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STUDENT’s ID U178055P0007
sentences using will.
1. I will be a good student.
2. She will be here tomorrow
3. She will be absent from class tomorrow.
4. He will be a lawyer
5. The child will be in the garden
6. I will visit my uncle
7. I will cut my pant.
8. we will play soccer.
9. you will eat meat
10.I will support in the circus

sentences using will.


1. Tim will not tell the teacher.

2. You will not reach the vase on the shelf without a ladder.
3. I hope I will not miss the train to Guanajuato
4. I will not swim in this lake.
5. She will not dye her hair green.
6. We will not worry about the bad weather
7. He will not prepare breakfast tomorrow morning.
8. My friends will not live in a city.
9. The manager will not plant trees in front of the office building.
10.Teresa will not wear jeans at her party.
Write 30 sentences using will.
 10 affirmative
1. Tourism will spread from near Earth to the Moon.
2. By 2100 human space population will exceed 1,000,000,
3. Many humans living in space will have been born there.
4. By the end of the century we will have built the first interstellar spacecraft
5. We will send many robots to the surface of the moons
6. Humans will go to Mars and establish inhabited colonies
7. She will be absent from class
8. He will be a businessman
9. The sky will be clear
10.I will be a good student

 10 negative
Will we not leave it to intelligent robots to populate space
1. I will not win the match
2. i will not dance with you
3.he will not go
4. She will not do that
5. i will not do your homework for you
6. i will not help him later
7. he will not sleep
8. we will not stay here
9. We will not be there
10. I will not drees up

 10 questions
1. Where Will We Be in Space in 2100?
2. Humans will return to the Moon in the 2100?
3. How Will Humans Organize Themselves in Space in 2100?
4. What time will the movie end?
5. where will we look for Jobs?
6. how many people will be at the party?
7. how much will it cost to get my car fixed?
8. when will you call her?
9. how long will it last
10. when will she graduate?

Where Will We Be in Space in 2100?

in 2100 people will live on different planet of the solar system and there will be
flying cars
We will establish continuously occupied way stations beyond Earth orbit that
will serve as deep space observatories and fuel and resupply stations for both
human and robotic missions,we will look at the progress of our species and our
technology in the 21st century and where it will take us beyond Earth.
Near-Earth space will be occupied with not only satellites providing valuable
down-to-Earth services but places for tourists to experience space also
Humans will return to the Moon for lots of reasons including the exploitation of
its resources to support off-world and on-Earth human activities.
Humans will go to Mars and establish permanent inhabited colonies on its
will seek resources in space exploiting asteroids for their materials more in
support of off-world activity than for supplying Earth.
We will send many robots to the surface of the moons of the planets of the
Outer Solar System and before the century ends we will make the leap to send
robotic probes to visit and return from our nearest Solar System neighbours. By
the end of the century we will have built the first interstellar spacecraft for
humans to follow.

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