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Components of Emotions:

The components of emotions are a mixture of the following:

 Physiological arousal

 Expression of

 Cognitive experience

Physiological / How I feel in my body:

As emotions are the feelings such as happiness, sadness, anger, fear etc. In

psychology, emotion is considered a response to stimuli that involves characteristic physiological

Changes such as increase in pulse rate, rise in body temperature, greater or less activity of certain

glands etc. In short these are the strong emotions that trigger bodily changes. Individuals could

easily describe their emotions based on the internal sensations in their bodies which often include

heart palpitations, stomach distress, sweating, hot or cold flushes, and shortness of breath,

fatigue, muscle tension, increased energy, and others. The people who did not experience of what

changes are happening in their body it means the intensity of the emotions are decreased.

Our heart may pound even at sight of someone we hate.

Behavioral Component:

These are the outward expressions of our emotions such as facial expressions, body posture, tone

of our voice that what we are feeling. If someone has an anger issue his feeling can be describe

by his behavior or action such as throwing, breaking. Facial expressions clearly reflect the
intensity emotional experiences such as happiness, sadness and sorrow: all can be

understood from emotional expressions. However these vary from person to person.

Cognitive Component:

Our minds play an important role in determining how we feel. What we think determines

watching a scary movie and you hear a loud sound , you may become scared feeling that you are

in threat. This emotional response to this imaginary threat is just as powerful as it would be to

a real threat.

Emotions make our life bright and enlightened, because without the experience of emotions, our

Life would be dull, uninteresting, gloomy and without any purpose.


(n.d.). Retrieved from


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