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Managing Strategic Contradictions: A Top Management Model for Managing

Innovation Streams

Article  in  Organization Science · October 2005

DOI: 10.1287/orsc.1050.0134

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2 authors:

Wendy K. Smith Michael L. Tushman

University of Delaware Harvard University


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Organization Science informs ®

Vol. 16, No. 5, September–October 2005, pp. 522–536 doi 10.1287/orsc.1050.0134

issn 1047-7039  eissn 1526-5455  05  1605  0522 © 2005 INFORMS

Managing Strategic Contradictions: A Top

Management Model for Managing
Innovation Streams
Wendy K. Smith, Michael L. Tushman
Harvard Business School, Harvard University, Morgan Hall, Soldiers Field Road, Boston, Massachusetts 02163

S ustained organizational performance depends on top management teams effectively exploring and exploiting. These
strategic agendas are, however, associated with contradictory organizational architectures. Using the literature on para-
dox, contradictions, and conflict, we develop a model of managing strategic contradictions that is associated with para-
doxical cognition—senior leaders and/or their teams (a) articulating a paradoxical frame, (b) differentiating between the
strategy and architecture for the existing product and those for innovation, and (c) integrating between those strategies and
architectures. We further argue that the locus of paradox in top management teams resides either with the senior leader or
with the entire team. We identify a set of top management team conditions that facilitates a team’s ability to engage in
paradoxical cognitive processes.
Key words: top management teams; innovation; exploration and exploitation; paradox; cognition

It is precisely the function of the executive to facili- on exploring and exploiting. He argued that organi-
tate the synthesis in concrete action of the contradic- zational adaptation is rooted in balancing exploratory
tory forces, to reconcile the concrete forces, instincts, and exploitative activities. Too much exploiting drives
interests, conditions, positions, and ideals (Barnard 1968, inertia and dynamic conservatism; exploitation crowds
p. 21). out exploration (Sull 1999, Benner and Tushman 2002).
The paradox of administration [involves] the dual Similarly, too much exploration drives out efficiencies
searches for certainty and flexibility (Thompson 1967, and prevents gaining economies of scale or learning
p. 150). by doing (He and Wong 2004). D’Aveni (1994) simi-
larly observed that competitive advantage is rooted in
Even with Thompson’s (1967) and Barnard’s (1968) both building existing products and in creating prod-
early admonitions, effectively managing strategic con- ucts that cannibalize those existing products. It appears
tradiction has not been at the center of organizational that sustained performance is rooted in simultaneously
analysis. While Cameron and Quinn (1988) and Poole organizing for short-term efficiency as well as long-term
and Van de Ven (1989) have explicitly argued that firms innovation.
must build capabilities to attend to contradictions, the However, exploring and exploiting are associated with
theoretical and empirical work on building teams and different and inconsistent organizational architectures
architectures to manage these tensions has remained in and processes. These inconsistencies and their associ-
our field’s periphery. However, contradictions abound. ated contradictory logics create fundamental organiza-
Firms are pressed to be both big and small, efficient tional and senior-team challenges. Where exploration
and effective, and to operate in multiple time frames, is rooted in variance-increasing activities, learning by
as well as to be prospectors and analyzers (Gavetti and doing, and trial and error, exploitation is rooted in
Levinthal 2000, Miles and Snow 1978). Similarly, senior variance-decreasing activities and disciplined problem
teams are pressed to search both forward and back- solving. Where exploitation builds on an organization’s
ward, to be both flexible and focused, and to both learn past, exploration creates futures that may be quite differ-
and unlearn (Bunderson and Sutcliffe 2002, Flynn and ent than the organization’s past. Moreover, products born
Chatman 2001, Adler et al. 1999). The purpose of this of exploration are often in direct competition with exist-
paper is to encourage scholars to bring the dynamics ing products. For example, Tripsas and Gavetti (2000)
of attending to and dealing with strategic contradiction described the organizational and senior-team challenges
more to the center of organization science. of product substitution at Polaroid as it attempted to
March (1991) clearly articulated contradictory strate- excel in its traditional analog technologies even as it
gic and organizational demands on firms in his work tried to move into digital photography.
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Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS 523

Balancing inconsistent learning modes may be a fun- product (Leonard-Barton 1992, Gibson and Birkinshaw
damental determinant of long-term organization effec- 2004).
tiveness (Levitt and March 1988). It is the senior team An innovation stream refers to the portfolio of prod-
that mediates between external forces for innovation and ucts simultaneously managed by an organization or
change and internal inertial forces (Virany 1992, He and strategic business unit (Tushman and Smith 2002). Prod-
Wong 2004). Senior teams make those decisions regard- ucts in this portfolio are defined relative to the tech-
ing organizational forms and resource allocation pro- nology and the target markets of the firm’s existing
cesses such that their firms might balance exploration as product (Abernathy and Clark 1985). In comparison
well as exploitation. This paper directly focuses on top to the existing product, the firm’s innovation can be
management teams dealing with strategic contradictions. incremental (Christensen 1997, Dosi 1982), architectural
We explore the mechanisms by which top management (Henderson and Clark 1991), or discontinuous (Gatignon
teams might successfully manage the contradictions of et al. 2002). As well, the innovation may be targeted
both exploring and exploiting. to existing customers, new customers in defined mar-
The top management team literature has been partic- kets (Abernathy and Clark 1985), or emerging markets
ularly silent on teams dealing with contradictions (e.g., (Christensen 1997). Figure 1 depicts this innovation
Adner and Helfat 2002, Finkelstein and Hambrick 1996). space. At the origin of this space is the firm’s exploita-
This literature has focused predominantly on overcom- tive product—incremental improvement to the firm’s
ing inertia and implementing innovation (Kaplan et al. current product that is targeted to the existing customer.
2003, Van de Ven et al. 1999). To address this question Exploration occurs in the space outside of this origin.
of balancing inconsistencies, we turn to the organiza- A firm’s innovation stream is made up of continued
tional literature on paradox, contradiction, and conflict incremental innovation in the extant product, as well
(Lewis 2000, Poole and Van de Ven 1989). This litera- as at least one nonincremental innovation. For exam-
ture assumes that inconsistent and contradictory agendas ple, in 1969 Goodyear began to develop a radial tire
coexist and can both succeed simultaneously. By shift- even as it continued to produce its existing bias-ply tire
ing the perspective from choosing between contradictory (Sull et al. 1997). Compared with their existing belted
agendas to embracing the contradictions, this literature bias-ply tire, the radial tire involved discontinuous tech-
provides an important lens through which to understand nology, sold to the same customer (see Figure 1). Sim-
how to manage contradictions. Building on this litera- ilarly, throughout the 1980s Ciba Vision continued to
ture, we argue that effectively managing contradictions improve upon their hard contact lenses while invest-
is rooted in paradoxical cognition—managerial frames ing in three distinct innovations—extended wear lenses,
and processes that recognize and embrace contradiction. daily disposable lenses, and Visudyne (Tushman and
We explore how these frames and processes operate O’Reilly 1997). The extended wear and daily dispos-
in the context of top management teams, and identify able lenses were both low-cost, disposable soft contact
aspects of team design and leader behaviors to support lenses that employed fundamentally different technolo-
these processes. gies compared to the firm’s conventional lens technol-
ogy. These new products were, however, sold to the
same end users as the hard contact lens. Visudyne,
in contrast, was a pharmaceutical product developed
On Exploring and Exploiting: Innovation
to slow age-related macular degeneration. This product
Streams, Organizational Outcomes, and was sold to ophthalmologists. Thus, compared to Ciba
Ambidextrous Designs Vision’s extant conventional lens product, Visudyne was
In dynamic contexts, sustained organizational perfor- associated with discontinuous technological change and
mance is rooted in executing both existing products and was marketed to a totally different customer. Where
innovation simultaneously (March 1991, Christensen Goodyear was trapped by inertial forces in the firm and
1997). Long-term performance depends on the organi- its senior team (Sull et al. 1997), Ciba Vision was able
zation’s ability to adapt and change through innovation, to make sustained competitive progress as it managed
yet these organizations must also continue to perform in exploitative as well as exploratory innovations (Tushman
the short term (Brown and Eisenhardt 1997, Tushman and O’Reilly 1997).
and O’Reilly 1996, Van de Ven et al. 1999). Innovat- Successfully building an innovation stream is chal-
ing at the expense of the existing product leads to sub- lenging because exploring and exploiting are contradic-
optimal results, as firms fail to capture the ongoing tory to one another. Exploitative innovation is associated
benefits of historically rooted efficiencies. Existing prod- with efficiency, focus, convergent thinking, and reduc-
ucts provide slack resources, knowledge, and routines to ing variance; while exploratory innovation is associated
help launch innovations. Similarly, innovations generate with experimentation, flexibility, divergent thinking, and
new knowledge, access to new markets, and increased increasing variance (Flynn and Chatman 2001, Rivkin
customer awareness, all of which enhance the existing and Siggelkow 2003, Van de Ven et al. 1999). These
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
524 Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS

Figure 1 Innovation Map∗

CIBA Vision: Visudyne

Exploratory innovation

New customers/
Exploitative innovation

CIBA Vision: Conventional lens CIBA Vision: Extended wear

Current Goodyear: Belted bias ply tire CIBA Vision: Daily disposable
customers Goodyear: Radial tire

Incremental Architectural Discontinuous


Adapted from Tushman and Smith (2002).

products are often in competition with one another for Top Management Teams, Team Outcomes,
resources internal to the firm as well as in the mar- and Barriers to Exploring and Exploiting
ketplace (Christensen 1997). External demands of the Top management teams balance short-term performance
marketplace and historically rooted inertia reinforce the and long-term adaptability through resource alloca-
existing products over innovation (Hannan and Freeman tion trade-offs and organizational designs decisions
1984, Tripsas and Gavetti 2000). If left unconstrained, (Edmondson et al. 2003, Eisenhardt and Zbaracki 1992,
these inertial forces trap the organization within its Hambrick 1994). These strategic decisions require teams
given competencies (Leonard-Barton 1992, Levitt and to negotiate between the existing product and the inno-
March 1988). Successful incumbents are often caught vation, identifying outcomes that will ensure the perfor-
by the liabilities of age as exploitation drives out explo- mance of both agendas. Borrowing from the negotiation
ration (Kaplan et al. 2003, Benner and Tushman 2002). and conflict management literature, we define balanced
Similarly, entrepreneurial firms are often trapped by strategic decisions based on two criteria: (1) their dis-
their exploratory routines as their contexts shift (Aldrich tributive nature, which we define as making balanced
1999, Anderson and Tushman 2001). trade-offs over time; and (2) their integrative nature,
Ambidextrous designs are organizational forms that which we define as identifying synergies (Bazerman
build internally inconsistent architectures and cultures 1998, Lax and Sebenius 1986, Walton and McKersie
into business units so that the firm can both explore and 1965).
exploit (Adler et al. 1999). These organizational archi- The distributive aspect of a decision involves the divi-
sion of resources between the existing product and the
tectures involve highly differentiated units as well as
innovation. Lax and Sebenius (1986) call this “claim-
top management team integration (He and Wong 2004,
ing value,” as managers identify resources for each indi-
Gibson and Birkinshaw 2004, Tushman and O’Reilly
vidual product. Teams make a number of decisions in
1997). Where structural differentiation permits firms to which they might preferentially support either the exist-
explore as well as exploit, the top management team ing product or the innovation. These decisions are bal-
serves as the point of integration between these contrast- anced when, over time, they support both products. For
ing agendas. It is the top management team that makes example, Ciba Vision’s top management team balanced
the decisions regarding organizational forms, cultures, the ongoing demands of their conventional hard lenses
and resource allocation processes, such that their firms even as they invested in daily disposables, extended
can both explore and exploit (Hambrick 1994, Romanelli wear, and Visudyne (Tushman and O’Reilly 1997). In
and Tushman 1994). An important function of the senior allocating scarce resources, this senior team worked to
team is therefore to create meaning in the context of con- balance the needs of the existing product even as they
tradiction and to extract the benefits associated with con- worked to develop several possible substitutes.
tradictory strategic agendas (Barnard 1968, Weick 1979, Decisions can also be defined by their integrative
Thompson 1967). nature—the recognition of opportunities, linkages, and
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS 525

synergies that might arise from the exploitative and Finally, distinct from inertial forces rooting organi-
exploratory activities. Lax and Sebenius (1986) call this zations and their top management teams to the past, a
creating value, in which the negotiated value increases different impediment to balanced decision making is an
when teams identify creative solutions in which both individual and team drive for consistency and uncer-
parties benefit. Top management teams might be able to tainty reduction (Festinger 1957, Heider 1958, Leana
achieve integrative value in their decisions when they and Barry 2002). However, exploring and exploiting
identify ways to benefit from shared resources or to ben- require fundamentally different and inconsistent orga-
efit from shared selling in the marketplace. For example, nizational architectures and competencies (e.g., Bantel
Ciba Vision unexpectedly found that introducing soft and Jackson 1989, Flynn and Chatman 2001). Managing
contact lenses to the market increased the demand for these inconsistent architectures requires top management
their conventional lenses. Similarly, USA Today found teams that can host these internal inconsistencies (He
that their online business could leverage the newspaper’s and Wong 2004, Tushman and O’Reilly 1997). However,
content and accelerate readership across both platforms if individuals privilege consistency over inconsistency,
(Gilbert 2005). the response to these uncertainties and contradictions is
While organizations can excel when top management to move toward reducing these inconsistencies and align-
teams effectively balance strategic contradictions, struc- ing one’s own behaviors and cognitions, as well one’s
tural, psychological, and social psychological barriers multiple activities and social networks, with one another
often prevent them from doing so (Van de Ven et al. (Lewis 2000, Denison et al. 1995).
1999, Bazerman and Watkins 2004, Virany et al. 1992). This effort to preserve consistency stems from a fun-
Organizations benefit when structural features of the damental epistemological belief of a unitary truth (Ford
organization (tasks, skills, formal organization, culture) and Backoff 1988, Voorhees 1986). This belief in a
are internally aligned and are aligned with the firm’s unitary truth means inconsistencies cannot fundamen-
strategy (Chandler 1962, Nadler and Tushman 1992), yet tally coexist. There must be a contingency that medi-
these internally congruent design features are simultane- ates between inconsistent ideas. One consequence of
ously associated with structural and social inertia. These consistency-oriented thinking is the need to solve con-
internal inertial dynamics favor existing products at the flicts. As this logic suggests, when two things are in
expense of innovations (Tushman and Romanelli 1985, conflict, one of them must be right and the other wrong.
Leonard-Barton 1992). Further, managers are risk averse In a negotiation, this bias leads to what Bazerman (1998)
in situations of gains, and as such tend to reinvest in calls the problem of the mythical fixed pie. By focusing
the less risky existing products at the expense of more on solving the conflict, negotiators focus on distributing
risky innovation (Kahneman and Teversky 1979). Thus, resources between them, rather than finding cooperative
when structure, strategies, and competencies all rein- means for expanding the value of resources.
force one another, managers are psychologically more However, in hosting exploration as well as exploita-
resistant to changing them (Henderson and Clark 1991, tion, conflicts and inconsistencies between existing prod-
Kaplan et al. 2003, Tripsas and Gavetti 2000). Levinthal ucts and innovation cannot be eliminated (Cameron and
and March (1993) suggest that managers are myopic— Quinn 1988, Leana and Barry 2002). Balancing strategic
privileging short term over long term, close rather than decisions requires teams to recognize and use these con-
far, and certainty of success over risk of failure. More flicts, rather than try to resolve them. Mary Parker Follett
recognized this in her early writings. She observed, “As
broadly, Bazerman and Watkins (2004) observe that his-
conflict—difference—is here in the world, as we cannot
torical success is associated with a set of fundamental
avoid it, we should, I think, use it” (Follett 1925/1996,
individual cognitive biases that drive predictable organi-
p. 67). Similarly, Eisenhardt et al. (1997) found that
zational (and social) pathology.
using conflict improves the quality of managerial strate-
These structural and psychological forces for inertia
gic decision making. To make balanced strategic deci-
tip the balance of resource trade-offs toward the exist-
sions, top management teams need to confront and
ing product rather than the innovation. For example,
overcome these structural, social psychological, and psy-
Goodyear’s senior team was trapped by their existing
chological barriers that create tendencies for both inertia
commitments, cognitions, structures, and competencies
and consistency. Top management team conditions must
into reinvesting in bias-ply tires and incompetently
be able to support innovation, despite inertial tenden-
investing in radial tires (Sull 1999, Sull et al. 1997). Sim- cies, and enable the coexistence of inconsistent agendas,
ilarly, Henderson and Clark (1991) found that structural despite forces for consistency.
barriers inhibited architectural innovation in those his-
torically successful photolithography firms. Those orga-
nizations that are most successful in the short term are Managing Strategic Contradictions:
those in which the top management teams are most resis- Paradoxical Cognition
tant to change and, as such, put their firms at risk (Audia We develop a model of balancing strategic contradic-
et al. 2000, Milliken and Lant 1996, Kaplan et al. 2003). tion. This model takes into account challenges of inertia
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
526 Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS

and consistency that reinforce the existing product and knowledge and direct action. More specifically, man-
push top management teams to choose one agenda rather agerial cognitive frames drive organizational action by
than to support multiple agendas. In addressing these directing attention to particular issues (Daft and Weick
biases, we begin with the psychological biases, and iden- 1984, Dutton and Jackson 1987, Kaplan 2003), defin-
tify cognitive frames and processes that can overcome ing the leader’s understanding of the issues they face
organizational pressures for inertia as well as individual (Dutton and Ashford 1993, Gilbert 2005), and assigning
preferences for consistency. We then identify structural socioemotional information to particular issues (Pinkley
features that might facilitate a team’s ability to attend to 1990).
and deal with strategic contradiction. Balancing strategic contradiction may be associated
Cognitive biases define how managers understand with paradoxical frames—mental templates in which
a situation, seek information, and make decisions managers recognize and accept the simultaneous exis-
(Levinthal and March 1993, Walsh 1995). Managers’ tence of contradictory forces. To more clearly describe
understanding and processing of tensions and contra- paradoxical frames, we explore the nature of paradoxes
dictions has an impact on whether they embrace the more generally. Ford and Backoff (1988) define social
tensions and benefit from them or are halted by the paradox (paradoxes of thoughts, actions, and beliefs,
inconsistencies (Ford and Backoff 1988, Lewis 2000, rather than paradoxes of mathematics or rhetoric) as
Smith and Berg 1987). Paradoxical cognition—para- “Some ‘thing’ that is constructed by individuals when
doxical frames and cognitive processes of differentiating oppositional tendencies are brought into recognizable
and integrating—enable balanced strategic decisions (see proximity through reflection or interaction” (p. 89).
Figure 2). This definition suggests that paradoxes involve aspects
Although the distinction between cognitive frames and of both a situation (oppositional tendencies) and an
cognitive processes is latent in the managerial cogni- actor’s cognition (reflection or interaction). Specifically,
tion literature (Walsh 1995, Weick 1979), we make them a paradox is created when (1) tensions in a situa-
explicit here. Cognitive frames are stable constructs that tion (explore/exploit) are (2) juxtaposed through actor’s
provide a lens to understand a situation. These cognitive cognition.
frames, in turn, create a context for complex behavioral Organizing inherently involves contradictions. The act
responses (Walsh 1995, Denison et al. 1995). Cognitive of organizing creates distinctions of roles and respon-
processes are behavioral routines and ways that man- sibilities, which must be coordinated and integrated
agers use to think about and respond to information to achieve an overall goal. These distinctions result
(Weick et al. 1999). These frames create foundations in contradictions within firms (Poole and Van de Ven
that enable a set of complex cognitive processes. Our 1989, Weick 1979). Organizational literature is ripe with
explanation and examples of paradoxical cognition move the recognition of contradictory relations between, for
between the individual and team levels. In the following example, individual and group demands, between focus
section, we return to explore the grounding of this model and flexibility, and between autonomy and democracy
at either the individual or team level in more depth. (Cameron and Quinn 1988, Flynn and Chatman 2001,
Nonaka and Toyama 2002, Rivkin and Siggelkow 2003).
Cognitive Frames. Walsh (1995) defines a cognitive Increasingly, our literature has used the term paradox to
frame as “a mental template that individuals impose on define and describe these contradictory contexts. How-
an environment to give it form” (p. 281). These men- ever, this use of paradox often obscures the role of the
tal templates create a lens through which managers filter actor in understanding and then managing these ten-

Figure 2 A Model of Managing Strategic Contradiction: Antecedents, Paradoxical Cognition, and Outcomes

Team Organization
Antecedents Paradoxical Cognition Outcomes Outcomes

Cognitive Cognitive Balancing • Existing product

Team design frame processing strategic performance
Paradoxical Differentiating • Innovation
coaching performance
frame Clarifying • Distributive results
distinctions Balanced trade-offs
Accepting the
coexistence of • Integrative results
contradictory Identified synergies
agendas Integrating
shifting levels
of analysis
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS 527

sions. Paradoxical frames therefore refer to an actor’s are associated with less anxiety and stress, and enhanced
cognitive juxtaposition of the opposing forces in which performance (Murnighan and Conlon 1991, Smith and
actors embrace rather than avoid or deny these ten- Berg 1987). Similarly, clinical therapy finds that para-
sions. Practitioners refer to these paradoxical frames as doxical frames, frames in which patients embrace the
embracing “both/and” logic, rather than an “either/or” symptoms they want to get rid of, lead to less anxi-
logic (Collins and Porras 1997). ety, less fear, and ultimately increased clinical success
We can identify cognitive frames of managers through (Frankel 1960, Linehan 1993).
their words and actions (Huff 1990, Kaplan 2003,
Murnighan and Conlon 1991). For example, IBM CEO Cognitive Processes. Paradoxical frames create a
Sam Palmisano’s definition of the corporate values sug- foundation for cognitive processes that can handle incon-
gests a paradoxical frame. He recently defined IBM’s sistencies. Based on the assumption that both the exist-
values as striving for both “dedication to every client’s ing product and innovation must succeed, managers can
success” and “innovation that matters—for our com- confront the relationship between these two products—
pany and for the world.” The first value predominantly both their differences and their similarities. Effectively
demands quality for today, while the second demands managing these contradictions is associated with two
quality for tomorrow (Hemp and Stewart 2004). In con- distinct cognitive processes—differentiating and inte-
trast, Goodyear’s management assumed a more linear grating. Whereas differentiating involves recognizing
approach to innovation in the context of the radial envi- and articulating distinctions, integrating involves shift-
ronmental challenge. Confronted by Michelin’s introduc- ing levels of analysis to identify potential linkages. Dif-
tion of the radial tire, Goodyear’s senior team initially ferentiating helps overcome inertia both by reinforcing
focused on the existing product and avoided the radial the needs of each product and being vigilant that the
challenge. When they finally introduced the radial tire, innovation is not crowded out by commitments to exist-
Goodyear completely shifted from bias-ply tires to radi- ing strategies and processes. Integrating, in contrast,
als (Sull et al. 1997). This strategic shift at Goodyear is associated with sustained attention to possible syn-
was associated with a fundamentally new senior team ergies between the exploitative and exploratory prod-
(see also Virany et al. 1992). ucts. Attention to integration helps the team explicitly
Recognizing and embracing contradictions leads to look for ways that the contradictory strategies can help
increased success. At an organizational level, man- each other. By addressing different aspects of paradoxi-
agers of the Toyota Production System, the highly cal contexts, differentiating and integrating reinforce one
successful just-in-time manufacturing process, framed another. This notion of cognitive differentiating and inte-
their organizational goals paradoxically—low costs and grating is similar to the Van de Ven et al. (1999) notion
high specialization, low (or no) inventory, yet imme- of innovation processes that involve divergent as well as
diate access to parts (Adler et al. 1999, Eisenhardt convergent processes.
and Westcott 1988). The organization then built rou- Differentiating involves clarifying distinctions
tines and processes to achieve these goals. At a team between the existing product and innovation. Figure 3
level, Murnighan and Conlon (1991) found that the per- depicts a model of possible distinctions between the
formance among British string quartets was associated existing product and innovation in their strategies and
with members recognizing contradictions inherent in architectures (i.e., tasks, people, formal organization,
their group processes—democracy and leadership, con- and culture). Each product is associated with an
flict and compromise. internally consistent organizational architecture and
How might paradoxical frames increase organizational associated logics, even as these architectures and logics
performance? First, these frames create a context that are themselves fundamentally different (Sutton 2002,
demands the articulation of distinct goals for the exist- Tushman and O’Reilly 1997). Differentiating involves
ing product and for the innovation. Creating clear and recognizing and reinforcing the differences in these
concise goals motivates the achievement of those goals organizing logics.
(Latham and Locke 1995). By defining distinct goals, Differentiating limits inertia by dampening cognitive
managers motivate the success of both the exploita- commitments to the existing product. Langer’s (1989)
tive and the exploratory products. Paradoxical frames theory of mindfulness focuses on drawing novel distinc-
are also associated with reduced threat and fear, which tions as a core process to enable learning, creativity, and
enables positive conflict. A paradoxical frame signals effective decision making. By explicitly drawing distinc-
that managers expect both frames to succeed. This tions, managers are less committed to existing categories
opportunistic framing helps shift the threat and com- or points of view. Rather, under these conditions, man-
petition from between the two products to how these agers generate new categories and classifications. More
products might benefit one another and the larger firm clearly identifying and articulating the needs of both
(Dutton and Jackson 1987). Thus, teams that recognize agendas allows decision makers to more effectively allo-
the dualities and potential synergies of their challenges cate the resources such that each agenda is allowed to
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
528 Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS

Figure 3 Differentiating and Integrating in Top Management Teams∗

Top Management Teams Strategy Architecture

Differentiating: Clarifying differences in
strategy and organizational

Integrating: Identifying synergies People Exploitation Culture

between strategy and


Strategy Architecture


People Exploration
Ex ploratio n Culture



Adapted from Tushman and Smith (2002).

evolve. For example, the innovation and existing prod- ing and using more information helped decision makers
uct may not benefit equally from the team leader’s time make decisions more rapidly. Similarly, Weick et al.
or might require different leadership styles (e.g., He (1999) found that in high-reliability organizations, team
and Wong 2004). Such differentiating between strategic members are unwilling to simplify their operations. This
agendas helps leaders develop the behavioral complex- ongoing cognitive differentiating leads to the generation
ities such that both agendas can succeed (Dutton and of more information and, ultimately, enhanced effective-
Jackson 1987, Denison et al. 1995). ness in responding to challenging situations.
Cognitive differentiating also encourages managers to Differentiating is a process in which team members
explore new markets, new skills, and new opportuni- constantly contrast the existing product and innovation.
ties for the innovation, unburdened by the context of These contrasts continually evaluate the existing prod-
the existing product. For example, newspaper managers uct and innovation, even as the strategies emerge over
reacted differently to the introduction of online news. time (Noda and Bower 1996). Differentiating allows
In those most successful newspapers, senior managers
team members to avoid cognitive commitments to the
saw online as a strategic opportunity and were able to
past even as they support the new product (Langer
creatively differentiate online offerings from their tradi-
1989). Polaroid’s attempt to introduce a digital cam-
tional newspaper. This cognitive differentiation allowed
era in the 1990s provides an example where managers
these managers to build firms that excelled both in print
and online. In contrast, those less successful teams saw did not engage in ongoing processes of differentiating.
online as a threat and, in turn, focused quickly on lever- Tripsas and Gavetti (2000) described how Polaroid’s
aging their existing competencies, and in turn restricting senior team actively failed to cognitively differentiate
the innovation’s growth (Gilbert 2005). Differentiating their extant analog cameras from their newly developed
helps managers to overcome inertia as they are freed digital cameras. The senior team conceptualized the dig-
up to seek novelty and opportunity in the innovation ital innovation as fundamentally similar to its existing
(Dutton and Jackson 1987). razor/blade strategy. Such undifferentiated thinking and
This cognitive differentiating in top management associated strategic action was an important determi-
teams generates variation along with abundant infor- nant of Polaroid’s failure. Sull’s (1999) description of
mation. Such information richness helps make more the American tire industry’s response to the radial threat
effective trade-offs and strategic decisions. For exam- presents a similar picture of undifferentiated strategic
ple, Eisenhardt and Zbaracki (1992) found that access- thinking and associated organizational pathology.
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS 529

Differentiating further enables decision makers to their conventional and disposable lens products flour-
identify more targeted and focused synergies between ished (Tushman and O’Reilly 1997).
the distinct products. Suedfeld et al. (1992) found that Differentiating and integrating are opposing, yet com-
differentiating is a necessary but, by itself, insufficient plementary, processes. Differentiating pulls apart the
process in making complex and integrative decisions. existing product and innovation by focusing on how they
The more distinctions managers uncover, the more they differ from one another. Integrating, in contrast, rein-
learn about each product, and the more they find points forces and makes mindful possible synergies between
of convergence. Research on negotiations (McGinn et al. these products. These processes enable one another. Dif-
2003) and cultural diversity (Ely and Thomas 2001) ferentiating results in new categories and dimensions of
find similar processes in which differentiating reinforces the products and helps managers find synergies. In turn,
learning, which leads to the possibility of integration. as integrating reinforces the investment in each of the
While differentiating enables balanced decision mak- distinct products, it reduces the threat and competition
ing by reducing inertia, it can also lead to increased that are obstacles to differentiating. It is the engagement
competition. Noticing distinctions reinforces distribu- in both of these cognitive processes that leads teams to
tive decision making at the expense of integrative deci- be able to execute balanced decision making.
sion making. These distinctions may be associated with
group conflict and associated process losses (Steiner
1972, Edmondson et al. 2003). For example, Firestone’s Teamcentric and Leadercentric Models of
senior team’s clarity about the fundamental strategic Embracing Paradoxical Cognition
and organizational differences between radial tires and How teams embrace paradoxical cognition depends on
their existing bias-ply tires led them to underfund and the locus of integration (Bunderson 2003, Hambrick
undercut their development of an effective radial strat- 1994, Perlow et al. 2004). In some top management
egy (Sull 1999). Similarly, at Polaroid, even with signifi- teams, integration of strategic contradiction occurs at the
cant resources devoted to digital photography, the senior leader level. In other top management teams, a group
team’s response to this potentially cannibalizing tech- of senior managers, typically the CEO/GM and his or
nology was to resist and marginalize senior team mem- her direct reports, share the responsibility for integrat-
bers associated with the new technology (Tripsas and ing strategic contradictions (Ancona and Nadler 1989,
Gavetti 2000). Bunderson and Sutcliffe 2003). We label these teams
The potential team conflicts associated with differ- as leadercentric teams and teamcentric teams, respec-
entiating may be offset by processes of integrating. In tively. Following Amabile (1996), we argue that the
their analysis of integrative thinking, Suedfeld et al. nature of the cognitive frames and processes are sim-
(1992) define integrating as the “development of con- ilar at the individual and the group level of analysis.
ceptual connections among differentiated dimensions or Where these cognitions occur primarily in the leader in
perspectives.” Integrating involves shifting levels of anal- leadercentric teams, they occur through social interac-
ysis from the product level to the organizational level tions within teamcentric teams. The locus of strategic
of analysis to identify possible synergies. Where cog- integration may be contingent on the team’s context and
nitive differentiating at the product level builds in con- the different team types are associated with contrasting
flict, integrative thinking uses these conflicts to identify antecedent conditions. Following the work of Hackman
synergistic solutions at the organizational level. Shifting (2002) and Wageman (2001), we explore team condi-
to the superordinate level (the organization) and link- tions associated with team design and leader coaching.
ing to the overarching frame reinforces the cooperation We then explore the impact of team context on the locus
between contradictory agendas and enables teams to bet- of strategic integration. (See Figure 4.)
ter make trade-offs (Langer 1989, Sherif 1971). Rec-
ognizing conflicts associated with differentiation while Antecedents of Leadercentric Teams
also maintaining a belief that both products must suc- In leadercentric teams, the leader integrates the contra-
ceed leads to creative, synergistic results. Rothenberg dictory agendas. Team leaders collect information about
(1979) called this process Janusian thinking (after the each agenda, process that information, and make deci-
two-faced Roman god Janus), in which holding inconsis- sions primarily on their own. These leaders recognize the
tencies simultaneously enabled creative solutions to the conflicts between the agendas, and they accept and man-
conflicts. Rothenberg (1979) found that genius thinking age those conflicts. These leaders may be able to most
involved embracing inconsistent contradictions simulta- successfully embrace paradoxical cognitions and balance
neously. For example, at Ciba Vision, the articulation of strategic decisions with teams that exhibit (1) distinct
an overarching aspiration of “Healthy Eyes for Life” as roles, goals, and rewards; (2) a supportive integrator;
well as active senior team attention to integrative deci- (3) extensive leader-member interactions, but limited
sion making created the context where the senior team member-member interactions; and (4) leader coaching to
was able to make a series of decisions such that both focus on the product level and avoid conflict.
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
530 Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS

Figure 4 A Model of Managing Strategic Contradiction by Team Type

Leadercentric Teams

Team Design Paradoxical Cognition

• Distinct roles, goals, and
rewards Paradoxical Differentiating
• A supportive integrator frames (leader)
• Extensive leader-member (leader)
interactions, but limited Integrating
member-member interactions (leader)
Leader Coaching
• Focus on the product level
• Avoid conflict
Context Team Outcomes Outcomes
• Task Balancing strategic
contradictions Existing product
• Leader style • Distributive results and
• Integrative results innovation
Teamcentric Teams
Team Design
• A real team Paradoxical Cognition
• Multilevel roles, goals, and
Paradoxical Differentiating
frames (team)
• Frequent, high-quality team (shared mental
interactions models)
Leader Coaching Integrating
• Focus on multiple levels of

Distinct Roles, Goals, and Rewards. Quinn (1984) 1999, Benner and Tushman 2002). Aligning team mem-
and Van de Ven et al. (1999) both find that teams that bers’ responsibilities with clear goals and rewards helps
successfully manage paradox involve both the roles of an motivate these managers (Hackman 2002, Kerr 1975,
advocate—one who supports a particular agenda—and Latham and Locke 1995). Because members have dis-
the role of an integrator—one who creates connections tinct responsibilities for the existing product and innova-
between the disparate parts. In leadercentric teams these tion, their goals and rewards are quite distinct from one
roles are allocated to distinct team members. The leader another.
is the integrator and the team members are the advo-
Supportive Integrator. In leadercentric teams, the
cates. More specifically, leadercentric teams benefit from
team leader integrates the contradictory agendas. Mak-
assigning different individuals to advocate for either
ing these trade-offs is a significant cognitive burden for
the existing product or the innovation. By separating
team leaders (Tetlock et al. 2004) and subjects the team
these roles, team members focus on their distinct task,
to the leader’s decision-making biases (Bazerman and
whether exploring or exploiting, unburdened structurally
Watkins 2004). Coleaders, trusted advisors, or a sec-
or psychologically by the contradictions associated with
ondary team member assigned to focus on integration
the other (Brown and Eisenhardt 1997, Levinthal and
help offset these biases and alleviate some of the leader’s
March 1993). Because the task of exploring and exploit-
cognitive burdens (Eisenhardt et al. 1997). In an assess-
ing often requires different skills and leadership styles
ment of the roles of individuals surrounding American
(Leonard-Barton 1992, Sutton 2002, Quinn 1984), sepa-
presidents, Porter (1980) found that someone often plays
rating these roles allows the team leader to assign appro-
the role of a cointegrator, or “honest broker” to help col-
priate team members to these tasks.
lect, sort, and assess information. Similarly, Heenan and
Separating roles also helps the team leaders learn
Bennis (1999) found that in successful coleadership rela-
about the different needs of each product. Leaders know
tionships, each of the partners offers different biases and
who to turn to when seeking information about each
skills to improve the quality of the leader’s decisions.
product. More importantly, these team members can help
By providing another perspective, these supportive inte-
the leader hear and understand the needs of their particu-
grators help the team leader make balanced decisions.
lar agenda. Identifying distinct roles and decision makers
for the contrasting strategic agendas may be particu- High-Quality Leader-Member Interactions, but Lim-
larly important for the exploratory product (Adler et al. ited Member-Member Interactions. Decision making in
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS 531

leadercentric teams depends on the quality of the inter- to build a collective understanding of the team’s com-
actions between the team members and the team leader. plex goals and a collective acknowledgment of the ten-
High-quality interactions enable the team leader to seek sions and conflicts between their contrasting agendas
and process relevant decision-making information and, (Murnighan and Conlon 1991, Smith and Berg 1987).
in turn, to make more balanced decisions (Eisenhardt These frames create a foundation for cognitive processes
et al. 1997). High-quality interactions are associated through intensive team interactions.
with the amount of information exchanged, the amount Both Weick and Roberts (1993) and Wegner (1986)
of information revealed, and the mutual understand- describe models of how groups process information and
ing between the team leader and his/her team mem- make decisions collectively. These models recognize that
bers. These interactions depend on the extent to which team members each have distinct knowledge to con-
managers are willing to share potentially threatening tribute to the group. Wegner (1986) articulated a trans-
strategic as well as tactical information with the leader active memory system in which each group member
(Argyris and Schoen 1978, Edmondson 1999). Individ- knows the location of all the knowledge in the group,
uals within senior teams may avoid revealing crucial even though they do not all know the content of this
information given the substantial political and resource knowledge. Weick and Roberts’s (1993) model of col-
allocation stakes at the top of a firm (Ancona and Nadler lective mind suggests how team members might inte-
1989, Edmondson et al. 2003). Edmondson (1999) found grate these disparate pieces of information. They argue
that sharing sensitive information within teams depends that team members each offer their contributions to the
on a shared belief as to whether it is safe to take inter- group through interactions with each other. Through pro-
personal risks in team interactions. cesses of heedful interrelating, a new group-level cog-
While interactions between the team leader and team nition emerges that is greater than the contributions of
members may lead to high-quality decisions, interac- each individual member.
tions among team members may be more detrimental Teamcentric teams work together to make decisions
in leadercentric teams—particularly interactions between in a way that is similar to these models of transac-
the advocates of the existing product and the innovation. tive memory and collective mind. Unlike leadercentric
Structurally differentiating responsibility for the exist- teams, where different individuals assume the roles of
ing product and innovation increases interpersonal con- advocates and integrators, members of teamcentric teams
flicts, as the product leaders are in competition with one each assume responsibilities for both of these roles.
another for scarce resources (e.g., Deutsch 1973, Sherif Team members may provide information and advocate
1971). In leadercentric teams, engaging conflict within for either the existing product or the innovation. How-
the team level may be detrimental, as the locus of deci- ever, through processes of heedful interrelating, these
sion making resides with the leader. Leaders in these team members are also responsible for integrating across
leadercentric teams engage more in one-on-one interac- their team.
tions and less in team strategic decision making. Effectively embracing both intra- and interpersonal
conflict is an important determinant of success for
Leader Coaching to Reinforce Differentiation. In
teamcentric teams. Whereas leadercentric teams man-
leadercentric teams, the team leader’s coaching provides
age conflict by attempting to avoid it, conflict abounds
valuable support that reinforces team processes and team
on teamcentric teams. Team members may experience
beliefs (Edmondson 1999, Hackman 2002, Wageman
intrapersonal conflict in their dual roles of advocates
2001). In leadercentric teams, leaders direct and focus
for particular products and as integrators across these
strategy at the team level even as they focus team mem-
products. They may also experience interpersonal con-
bers at their individual product level. Reinforcing differ-
flict with other team members who are competing for
ences between the existing product and the innovation
scarce resources. Using this conflict to balance contra-
encourages the leaders of each product to focus on their
dictions leads to higher quality decisions in teamcentric
particular strategic agenda. Reinforcing the necessity of
teams. To build shared mental models and collaborative
both products and exhibiting coaching behaviors consis-
decision making, teamcentric teams are associated with
tent with the contrasting strategic agendas helps differen-
teams that are designed as real teams (Hackman 2002).
tially motivate the performance of senior team members
Further, teamcentric teams exhibit (1) roles, goals, and
(Denison et al. 1995).
rewards at multiple levels of analysis; (2) frequent, high-
quality team interactions; and (3) leader coaching to
Antecedents of Teamcentric Teams reinforce the organizational level of analysis.
In teamcentric teams, the teams themselves integrate the
contradictory agendas. Achieving balanced decisions on Real Teams. Hackman (2002) defines a real team as
teamcentric teams is associated with shared mental mod- one with a clear sense of boundaries, an interdependent
els of paradoxical frames and collective cognitive pro- task, and a clear understanding of the team’s author-
cesses. Shared paradoxical frames enable team members ity. A real team creates a foundation for groups of
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
532 Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS

individuals to work together to achieve their collective Frequent Team Interactions. Weick and Roberts
goals. A real team allows team members to allocate (1993) describe a process of integrating across distinct
clear tasks to one another, know who else has informa- contributions as heedful interrelating, where team mem-
tion, and work with the other members to create shared bers are aware of their own and others’ contributions and
mental models and shared processes. Even as there has subordinate their own contributions for the team’s bene-
been a move toward increasingly using integrated team- fit. Heedful interrelating involves dynamic learning pro-
work among senior management, achieving teamwork is cesses in which team members make contributions to the
often difficult in senior teams because of the political team and learn from the contributions of others. Heedful
and career issues unique to senior teams (Ancona and interrelating depends on team members’ ability to inter-
Nadler 1989, Edmondson et al. 2003). However, hav- act. The frequency of their interactions allows for more
ing the top management team attend to themselves as opportunity to share information with one another. As
a real team helps teamcentric teams deal with strategic well, the quality of their interactions ensures that infor-
contradiction. mation is actually being shared. As with leadercentric
teams, psychological safety on the team (a shared team
Roles, Goals, and Rewards at Multiple Levels of Anal- belief that it is safe to take interpersonal risks) reinforces
ysis. As with leadercentric teams, teamcentric teams positive team interactions (Edmondson 1999).
benefit from assigning primary existing product and
innovation roles to different team members and align- Leader Coaching to Facilitate Integration. The
ing these roles with product-level goals and rewards. behaviors of the leader in leadercentric teams rein-
Team members with specific product-level responsi- force the focus on differentiating products, whereas the
bilities focus on seeking product-specific information behaviors of the leader on teamcentric teams reinforce
integrative behaviors. In leadercentric teams, the senior
and ideas (Brown and Eisenhardt 1997), even as this
leader facilitates his/her team’s interaction. These lead-
information is shared with the entire team (Bazerman
ers encourage their team members to extend beyond
and Watkins 2004). These distinct responsibilities are
their own product’s focus. Teamcentric leaders coach
important in overcoming inertia when teams make deci-
their team members to attend to both their products as
sions together. When making group-level decisions,
well as organizationwide issues. As such, team members
teams often prevent multiple, dissenting opinions from
in teamcentric teams “wear multiple hats” (Ancona and
being expressed because team members want to quickly
Nadler 1989). Such teamcentric facilitation encourages
achieve consensus (Eisenhardt et al. 1997, Nemeth and team members to actively manage conflict rather than
Wachtler 1983). Often the needs of the minority opinion allowing it to become an obstacle in team interactions.
are not shared in group decision making. In top man- Under what conditions do leadercentric versus team-
agement teams, this minority opinion is often that of the centric teams dominate in managing strategic contradic-
innovation. Assigning a distinct individual to represent tions? It may be that task interdependence and leadership
each agenda in team discussions encourages these opin- style are important contextual factors affecting the rela-
ions to be raised in team interactions. tive effectiveness of these contrasting team types. Inno-
Assigning product-level roles, goals, and rewards rein- vation streams in which the development of the existing
forces the conflict and competition between managers of product and innovation are highly interdependent require
contradictory agendas. Managers of teamcentric teams increased collaborative interaction between members of
are able to embrace this conflict and reinforce integrative the team. It may be that such tasks require increased
thinking by identifying a second set of roles, goals, and team member interaction to attend to the uncertainty
rewards at the organizational level—dual roles, superor- associated with such substantial task interdependence
dinate and/or opportunistic goals (Dutton and Jackson (Rivkin and Siggelkow 2003, Nadler and Tushman 1996,
1987, Sherif 1971), and common fate rewards (Tushman Thompson 1967). Teamcentric teams might be more able
et al. 2002). This second set of organization-level roles, to deal with substantial interdependence than leader-
goals, and rewards helps motivate team members to centric teams. In contrast, under conditions of limited
consider the organization’s overarching and integrative task interdependence, leadercentric teams may have suf-
strategic agenda. Creating multilevel roles, goals, and ficient information-processing capabilities to deal with
rewards helps team members shift from focusing on the more limited coordination requirements.
competition to focusing on individual strategic agen- A second possible moderator is the team leader’s pre-
das as well as the firm’s overarching strategic agendas ferred leadership style. Leadercentric teams are associ-
(Gilbert 2005). Team members are asked to engage in ated with leadership that is much more authoritative,
multiple leadership roles simultaneously—both integra- whereas teamcentric teams are associated with more
tors as well as advocates (Quinn 1984). As Brown and democratic leadership (e.g., Flynn and Chatman 2001,
Eisenhardt (1997) note, these multilevel structures and Perlow et al. 2004). While team leaders may need to
incentives provide flexibility over time, as team mem- express multiple roles and behavioral flexibility in man-
bers shift back and forth between each of these levels. aging contradictory agendas (e.g., Denison et al. 1995),
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS 533

it may be that a leader’s preferred leadership style is an inconsistent agendas, these cognitive frames and pro-
important determinant of the differential effectiveness of cesses occur either with the senior leader or in the inter-
leadercentric versus teamcentric teams. actions of the entire top management team.
Empirical exploration is necessary to systematically
explore the relationships between cognitive frames, cog-
Conclusion nitive processes, locus of integration, team decisions,
Competitive pressures make even more salient and organizational outcomes. Such empirical research
Thompson’s (1967) and Barnard’s (1968) admoni- must take into account the difficulties of assessing man-
tions to take contradiction and paradox seriously. We agerial cognition. Empirically exploring such concepts
believe that the management of strategic contradiction requires multiple methods involving both rich qualitative
belongs at the forefront of organizational scholarship. data to identify and understand the nuances of manage-
As such, this paper has focused on developing a set rial cognition (Huff 1997, Kaplan 2003) and larger sam-
of ideas on how top management teams might deal ple analysis to validate these ideas (Sundaramurthy and
with strategic contradiction. It may be that a root of Lewis 2003).
sustained organizational performance is in the senior It might also be important to explore the applicabil-
team’s ability to successfully attend to and deal with ity of these ideas to contradictions at different levels
the challenges of operating in different timeframes and of analysis. While we focus on strategic contradictions
strategic logics (Adner and Helfat 2002, Adler et al. between exploration and exploitation for top manage-
1999, He and Wong 2004). We observe that sustained ment teams, organizations face contradictions at mul-
organizational performance is rooted in both exploring tiple levels of analysis. Lorsch and Tierney (2002)
as well as exploiting, in developing innovation as well and Sundaramurthy and Lewis (2003) raise questions
as sustaining the existing product. Research on dynamic about managing contradictory needs of multiple corpo-
managerial capabilities and organizational change has rate stakeholders. Adler et al. (1999), Repenning (2002),
focused on how leaders can successfully innovate to and Tyre and von Hippel (1997) describe contradictions
enable adaptation (Adner and Helfat 2002, Kaplan et al. between efficiency and effectiveness on the factory floor
2003). This focus on adaptation may lead to subop- and in product development. The challenge of balancing
timal performance. Instead, we argue that sustained financial and social goals has received increased atten-
performance occurs through attending to and dealing tion in the organizational literature (Margolis and Walsh
with strategic contradictions—short-term performance 2003, Paine 2003). It may be that managing contradic-
and long-term adaptability, exploration and exploitation, tion is a window into a range of important and under-
focus and flexibility. studied organizational challenges (Cameron and Quinn
The literature on organization design highlights the 1988, Poole and Van de Ven 1989). Bringing the study of
importance of building organizational forms that can contradiction more into the center of our field may help
both explore as well as exploit (e.g., Tushman and us rise to the challenge posed so long ago by Thompson
O’Reilly 1997, Gibson and Birkinshaw 2004, Siggelkow (1967) and Barnard (1968).
and Levinthal 2003), yet even as this literature highlights There are several limitations to this model. First, this
the role of the senior team in creating these contradic- model is predicated on the assumption that organizations
tory contexts, there is little clarity on how these teams benefit from striving for adaptability and performance
might deal with the challenges associated with strate- simultaneously. While an increasing amount of research
gic contradiction. We explore those factors that enable supports this assumption (Gibson and Birkinshaw 2004,
top management teams to achieve balanced strategic He and Wong 2004, Tushman et al. 2002), what are the
decisions in contradictory contexts. We contribute to an conditions under which this assumption does not hold?
emerging body of literature on contradiction and paradox What kind of organizations benefit from substituting the
that explores the nature of these challenges and identi- innovation for the existing product? It might be that
fies team characteristics associated with managing them. when the existing product is failing and/or there is lim-
While others have identified the roles of organizational ited slack, organizations benefit from product substitu-
structures, cultures, and routines to manage contradic- tion. Also, under what conditions do firms benefit from
tions (Adler et al. 1999, Flynn and Chatman 2001), we managing only existing products and splitting innova-
argue that balancing contradiction in decision making tion out into a separate organization (Christensen 1997,
is rooted in senior team cognitions. We argue that bal- Chesbrough 2002)? It may be that organizations benefit
anced strategic decision making in the context of con- from splitting out the innovation when there is no lever-
tradiction is rooted in paradoxical cognition—cognitive age between the existing product and the innovation.
frames and processes that allow teams to effectively Future research is necessary to fully understand under
embrace, rather than avoid, contradictions. We further what conditions firms benefit from managing strategic
argue that, depending on the locus of integration of the contradictions internally versus externally.
Smith and Tushman: Managing Strategic Contradictions
534 Organization Science 16(5), pp. 522–536, © 2005 INFORMS

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