to have to show
a man how to please us. That makes us feel masculine, NOT feminine.

Just follow some simple rules and that will get your girl excited to want to have
sex with you:

 Don't ask her if she is having fun if you are out on a date together
 Open doors, be a gentleman
 At a restaurant suggest what you think she might like
 YOU decide that first dates not her. (Very important!)
 And finally, most importantly make sure that you escalate physically first
(Which you will know exactly how to do when you watch your 2 Girls
Teach Sex 2.0 Dvds!)

6. Be Really Good At All The Foreplay Activities

Nothing gets a girl more turned on then rocking her world before sex! When you
can give your girl foreplay orgasms she will be all over you for you penetration

Most guys totally skip foreplay altogether so if you are one of the rare guys who
can give her a variety of orgasms in foreplay you will totally stand out.

And… if you have 2 Girls Teach Sex you have an entire program in it just on
foreplay techniques. Be sure to watch and it into play.

Be sure to nail the following techniques for foreplay and you'll be able to have her
chasing you for sex:

 The ability to give an oral sex orgasm

Secret Sexual Signals - Gracie - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved
 The abilty to give a fingering orgasm (Deep inside of her)
 The abilty to use the simple Sex Initiating Massage

Once you have these simple foreplay activities down your girl will be all over you
trying to have sex with you :)

7. Being Confident

The last and probably most important secret sexual signal is to “Be confident.”
Women can sense confidence and it turns us on like you wouldn't believe!

How do you act confident when you aren't exactly sure what you are doing?

It's very simple. :) Just watch 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 from start to finish. Once you
watch the techniques you will know more than 99% of guys out there!

My girlfriends and I put these secrets together so that you could have unlimited
confidence before things even hit the bedroom (So that you do get there).

Be sure to be aware of all 7 of these secret sexual signals. They could be the
difference between having sex with a new girl quickly and easily or having to wait
a long time if you even do get the chance to sleep with her.

Talk with you soon and let me know about how you use them :)

Coach Gracie

Secret Sexual Signals - Gracie - Copyright 2 Girls Teach Sex 2.0 2011 All rights reserved

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