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Yadira Llumiquinga 1° BI

CARNAVAL (13 - 14 February)

At the national level

Feast of Flowers and Fruits

• DAY 01

MONTE OLIVO (Carchi): Feast of the Virgen de la Purita, feast of parochialization,

pilgrimage of the image, popular bulls, burning of chamiza, castles, fireworks, mad cow,
horse race, bull goal. All January (1 month).

SAN RAFAEL (Carchi): Feast of the virgin of the Purification, vespers and masses,
carrying of chamizas, burning of castles, pyrotechnic fires, mad cows, sporting events and
processions. Duration 8 days.

• DAY 02

MIRA (Carchi): Feast of Our Lady of Charity (La Candelaria), fireworks, carrying of
chamizas carried by oxen or horses, the pump steer, mad cow, traditional drink Tardón
Mireño, national ball games and rodeos the crazy Cow.

• DAY 03

URCUQUÍ (Imbabura): Festivities of San Blas, popular dances, fireworks.

• DAY 07

PUEBLO VIEJO (Los Ríos): Cantonization Party, artistic and cultural show, parade,
popular dances.

• DAY 09

URCUQUÍ (Imbabura): Cantonization party perform the Proclamation of Joy, civic military
parades, Chagra ride, fox hunting, craft fair, agricultural, bullfighting and sporting events,
artistic and cultural festivities. Duration of 1 - 10 (10 days).

• DAY 10

DAULE (Guayas): Erection to Villa de Santa Clara de Daule, solemn session,

acknowledgments to the best students and workers of the canton, inauguration of works.

• DAY 14

Valentine’s day: Every February 14 is celebrated in several countries of the world with
great enthusiasm and joy on Valentine's Day. A very special day for many, where the
importance of love is highlighted and, despite the belief of its commercial origin, comes
from much earlier. Specifically from the third century in Rome and the death of Valentine, a
priest sentenced for secretly celebrating marriages of young lovers.
Yadira Llumiquinga 1° BI

• DAY 18

GALÁPAGOS: Provincialization, solemn session, sports games, gastronomic fair,

international surfing championship, open bikini contest, international sport fishing
championship, bikini contest, civic and military parade.

SAN CRISTÓBAL AND SANTA CRUZ (Galápagos): Cantonization party, civic and
military parade, solemn session, popular dances, city registration, Agricultural Fair, sports
championships, fashion shows, election of the queen, proclamation, cleaning minga.

• DAY 25

CALDERA (Carchi): Fiesta of San Francisco de Asís, proclamation by the Chota Valley,
election of the Queen of the Valley and Queen of the Fréjol, parades of comparsas, bomb
music festivals, burning of castles and sporting events of both men and women ladies.
Duration 8 days.

• DAY 26

PAUTE (Azuay): Cantonization, social, sports and cultural activities, civic - military -
student parade, solemn session, election of the queen, election of the Pauteña Cholita.

Typical food festival. On February 18, the automobile tour takes place in the city of
Paute. On February 25, the Night of Lights and fireworks takes place.
Yadira Llumiquinga 1° BI

Comparison carnival Ecuador and Brazil.

Ecuador's most famous carnival is in Guaranda while Brazil is in Rio de

In both, people of all ages and social classes participate.

It is celebrated with many colors, costumes, fruits, flowers, music,


It is a celebration in which there are many visits of foreigners.

It is a celebration that is full of fun, joy, smile

the carnival in both countries is based on imagination as they create

their allegorical cars, look for or recreate disguises dazzle.

the festivities are with comparsas, bands, jurgos, dances, concerts that
are given for free so that people can live and enjoy their beautiful

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