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AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017

Modernization of Police Forces in India: A study of National Police

Information and Convergence Network (NPICN)

Mr. Harshil D. Mehta1

Research Scholar,
Department of Public Policy and Administration
SLS, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University,
Gandhinagar, India.

*Dr. M Venkat Ram Reddy2

Asst Professor,
Department of Public Policy and Administration
Gandhinagar, India


Literature speaks crime rate in India is increasing rapidly day by day.

Police forces in tune with crime and criminals are strengthening their capabilities. But
complexity of crime has kept a bigger challenge in front of police. Police need to handle the
things in a smart way to uphold the basic duty of policing in maintenance of law & order,
prevention and detection of crime. So, for an efficient and smart policing, country has
implemented various mission mode projects. In the present age of technology, speed has
become the most important word in governance. Importance of getting information quickly
and speedily may be in a click of button, on the tap of a hand-held device by all ranks of
police officers, from DGP to the police constable. Underestimating any police officer in the
field of a constabulary level today in the age of information and technology would be foolish.
A pilot project named National Police Information and Convergence Network (NPICN) has
been proposed to be implemented in two states. This project is especially for the effective
bottom-up communication among the police forces. This project will integrate of all existing
communication networks in state police (HF/VHF/UHF/High Band/Low Band) etc. NPICN
is to create information for the entire police force of the country. NPICN which will not only
be a nationwide police communication network of wide-band width, but also further be
enriched with information content and convergence of voice, data and video to the last mile
man connectivity to the beat constable/traffic constable. The paper focuses on means and
objective of proposed NPICN project in comparison with Crime and Criminal Tracking
Networking Systems (CCTNS) which runs on same lines in connecting all police stations in
India, which has already been implemented in all states.

Key words: - SMART Policing, NPICN, Modernization of police, CCTNS

AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017


Police are one of the most dynamic and necessary organizations of society. The
police are expected to play their role by the most accessible, efficient, interactive and vibrant
organization of any society. Their roles, functions and duties in the society are natural to be
different on the one hand and complicated, tough and complex on the other. The sole
objective is to improve the police efficiency and to enable them to render best service to the
citizens. The police differs from an ordinary citizen, as it is their full time duty to see that the
law is upheld and peace and order maintained. So, the police have to perform their duties
with limited authority. Police have to deal with different types of crimes like white collar &
technical crimes. Moreover, police is also considering being the first line of defense in its
nature. Criminals are in the modern age now much more advance and intelligent than police.
Police forces also need to be much more high-tech and super active in the modern day of
technology. Communication is an essential organ of police functionaries to gather
intelligence, information on various crime and criminal activities by different sources. Today
data on various subjects which are required by the police are available at scattered locations
in different formats. However such data has not converged to be available without any loss of
time or without loss of integrity. So, there is a need to have a project to integrate the various
data on crime, criminals, traffic etc. Under the National police mission have been correctly
imagined to integrate various police applications with present day of technology. The basic
philosophy of such integration is accessibility of the data/information instantly by all police
officials. The data can be converged with the application of technology. So, there is need to
have a strong and effective police communication network of adequate bandwidth having
capacity for future scalability. Police telecommunication and wireless system is classified
into the following four categories:

A. High Frequency Communication

B. Very high frequency communication
C. Landline Communication
D. Electronic, Internet and Cyber communication

To create an information and communication superhighway smooth network for

the entire police force of the country who are engaged in maintenance of law & order,
prevention, detection and investigation of crime, undertaking various regulatory functions,
internal security and other security duties beyond the cutting edge of police stations/ out posts
fully secure covering Voice, Data, Video, Graphics into one handset terminal to furnish to the
needs of various police applications for static, hand held and mobile usages. This super
highway having various hubs in the form of safe and secure data centres will ensure
integration and convergence of various forms of data facilitating on-line as well as real-time
quick dissemination of information to all the stakeholders in the police forces and their
dependent departments by development of capacity building and core-competence in
operation & maintenance of the network with the use of skilled manpower available in the
AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017

police communication organizations in the country. In nutshell, a police information

superhighway has to be built with integrated data in the form of exclusive, accurate and safe
police data centres having connectivity with all police formations in state and in the centre. In
this way information can be provided to all the police officers without any loss of time. So,
the police can function and perform its duties more effectively. Although police officials
today required quick as well as accurate information on crimes, criminals, law & order
procedure etc. in the field work. Similarly, senior police officers who are at the top level
strategists and planners require a whole range of data quickly /rapidly on the screens of the
computers on their respective desks, on laptops or palmtops. So, the NPICN project in which
the data convergence of telecommunication service allows police force to use a single
network to provide several communication services that traditionally required separate
networks which often called as triple play. So, it is the system to integrate. Convergence is
about services and about new ways of doing business and of interacting with society. The
project is to be build the National police information and convergence network (NPICN).
Police will have dedicated and exclusive data centres. It will be different from the state data
centres and will be managed by professionals from within the department. The technical
details of the proposed network and the data centres are as mentioned. The communication
network will be a convergence network, which means all forms of data on a single platform
available in a single user friendly way to all stakeholders. Integration of all existing
communication networks in state police (HF/VHF/UHF/High band/Low Band/computer
network etc.). Establishing wireless connectivity by lease-lines (L.O.S. microwave /winmax).
To start with, this network will be having a bandwidth of 24-36 Mbps from national capital to
state headquarters. 6-12 Mbps from state headquarters to district headquarters and 2 Mbps to
each police station. Robust security to protect the network. All police officers including
police stations and prosecution offices will be connected to the police data centre for multi
directional data transmission. Police will have dedicated and exclusive data centres. It will be
different from the state data centres and will be managed by professionals from within the
department. The police data centres will be linked to the National police data centre at New
Delhi with replication and disaster recovery provision at Bangalore. In order to launch the
WIMAX services for high speed data transmission and even for high speed computing efforts
should be made without loss of time so as to make it operational in next two years and a half.

Real time access information for the police officers is today’s vital necessity.
Investigations rely on accurate and timely information hence there is a need to empower and
upgrade police officers with real-time access to information. For this one need information
and data convergence. Sharing of information interactively at the crime scene enables real-
time analysis and investigation. It will further help police to come up with a fast and
justifiable conclusion of crime. Being a bureaucratic organization structure, police
department has more of downward communication rather than the bottom up communication.
So, there was a need for real time information based data convergence network for police
forces. The NPICN is a project in which there will be a single network data common
AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017

transmission platform which will integrate as well as collect various real time fast track quick
information and data from different frequencies on a single virtual police network.

1.2 SCOPE:

As law & order is a state subject, thus police communications have become a state
subject by default whereas communication in general is a central subject as it needs to be
integrated all over 98th country to facilitate interoperability, security, online real time and
seamless connectivity. For NPICN architecture, presently available resources as well as those
to be made available through govt. /PSUs (BSNL/MTNL) through special fibres /microwave
line of sight links can be utilized on rental basis as per usages of bandwidth for the
communication superhighway on scalable demand. Thus, the architecture for NPICN will
ride on from the national headquarters to state headquarters to district headquarters up to the
circles/blocks on the available govt. /PSU service providers/SWAN. From blocks to police
stations and beyond down to police outposts, police patrol posts, police check gates, police
check points, border out posts to the beat /traffic constable, police man on the road for last
mile(Km) WiMAX technology will provide the seamless communication mobility. There will
be no overlapping of the NPICN with any other networks. The basic objective is to empower
even the lowest police functionary with quick information to act more professionally and to
deliver better service. To have integration/convergence of data of all kinds (Text, Video,
Voice, Pictures) and make them available through one place i.e. at state police data centre.
The project will run all existing technological applications more professionally in the police
department. NPICN will connect all the police formations through both wired and wireless
technology for exchange of data between the DATA centre and police formations. So,
NPICN being a convergence system will ensure better service delivery, more accountability
in police functioning. There will be requirement of Police data centres as information and
intelligence generated at and down the PS/OP gathered from field level needs quick analysis,
uploading and response to achieve meaningful result in policing. The purpose of the project is
to cover all the police forces of centre as well as state with a robust communication network
of adequate bandwidth with a hook-up to the national police data centre will be established.
Information and secure communication of adequate bandwidth on-line, real-time mode
covering voice, data, video from national hq. To state hqs. - down to cutting edge level of
police stations, police out-posts, patrol posts, check posts to the beat/traffic constable/police
man on the road. The communication requires being such that officer/men should not be
handicapped because of his/her being away from his/her office chamber.
AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017


The basic objective is to empower even the constabulary police functionary with
quick information to act more professionally and to deliver better services. To have
integration/convergence of data of all kinds (Text, Video, Voice, Pictures) and make them
available through one place i.e. at state police data centre. To connect all the police
formations through both wired and wireless technology for exchange of data between the data
centre and police formation. Moreover, to run all existing technological applications more
professionally in the police department. To introduce innovative projects relating to national
security, public order, traffic control, VIP security, crime investigation in a cost effective
manner. Also to ensure better service delivery, more accountability as well as responsibility
in police functioning. To act as a force multiplier by sharing information and providing a
platform for collaboration. Another important objective is to make the data/information
promptly available not only to increase the efficiency level of Indian police but also in cost
benefit analysis to make it advantageous to the country & to fulfill the dream and aspirations
of millions of people of this country to have a people friendly police by this induction of
appropriate technology.

By implementing this project at the constabulary level the actual crime situation is
being solved. The necessity of the present needs of police which can be achieved through an
INFORMATION ENRICHED and secure communication of wide-bandwidth on line, real
time mode covering voice, data and video from National headquarters to state headquarters,
district headquarters to cutting edge level beyond the police stations down to police outposts,
police patrol posts, police check posts up to last mile connectivity to the beat traffic
constable/police man on the road to achieve communication mobility of wide bandwidth.
With the last mile/man connectivity, the police beat, traffic constable and the police man on
the road will be empowered with latest technology tools converging voice, data and video in
a single hand-set which will boost up collection of field intelligence catchment areas in the
interest of internal security of the country. With such a communication technology in hand of
a police man, the normal response-centric approach will get a scope to expand to pro active
and pre-emptive approach to meet the demand of internal security requirements. NPICN will
also strengthen its connectivity among the police communication setup more realistic and real
time information will received. It will be a common network platform on which all the
wireless hand-held devices will integrate communication data, video, SMS at a single
platform so, that it will also help to catch the criminals.

Large numbers of eyes and ears are required from ground level to upwards for
intelligence inputs of voice, data and video. So, that intelligence data collection can also be
done at a single common convergence network. Because intelligence collection is the most
difficult and vital practice in communication. Police force requires communication set up
AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017

with wide bandwidth and assured quality of service i.e. speed, reliable, all weather on secure
mode which is a necessity to sustain police applications. So that in all way the network
should work in a effective way. The proposed network will be a bottom-up operational round
the clock network with convergence of voice, data, and video into a single hand-held device.
Quick response time is the essence for successful maintenance of law & order. Moreover,
The NPICN will also fulfill the communication mobility requirements of police functionaries
for Mob control/riot control, maintenance of situations arising out of man-made disasters,
highway patrolling, traffic management, border out posts, international borders, Emergent
requirement viz. 26/11 type of man-made disaster situation where multi-agency connectivity
required containing law & ordering situation. & also to cater to emerging police functions
viz- Aerial city surveillance, aerial traffic management, aerial VVIP & VIP security from

When there will be communication mobility, an officer will not be handicapped

because of his/her being away from his/her office chamber. ‘Wherever the officer moves, the
office moves’. Police needs quantum jump in technology from narrow bandwidth having
limited voice and text messages collection to wide bandwidth having voice data and video to
bring more qualitative gains rather than quantitative show as technology is available now
much more advance. By worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WiMAX)
technology and being deployed worldwide is now available which will fulfill the need for
convergence of voice, data and video into a single hand held device. WiMAX is considered
one of the best solutions for “last mile” distribution. This technology fulfills the requirements
of police applications. To establish state police data centres to act as repository of converged
data which can be promptly received by all ranks of police officials. Horizontal and vertical
expansion of the network in future by adding value added professional service.


It is observed that presently data in various forms and formats are available for
police officers in a scattered, isolated and unorganized manner. So they are not readily and
timely available to various ranks of police officers moreover data from other departments are
also not available to police as integrated projects are not undertaken due to lack of
convergence. Technological up gradation in the modern age essential to strengthen police
forces. Technological developments in states are widely varied so much that in some states
even the basics are not available. Police personnel are mostly technologically challenged and
have hesitation in use of technology. Police last to use latest technology in the country. So,
there was a much need to have a modern, effective and operational police communication
convergence network for police forces in India for maintaining law & order. Present Indian
model of policing facing an organizational crisis which is the historical approach adopted
since colonial period. The role of police is extremely crucial in this regard. A thorough
AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017

professional approach together with a deep sense of social commitment is needed to ensure
that the police play its role in providing security to the weaker sections of society whose
uplifment and development cannot come otherwise. So, there is a need to create and bring
significant as well as vital change in police communication network. Because communication
network is consider to be as the backbone of the policing. The police under the present
situation of increasing workload and expectations needs administrative autonomy as police
are capable to take its own decisions. Current police communication network weaknesses are
narrow bandwidth, isolated networks for different applications relating to crime, intelligence,
economic offences, law & order, policing necessitating several terminals even for a single
user. The project NPICN will increasing the transparency in the Criminal Justice System and
will work significantly and also bring effective communication mobility to perform their
respective tasks.


In the worldwide developing situation India emerging as a power-nation in respect

of human resource and economy, Moreover Communication is said to be the lifeblood of any
organization. It has become a necessity to have National Police Information & Convergence
Network (NPICN) as a National Project funded entirely by union government. Taking in to
account that Police needs communication mobility as well as assured quality of accurate
service on real time basis so, that the effective detection and investigation of crime can be
initiate. By implementing this pilot project the police forces of India will strengthen in its
way to dealing with different types of criminal activities rapidly & more proficiently. NPICN
project is a boon for Indian police system as it is police information superhighway network
for the better exercising of law & order. The biggest advantages of NPICN are such that it
can cover urban, rural otherwise inaccessible areas, hilly terrains as well as riverine areas,
national time, real time, on-line mode through convergence and integration of WiMAX on
static mobile and hand held secure communication mode with operational efficiency. So, with
the help of this pilot project the state police forces will not only strengthened its operational
capabilities but also it will ensure better, efficient and accurate communication transmission
of various data, information to counter crimes & maintain law & order, traffic problems as
well. Moreover, it will ensure more safety, security, accessibility competency, flexibility,
versatility, integrity among various police functionaries.
AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017


- Project proposal ‘National Police mission/>writeradd>userfiles.

- Model police manual vol. 3/ model police manual.

- Ministry of home affairs/Annual report vol. 1/publications.

- Articles on police modernization in India/Google scholar.

- Indian police journal Vol. IV (2009) pdf./publication/

- Modernization of Police agencies for better tomorrow.pdf./IPJ


- Police Administration & investigation of crime/policing in future: challenges of the

future/J.C. Chaturvedi

- B Kumar, “Role of information and communication technology by Indian police”


- Verma, Arvind; Subramanian K S : “Understanding the police in India”/Second edition/by

Lexis Nexis
AAPS 2017 International Conference, 26-29 July 2017

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