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Mind Thief

By Chris Philpott

This booklet is going to help us with a little imagination game. Would you like to play?

(Optional, if you put a cover sticker on it) It’s entitled Secretive Cognition and Memory
by Dr, F, A. Kerry, Cornell University.)

The book contains a list of some valuable objects – a Prada Necklace, a Diamond Ring, A
Picasso, all the way down to Versace Socks. Dozens of choices. In this game, first you
silently choose one of these valuable objects.

(The performer turns his head).

The point is not to choose the most expensive item – obviously a 1% share of Amazon is
worth more than Versace socks. I want you to choose a random object and lock it in your
mind, keeping it secret.

(Lowers book and secretly turn to next page.)

When you make your selection, I want you to imagine you have this valuable object in
your possession and you have to bring it home, BUT, someone wants to steal it from you.
Your job is to make it home and hide it. Okay? From this point on, I want you to remain
absolutely silent.

(Raise the book again, now to the page with Day/Night pictures but only show it to
volunteer – the rest of your audience believes you are still showing them the previous

If you haven’t chosen an object please do so now. It can be on either of these two pages.
(Pointing to instructions “IF YOUR OBJECT IS ON THIS PAGE LOOK AT THIS
PICTURE”): And it’s important you remember these words exactly. I’ll be showing you
a series of pictures to help you visualize your way home, but it’s important you find your
word first. Then you’ll look at the picture which will be on the upper half of the page and
really imagine yourself in that space. You’ve got your object? Good. Don’t forget it
and don’t change your mind.

(Lower and close book but keep a break at this page.)

Let us begin the visualization.

(Make it seem like you’re turning the page then raise it to audience.)
First the when: when this valuable object was given to you, was it day or night? Let your
object guide which picture you look at but don’t answer out loud. Absolute silence. I
want you to look at your picture and imagine yourself there, feeling either the warm
sunlight or the cool night breeze. Really feel the image. Have you done so?

(If they answer, chastise them for speaking, when you told them to remain absolutely
silent. If they don’t answer praise them. Turn to the next two pages and show the

On the next two pages there are pictures of a city and a forest.

(Turn it to spectator).

Next, where was the object given to you: in a city or a forest? Take all the time you need
to find and visualize your object in one of these environments. Let your object guide
you, then really look hard at the picture and feel yourself there. When you’ve done that,

(Turn to next two pages: a wide street and a narrow alley – show it first to audience then
to spectator).

Next I want you to visualize how you’re going to make your way home: on a wide city
street or a narrow alley.

(Pointing to instruction on page so just the spectator sees it.)

You know the rules. You’ve got to make it home safely and someone is trying to steal
your object from you. Stare at the picture and really visualize yourself in your location.
Nod when you’re done.

(Turn to next two pages: the front of a house and the back of the house).

Almost there. You’ve made it all the way to your house safely. The question is now do
you go in the front door or the backdoor. Each has certain advantages. Let your word
guide you. Nod when you have it.

You’ve made it inside! Finally, where are you going to hide your object: in your
bedroom or your basement? Take your time and nod when you’ve really looked at one of
these pictures and imagined yourself in that place.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully made it home and your valuable object has not
been stolen. Or has it? What if I told you this has all been a con?

(Optional, if you put a cover sticker on it) It’s entitled Secretive Cognition and Memory –
SCAM, by Dr, F, A. Kerry: Fakery!)
The valuable object is actually the thought you’ve got locked in your head and I am the
thief trying to steal that thought and your visualizations tell me everything I need to know
about about how you think and hot to steal the thought from your mind.

The first pictures were of the sun and the moon, classical symbols of man and woman.
This gives me a clue as to whether your object was more likely intended for a woman,
like a necklace or purse or not.

The second set of images, where you got the object was a city or a forest. This represents
where the object comes from: if the object had a specific precious stone like a ruby, or
precious metal, that suggests nature but if it has a brand name, like Gucci, that suggests
the city.

How you make it home, via wide or narrow streets doesn’t tell me about the object, it
tells me about you. Why go on a narrow street? Because you don’t want to be seen, you
don’t think you’re a good liar. But if you’re comfortable on a wide street, you don’t care.
This tells me how to read your body language.

The front of back of the house: why go in the back? Because you’re afraid you’re being
watched. This tells me how self-conscious you are and whether you might be trying to
throw me off with deceptive body language.

Finally, the bedroom versus the basement – this represents the conscious mind versus the
unconscious mind. Is this object right there at the front of your thoughts or buried down
deep in your mind.

Taking these clues together I believe you hid the object in your bedroom and it is… The
Jade Bangle. Is that correct?

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