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9  Recycling of Plastics

Adrian Merrington
Midland Compounding and Consulting, Midland, MI, United States

9.1 Introduction websites vie to sway public opinion. Consolidat-

ing their efforts behind a single organization, the
The United States Environmental Protection ­American Chemistry Council (ACC) has become the
Agency (USEPA) defines municipal solid waste voice of many chemical industries, including the plas-
(MSW) as any garbage or refuse, sludge from a tics industry [8]. In fact, ACC membership is limited
wastewater treatment plant, water supply treatment to commercial entities as they represent the leading
plant, or an air pollution control facility and other companies engaged in the business of chemistry, in-
discarded material, including solid, liquid, semi- cluding significant business groups such as the Plas-
solid, or contained gaseous material resulting from tics Division and the Chlorine Chemistry Division
industrial, commercial, mining, and agricultural [9]. The ACC promotes the benefits of using plastics,
operations, and from community activities [1]. The highlights recycling success stories and identifies the
plastics component of MSW has risen from 390,000 plastics industry as a large player in the reduction in
tons in 1960 to 31.9 million tons in 2012. Perhaps the amounts of plastics disposed of in landfills.
more significantly, the percentage of plastic waste in There are many organizations that voice opposing
MSW increased from less than 1% in 1960 to 12.7% views to those represented by the ACC, some more
in 2012. It is perhaps this increase in the quantity dis- actively than others. Greenpeace [10] had in the past
carded that has made plastics an obvious target for been reported to suggest that banning the use of plas-
environmentalists [2,3,4] and plastic recycling a pub- tics was a viable solution to the amount of plastic
licly desired alternative to disposal in landfills [5]. waste being generated [11]. The unambiguously
The quantity of plastics recycled annually has in- named Campaign Against the Plastic Plague has the
creased steadily since records have been kept. Nev- long-term goal of seeing zero-waste attained [12] and
ertheless, the rate of recycling is not keeping up with there is also an ongoing petition to ban the use of
the rate at which virgin plastics are being produced. plastics [13]. These organizations argue against the
USEPA [1] tracks the generation and recovery of use of some or all plastics and some argue against
plastics in the United States and reports that a higher the efficacy of recycling though most acknowledge
proportion of plastics are being disposed of in land- recycling as a better option than disposal in landfills.
fills than ever before (Fig. 9.1). Such viewpoints have gained some political sup-
The recycling rate of one of the more sought-after port in recent years. In 2014 California Governor Ed-
plastics, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) remains mund Brown signed SB270 into law whereby single-
stagnant [6]. The National Association for PET Con- use plastic bags were prohibited from use at checkout
tainer Resources (NAPCOR) reports that the gross counters in large grocery stores and supermarkets
recycling rate for PET captured from postconsumer [14]. In 2013, New York City Mayor Michael Bloom-
bottles has almost recovered to the level that was re- berg signed Int. 1060-2013 into law and, if officials
corded some two decades earlier; 31.7% in 1995 and were not able to prove that polystyrene foam could
31.2% in 2013. The Energy Information Administra- be recycled in an environmentally effective, economi-
tion [7] (EIA) who provides official US government cally feasible and safe way, the ban would have taken
energy statistics suggests an even lower recycling effect in July 2015 [15]. The ban has currently stalled
rate for most of the plastics on which they focused in the courts of t​ he Honorable Margaret A. Chan who
their analysis and sets PET recycling as low as 19.5% determined that it could not go forward. Current New
(Table 9.1). York Mayor Bill de Blasio’s spokesperson has said
The amounts of plastics produced and the quan- that the City is reviewing options to keep the ban in
tities that are discarded in landfills have meant that effect. In both instances though, plastics were being
plastic recycling continues to be an ever-increasing targeted because of littering issues resulting from a
political issue. Organizations and their respective lack of recycling infrastructure.

Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook.

Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 167
168 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

Figure 9.1  United States Plastics generation, recovery, and recycling rate, 1960–2012, reported in 2014. Current
production and recycling numbers and rate are highlighted [1].

Table 9.1  Types of Plastic, Percentage Recycled (2014) and Common Applications for the Recyclate [124]

Recovery Rate
Resin SPI [24] Symbol (%, 2014) [7] Applications of Recyclate
PET 19.5 Fiber (clothing, carpet), film (balloons, packaging, thermal
sheets, adhesive backing), bottles (pop, water), cosmetics
packaging and food containers.
HDPE 10.3 Nonfood containers (laundry detergent, shampoo, condi-
tioner, and motor oil bottles) plastic lumber, pipe, buckets,
crates, flowerpots, film, recycling bins and floor tiles.
PVC <1 Packaging, loose-leaf binders, decking, paneling, gutters,
mud flaps, film, floor tiles and mats, traffic cones, electri-
cal equipment, garden hoses and mobile home skirting.
LDPE 5.3 Shipping envelopes, garbage can liners, floor tile, plastic
lumber, food wrapping film, shopping bags, compost bins,
dry cleaning bags and trashcans.
PP <1 Automobile battery cases, signal lights, brooms, oil fun-
nels, brushes, ice scrapers, condiment bottles, margarine
containers, yogurt containers, bicycle racks and rakes.
PS <1 Thermometers, light switch plates, thermal insulation, egg
cartons, vents, rulers, license plate frames, foam packing,
take-out food containers and disposable cutlery.
Other <1 Polycarbonate (refillable plastic bottles, baby bottles,
metal food can liners, consumer electronics, lenses);
nylons (clothing, carpets, gears); biodegradable resins
(food and beverage packaging); mixed plastics and blends
(electronics housing, plastic lumber), etc.

Some organizations focus on the technical as- information on plastic recycling [16]. The Division
pects of recycling plastics and leave political opin- sponsors conferences and online technical presen-
ion out of their mandate. One such organization is tations focused on the subject of plastics recycling
the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Environ- and highlights the technical and business aspects of
mental Division that was established to disseminate recycling [17].
9:  Recycling of Plastics 169

9.1.1  Definitions of Plastic and valid alternatives to the disposal of plastics in land-
Recycling to the Plastics Recycler fills, the plastic, per se, no longer exists. However,
the ACC current position on energy recovery from
ASTM D883-12 defines plastic as a material that plastics proposes that our nation’s energy policy
contains as an essential ingredient an organic sub- must harness all of America’s energy sources, includ-
stance of large molecular weight, is solid in its fin- ing recovering energy from waste, to continue creat-
ished state and, at some stage in its manufacture or ing the innovative products and jobs our economy
in its processing into finished articles, can be shaped needs, strengthen our economy, improve our energy
by flow [18]. That definition fails to include the mul- security and promote sustainable energy production
titude of additives, fillers, coatings, or treatments that [21]. Their proposal describes how the United States
are incorporated into the majority of parts made from would support as many as 600 waste-to-energy fa-
plastics. It is this combination of resin, fillers, addi- cilities, create up to 38,900 jobs by new operations,
tives and coatings that the recycler encounters when and employ 8800 directly at the facilities. Energy
recovering plastics for reuse. recovery development is anticipated to generate an
Plastic recycling has been described as the process annual payroll of $2.1 billion with $18.0 billion of
of recovering scrap or waste plastics and reprocess- economic output during the investment phase. Op-
ing the material into useful products, sometimes com- posing viewpoints to this proposal argue that, coun-
pletely different in form from their original state [19]. ter to the ACC’s position that energy recovery has a
Classifying by the final product of any given recovery synergistic relationship with recycling, the reality is
process has further differentiated between alternative that valuable plastics are often diverted from recycle
plastic recycling methodologies [20]. For example: streams to feed energy recovery facilities. There is
also apprehension over the fact that energy recovery
• Primary recycling: The recovered plastic is from waste is regarded as landfill-avoidance rather
used in products with performance character- than recycling.
istics that are equivalent to those made using There are terms used within the recycling indus-
virgin plastics. Ideally, closed-loop recycling try that differentiate the source material. Postindus-
takes the recovered material and uses it back trial plastics are recovered from the parts or resin
in the original application. An example of pri- manufacturer before being sold to the public. This
mary recycling is where PET recovered from stream is typically cleaner, newer, more homoge-
postconsumer bottles is used in the production neous, and more valuable than the alternative post-
of new bottles. consumer plastic. Postconsumer plastic is collected
• Secondary recycling: The recovered plastic is after the consumer has used it so it may be separated
used in products that have less demanding perfor- by resin family by the user (such as pop bottles in
mance requirements than the original application. Bottle Bill States [22]) or, more typically, recovered
Secondary recycling often requires reformulation from comingled waste streams. Postconsumer plastic
to meet specifications of the new product. An ex- may be many decades old before it is received at the
ample of secondary recycling is in the production recyclers’ facilities. An emerging term, preconsumer
of flooring tiles from mixed polyolefins. plastics, is being used to describe materials that have
been recovered during the recycling phase of postin-
• Tertiary recycling: Waste plastic is used as the dustrial scrap.
feedstock in a process that generates chemicals Potential classifications for postconsumer plastics
and fuels. An example of tertiary recycling is would be from where the recyclate is being sourced
the glycolysis of PET into diols and dimethyl or based on the length of time from production to
terephthalate that can then be used to make disposal. Such classification would essentially sepa-
­virgin PET. rate postconsumer plastics recycle streams into two:
• Quaternary recycling: Energy is recovered from household (typically from packaging and nondura-
waste plastic by incineration. Tire derived fuels bles) and the rest (such as durable goods, electronics,
(TDF) is an example of quaternary recycling. construction, automotive, etc.). Often, plastics recy-
cling infrastructure is focused on recovering house-
This chapter focuses on primary and secondary hold waste given the quantity of relatively new ma-
recycling where the plastic is reused rather than con- terials that are available but there is also significant
verted into chemicals or fuel to meet energy needs. activity in recycling plastics recovered from other
Although tertiary and quaternary recycling routes are markets.
170 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

9.1.2  The Complexities of Plastics inexpensively and is available in quantity. The type
Recycling of resin might be identified using, for example:

Plastic may require greater processing to be re- • Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) Resin
cycled than glass and metal materials. Mixed plastics Identification Codes (RIC) (Table 9.1) [24].
typically have poor mechanical properties resulting • Automotive resin identification stampings
from the poor interfacial adhesion. Low entropy of (Fig. 9.2).
mixing is typically established when bringing two or • Knowledge of the product (e.g., HDPE is re-
more different plastics together so resins must often covered from postconsumer milk bottles).
be of nearly identical composition in order to mix ef-
• Manufacturers’ data logs.
ficiently. When different types of plastics are melted
together they tend to phase-separate and set-up in • By determining some property of the plastic
these phases. The interfaces at the phase boundaries (e.g., hand-held RAMAN spectrophotometers
are weak and cause structural weakness in the result- may be used to identify the resin used to make
ing compound. As such, mixed, untreated polymer plastic parts).
blends are only useful in limited applications [23].
The plastic recycling industry would rather focus The SPI developed the RIC [24] system to be used
on the primary recycling of single types of plastics solely to identify resin content used in the manufacture
that, in turn, generate the greatest financial returns. of plastic packaging more than 200 cm3 or 50 g. Thir-
To that end, postindustrial streams have been the fo- ty-nine states (Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California,
cus of many recycling businesses as the material from Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
these sources is known, newer, essentially the same Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,
from part-to-part and relatively clean when compared Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michi-
with postconsumer plastics. Successful recycling of gan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska,
postconsumer plastics has been mostly limited to eas- Nevada, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota,
ily identified parts that use a single, high-value resin Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Caro-
type and that are available in large quantities. There lina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wash-
are a few examples where mixed postconsumer plas- ington, and Wisconsin) have adopted legislation re-
tics have been utilized in secondary recycling appli- garding the use of the RICs on bottles of 16 ounces or
cations such as plastic lumber and floor tiles. more and rigid containers of 8 ounces or more consis-
Recycling single resin plastics from postindustrial tent with the code. Although erroneously often termed
or postconsumer sources typically utilizes standard Recycling Codes, the SPI specifically states that the
processing equipment. Plastics are melted, extruded, manufacturer should not make recycling claims in
pelletized, and then formed into a final product. Ad- close proximity to the code, even if such claims are
ditives may be added that compensate for prior use, suitably qualified. Still, there was enough confusion
additional processing caused thermal histories or that the Attorneys General of 11 states objected to
new product needs but the use of these additives is false and misleading claims about plastic recyclabil-
minimized to control the overall cost of the recycled ity [25]. Even recycling officials stated that RICs were
plastic and thereby increase the overall profitability confusing as the public thought that the chasing ar-
of the process. The next section addresses some of rows meant something is recyclable whereas, in real-
the technical issues associated with recycling spe- ity, the arrows are meaningless [26].
cific individual plastic streams. In response to these concerns, ASTM D7611: Stan-
dard Practice for Coding Plastics Manufactured Arti-
cles for Resin Identification [27] updated the previous
9.2  Technology to Recycle Plastics specifications by replacing the chasing arrows with a
triangle. Other potential modifications, such as add-
9.2.1  Single Resins ing an 8 for bioplastics, were not included in the 2013
standard, which leaves, for example, compostable
Single resins are obtained most typically from PLA in the same category as polycarbonate, a resin
postindustrial scrap (a known plastic type, grade, that some authorities are recommending be avoided
and source) or limited postconsumer scrap where the [28]. Options under consideration for future updates
item is known to be made from a single type of plas- include using 8 for linear low density polyethylene
tic, is easily identified, can be separated from the mix (LLDPE), 9 for polylactic acid (PLA), and 10 for
9:  Recycling of Plastics 171

Figure 9.2  A stamping identifying the plastic used in an automotive bumper. The resin used in the production of
this Daimler–Chrysler part is identified as TEO (Olefinic Thermoplastic Elastomer), more commonly known as
TPO (thermoplastic polyolefin) [126].

cyclohexylenedimethylene terephthalate copolyesters duces costs that potentially render technically feasible
(CTC) but their addition still needs to be ratified [29]. processes economically unviable at larger scale when
A criticism often cited of the RICs is that their used in quantity in the real world. Price fluctuation
usage stifles innovation [30]. As the standard limits of the virgin resin may also pose a significant barrier
the amount of filler that can be used in a container to commercialization and this variable is one that is
marked with anything other than a 7, biosourced beyond the control of the recycler; price fluctuation
fillers that have the potential to lower the carbon alone caused the virtual collapse of many of the small
footprint of a part, find labeling causes a significant scale, mom-and-pop PET recyclers in the late 1990s.
barrier for new products to be accepted. Similarly,
multilayered bottles with outstanding barrier proper-
ties are also finding it more difficult to enter or stay  Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
in [31] the marketplace. Amount Produced: 4,520 thousand tons [7]
Most single resins undergo a similar basic recycling Amount Recycled: 880 thousand tons [7]
process. They are collected through some infrastruc- Resin Identification Code: 1
ture mechanism, transported to a recycling facility, The price that recycled PET can demand, as with
separated by resin type, washed and dried to remove most recycled plastics, closely follows that of the
debris, ground into flake, possibly pelletized and may ­virgin resin. The opportunity to lower costs is the fac-
have some additive package added to meet application tor that typically drives the manufacturer to look at
needs or rejuvenate properties diminished through the recycle market but virgin PET can cost less than
prior use or the recycling process. Each step intro- recycled PET in some cases. Where PET recycling
172 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

has been particularly successful is where its reclama-

tion has been subsidized or in vertically integrated
operations. Transparent PET has the highest value
and the widest variety of end-use applications. Trans-
lucent and opaque PET may be less desirable due to
the presence of additives such as titanium dioxide.
This additive can be detrimental to PET recycling
for bottle-to-bottle and engineered resin uses [32].
Products including polyester carpet, t-shirts, thermo-
formed sheet and car parts are all made by companies
that manufacture products using recycle PET [33].
Figure 9.3  Depolymerization of PET by methanoly-
Some states, termed Bottle Bill States, demand
sis [34].
a deposit be paid on each drink container [22]. The
consumer and retail outlet serve as unpaid aggrega-
tion and separation facilities for the PET recycling PET recyclers experience some unique issues
industry providing relatively homogeneous postcon- and some not so unique. Supply quality and quan-
sumer recycling streams. PET from these streams tity remains major concerns: in 2013, reclaimers still
can be used in the manufacture of new bottles but reported crisis-level contamination, particularly in
is equally as likely to be used in the manufacture of bales of PET generated in curbside programs. PET
fibers used in the clothing and carpet industries. In itself is often cited as being a contaminant for the
fact, some of the largest PET recyclers in the United PET recycler. PET used to produce bottles typically
States are manufacturers integrated into the fiber in- has an intrinsic viscosity of 0.70–0.78 dL/g for water
dustry and they use all of the PET that they recover. bottles and 0.78–0.85 dL/g for carbonated soft drinks
Contaminants that can catalyze the hydrolysis of but labels have an intrinsic viscosity of 0.6–0.7 dL/g.
PET into lower molecular weight entities with carbox- The presence of PET used to produce labels in the
ylic acid end groups are a significant issue. The contam- bottle stream may produce a low viscosity mix that
inants may be acid, base, or even water; wet PET may will then not support the production of new bottles
show significant property degradation when processed. and render the recyclate less valuable. There are tech-
These lower molecular weight entities themselves may nologies to separate the biaxially oriented blown film
further catalyze the hydrolysis of PET so that the deg- grade PET from blow molding grade (triboelectric,
radation becomes autocatalytic. Contamination by oth- electrostatic, air classification, etc.) but they are often
er plastics, particularly polyvinyl chloride (PVC), can too costly for most recyclers to invest in and, there-
also be a significant issue. PVC will degrade at PET fore, are not commonly used [38]. Chain extenders,
processing temperatures and release hydrochloric acid an additive that increases the molecular weight of the
that will also catalyze the hydrolysis of PET. PET polymer chains and thereby also increases vis-
Reprocessing PET may subject the resin to addition- cosity, are commonly used to overcome these issues.
al heat histories that may reduce the molecular weight. Although Coca-Cola’s PlantBottle [39] is mar-
Some producers suggest that the legislated inclusion of keted as a drop-in replacement for its petroleum
PET recycle into pop bottle manufacturing would lead counterpart, other biobased plastics are not. Con-
to significant degradation in the product over a rela- tamination by polylactic acid (PLA), a biosourced
tively short period of time [34]. However, the potential and compostable alternative to PET, is often cited as
for degradation of the PET feedstock has not deterred a major concern for PET recyclers. It is difficult to
many manufacturers from using recycled PET [35]. separate PLA from PET in most recycling facilities.
In addition to recycling PET, technologies to depo- While the technology exists to separate PLA from
lymerize PET to its monomers have been established PET, it is costly and not commonly used [40].
by major PET producers. Glycolysis and methanolysis Polyethylene furanoate [41] (PEF) is another
(using glycols and methanol, respectively, at elevated biobased PET competitor produced when furandi-
temperatures) have been shown to depolymerize PET carboxylic acid (FDCA) is polymerized in the pres-
into low molecular weight diols and dimethyl tere- ence of ethylene glycol (EG). PEF may compete
phthalate (Fig. 9.3). Goodyear, for example, produced well with PET on performance as it has very good
REPETE resin with 20% recycle material recovered barrier properties, higher modulus, lower melting
by this technique [36]. Pepsi had previously used point and a higher glass transition than PET. PEF
REPETE in the manufacture of its pop bottles [37]. does not currently have a significant presence in the
9:  Recycling of Plastics 173

Table 9.2  Typical Applications for Various Grades of Virgin Polyethylene [42]

Polyethylene Grade Acronym SPI RIC Typical Applications

Very low density VLDPE 7 a
Hoses, tubing, impact modifier, blown film.
Linear low density LLDPE 4 Plastic bags, sheets.
Low density LDPE 4 Containers, trays, paper laminate, snap-on lids, six-pack rings.
Medium density MDPE 7a Gas pipes and fittings, shrink film, screw closures.
High density HDPE 2 Milk bottles, fuel tanks, chemical pipes, Tyvek.
Ultra high molecular UHMWPE 7a Bearings, gears, artificial joints.
Not commonly used in applications which require the use of SPI RICs.

marketplace but that may change. As PEF becomes (MFI), the rate at which the plastic flows after being
more prevalent, the opportunity for contamination in melted, and the density may not adequately describe
PET recycling streams increases. PEF’s effect on the the characteristics of the resin. Further, it may be dif-
recycling of PET is still unproven but concerns are ficult to find sufficient quantities of recycled materi-
being voiced. als that meet the exact specifications required by the
process, especially given the hundreds of grades of
PE available. Advanced Blending Technologies [44]  Polyethylene (PE) has developed software that compounds low-cost op-
Amount Produced: 5,530 (HDPE) and 7,350 timized blends from wide spec, off spec, or recycled
(LDPE) thousand tons [7] PE streams by providing blend formulations based
Amount Recycled: 570 (HDPE) and 390 (LDPE) on selectable material properties. The resulting alter-
thousand tons [7] native blends can be prioritized by factors such as
Resin Identification Code: 2 (HDPE), 4 (LDPE) lowest cost; usually the main parameter in the manu-
There are many different grades of PE available facturer choosing to use recycle resins over virgin
in today’s marketplace (Table 9.2) [42]. Application materials.
needs typically dictate using low (<0.925 g cm−3) or PP contamination of PE will decrease the me-
high (>0.940 g cm−3) density varieties but may also chanical properties of the resin due to the difference
demand specific rheological characteristics in their in the melting point. Clumps of PP may act as stress
manufacturing processes. Density, beyond defining concentrators in the PE matrix at high concentrations
the type of PE (and its uses), may also indicate the though some have reported that low amounts of PP
presence of a filler. However, mechanical properties, can be tolerated [45]. Other contaminants that have
processing characteristics, photochemical resistance been reported to have a detrimental effect on PE in-
and surface and opacity properties may also be used clude adhesives, paper, metal, PVC, and PET [34].
to classify the characteristics of the recycled PE [43].
Recovered HDPE and LDPE have sufficient value
that they are almost always processed into separate  Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
recycled streams although linear low density poly- Amount Produced: 870 thousand tons [7]
ethylene (LLDPE) may be mixed with LDPE. Amount Recycled: 0 thousand tons [7]
Although many users of recycled PE have a robust Resin Identification Code: 3
stream available, some manufacturers using recycled Vinyl 2010 [46] (which will potentially be re-
PE in place of virgin materials report experiencing named Vinyl 2020) is a European industry-based
lower manufacturing efficiency that results in an organization establishing recycling goals for PVC
increased scrap rate from lower product quality. A users. Each industry that uses PVC (windows, pipes,
manufacturer may have a specific property and pro- wiring, etc.) has established goals for recycling
cessing window within which the purchased resin within that organization. Their activity is a counter
must fall. The use of a recycle PE resin may not en- measure to some of the activities of special inter-
sure that all of the narrow specifications can be met. est groups that highlight the problems of recycling
Outside of recovering PE from a single postindus- PVC [47,48]. However, most of the problems on
trial source, simply describing the melt flow index which those that oppose the use of PVC focus are not
174 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

actually problems with recycling rigid PVC. Rather, protocol or property rejuvenation using expensive
the problems are associated with recycling other ma- additives. The Preserve Group [57] had announced
terials that are contaminated with PVC scrap or else a program to try to address the low recycle rate of
they deal with the debated health issues associated PP, called Gimme 5 [58]. The success of the program
with PVC additives, especially those used in flexible that suggested activities such as the unpaid and un-
PVC skins. regulated consumer transporting the waste to col-
PVC contamination in other plastics is a major lection sites or paying to mail the scrap plastic to a
concern. PVC labels have been used in the past on recycler has not significantly impacted the low rate
PET pop bottles. The presence of PVC bottles can of recycling PP from household waste.
also contaminate the PET recycle stream. Very low The carpeting and battery industries have long
quantities of PVC have been shown to significantly been active in developing recycling uses for PP
diminish the mechanical properties of PET. PVC can waste. The Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE)
break down to form hydrochloric acid when mixed reports that its partners have recycled materials used
with PET during processing. These acids diminish in the manufacture of carpeting. However, even with-
the physical and chemical structure of PET, causing in their activities, the amount of PP in their recycle
it to turn yellow and brittle in addition to the potential streams has dropped from 22% in 2006 to almost 8%
out-gassing of chlorine gas during reprocessing [49]. in each of the years since 2007 [59]. Battery Council
This potential for out-gassing of chlorine gas when International (BCI) [60], a similar organization for
recycling PVC, however, is a debated issue [50]. the battery industry, describes how 97% of batteries
Conversely, small amounts of PET contamination in sold in the United States are recycled but the driving
PVC bottle streams can similarly render that stream force is the recovery and reuse of the lead. The PP
useless [51]. cases comprise only a small percentage of the total
Phthalates, for example di-2-ethyl-hexyl phthal- weight but this PP is recycled back into new plastic
ate, are common plasticizers used in the PVC indus- cases.
try. These additives make the hard PVC flexible. The
USEPA classifies this additive as a probable human
carcinogen and there is also evidence of other health  Polystyrene (PS)
issues [52]. Amount Produced: 2,240 thousand tons [7]
Despite that the USEPA records the recycling rate Amount Recycled: 20 thousand tons [7]
of PVC as negligible [24], postindustrial rigid PVC Resin Identification Code: 6
regrind has been reportedly used in the manufacture PS is principally used in solid and expanded PS
of extruded parts such as pipes [53] and in the manu- (EPS) forms. Many of the applications for PS are sin-
facture of windows [54]. Postindustrial flexible PVC gle use and disposable. Hurdles to PS recycling are
has been ground up and reintroduced into the pro- similar to those for PP. Californians Against Waste
duction stream for vinyl flooring and carpet back- [61] report that current estimates by the California
ing [55]. Some feasibility studies have assessed the Department of Conservation peg the costs of recy-
opportunity to recycle vinyl recovered from wiring cling (expanded) polystyrene at over $3000 per ton,
applications [56]. meaning that polystyrene actually has a negative
scrap value [62]. The National Polystyrene Recy-
cling Company was a coventure between a number  Polypropylene (PP) of PS producing chemical companies intended to in-
Amount Produced: 7,190 thousand tons [7] crease PS recycling but success was limited. Some
Amount Recycled: 40 thousand tons [7] PS is recycled (audio and video cassettes, jewel cas-
Resin Identification Code: 5 es, etc.) but comparatively little from food packaging
The economic viability of PP recycling is hindered usage.
by the low cost of the virgin polymer and the type It is perhaps this lack of recyclability that ensures
of applications that use the resin. The costly trans- that EPS continues to be the target of many special
portation of relatively large parts that contain little interest groups. MacDonald’s restaurants famously
polymer is also a hindrance to commercially viable switched from their EPS clamshells to paper (in real-
recyclability given the extensive use of PP in packag- ity, back to paper, which was used prior to the clam-
ing applications. The economic constraints do not al- shells) due to pressure from special interest groups
low the recycler much opportunity to perform costly [63]. In addition to the proposed EPS ban in New
recycling processes such as any extended separation York, bans of its usage in takeout food packaging
9:  Recycling of Plastics 175

exist in other states, including California [64], Or- requiring a Grade A surface finish. That company
egon, and Maine. Internationally, many countries in- also uses a process to separate the styrene maleic an-
cluding India, Taiwan, and China have also banned hydride (SMA) substrate from shredded automotive
EPS takeout containers and tableware. instrument panels (IPs) [70].
Routes to recycle solid PS include the basic wash, These few examples should provide the reader
dry, and pelletize route described earlier but EPS typ- with an indication of the level of activity within the
ically requires a densification process to be applied. recycling community in recovering engineering ther-
Densification eliminates the air in the foam beads by moplastics. These high-value plastics are being uti-
mechanical grinding or solvent attack. The recycled lized in a variety of applications where they compete
plastic is used in low-cost applications such as horti- favorably with virgin resins on properties and, most
cultural trays, wastebaskets, wood substitutes, pack- importantly, price. However, the reduction in need
aging foam and desk trays. and falling commodity pricing of virgin resins expe-
rienced in late 2008 has seen a number of recyclers
facing tough times, even where they have patented  Other Thermoplastics good technologies. There are strong indications,
Amount Produced: 28,940 thousand tons [8] though, that those tough times are over [71].
Amount Recycled: 30 thousand tons [7]
Resin Identification Code: 7
There are recycling opportunities for other plas- Thermosets
tics beyond the few recognized by SPI RICs. The au- Amount Produced: 750 thousand tons [8]
tomobile industry, for instance, utilizes a series of en- Amount Recycled: 0 thousand tons [7]
gineering thermoplastics that have a built-in market Resin Identification Code: 7
if they can be recovered and reprocessed. These high The majority of this chapter has focused on ther-
value plastics include polyamides (Nylon 6, Nylon moplastic recycling where the recycled plastic can
6,6, etc.), polycarbonates (PC), acrylics (PMMA), be heated and remolded into a new desired shape.
styrenics (ABS), and blends (TPO, PC/PBT, PC/ Another type of plastic, thermosets, where the plas-
ABS, etc.). Their higher value and demand allow re- tic cannot be remolded upon heating, is recovered
cyclers the opportunity to practice more exotic recov- for reuse but to a lesser extent. Thermosets are used
ery procedures and still have an economically viable in many applications such as in the production of
product. fiber-reinforced composites, polymeric coatings,
There are many examples in industry where foams, lenses, and electronic chips. Thermoset re-
niche-recycling processes are successfully meeting cycling is typically limited to grinding and incorpo-
business needs. CARE [65] recycles nylon from car- ration of the regrind into an uncured monomer as a
pets and reuses the material to make new carpets by filler (polyurethanes, epoxies, phenolic resins, etc.)
blending it in with the virgin resin. PC is recovered or, less commonly, compression molding (for exam-
for reuse in automotive parts [66] despite the media ple, with some polyurethanes) but there are options
attention on the potential for producing bisphenol A being investigated such as chemical, fuel or energy
by-products [67]. PMMA has been depolymerized to recovery [72]. For example TDF, which consumes
the monomer through pyrolysis for reuse [68]. Fu- up to half of the tires discarded in the United States
jitsu was reportedly recovering ABS from computer [73], may increase with the current push from the
housings and reusing it in the manufacture of new ACC [21].
computers [69].
Schiers [34] reviewed a number of techniques to
remove paints and plating from engineering thermo- 9.2.2  Mixed Plastics
plastics that include hydrolysis, chemical stripping,
liquid cyclone, compressed vibration, melt filtration, Mixed plastics, as described earlier, cannot usu-
mechanical abrasion, cryogenic grinding, dry crush- ally be combined into a single part that has good
ing, and roller crushing. Although some of these mechanical properties. The commingled stream ei-
techniques are not inherently economic, they may ther needs to be separated by resin type or else the
be when developed by the recycler to recover a par- resins made compatible with each other by the addi-
ticular resin. ACI Plastics, Inc. has commercialized tion of surface-active agents termed compatibilizers.
a process to remove paint from TPO bumpers. The The following section describes those two alternative
TPO recovered can be recycled back into products routes in some detail.
176 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook  Separation of Plastic Resins Air classification also uses density as the charac-
teristic by which different plastics may be separated. Manual
A blast of air is blown through a steady stream of
Perhaps the most basic separation technique falling ground, mixed plastics. The dense plastics
and still the most commonly employed around the continue to fall while expanded foams and other
world is to utilize manpower to separate the plastics. lighter materials are blown into a separate collector.
An activity not limited to operations in developing This technique is typically used to separate plastics
countries, manual separation is employed in many with significantly different densities whereas liquid
US materials recovery facilities (MRFs) and other based density separations may be tuned more tightly.
operations [74]. This low-tech option sees individu-
als sorting parts using predefined characteristics. For
instance, HDPE milk and PET pop bottles may be Optical
extracted from household waste by hand as they are
visually readily identifiable. Optical sensors can be used to separate plastics
based on either color or transparency. This technique
is used to separate bottles by color because clear PET Density has more value than colored PET. Developed from
Float-sink segregation uses density to separate the coffee bean separators that are used to eliminate
different plastics. Parts are ground into small pieces unripe green beans from the mix, these computer-
and placed into a vessel containing a liquid. Those controlled systems can rapidly differentiate between
plastics with a density lower than that of the liquid the various hues of the plastic regrind. The color of
will float whereas those with a density higher than each piece of plastic is quickly established using a
the liquid will sink. Simple liquids such as water type of CCD camera and is either allowed to flow
can be used in some situations but a saline solution, downward or is ejected with a puff of air into the
where the density can be more tightly controlled, is reject or collection pile. Satake [77], for example,
typically required to optimize resin separation [75]. produces equipment that is specifically designed to
Table 9.3 lists the density of the base resins of those separate plastics by color but their main business is
plastics classified by SPI RICs [24]. still from the agricultural industry. Satake’s Scan-
Density separation is complicated in many cases Master IE, SE, and DE Optical Sorters are used to
because the density ranges of two given plastics may differentiate the colors of HDPE and PET materials
cross. Separation is further complicated by the incor- in recycling operations.
poration of fillers, air (in foams), adhesives or other
additives in some plastics as they can substantially
change the density. For example, 15% talc filled PP Spectroscopic
has a density similar to that of ABS (1.02–1.20 g Plastics identification by spectroscopic techniques
cm−3) and may be used in similar applications result- has increasingly focused on the use of near-infrared
ing in a difficult mixture to separate [76]. An alterna- and Raman spectroscopic techniques. LLA Instru-
tive to simple density separation would be required ments, in conjunction with Daimler–Chrysler [78]
in such a case. have developed a superfast near-infrared (NIR) sen-
sor system that has been used to separate mixed plas-
tics by type from shredded automotive parts. NIR
Table 9.3 Density [75] of Plastics by SPI RIC [24] spectroscopy uses the near infrared region of the elec-
tromagnetic spectrum (from about 800 to 2500 nm).
Resin SPI RIC Density g/cm−3
Their two-phase process initially separates bright
PET 1 1.35–1.38 and colored polymers and black polypropylene from
HDPE 2 0.94–0.96 the mix. A second long-wavelength NIR sensor is
employed to then separate black plastics such as PC,
PVC 3 1.32–1.42
PMMA, ABS, PC/ABS blends, and others.
LDPE 4 0.91–0.93 Raman spectroscopy relies on inelastic (Raman)
PP 5 0.90–0.92 scattering of monochromatic light from a laser in the
visible, near infrared, or near ultraviolet range. Ra-
PS 6 1.03–1.06
man spectroscopic techniques have historically failed
Other 7 Very broad to separate different black resins. SpectraCode [79]
9:  Recycling of Plastics 177

was originally developed at Purdue University and on the surface where different plastics are then sep-
they manufactured Raman-based instruments used arated by charge. The technology has been used to
for materials identification. Their RP-1 hand held produce recovered streams of 95% purity from au-
unit was well known within the recycling community tomotive shredder residue (ASR). However, with a
and has somewhat overcome the limitation that other significant remaining 5% impurity, the technology’s
Raman spectrometers suffer when separating black uptake within the recycling industry is negligible and
plastics. Although Raman is not a fast process, taking unlikely to change without some outside intervention
up to 60 seconds to identify the resin type of a black given the high up-front investment the equipment de-
plastic, this technique may still have utility in iden- mands.
tifying large parts. There are now many such instru-
ments on the market, for example Thermoscientifics’
Gemini Analyzer that combines both FTIR and Ra- 9.2.3  Compatibilization of Plastic
man spectroscopic techniques in a single unit [80]. It Resins
should be noted that failure to correctly identify the
type of resin used to make black parts is of particular Parts are often manufactured using many differ-
significance because most mixed recycle streams end ent plastics (e.g., polypropylene housing and nylon
up being black in color. gears) or else plastic blends (e.g., polycarbonate/
There are other spectroscopic techniques that ABS blends). Recycling parts made from mixed plas-
could find utility in the recycling industry. Laser tics remains chemically complex because of the gen-
acoustic, laser-induced emission spectral analysis, eral lack of compatibility. A review article [85] high-
plasma emission spectroscopy, polarized light, phase lighted how new materials advance parts production
contrast illumination, UV light, and fluorescent tag- and that the majority of the new materials identified
ging have all been reported [27]. were blends.
The cost to separate parts made from many plas-
tics is often the main restriction to any recovery tech- Electrostatic nology being commercially successful. The problem
Electrostatic separators were developed for the is such that virgin plastics may cost less than their
metallurgical industry but have been used to sepa- postconsumer recycled counterparts. Further, con-
rate plastics for many decades. The technique is em- sumers refuse to pay a premium for recycled parts or
ployed typically to separate two different plastics accept recycle parts with properties or qualities infe-
rather than separate one plastic from a commingled rior to those made from virgin resins.
waste source but it has also found utility in the latter One method to improve the economics of plastic
[81]. The plastics are charged by ion bombardment. recycling is to reduce the need to separate plastics by
A slight positive or negative static charge is imparted directly producing plastic blends [76]. These blends
to the flakes of different resins as they collide with must be of sufficient quality to be used as direct re-
each other and with the walls of the charging cham- placements for virgin plastics. Also, blends with
ber. An electrostatic field is applied across a falling enhanced properties can be formulated when com-
stream of regrind to separate the plastics by resin bining more than one plastic. Current activities em-
type. This technique has been used to separate PET ployed within the recycling industry to handle mixed
film from PET flake [82] and separate HDPE from plastics or blends, however, are effectively limited to:
LDPE to greater than 90% purity [83].
• Use of complex and costly processing tech-
niques such as coinjection molding or coextru-  Other Techniques sion and laminating.
Froth flotation is a relatively expensive process • Identifying compatible plastics from compat-
that has been privilege to significant US government ibility charts (Table 9.4) [86].
funding to define its efficacy to the recycling indus-
try. The process is used to selectively separate hydro- Few existing plastic blends are recycled with the
phobic from hydrophilic materials [84]. The recycled notable exceptions of TPO, TPE, SMA, and some
plastic is ground and treated with a reagent that im- ABS streams (e.g., ABS, PC/ABS, ABS/Acrylic).
parts specific charges to the surface of the different More complex recycle blends have not yet made a
resins within the mix. A stream of air or nitrogen is significant impact on the recycle market. The use of
then bubbled into the separator and froth is produced recycle materials from complex mixtures is currently
178 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

Table 9.4  Compatibility of Commonly Used Thermoplastics [17]

Major Component Minor Component

Acrylic PMMA 3 0 2 1 0 1 0 2
Nylon PA66 0 3 1 1 1 2 0 1
Polycarbonate PC 2 1 3 2 1 1 0 2
Polyester PET 1 1 2 3 1 1 0 1
Polyolefin HDPE 0 1 1 1 3 2 0 0
Polyolefin PP 1 2 1 1 2 3 0 0
Vinyl PVC 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
Styrenic PS 2 1 2 1 0 0 0 3

3 This combination of two plastics is compatible in many concentrations and forms a product that has
useful properties.
2 A simple additive may need to be added to this combination of two plastics to get a blend that is a
product with useful properties. Technologies exist.
1 A useful product may be formed from this combination of plastics but the blend requires significant
modification. Technologies to modify the blend exist but the combination should be avoided unless
0 Not compatible. Technologies to make products with useful properties from this combination of
­ lastics are not known so should be avoided.

limited to low cost applications such as floor tiles to melt mix materials. The compatibility of pairs of
and plastic lumber. A search of the patent literature virgin materials may, in fact, be vastly different than
shows that there are many proposed solutions to the the compatibility of the same pair of materials after
problem of recycling blends. Where they fail in com- each has been fabricated, modified, subjected to use,
mercialization is that they recycled and remelted.
Within a given resin family, different grades must
• are too expensive to pursue, be identified to correctly define compatibility. The
• result in materials with inconsistent properties, inclusion of additives and the use of specific formula-
• suffer from an unfavorable cost/property bal- tions or grades of material will affect the compatibili-
ance, ty. An example of a plastic blend that is sold commer-
cially is PC/ABS. This material is used extensively in
• use feed streams that are too low in quantity or the computer, electronics, and automotive industries.
too inconsistent in their composition, For optimal physical and mechanical performance,
• exhibit poor mechanical properties, and formulations with very specific grades of ABS must
• are envisioned for use only in low-cost appli- be used. Obtaining generic recycled ABS for use in
cations and can therefore only demand a low these applications leads to inferior parts. Further, the
price for the mixed recycled plastics. additives used in the production and property modifi-
cation of certain ABS grades can also greatly reduce
Knowledge of the compatibility of materials is efficacy in blends with PC [87].
useful in making informed materials choices related The compatibility of pairs of commonly used
to recyclability. Other significant factors, such as ad- plastics compounded into a blend is delineated in
ditive packages, resin history, contamination, range Table 9.4. The compatibility chart should be consid-
of variability within the family, thermal and envi- ered as only one of several pieces of information re-
ronmental history, as well as any chemical changes quired to determine if pairs of plastics can be mixed.
in the recycled materials, will also affect the ability Materials, even within the same family, may not
9:  Recycling of Plastics 179

Figure 9.4 Schematic representation of the compatibilization of two dissimilar plastics using an A-b-B block
copolymer [87].

readily mix if the density is substantially different. polyolefin-based blends by up to 25% over the less
High- and low-density PE represent such an exam- pure alternatives [88].
ple. Further, blending even compatible materials may A compatibilizer may be used to modify the mor-
provide a product that is not attractive in the market- phology [89,90] and the interfacial adhesion of a
place. Biaxially oriented film contaminants in a blow blend by:
molding grade PET is an example of such a blend.
Even if two plastics can be made to mix, the resulting • Reducing the interfacial tension between the
composite may not be something that anyone wants. two phases which leads to a finer dispersion
Perhaps the recycler should ask if they should mix of one phase in the other. For example, the in-
plastics, not just if they can. corporation of 1% poly(styrene-b-ethylene) di-
It is unusual to find different plastics that mix at block copolymer in a blend of polystyrene and
the molecular level. A blend of two plastics rarely polyethylene results in a reduction in interfa-
produces a system with a single homogeneous phase cial tension from 4.5 to 1.0 dyne cm−1.
and that is thermodynamically stable. A compatible • Enhancing the adhesion between the phases by
system is considered to be a useful multicomponent residing at the interface and providing a mecha-
plastic blend that has desirable properties. Some in- nism by which the two phases are chemically
compatible plastic blends may be made useful by the knit together.
presence of an additive, frequently termed a compati-
• Stabilizing the dispersed phase against coales-
bilizer or compatibilizing agent.
Compatibilizers are frequently materials such as
block or graft copolymers. A specific example would
be a copolymer comprising two blocks where each These actions combine to drastically improve
is compatible with one component of the blend (in blend mechanical properties and are shown schemat-
a blend of two plastics) and incompatible with the ically in Fig. 9.4. The photomicrograph in Fig. 9.5
other. An A-x-B block copolymer, where A and B are shows a blend of PS, LDPE, and PMMA and dra-
long sequences of monomer that are identical to the matically demonstrates the effect compatibilization
corresponding A and B polymers forming the blend, has on the morphology.
and x is a bond between the blocks, is one of the sim-
plest forms of compatibilizer. A functionalized poly- • The addition of the compatibilizer to this sys-
mer where the main polymer is compatible in one tem has reduced the nominal average phase
phase and the functionality is compatible in the other size diameter of the minor phase from 10 to
phase would be another example of a compatibil- 3  µm. The reduction in the size of the minor
izing agent. One example of such a material would phase increases the impact resistance as large,
be maleic anhydride functionalized polypropylene incompatible phase particles can act as stress
(PP-MA) used to compatibilize blends of PP and concentrators.
Nylon 66. Recent advances in the production of PP- • The addition of compatibilizers reduces the sur-
MA have seen an increase in the impact resistance of face smoothness that can be used to visualize
180 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

9.3 Challenges
9.3.1  Technical Issues Additives
Manufactured plastic parts contain polymer resin
and additives. The additives used may impart a specific
Figure 9.5 Photomicrograph of blends of polysty- property to the plastic or else serve as a processing aid.
rene (PS) with low density polyethylene (LDPE) A nonexclusive list of additives that are commonly used
and  poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) in the ratio in plastics would include: antiblocking agents, antifog-
of 70:15:15. (A) is the uncompatibilized blend and ging agents, antioxidants, antistatic agents, blowing
(B) is of the blend containing an additional 2% of a agents, colorants, coupling agents, crosslinking agents,
styrene–ethylene-styrene triblock copolymer [91]. curing agents, fillers, flame retardants, heat stabilizers,
hydrolytic stabilizers, impact modifiers, lubricants, pig-
how the surface tension has been affected. The ments, plasticizers, release agents, thermal stabilizers,
strength of the attraction between the two phas- UV stabilizers, viscosity depressants, and so on [17].
es has been increased as the degree of incom- There are numerous examples in the literature and in
patibility has been decreased. the field where additives can cause the recycler issues.
A short list used to demonstrate the complexity addi-
• Another effect is the introduction of the bind- tives pose to the recycler would include, for example:
ing fibrils such as those seen at the top of
Fig. 9.4B. These fibrils bind the phase in place • Some additives such as UV stabilizers may
and eliminate the possibility of phase coales- have been used up during the initial use lifetime
cence. Both the binding action and the barrier of the plastic [96]. These additives would need
to coalescence increase the strength of the in- to be rejuvenated before reuse. Companies
terface. This example demonstrates how a sin- such as Ciba sell Recyclossorb and Recyclo-
gle compatibilizer can be used to improve the stab additive packages for the recycler, which
properties of a multicomponent blend through produces rejuvenated plastics [97].
numerous mechanisms [91,92].
• Some additives such as long glass fillers may de-
Some preformed compatibilizers, such as Kraton grade (break) during the recycling process. These
[93] and Vector [94], are commercially available and additives may demand that the recycling process
ready for use. Priex [95] maleic anhydride terminat- be modified to limit the effect on the properties
ed polyolefins (PP-MA and PE-MA) are commonly of the recycled plastics or else that more filler be
used to compatibilize minor levels of contamination compounded into the resin to enable the plastic
in PE and PP streams. Other postformed compati- to meet the demands of the application [98].
bilizers require a reaction or chemical or physical • Some additives used in one plastic may degrade
change during the mixing or processing step before another plastic if used in a blend. For example,
they show efficacy. Materials used as postformed compounding certain grades of recycled ABS
compatibilizers are generally not compatibilizers with virgin or recycled PC or PC/ABS will
themselves but, because of an in situ reaction, result cause the PC to degrade [87]. This type of com-
in compatibilization. bination should be avoided.
Just because materials can be made to be com-
patible does not mean that there will be a demand The list above is obviously not exhaustive but
for the product. However, with caution, compati- highlights how the recycler must consider what is in-
bilization may be used to help recycle otherwise corporated into the resin to make it a useful plastic
unrecyclable streams. Compatibilization was used for a particular part.
to help recover value from parts made using dif-
ferent resins during the recycling of plastics con-
tained within an automotive part, as is presented in  Chain Scission
Fig. 9.6. More than 99% of the plastics used in the Some plastics such as PET may suffer degrada-
manufacture of a minivan door were recovered in tion through processing, as discussed earlier in this
this pilot scheme [96]. chapter. The hydrolysis of PET into lower molecular
9:  Recycling of Plastics 181

Figure 9.6  Schematic representation of the process by which compatibilization and density separation techniques
can be used to recover over 99% of the plastics used in the manufacture of a minivan door [87].

weight entities with carboxylic acid end groups is number of commercial processes have been devel-
a significant issue. Epoxy-functionalized, styrene- oped to reduce problems associated with recycling
acrylic polymers with low molecular weight, high painted plastics or plastics with adhesives. Paint re-
functionality and tailored polydispersity are sold as moval has been commercialized using solvent and
chain extenders or recycling aids for PET and other mechanical separation techniques [70]. Occasion-
polyesters. The inclusion of additives such as Sumi- ally, melt filtration is sufficient to remove some of
tomo’s Igetabond [99] can lead to an increase in the inhomogeneities but this is the exception rather
molecular weight, mechanical and rheological prop- than the rule [102].
erties when used in virgin, reprocessed or postcon-
sumer recycled polyesters [100]. Discoloring
A discolored plastic may be an issue if a white or  Coatings or Adhesives uncoated part is the end product. Often the answer
Many coatings or adhesives are thermoset materi- that the parts producer employs is to avoid using dis-
als. Thermosets do not blend well with thermoplas- colored plastics. Some common examples of discol-
tics. Even when they can be made to blend [101], oring of which the recycler must be aware include:
they do not provide for a homogeneous surface. The
surface inhomogeneities that such a mix introduc- • Polystyrene that has undergone degradation
es prevents the recycled plastic from being used to is subject to an increase in the amount of free
manufacture parts requiring a high visual quality. A monomer content, a decrease in molecular
182 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

weight, changes in morphology and a tendency does not exist in the United States. California is often
to yellow [103]. seen as the state leading the recycling effort in the
• Additives can also cause yellowing. Computer United States by developing laws that other states or
gamers who still have old gaming systems will the USEPA later adopt. However, all states are essen-
notice that the flame-resistant chemical used tially free to set their own limits and some examples
in an ABS case may have caused the part to of how states’ laws differ include:
discolor through exposure to heat, air, or light
[104]. • Who pays for the recycling? Texas passed leg-
• Some batches of titanium dioxide, an additive islation that producers of computers and moni-
used to impart brightness, whiteness or high tors pay for the collection, transportation, and
opacity, have been known to cause pinking in recycling of their products. California legisla-
PVC windows and seals [105]. tion assesses a fee on the consumer at the point
of purchase for these items.
• How to increase recycling rates. Michigan Contamination assesses a deposit of 10¢ for each beverage
container purchased while Ohio does not.
Any number of materials may cause contamina- Michigan’s bottle recovery rate is 97% of those
tion in recovered plastics depending upon the source sold whereas the national average is around
of the recycle stream. The materials include: food- 22%.
stuff, dirt, fuel, oils, adhesives, secondary resins. A
• Lack of recyclability eliminates items from the
plastics stream with significant contamination issues
marketplace. New York tried to complete a ban
is ASR. The valuable parts of an automobile are typi-
on food service items made from EPS. Most
cally removed by hand and the remaining material is
other municipalities have no such ban in place.
shredded using a hammer mill. The resulting mixture
of metals, plastics, glass, fuels, and so on, is ASR.
Ferrous and nonferrous metals are separated from
the mix as they have value. There has been some re- Europe
search [84] into mining the different plastics from As California is seen as the leader in the United
the residue but none that have made any significant States, Germany has a similar reputation in Europe.
impact on the problem or that have been successfully A number of laws that the European Union dictates
commercialized. There has also been effort at incor- [107] through legislation focused on specific indus-
porating ASR into asphalt [106] but there is often re- tries and anecdotal evidence, whether reality or not,
sistance to that kind of application from the asphalt points to many of these laws deriving from the Ger-
manufacturers. man legislature. Whatever the reality, the pervasive-
ness of EU legislation means that their recycling rate
is significantly above that achieved in the United
9.3.2  Political Issues States (Fig. 9.7) [1,108].
The Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive and
Plastic recycling is often the subject of govern- the Producer Responsibility Regulations are directed
ment legislation due to concerns for the environment at the European packaging industry and include:
and pressure from the media, the public, and special
interest groups. Legislation may dictate the elimina- • Minimization of packaging volume and weight
tion of certain plastic products availability, minimum to a level that meet standards of safety, hygiene,
recycled content amounts, procurement directives, and acceptance by the consumer.
producer responsibility, bottle-bill deposits, and dis- • Design and use of packaging in a manner that
posal fees. permits its reuse and recovery.

The End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) Directive was es-  United States tablished to prevent waste from ELVs being disposed
The USEPA oversees a variety of solid waste of in landfills and promote the collection, reuse and
regulatory issues including setting recycling goals. recycling of the components. The law establishes re-
However, recycling is legislated through state and cycling targets for producers, dismantlers, and shred-
local governments and a national law for recycling ders and directs that:
9:  Recycling of Plastics 183

Figure 9.7  United States and European Union Plastic Recycling Rates, 2012, reported in 2014 [1,108].

• Vehicles must be accepted at collection stations and Quarantine Association Reused and Recycling
without charge to the owner. Branch (CIQAR). Custom officials were impos-
• Vehicle manufacturers or importers must pay ing tight contamination standards with significant
the costs associated with take back and treat- increases in inspections as inspectors examined
ment. nearly all of the containers from license holders. As
the practice continued, China rejected hundreds of
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment containers of waste that were either contaminated
(WEEE) Directive aims to reduce the amount of elec- or contained improperly mixed different types of
trical waste, increase recovery and recycling, and im- scrap. Contamination by unacceptable materials in
prove the environmental performance of all operators mixed plastics loads, for example, was set at a level
involved in the lifecycle of electrical and electronic not to exceed 1.5% [110]. Rejected shipments were
equipment. charged port demurrage fees until the containers were
returned and some export licenses were rescinded.
Much of the scrap that was rejected in China found China homes in other countries such as Vietnam and Ma-
China has become a significant consumer of the laysia. One effect of OGF was to cause a 15% drop
world’s plastic waste in the last decade. Substantial in China’s import of plastic scrap [111] that, in turn,
areas of China’s southeastern provinces became dedi- had a dramatic effect on the prices that recycled res-
cated to handling single plastic products as the nation ins could demand; the spot price for mixed plastics
became a major processing center for the world’s dis- saw a 20% drop.
carded plastics. Cheap labor and infrastructure costs How OGF will be implemented long term is still
ensure that the economics allow many plastics to be to be seen. Whether it is a temporary obstruction to
recycled in China that cannot be recovered in the international trade or implemented as the new de
Western world. However, China became a dumping facto way of doing business with China, the effect
ground for substandard resins and general waste which of the operation has been significant. OGF repre-
prompted the government to initiate Operation Green sents China’s commitment to environmental aware-
Fence (OGF) in March, 2013 [109]. The program was ness and because China receives 70% of the world’s
terminated in November 2013 but the long-term effect plastic waste exports and is the largest global user of
on the world’s recycling market is still being assessed. recyclables, the initiative had a major impact on the
During OGF, a license was required to ship re- recycling business in the rest of the world, particular-
cycled materials to China. Licensing was from the ly the United States. As the United States provides a
General Administration of Quality Supervision, huge share of China’s imported recyclables, the new
Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ), performed policies will force US recyclers to sort recyclables
by its subsidiary, the China Entry-Exit Inspection more carefully or promote the concept of recycling
184 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

more material in the United States. However, what is 9.4  Industries and Industry
seen currently in the United States is that with plas- Organizations
tics other than PET and HDPE, more of it is going
into landfills. Industries that use recycled plastics are as varied
as those that use virgin plastics. Companies may
have initially focused on the use of recycled plastics
9.3.3  Economic Issues to lower environmental impacts but the continued use
is usually driven by economic concerns. Companies
The cost to recycle plastics is typically in the 15– typically continue to use recycled plastic only when
40¢/lb range depending on resin, process, and degree it makes good economic sense. There is a smaller
and type of contamination. That money covers the subset of industries that have taken a more focused
cost to collect, transport, process, clean, compound, approach to promote the use of recycled materials
rejuvenate, and pelletize. Most of these costs are fixed in the manufacturing of their products. These orga-
with the price of the source plastic being one of the nizations do not control their respective industries.
few variables. Good quality recycled plastics usually Rather, they are a combined voice when representa-
demand 60 to 70% of the price of the corresponding tion is needed for the plastics manufacturers, users,
virgin resin though that price can drop dramatically or the many small to large recyclers that drive those
as properties are lost. There needs to be some finite industries. In reality, most recyclers are not tied to
difference between the cost to recover and the price one industry and many act as plastics brokers selling
the product can demand for recycling a particular to wherever the plastic is needed and where the most
resin by a given process to be economically viable. profit is generated.
The economics of plastic recycling become less The automotive industry uses significant vol-
favorable as the commodity pricing of virgin resins umes of recycled plastics in the manufacture of au-
falls. Most plastics in North America are produced tomotive parts. The Vehicle Recycling Partnership
from natural gas as opposed to Europe and Asia where (VRP), part of United States Center for Automo-
they are typically oil-based. New, low-cost domestic tive Research (USCAR) [113], is a precompetitive
sources of natural gas produced by hydraulic fractur- coalition of US automakers and was established to
ing from shale rock (fracking) are being developed. conduct collaborative research to develop the tech-
Shale gas production increased in the United States nical and economic feasibility of vehicle recycling
by 440% between 2007 and 2012 [112]. Up to 70% of in North America. The Automotive Recyclers Asso-
the cost to synthesize a resin is based on the cost of the ciation (ARA) represents the recyclers that serve the
fuel stock, depending on the process used. The new automotive industry [114]. The automotive industry
production has seen US natural gas prices fall to $3– has, in the past, specified minimum recycle content
$4 per million BTU compared to $10 in the European requirements to their suppliers. Although biobased
Union and $16 in Asia. The shale gas boom results in plastics appear to be the current media focus, re-
the plastics industry having access to significant quan- cycled plastics are used to help control costs and
tities of a less-expensive feedstock. The cost of energy maximize profits.
used to synthesize resin, also from natural gas sources, The National Association for PET Container Re-
also is reduced by the availability of shale gas. As the sources (NAPCOR) [115] is the trade association
cost to produce virgin plastics decreases, the pres- for the PET plastic industry in the United States and
sures on the recycle market to further reduce the cost Canada. Their activities, along with those of the As-
of their product is intensified. This decrease in virgin sociation of Post-consumer Plastic Recyclers (APR)
resin pricing is beyond the control of the recycler but [116], promote recycling ideals in the packaging and
something of which the recycler must be aware. bottle industries.
Good resources to follow fluctuations in plastics The National Center for Electronics Recycling
pricing, for both virgin and recycle, include: (NCER) [117] is a nonprofit organization that is
dedicated to the development and enhancement of a
• Plastics News at national infrastructure for the recycling of used elec-
This publication is also available as a weekly tronics in the United States.
subscription news magazine. Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) [65] is a
• The Plastics Exchange at www.theplasticsex- joint industry-government effort to increase the recy- cling rate, the volumes of postconsumer carpet that
9:  Recycling of Plastics 185

are reused and reduce the amount of waste carpet go- nificantly higher when using virgin resins than the
ing to landfills. cost to cut and transport traditional lumber materi-
The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) als. The use of recycled alternatives to virgin plas-
[118] is a membership organization for manufactur- tic ensures that the product is more commercially
ers and processors, brokers and industrial consumers competitive. Plastic lumber is typically made from
of scrap commodities, including ferrous and non- recycled PE that may contain other plastics and/or
ferrous metals, paper, electronics, rubber, plastics, fillers. Commingled plastics used with PE may in-
glass, and textiles. clude PVC, PS, PP, PET, and other materials. Fill-
Recycled plastics are typically sold through in- ers used in these systems may include glass fibers,
dependent brokers and dealers. [119] Their number PS fibers or cellulosic fillers such as wood fibers.
is too large to do anything but mention a few of the The principal use of plastic lumber is to replace
better-known companies. Some of these companies wood in areas where weathering is an issue such as
are buyers and sellers of recycled plastics but many in decking, road barriers, or railroad ties.
are also recyclers and innovators as they continue to
develop new processes to recover value from waste
plastic. MBA Polymers [120] was an acknowledged
leader at developing technology that recovers high
9.6 Conclusions
value engineering plastics from durable goods. How- There is an increasing need to recycle plastic
ever, they recently closed their facility in northern scrap as a vocal segment of the public demands
California and moved operations to Worksop, Eng- that less plastic waste is disposed of in landfills and
land where they feel funding for recycle activities is the political climate mandates that demand. There
stronger. ACI Plastics, Inc [121]. has concentrated are many opportunities to use recycled plastics but
activity on becoming a recycler focused on helping utilization must be financially viable, technically
the automotive industry recycle their plastic waste. feasible and environmentally safe to be anything
They have developed technologies that separate au- but a temporary measure. Recyclers in the United
tomotive parts made from mixed plastics and that re- States and around the world are businesses first
cover painted or coated plastics. Butler-MacDonald and they will only stay in business and continue
[122] has a long history in recycling engineering to divert plastics from disposal in landfills if they
thermoplastics from the electronics industry. make a profit recycling what others discard. To that
CarbonLITE [123] specializes in processing used end, most of the technology used today has been
PET plastic bottles into bottle-grade PET pellets that focused initially on recovering value from homog-
can then be used to manufacture new plastic bev- enous high value, low contamination streams. That
erage bottles. CarbonLITE’s 220,000-square-foot, low hanging fruit has been or is becoming success-
Riverside, CA bottle-to-bottle PET recycling plant fully recovered unless the infrastructure to collect
processes more than two billion plastic bottles annu- and reprocess is not established. Some manufac-
ally. They, like many others, recover plastics for re- turers use other recycled plastics in less demand-
sale on the open market as well as offering recovery ing applications. Yet there still remain a number of
services for hire. plastics that cannot be economically recovered and
that number changes daily with the fluctuation in
the price of natural gas. The cost to produce virgin
9.5 Products plastics should decrease as they start to be manu-
factured from new, low-cost domestic sources of
There are numerous applications for recycled natural gas produced by fracking. This price reduc-
plastics (Table 9.1) [124]. From reuse in the same tion may make some recycling processes even less
application as initially used (whether at 100% or economically attractive. As always, some plastics
more commonly compounded at some lower quan- can be recycled, some can be recycled economi-
tity), to being used in less demanding applications, cally and some can be recycled economically in
recycled plastics utilization has made dramatic in- quantity but not all and those that can, change with
roads in many industries. The manufacture of plas- outside drivers beyond the control of plastics re-
tic lumber, however, exists almost solely because cyclers. The net effect is that many recyclers only
of recycling. Plastic lumber does not age or splinter try to recycle a very limited number of plastics
as does real wood but its cost to manufacture is sig- (Table 9.5) [125].
186 Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook

Table 9.5  US Access to Plastics Recycling, 2007 [125]

MRFsa Recovering Plastics, 2007

Plastic Grade SPI RIC Number Percent
PET Clear 1 470 98.7
Colored 1 460 96.6
HDPE Natural 2 473 99.4
Colored 2 463 97.3
PVC 3 128 26.9
LDPE 4 140 29.4
PP 5 124 26.1
PS 6 112 23.5
Other plastics 7 129 27.1
Mixed plastics 3–7 136 28.6
Total MRFs 476
Material Recycling Facility (MRF)

Acknowledgment [6] Report on postconsumer PET container NAP-

COR recycling activity in 2013. www.napcor.
I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. Thayer com/pdf/NAPCOR_2013RateReport-FINAL.
(Ted) Brown (Midland Compounding and Consult- pdf; 2015.
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Institute, retired), Mrs. Paris Stetkiw (Asahi Ka- ergy statistics from the US government. www.
sei Corporation), and Mr. Chris Surbrook (Midland; 2015.
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assistance in producing this chapter.; 2015.
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