Braking Force Calculation

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As per AASHTO LRFD 2012 Clause 3.6.4 explains calculation of

Braking Force

1) 25% of Axle Weights of Design Truck

No. of Lanes = 3
Multiple Presence Factor = 0.85
For HL-93 Total Axle Weight = 72 kips
BR1 = 45.90 kips

2) 5% of Design Truck Plus Lane Load

Design Lane Load = 0.64 kip/f (As per AASHTO)

Span of Bridge = 40 m 131.24 f
BR2 = 7.80 kips

3) 5% of Design Tandem Plus Lane Load

Design Lane Load = 0.64 kip/f (As per AASHTO)

Span of Bridge = 40 m 131.24 f
Total Axle Weight of Tandem = 50 kips
BR3 = 6.70 kips

Therefore BR = 45.90 kips

No. of Bearings
(Bearing/Girder x No.of
Girders) = 12
BR per Girder or Bearing = 3.825 kips
Deck Thickness = 100 mm 0.33 f
Wearing Thickness = 100 mm 0.33 f
Girder Depth = 2000 mm 6.56 f
Moment Arm = 6f+Deck Th.+Wearing Th.+Girder Depth
Moment Arm = 13.22 f
Moment = 50.56 kip-f
Couple = Moment/Span
Couple = 0.39 kips
Horizontal Force = 3.83 kips
Vertical Force = 0.39 kips

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