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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2019


Semesters 1 and 2

Department Applied Management

This tutorial letter contains important information

about your module.



1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................3
2 PURPOSE AND OUTCOMES ......................................................................................................3
2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................3
2.2 Outcomes .....................................................................................................................................3
3 LECTURER AND CONTACT DETAILS .......................................................................................4
3.1 Lecturer.........................................................................................................................................4
3.2 Department ...................................................................................................................................5
3.3 University ......................................................................................................................................5
4 RESOURCES ...............................................................................................................................5
4.1 Prescribed books ..........................................................................................................................5
4.2 Recommended books ...................................................................................................................5
4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)....................................................................................................5
4.4 Library services and resources information ...................................................................................5
5 STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES ................................................................................................6
6 STUDY PLAN ...............................................................................................................................7
7 PRACTICAL WORK AND WORK-INTEGRATED LEARNING .....................................................8
8 ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................................................8
8.1 Assessment criteria .......................................................................................................................8
8.3 Assignment numbers ....................................................................................................................9
8.3.1 General assignment numbers .......................................................................................................9
8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers....................................................................................................... 10
8.5 Submission of assignments......................................................................................................... 11
8.6 The assignments ......................................................................................................................... 13
8.7 Other assessment methods ........................................................................................................ 13
8.8 The examination ......................................................................................................................... 13
8.8.2 The examination mark ................................................................................................................. 13
8.8.3 Format of the examination paper................................................................................................. 14
9 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS......................................................................................... 14
10 SOURCES CONSULTED ........................................................................................................... 14
11 IN CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 15
12 ADDENDUM ............................................................................................................................... 16
ADDENDUM: ASSIGNMENTS FOR 2019 ............................................................................................. 16

Dear Student

Welcome to the Department of Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism! The code for this
module is TRL3706. We hope that you will find this module interesting, mentally stimulating
and rewarding.

Read this tutorial letter thoroughly, plan your studies and start working immediately. Since
there are only 15 weeks from the last day of registration to the start of the examination, it is
imperative that you get off to an early start.


2.1 Purpose
The purpose of this module is to provide you with the necessary competencies so that you
can contribute to designing effective and responsible logistics information systems and
logistics networks. This will make it easier for your organisation to provide a superior logistics
service at the lowest possible cost.

2.2 Outcomes
This module is at NQF level 7. Please refer to Tutorial Letter 301 for a detailed description of
the NQF levels and an explanation how you will be evaluated accordingly.

After completing this module, you should be able to do the following:

• Understand the study process and how to manage your own studies. For example,
you can assess the various phases in the study process and determine which suit your
needs best as well as how to study and prepare for the examination.

• Demonstrate a basic understanding of a logistics information system and then

develop an appropriate and effective system. For example, by understanding the
comprehensive supply chain information system (SCIS), you will be able to apply the
different modules within the firm, including enterprise resource planning (ERP) to
effectively facilitate information within the firm, and advanced planning and scheduling


(APS) to plan and execute logistics and supply chain strategies.

• Substantiate rational decisions about the location and number of facilities in a

logistics network. You will have a theoretical knowledge of general warehouse location
patterns and the effect of the number of facilities on inventory requirements, transport
and service levels.

• Formulate and apply a systematic process when planning and designing a

logistics network. You will have an informed understanding of the typical systematic
process that is appropriate for designing a logistics network.

• Substantiate your choice of techniques and show how these are appropriate for
planning and designing a logistics network. You can select and apply appropriate
techniques to solve well-defined, but unfamiliar, problems in logistics network design.


3.1 Lecturer
Mrs J Rocha (the primary lecturer for this module)
Telephone No: 012 433-4718
Department Applied Management

Please do not hesitate to consult with me, by e-mail or personally (by prior appointment only
in the latter case), should you experience specific problems regarding the content of this
course. When you contact me, always remember to include your student number and module
code, as this will help me to assist you more quickly.

Please remember that I may have meetings, conferences and workshops to attend, so I will
not always be available in my office. Therefore, it is preferable if you e-mail me from your
myLife e-mail address (providing the module code and your student number in your e-mail),
so that I can reply to your e-mail at a later stage. This also gives me some time to work
through your e-mail and provide you with a much more detailed answer than I would be able


to provide over the telephone. I also try to visit myUnisa weekly to see whether students have
any queries about the content of this module. I have noted that this is an excellent platform
where your peers can also provide you with relevant answers. If you would like to come and
see me in person, please make an appointment in advance, as this will ensure that I am

3.2 Department

The Department Applied Management can be contacted as follows:

Telephone number: 012 429 8345

Email: will be communicated on myUnisa

3.3 University
To contact the University, you should follow the instructions in the Study @ Unisa brochure.
Remember to have your student number available when you contact the University.

4.1 Prescribed books
This module consists of one study guide, called the “Only Study Guide for TRL3706”, Tutorial
Letter 101 (this tutorial letter) and Tutorial Letter 201, which will be available to you on
myUnisa after you have submitted your two compulsory assignments.

4.2 Recommended books

There are no recommended books for this module.

4.3 Electronic reserves (e-reserves)

There is no recommended material on e-reserves for this module.

4.4 Library services and resources information

For brief information, go to


For more detailed information, go to the Unisa website,, and click on
For research support and the services of personal librarians, go to

The Unisa Library has also compiled numerous library guides:

• Finding recommended reading in the print collection and e-reserves –
• Requesting material –
• Postgraduate information services –
• Finding, obtaining and using library resources and tools to assist in doing research –
• How to contact the Library/find us on social media/frequently asked questions –


Important information regarding student support services appears in your Study @ Unisa
brochure. For information on the various student support systems and services available at
Unisa (e.g. student counselling, tutorial classes and language support), please consult this

Predatory providers of classes and examination support

Please be aware of the existence of multiple fraudulent and predatory providers of classes
and examination guidance to Unisa students. Please note that Unisa does not have
agreements with any of these agencies/schools/colleges to provide tuition or support to our
students. Unisa also does not provide these predators with study material, guidelines or your
contact information. These providers may not have the necessary expertise to assist you and
often charge exorbitant fees. If you receive an invitation from any agency or college, it is best
to confirm with your lecturer whether the provider is a legitimate Unisa partner.


You need to spend approximately four to eight hours per week studying this module. The
table that follows can be used as a guideline for planning your study for TRL3706.

We strongly urge you to stick to this study plan with regard to summarising the content of
each unit. However, it is entirely up to you when you will answer the assignment questions.
Once the examination dates have been released, the revision programme may differ (in other
words, more time may be allocated), depending on the examination date. Refer to the Study
@ Unisa brochure for general time management and planning skills.

Semester 1 Semester 2
Study plan and revision programme completed
2019 2019

February July Receive study material; register on myUnisa.

Summarise learning units 1 to 5.

11 February 5 August Keep in mind Assignment 01 as you
summarise the work.
Summarise learning units 6 to 10.
25 February 19 August Keep in mind Assignment 02 as you
summarise the work.
Submit Assignment 01 so that it reaches Unisa
16 March 24 August
in time.
11 March 19 August Due date for submitting Assignment 01
19 March 27 August Revise learning units 1 to 5.
20 March 2 Sept Revise learning units 6 to 10.
Submit Assignment 02 so that it reaches Unisa
2 April 5 September
in time.
5 April 8 September Start with revision for the examination.
Complete the self-assessment assignment
9 April 15 September
as written preparation for the examination.

15 April 9 September Due date for submitting Assignment 02

Work through all your assignments and
27 April 23 September compare your answers with the suggested
solutions and feedback in Tutorial Letter 201.


Semester 1 Semester 2
Study plan and revision programme completed
2019 2019
2 May 30 September Revise learning units 1 to 10.


There is no practical work for this module.

8.1 Assessment criteria
Assignments and tutorial letters form an integral part of your learning and research activities.
The assessment for this module consists of two compulsory written assignments and one
written examination.

Assessments will include a few South African based articles and case studies in line with the
“Africanisation" concept Unisa has adopted. In this regard, although there is no prescribed
book for this module, some articles and/or case studies will be recommended during the
course of the semesters.

Your final mark consists of a combination of these assessments.

Compulsory Assignment 01 + compulsory Assignment 02 = semester mark

Semester mark + examination mark = final mark

In other words:

Composition of semester mark Composition of final mark

Compulsory written Assignment 01 50% Semester mark 20%
Compulsory written Assignment 02 50% Examination mark 80%
Total semester mark 100% Final mark 100%


Assignment 01 will provide you with admission to the examination. Please make sure that this
assignment reaches the University before the due date, since late submission of the
assignment will result in your being denied admission to the examination. Note that even
though merely submitting Assignment 01 will give you admission to the examination, your
marks for both Assignments 01 and 02 will be used to determine your semester mark.

N.B.: Both assignments 01 and 02 will be assessed based on the overall performance of the
specify assignment and receive an overall mark for it.

8.2 Assessment plan

Please note that selected learning units will be relevant for answering the assignments,
thus, training you to answer longer questions. However, the final examination will be
based on ALL the learning units, namely learning units 1–10. The scope for the
assignments is as follows:

Assignment Due date Content

01 11 March 2019 All learning units

1st Semester
02 15 April 2019 All learning units

All learning units

01 19 August 2019
2nd Semester
All learning units
02 9 September 2019

8.3 Assignment numbers

8.3.1 General assignment numbers

• Compulsory Assignment 01 must be submitted on or before the due date for you to be
allowed to continue with and complete your studies. Make sure that it is marked as
"Assignment 01".


• Assignment 02 is also compulsory. Make sure that it is marked as “Assignment 02”.

• It is in your own interest to retain a copy of your assignments as proof that your
assignments were submitted to Unisa. Then, in the event of any dispute concerning
whether or not Unisa has received one of your assignments, you will be able to produce
a copy of the assignment and proof that it was submitted to Unisa.

• Your assignment will be evaluated and given an overall mark with a detailed guide on
how the assignment should have been answered.

• PLEASE NOTE: Enquiries about assignments must be addressed to

8.3.2 Unique assignment numbers

All assignments are allocated unique numbers. Make sure that this number is displayed on
your assignment.

1st Semester Unique number

Assignment 01 860894

Assignment 02 880522

2nd Semester Unique number

Assignment 01 863555

Assignment 02 759573

8.4 Assignment due dates

You have to answer two assignments during the semester. Each assignment has a due date.
The due date is the date by which the assignment must reach Unisa; it is not the date on
which you should submit it! Be sure to submit your assignment early, if possible, thus making
allowance for any possible delays.


Please note that no extension will be granted for the submission of assignments.
1st Semester Due date

Assignment 01 11 March 2019

Assignment 02 15 April 2019

2nd Semester Due date

Assignment 01 19 August 2019

Assignment 02 9 September 2019

8.5 Submission of assignments

• Assignments should be submitted electronically, in PDF, on myUnisa (not in Word,

Excel, zipped or any other format).
• Assignments may NOT be submitted by post, fax or e-mail.

Converting your assignment to PDF ensures that your layout, spacing and pagination remain
unchanged. This may appear unnecessary, but a professional product is good training for the
technological and administrative responsibilities you will face in your career. Another
advantage of submitting your assignment electronically, in PDF, is that the assignments have
a shorter turnaround time, as no manual intervention is needed to prepare the assignments
for the marking procedure.

There are several free PDF converters available on the Web. Some allow you to convert your
files while online, whereas others provide software programs that can be downloaded and
installed on your computer. Below are a few examples of free PDF converters that can be
used as a starting point. Unisa does not have any affiliation with these products; this list is
provided as an information service only. These converters can be found on the myUnisa
Welcome page (before you log in), under Electronic Resources:


• (the preferred converter)


If you already have a version of the Adobe software available to you, you can easily convert
text files, such as MS Word, or spreadsheet files, such as Excel, directly to PDF from within
these programs. Look for either the Adobe PDF conversion icon displayed on the menu bar of
the program or a PDF printer, sometimes named “Distiller” or “PDF Maker”, installed as one of
your print options. Printing your text or spreadsheet file to a PDF printer will create a PDF
electronic document.

To submit your assignment via myUnisa:

• Go to
• Enter your student number and password.
• Select the module.
• Click on Assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
• Click on the assignment number you wish to submit.


• Follow the instructions on the screen.

8.6 The assignments

Refer to item 8.4 of this Tutorial Letter 101 for the due dates and item 12, under ADDENDUM,
for the actual assignments. Remember that your assignments should be submitted in
electronic format.
All the assignments are meant to test whether you know and can apply concepts discussed in
your syllabus. The assignments consist of questions relating to learning units 110 in the study
guide for TRL3706.

8.7 Other assessment methods

There are no other assessment methods for this module.

8.8 The examination

Use the Study @ Unisa brochure for general examination guidelines and examination
preparation guidelines.

8.8.1 Examinations subminimum

You have to obtain a minimum of 40% in the examination, regardless of your semester mark.
If you fail the examination (i.e. earn less than 40%), your semester mark will NOT be used to
enable you to pass the module. The average of the semester mark and the examination mark
must be at least 50% for you to pass the module.
8.8.2 The examination mark

If your semester mark is 55% and your examination mark is 60%, your final mark will be
calculated as follows:
0,2 x 55% = 11% 0,8 x 60% = 48%
Your final mark will therefore be 59% (11% + 48%).
This is higher than 50%, which means that you have passed the module.


8.8.3 Format of the examination paper

The duration of the examination is two (2) hours. The examination paper consists of two

Section A will consist of compulsory short questions, worth 20 marks. You must answer ALL
the questions in this section.
Section B will consist of three long questions, of which you have to answer any two for 25
marks each.

Answer ALL the questions in this section.
Question Type Marks Total marks
Question 1 Compulsory short questions 20 20
Answer any TWO of the three questions in this section.
Question Type Marks Total marks
Question 2 Written answers 25
Question 3 Written answers 25 50
Question 4 Written answers 25


The Study @ Unisa brochure contains an A–Z guide of the most relevant study information.
Please consult this brochure.

Several sources were consulted in compiling this tutorial letter.


We would like to assure you that Unisa continues to offer a comprehensive range of relevant
high-quality qualifications. All new qualifications completely fulfil industry, business and
market needs. We are pleased you have chosen us in embarking on this journey towards
achieving your academic and career goals.

Kind regards

Mrs J Rocha




You must answer two assignments during the semester. Each assignment has a due date.
The due date is the date by which the assignment must reach Unisa; it is not the date on
which you should submit it! Be sure to submit your assignment early, if possible, thus making
allowance for any possible delays. Refer to Tutorial Letter 101 (this tutorial letter) for the due
dates. Remember that your assignments should be submitted in electronic format.

The purpose of the assignments

The purpose of these assignments is to train you to answer longer questions on selected
learning units. ALL learning units will be tested in the final examination.

Please note: You should study the relevant sections in the learning unit and then draft the
assignment answer. Copying the content in the learning unit word for word is not acceptable
and you will earn no marks for such an answer. The total for each assignment is 20 marks,
which includes the marks you will obtain for the correct technical presentation of your

You are required to structure your answers to long assignment questions as follows: include
an introduction and a conclusion (worth 2 marks each); use headings and subheadings to
organise your discussion; and right-align your text. Be sure to use complete sentences in your
assignments; bullet points are unacceptable. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will cause
you to lose marks.

All the assignments are meant to test whether you know and can apply concepts discussed in
your syllabus. These assignments will consist of questions relating to learning units 1–10 in
the study guide for TRL3706.


N.B.: Your assignment may be marked partially or fully, depending on the question and you
will receive and overall mark for it, along with guidelines on how the question should be

Submission procedures

Remember that this assignment should be typed, converted to PDF (no other
format will be accepted) and submitted electronically on myUnisa (no other
electronic formats or posted assignments will be accepted). Refer to the
relevant sections in this tutorial letter for guidelines on referencing, technical
editing and submitting assignments.

Make sure that you keep a copy of the assignment that you submit AND
keep evidence of your submission on myUnisa. You will receive this
evidence from the myUnisa system.

No extensions will be granted. The due date for an assignment is a general

due date for many Unisa assignments, so the system may be very busy, and
become blocked, if you leave your submission to the last minute. You are
therefore advised to submit your assignment earlier than the due date, if at
all possible.

Instructions for completing the assignments

The assignments are part of the formative assessment for the module. Please read through this
addendum carefully and ensure that you follow all the instructions. Refer to the sections in this
tutorial letter for information on plagiarism, referencing and technical requirements. These
instructions MUST be adhered to.

Guidelines for answering the assignment questions

▪ Always remember to answer your questions as if the examiner has no knowledge of the
module. You must therefore discuss and explain matters as thoroughly as possible.
▪ Remember that supplying only theory when answering the questions will not earn you full
marks; you need to apply your own theoretical knowledge in practice.



Due date Unique number Scope
11 March 2019 860894 All learning units

Broadly discuss the interrelationship between the micro, the market and the (20)
macro-environments within which the transport companies operate.

TOTAL [20]


Due date Unique number Scope
15 April 2019 880522 All learning units

Distinguish between the value-of-service; the cost covering principles as well as (20)
the price fixing principle. In your answer you should also include, among others, a
broad discussion of the three concepts for instance, when they can be applied in
a transport business and the benefits of doing so.

TOTAL [20]

module code/101/3/2019



Due date Unique number Scope
19 August 2019 863555 All learning units

Assuming you work within the transport industry, critically evaluate the transport
information systems used to assist drivers and the management of road transport

TOTAL [20]


Due date Unique number Scope
9 September 2019 759573 All learning units

ABC Transport Carriers decided to expand their services into other countries. As a
transport marketing manager, compile a marketing mix for ABC Transport
Carriers. (20)

TOTAL [20]

UNISA 2019


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