Efecto de La Pasteurización en Jugo de Naranja

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Lebensm.-Wiss. U.-Technol.

36 (2003) 153–156

Research Note
Effect of thermal pasteurization on Valencia orange juice
color and pigments
Hyoung S. Lee*,1, Gary A. Coates
Florida Department of Citrus, Citrus Research and Education Center, 700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred, FL 33850, USA
Received 11 February 2002; accepted 16 April 2002


Changes in carotenoid pigment content and juice color due to thermal pasteurization of Valencia orange juices were studied. Total
carotenoid pigment content loss was significant (Po0.05) after thermal pasteurization at 90 C for 30 s. Thermal effects on
carotenoid pigment contents, especially on violaxanthin ( 46.4%) and antheraxanthin ( 24.8%), were clearly observed. With the
loss of violaxanthin and antheraxanthin, lutein became the major carotenoid, followed by zeaxanthin, in pasteurized Valencia
orange juice. There was perceptible color change after orange juice pasteurization, which led to juice color becoming lighter and
more saturated. Decreases in CIE a* value and increases in CIE L*, b*, h*, and C* are the major color changes after pasteurization.
Overall increases in reflected light might also influence the perception of color to a great extent in pasteurized orange juice. Total
color differences (DE*) compared to the fresh juice was 2.9270.97 (Po0.05).
r 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. on behalf of Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology.

Keywords: Pasteurization; Orange juice; Color; Carotenoid

1. Introduction enough for pigment loss to occur under the current

processing condition (Lee & Coates, 1999); there were
Pasteurization is important to the stability of citrus no significant losses in two major carotenoids, b-
juice during transportation and marketing. Carotenoids carotene and lycopene, after thermal pasteurization.
are generally stable to heat treatment involved in the However, carotenoid profiles in sweet oranges are more
common unit operations of food processing such as complicated. In sweet oranges, oxygenated xantho-
blanching, cooking, and canning (Borenstein & phylls, representing more than 90% of the total
Bunnell, 1966), however, the stability of carotenoids in carotenoids (Philip, 1975), have a different thermal
foods varies greatly (Purcell, Walter, & Thompkins, stability compared to the hydrocarbon carotenoids such
1969). Previously, it was assumed that neither pasteur- as b-carotene and lycopene that are predominant in red
ization nor concentration of orange juice had an grapefruit.
appreciable effect on carotenoid content (Higby, 1963). Valencia orange is quantitatively the richest juice in
However, a recent thermal processing study (Lessin, carotenoids, known to have the most complex pigment
Catigani, & Schwartz, 1997) with various fruits and pattern among sweet oranges (Gross, Gabai, & Lifshitz,
vegetables, including orange juice, indicated a re- 1972). Since Valencia orange is one of the principal
latively large loss (36%) of provitamin A carotenoids sweet orange varieties for processing, this study was
(b-carotene, a-carotene and b-cryptoxanthin) in orange aimed to evaluate any pigment loss and potential visual
juice with processing. color changes associated with thermal pasteurization of
In red grapefruit juices, typical thermal pasteurization Valencia orange juice.
(80–95 C for 15–30 s) did not appear to be severe

2. Materials and methods

*Corresponding author.
E-mail address: hsl1920@aol.com (H.S. Lee).
Lee is now associated with FDA, CFSAN, OFAS, College Park, Valencia orange juice was prepared using a household
MD 20740, USA. table-top citrus juicer (Waring, New Hartford, CT,

0023-6438/03/$30.00 r 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. on behalf of Swiss Society of Food Science and Technology.
154 H.S. Lee, G.A. Coates / Lebensm.-Wiss. U.-Technol. 36 (2003) 153–156

USA). Three sets of ten fruit each were weighed, hand- eurized juices, total pigment content decreased to
squeezed, and filtered through cheesecloth. The juice 5.7070.08 mg/L, which is about a 10% loss (Po0.05).
was then homogenized in an Omni mixer homogenizer Among 22 carotenoid peaks presented in Table 1, nine
(Model 17105, Gainesville, VA, USA) at speed 4 for of them showed significant changes (Po0.05) under the
1 min. Thermal pasteurization was performed by using same thermal processing condition at 90 C for 30 s.
the GCA/Precision Thermo Circulating water bath Most pigment loss was from 5,6-epoxide carotenoids
(Model 253, Chicago, IL, USA). The juice was heated such as violaxanthin ( 46.4%), cis-violaxanthin
to 90 C for 30 s and followed by rapid chilling in an ice- ( 19.7%), and antheraxanthin ( 24.8%). With the loss
water-bath. of major 5,6-epoxide carotenoids during thermal pas-
teurization, the carotenoid pattern in Valencia orange
2.1. Color analysis juice changed. Lutein became the primary carotenoid
followed by zeaxanthin (Table 1).
Color (CIE L*, a*, b*) analysis was conducted with It was also interesting to observe the slight increases
a Macbeth COLOR-EYEs 3100 spectrophotometer in 5,8-epoxide carotenoids, luteoxanthin and mutato-
(Kollmorgen Instruments Corp., Newburgh, NY, USA) xanthin, after thermal pasteurization. Disappearance of
with Optiviews software package in the reflectance 5,6-epoxide, with accompanying increases of 5,8-epox-
mode as previously described by Lee and Castle (2001). ides in greater proportions, was previously observed
Also, CIE L*, a*, b* values are used to calculate the hue during the preparation and storage of powdered
angle (tan 1 b*/a*), chroma {(a*2+b*2)1/2}, and total Valencia orange juice (Curl & Bailey, 1959). Viola-
color differences {(DL*2+Da*2+Db*2)1/2} before and xanthin is one of the most labile carotenoids and is
after pasteurization (Lee & Coates, 1999). easily isomerized in the presence of acid to luteoxanthin
and then to auroxanthin (Rodriguez-Amaya, 2000). The
2.2. Analysis of carotenoids disappearance of violaxanthin, the principal carotenoid
of the fresh mango, was often reported in processed
Carotenoid pigments were extracted, saponified, and Mango juices (Mercadante & Rodriguez-Amaya, 1998;
analysed by RP-HPLC method according to a proce- Rodriguez-Amaya, 2000).
dure described by Lee (2001). Also, estimation of total However, changes in carotenes with provitamin A
carotenoid content was carried out as described by Lee activity (b-carotene, a-carotene and b-cryptoxanthin)
(2001). are relatively small compared to the xanthophylls; thus,
no significant (P>0.05) losses in provitamin A activity
2.3. Statistical analysis were observed after thermal pasteurization.

All experiments were conducted on triplicate samples. 3.2. Effects on color parameters
All statistical analyses were conducted using the
SigmaStat PC software from SPSS, Inc. (Chicago, IL, After thermal treatment, CIE b* values (17.6270.35)
USA). Results were submitted to analysis of variance gradually changed toward a more positive direction
(ANOVA), regression analysis, and least significant (20.0271.05) in all samples, but CIE a* values shifted to
differences (LSD) with significance defined as Po0.05. a slightly negative direction from 1.7570.07 to
2.6470.15 (Po0.05). It was a different direction in
color change compared to the color changes observed in
3. Results and discussions red grapefruit juice (Lee & Coates, 1999). Thus, a color
shift toward positive b* and negative a* directions
3.1. Effects on pigment contents indicate more yellow and less red in pasteurized juices.
The majority of samples showed slight increases in CIE
The major carotenoid pigments, which are responsible L* value after pasteurization, which indicates a light-
for visual color of the fresh and pasteurized juices, ening of juice surface color. A small increase in CIE L*
were measured by HPLC (Fig. 1) and are presented in value from 40.2270.16 to 41.2270.81 for pasteurized
Table 1. Carotenoids are identified based on our juices can probably be attributed to partial precipitation
previous work with sweet orange juices (Lee, 2001) of unstable, suspended particles in juice as described by
under the same HPLC condition. In the fresh Valencia Genovese, Elustondo, and Lozano (1997). A similar
orange juice, cis-violaxanthin and antheraxanthin are observation of small increases in CIE L* values was also
the two primary carotenoids as previously presented by reported with thermal processing of red grapefruit juices
Curl and Bailey (1959). by Lee and Coates (1999).
Total pigment content, expressed as the sum of Total color differences (DE*), which indicate the
carotenoid concentrations measured at 450 nm, was magnitude of the color difference between fresh and
6.2570.11 mg/L for fresh juices. In the past- pasteurized juices, are 2.9270.98 (Po0.05). It has been
H.S. Lee, G.A. Coates / Lebensm.-Wiss. U.-Technol. 36 (2003) 153–156 155

Fig. 1. Changes in carotenoid profiles in Valencia orange juice before (A) and after (B) thermal pasteurization at 90 C for 30 s. See Table 1 for peak

considered (Francis & Clydesdale, 1975) that a DE* of 2 visible region of the spectra, especially above 550 nm,
would be a noticeable visual difference for a number of which means that relatively more yellow–red light will
situations. be reflected to the eye and that the samples will appear
The mean value for the hue (h*) angle of fresh juices is to increase in the yellow–red region. In view of the
95.66. The hue angle for pasteurized juices was slightly overall increase in reflected light due to pasteurization, a
(Po0.05) shifted to 97.51, probably due to changes in slightly lighter and more vivid juice color can be
pigment profile. Chroma (C*), which represents color expected, as observed with red grapefruit juice (Lee &
intensity, increased from 17.70 to 20.19 (Po0.05) after Coates, 1999).
pasteurization. A similar observation in increases in
chroma (increases in brightness) due to the application
of heat for the manufacture of tomato juice has been
previously described (Davis & Gould, 1955). 4. Conclusions
There are also differences in the magnitude of
reflected light in juices between before and after Thermal effects on losses of carotenoid contents,
pasteurization as measured by spectral reflectance especially on violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, and cis-
graphs (not presented). Reflectance values (%) deter- violaxanthin, were clearly detected. Isomerizations of
mined from the 350 to 700 nm range were compared the main 5,6-epoxide carotenoids to 5,8-epoxides are
before and after pasteurization. After pasteurization, the probably responsible for the color changes after thermal
reflectance spectrum changed significantly (Po0.05); the juice pasteurization. There was perceptible color change
amount of reflectance light in the pasteurized juice during orange juice pasteurization, which led to juice
increased. There were more changes throughout the color becoming lighter and more saturated.
156 H.S. Lee, G.A. Coates / Lebensm.-Wiss. U.-Technol. 36 (2003) 153–156

Table 1
Carotenoid compositions in fresh and pasteurized Valencia orange juice

Peak no. tR (min) Fresh (mg/L)a Pasteurized (mg/L)a lmax (nm) Identification

1 5.27 0.108 0.083** 418,441,470 Neoxanthin a

2 5.69 0.023 0.019 419,441,470 Neoxanthin b
3 6.05 0.019 0.016 401,423,449 Neochrome
4 7.54 0.046 0.040 324,414,438,466
5 7.86 0.186 0.171 329,419,446,472
6 8.00 0.148 0.139 419,440,467
7 8.73 0.574 0.308** 414,442,472 Violaxanthin
8 9.81 0.070 0.057** 332,438,467
9 10.36 0.387 0.351** 400,424,450 Luteoxanthin
10 11.51 0.810 0.655** 328,414,438,466 cis-Violaxanthin
11 12.06 0.819 0.616** 422,447,475 Antheraxanthin
12 12.75 0.162 0.212** 397,419,445 Luteoxanthin
13 13.76 0.132 0.230** 404,423,455 Mutatoxanthin
14 14.33 0.670 0.760** 426,443,474 Lutein
15 15.50 0.582 0.534 333,420,444,471 Isolutein
16 16.18 0.662 0.662 428,452,481 Zeaxanthin
17 18.22 0.044 0.051 342,449,476
18 19.61 0.128 0.129 425,447,477 a-Cryptoxanthin
19 22.13 0.337 0.326 429,452,479 b-Cryptoxanthin
20 24.80 0.013 0.016 379,400,424 z-Carotene
21 26.19 0.084 0.087 419,449,476 a-Carotene
22 28.84 0.130 0.129 429,454,479 b-Carotene
Mean of triplicate samples; based on calculation from total carotenoids at 450 nm.
tR (min) is retention time and lmax (nm) is absorption maxima.
Means followed by asterisks indicate significant difference (Po0.05).

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