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La Consolacion College of Pasig (LCCP)

Graduate School Department


“Viability of Malunggay Leaves, Chili Fruit

and Ginger as Pesticide”

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements

Organic and Inorganic Chemistry (Subject Code)

Prepared By:

Bernabe, Jackelyn F.
Papio, Jack C.
Pecaña, Jengkie D.
Rile, Redger P.
Rodriguez, Marie R.
Sara, Nena Ross B.
Tesoro, Rowena N.

Submitted to:

Dr. Nenita D. Tandingan

December 2017

Table of Contents

Title page ......................................................................1

Table of Contents ............................................................2

Abstract ........................................................................4

Chapter 1 (Introduction)

Background of the Study................................................... 5

Statement of the Problem ..................................................6

Significance of the study ....................................................8

Methods of Collecting Data .................................................9

Scope and limitations .......................................................10

Hypotheses ....................................................................11

Definition of Terms ...........................................................12

Chapter 2 (Review of Related literature)

Related literature ............................................................ 14

Chapter 3 (Methodology)

Research design ............................................................. 22

Materials & Ingredients ....................................................22


Chapter 4 (Data Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis)

Experimental Data & Result .............................................. 24

Price Computation ............................................................. 28

Conclusions .......................................................................29

Recommendations ..............................................................29

References ........................................................................29



Pesticide is a broad term that refers to any device, method,

process or chemicals that kill insects, fungi and animals as well. There
are two types of pesticides: one is organic while the other one is
inorganic. Organic pesticides use pure and untreated materials from
plants or animals while inorganic pesticides use chemicals as the main
component. Inorganic pesticides are those sold in the market or they
are often called commercial pesticides. In as much as consumers are
aware of the harmful effect of commercial pesticides, scientists do
their part of looking for materials that are not only harmful to humans
but to plants as well. This investigatory project aims to come up with
an organic pesticide with the use of malunggay leaves, chilli, and

In the first experiment, the researchers used organic pesticide

which when recorded for 75 seconds, the first cockroach died, and
after 200 seconds, all cockroaches died. On the second experiment,
the cockroaches died five seconds earlier than the first trial. To
compare the effectiveness of the organic pesticide, the researchers
used commercial pesticide in the same experiment. The commercial
pesticide killed cockroaches faster than the organic pesticide but the
main concern of this project was its effectiveness. Though it killed
cockroaches twice faster than the organic pesticide, it still has the
same level of effectivity. The researchers therefore conclude that the
MCFG pesticide (Malunggay, Chilli Fruit and Ginger pesticide) is as
effective as the commercial one, but is cheaper and safer to use. The
researchers recommend a thorough study on the organic pesticide
using malunggay leaves, chilli, and ginger.


Pesticide is a broad term that refers to any device, method,

process or chemicals that kill insects, fungi and animals as well. There
are two types of pesticides: one is organic while the other one is
inorganic. Organic pesticides use pure and untreated materials from
plants or animals while inorganic pesticides use chemicals as the main
component. Inorganic pesticides are those sold in the market or they
are often called commercial pesticides. Its use is hazardous to health
for they contain unsafe chemicals that affect not only plants but also
the environment. In as much as consumers are aware of the harmful
effect of commercial pesticides, scientists do their part of looking for
materials that are not only harmful to humans but to plants aas well.
One organic component that the researchers will try is malunggay

Malunggay comes in many names. In the Indian continent, it is

called Sajina, in the Philippines it is called malunggay, and Moringa in
English. Based on different studies, both leaves and fruit of malunggay
are very nutritious, which is packed with vitamins such as vitamin C
and other minerals. Another possible component for pesticide is chilli
and ginger. Chilli refers to the smaller hot types of capsicum. One of
the features of chilli fruit and ginger that makes the pesticide more
effective is Capsaicim. It is an irritant for mammals including humans
that produces a particular sensation in the pancreas of mice.
Rubefacient is an active component of malunggay. It is a substance for
external application that produces redness of skin by causing dilution
of capillaries and increasing blood circulation.

The researchers choose organic pesticide fo their investigatory project
in order to protect the environment as well as humans. This
Investigatory Project will use materials such as malunggay leaves,
ginger and chilli fruits that are easily found in the surroundings. The
availability of the said materials is taken into consideration in order not
to produce the product within the reach of the consumers. Thus, this
study aims to have an eco-friendly ,harmless, and affordable pesticide.

Significance of the Study

This investigatory project will benefit the farmers for them to use
safer pesticide. It will not only address their health but those of the
consumers as well. This pesticide will help farmers to save money and
to produce healthier plants. Since they will be using organic pesticides,
the soil will remain fertile and thus, yield more produce.

Another benefit is its availability of the resources. The materials

and the ingredients needed are abundantly found in the community.
Everything that will to be used are all organic and safe. This project
does not require complicated process nor it will use electric power in
order to produce the product.

Likewise, this investigatory project will benefit the consumers.

Its use will not create adverse effect on them. If accidentally taken, no
adverse effect will be noted.

Future scientist will be benefited by this investigatory project for

they they can use this a their guide in improving the pesticide.

Statement of the Problem

This investigatory project aims to determine the effectiveness of

malunggay leaves, chilli fruit, and ginger as organic pesticides.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following:

1. How effective is malunggay leaves, chilli fruit, and ginger as

organic pesticide as compared to commercial pesticides?

2. Is there a significant difference between commercial pesticide and

organic pesticide in terms of effectiveness?

Method of Collecting Data

The method of collecting data was a comparative survey. The

main concern of this project is to determine the effectivity of MCG
(Malunggay, Chill Fruit and Ginger Pesticide) as compared to the effect
of commercial pesticide to cockroaches. The researchers used the
frequency method by counting how many cockroaches were dead and
how many survived both pesticides. The researchers collected organic
materials that were used ro come up with organic pesticides such as
the malunggay, chili and ginger. Every day, the researchers jotted
down their observation.

Scope and Limitation

The main purpose of this study was to come up with cheaper but
effective pesticide. It made use of herbal plants such as malunggay,
chilli, and ginger. For ita experimentation, the researchers used

cockroaches for thiese pests are abundant in the household. This study
did not include other pests like termites and fungi.


1. There is no significant difference between commercial pesticide and

organic pesticide in terms of its effectiveness.

Definition of Terms

The following terms were defined to help readers understand this

project better.

Capsaicin. This is an active component of Chili. It is an irritant

for mammals including human, and producing a sensation of the
pancreas of mice.

Capsicum. It is the genus of related plants , containing 10

species, including the common red pepper, varieties of which are
important food plants. The fruit is a many–seeded berry. The fruit of
one variety is known variously as pod pepper, red pepper, or
capsicum. Under its Mexican name, Chili, it is used in sauces and
mixed pickles. Cayenne pepper is made from the dried, ground seeds
and pods. The fruit of another variety is the mild–flavored green or red
bell, or sweet , pepper eaten as a vegetable. The bush red pepper is
the source of Tabasco and other hot sauces.

Cockroach Killer. From the word itself , these are the chemicals
that can kill cockroaches.

Commercial Pesticides. It is commonly named DDT

(dichlorodiphenyltrichoethane), a colorless chemical pesticide,
dicholorodiphenyltricothane, used to eradicate disease – carrying and
crop–eating insects. It was first isolated in Germany in 1874, but not
until 1939 did the Swiss Nobel Prize winning chemist Paul Muller
recognized it as a potent nerve poison on insects.

Methione And Cystine. This is an amino acid. It is one of the

Sulphur- containing proteinogenic amino acids.

Rubefacient. It is an active component of Malunggay leaves. A

substance that produces a redness of skin by causing dilation of
capillaries and increase blood circulation

Pesticide. These are the chemicals that kill plants and animals.
These chemicals must be diluted in water, oil, air or chemically
inactive solid.

Related Literature

In the mid–1900s, a biologist named Rachel Carson was afraid

that some day there might be no more birds. Farmers were spraying a

chemical called DDT on their fields to kill insects. But DDT was also
keeping birds such as bald eagle and peregrine falcon from having
babies. DDT prevented the babies from hatching. She wrote a book
called Silent Spring to warn about the dangers of DDT.

Pollution happens when chemicals that are harmful to living

things get into the environment. Rachel Carson feared that DDT would
get into the food people ate. Her book scared a lot of people.
Governments banned the use of DDT. People then began to worry
about other kinds of pollution. They worried that pollution could harm
people’s health.

What Does Pollution Do?

Pollution can kill or sicken plants, animals, and people.

Pollution can change the environment. Things that cause pollution are
called pollutants. Pollution can get into the air. Air pollution can
irritate people’s lungs. Polluted air can mix with rain to make acid rain.
Acid rain kills trees and harms fish in lakes.

Pollution can also get into soil and water. From there,
pollutants can get into the food chain. Plants take in the pollution from
the ground. Animals that eat the plants can be harmed, too. Bigger
animals and even people might eat the damaged animals.

Many farmers use chemicals called pesticides to kill insects that

harm crops. But some of these chemicals can harm the environment
by poisoning soil and water and killing wildlife.


Pesticides are substances or mixture of substances intended for

preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest. A pesticide

may be chemical substance, a biological agent (such as virus or
bacterium), antimicrobial, disinfectant or device used as against any
pest. Pest include insects, plant pathogens, weed, mollusks, birds,
mammals, fish, nematodes (roundworms ), and microbes that destroy
property, spread disease or are a vector for disease or cause a
nuisance. Although there are benefits to the use of pesticides, there
are also drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other
animals. According to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants, 9 of the 12 most dangerous and persistent organic
chemicals are pesticides.

Effects Of Malunggay Leaves And Chili Fruit

Malunggay is also known as Horseradish “Malunggay“ in

Philippines, “ Sajina“ in the Indian Subcontinent, and “ Moringa“ in
English,. It is a popular tree. It grows very wildly in a hot tropical
climate. Both the leaves and fruits are very nutritious, which may
contain many vitamins like Vitamin C and other minerals. It contains
the properties of galactagogic, rubifacient, antiscorcutic, diuretic,
stimulant, purgative, antibiotic and antifungal. Malunggay is a good
source of pesticide because it contains rubifacient. It is an active
component of malunggay leaves. It is a substance for external
application that produces redness of the skin by causing dilation of
capillaries and increase blood circulation.

Chili in most of the world refers exclusively to the smaller hot

types of capsaicin. It is a hot pepper. Even though chilies maybe
thought as vegetable, their culinary usage is, a generally spice, the
part of the plant that is usually harvested is the fruit . Researchers

used capsaicin from chilies to kill the nerve cells in the pancreas of
mice. And Chili also contains hotness which can kill cockroaches

Effects Of Ginger

Just like citronella, the oil from ginger can be an ingredient in an

organic insecticide. It is less expensive and more effective to use and
is widely available.

Manufacturing Pesticide

Manufacturing pesticide involves at least three separate

activities. The active ingredient is first synthesized in a chemical
factory, then formulated in the same plants or sent toda formulator to
prepare a liquid or powder form. Synthesizing the pesticide is a
complex chemical procedure. An emulsified formulation is usually
concentrated to render transport casier, but granulated and dry
pesticides are ready to use.

Ginger is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale, consumed

as a delicacy, medicine, or spice. It lends its name to its genus and
family (Zingiberaceae). Other notable members of this plant family
are turmeric, cardamom and galangal. The characteristic odor and
flavor of ginger is caused by a mixture of zingerone, shogaols and
ginerols, volatile oils that composed of one to three percent of the
weight of fresh ginger. In laboratory animals, the gingerols increase
the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and have analgesic, sedative,
antipyretic and antibacterial properties. Ginger oil has been shown to
prevent skin cancer in mice and a study at the University of Michigan
demonstrated that gingerols can kill ovarian cancer cells. [6]- gingerol
(1- [4’- hydroxyl- 3’- methoxyphenyl]- 5- hydroxyl- 3- decanone) is

the major pungent principle of ginger. The chemopreventive potentials
of [6]- gingerol present a promising future alternative to expensive
and toxic therapeutic agents. Ginger contains up to three percent of a
fragrant essential oil whose main constituents are sesquiterpenoids,
with (-) – zingiberene as the main component. Smaller amounts of
other sesquiterpenoids (β- sesquiphellandrene, bisabolene and
farnesene) and a small monoterpenoid fraction (β- phelladrene, cineol
and citral) have also been identified. The pungent taste of ginger is
due to nonvolatile phenylpropanoid- derived compounds, particularly
gingerols and shogaols, which is formed from gingerols when ginger is
dried or cooked. Zingerone is also produced from gingerols during this
process; this compound is less pungent and has a spicy – sweet
aroma. Ginger is also a minor chemical irritant, and because of this
was used as a horse suppository by pre-World War I mounted
regiments for feaguing. (

Also, Aside from utilizing the seed-cake as fertilizer, Malunggay

leaves can be dugged into the soil before planting to prevent the
damping off disease (Pythium debaryanum) among the seedings.

Capsaicin extracted from chilis is used in a spray as a non-

lethal weapon. Non-lethal weapons are those weapons intended to be
less likely to kill a living target than are conventional weapons. This is
also used in military attacks by occupation forces for peacekeeping and
stability operations.

Methionine is an essential amino acid classified as nonpolar.

This amino-acid is coded by the codon AUG, also known as the
initiation codon, since it indicates mRNA’s coding region where
translation into protein begins. This amino acid is also used by plants

for synthesis of ethylene. The process is known as the Yang Cycle or
the methionine cycle.

The Effectivity of Malunggay As Pesticide

Moringa is the English name. It is called Malunggay in

Philippines and Sajina in India Subcontinent and South East Asia. It
grows very wildly in hot tropical climate. (

Moringa is a wonderful herb known all over the world but only
recently in the U.S. It may provide the boost in energy, nutrition and

Moringa is a remarkable discovery, which can make a

tremendous difference in health and quality of life. Mounting scientific
evidence shows what has been known for thousands of years by
people in the tropical parts of the world: Moringa is nature’s medicine

Yet this is not a sugar-based energy. It is not something, which

makes one become hyper for some period of intense activity. In fact,
Moringa is also relaxing. It helps to reduce blood pressure and assure
a good night sleep. How does it contribute more energy and greater
relaxation at the same time? The answer seems to be Moringa’s well-
documented detoxifying effect. University laboratories around the
world have studied Moringa’s ability to purify water attaching itself to
harmful material and bacteria, and allowing them to be expelled as
waste. The evidence points to this same process going on inside the

It produces long-lasting energy without hyperactivity. A nerve
system at rest... A system at rest... a blood system not under
pressure... a gland and hormone system in balance. Other health
benefits identified by the people who use Moringa continue this same
pattern: immune system strengthened, skin condition restored, blood
pressure controlled, headaches and migraines handled, diabetes sugar
level managed, inflammations and arthritis pains reduce, tumors
restricted and ulcers healed.

A body that is not fighting damaging internal elements is better

able to use the nutrients, which come into it to build healthy skin,
bone and muscles, as well as the all-important hormones, which keep
your body in balance. And Moringa is loaded with nutrients; each
ounce of Moringa contains seven times the Vitamin C found in oranges,
four times the vitamin A of carrots, three times the iron of spinach,
four times as much calcium as milk and three times the potassium of

One of the best attributes of Moringa is that it is quite tasty and a

welcome addition to the kitchen. The leaves, pods and flowers of this
versatile tree all edible, each with its own flavour. They can be served
fresh with meals, or be reduced to powder and used as a food
supplement.(Modymar, James, 2008.

Common cockroaches are living outside or in sewers and come

into houses. Cockroaches are generally found first or either the attic or

basements. Cockroach carries a lot of bacteria that can give us
diseases. Cockroach also distributes germs to entire of the house,
especially into the kitchen. Cockroach is a pest that gives people
diseases. The Malunngay leaves and chilli fruit is an independent
variable while the pesticide is dependent variable. The affectivity of the
pesticide depends on the concentration of the kind of materials that
was used. The more the capsaicin contained in the chilli fruit, the
better the pesticide.


To obtain this product, the following are needed: 100 ml of

water, 5 grams of ginger, 20 pieces of normal sized Chili Fruit, 10
stalks of Malunggay. Also needed are: mortar, pestle, drainer, funnel,
recycled bottle of perfume, casserole, and a container.

1. Heat 100 ml of water and 5 grams of ginger into a casserole.
2. Grind Malunggay leaves using mortar and pestle. Extract the juice.
3. Grind Chili fruit using mortar and pestle. Extract the juice.
4. Combine in a container the Malunggay extract, Ginger stock and
Chili Fruit extract.
5. Store for 5-7 days.

Data Presentation, Interpretation And Analysis

TRIAL 1- Use of Malunggay, Chili Fruit and Ginger Pesticide

Table 1
N Of Sp
No. prays No. Of No
o. Of Coc
ckroach Duration
ch died
5 5 3 200 seco

Figure 1

In th
his graph, it shows the effectiveness of
o organic
c pesticide
e. At
fiirst 75 se
econds, th
he first co
ockroach died,
d and after 200
0 seconds
s, all
es died.

Commercial Pestic
C cide
N Of Sp
No. prays No. Of No. Of Duration
ch Co
ockroach died
5 5 5 100 secon

The commerc
cial pesticide was more effective
e than organic
pesticide. But in terrms of efffectivity, both
b d all cockrroaches but it
differed in time.

Trial 2 - Use
U of Malunggay, Chili
C Fruit and Ginger Pesticid

N Of Sp
No. prays No. Of No. Of Duration
ch Co
ockroach died
5 5 4 195 secon

Figure 2

On the
t second trial, th
he result changed. The cock
kroaches died
fiive second
ds earlier than the first trial. And it was
w more effective.. On
he first trial,
t a cockroach survived, but on the second trial,, all
es died.

cial Pesticide

In th
his trial, th
he comme
ercial pesticide was as effectiv
ve as the first
trrial. It was still fastter than th
he organic
c pesticide
e but the main conc
o this projject was its effectiv
of veness. Th
hough it killed
k cockroaches tw

aster than the orrganic pe
esticide, it still ha
as the sa
ame leve
el of

mparison Between
Com n Organic Pesticide and Co
Pesticide in terms of price in the Ma

Commercial Pestic
cide Orrganic Pe
P40.00/100ml P2

It sh
hows thatt malungg
gay, chili fruit and
d ginger pesticide are
P18.00 pes
sos cheaper than th
he comme
ercial pestiicide.


In th
he first trial using organic
o pe
esticide, which
w was
s recorded
d for
7 second
75 ds, the fiirst cockrroach died, and after
a 200 seconds,, all
es died.

On the
t second trial, th
he result changed. The cock
kroaches died
fiive second
ds earlier than the first triall. On the first trial,, a cockro
survived, but
b on the
e second trial, all co
s died.

To compare the effectiveness of the organic pesticide with the
commercial one, it was used in the first trial. Results revealed that it
killed the cockraches faster than the organic pesticide. However, the
main concern of this project was its effectiveness. Though it killed
cockroaches twice faster than the organic pesticide, it still has the
same level of effectivity.

The researchers therefore conclude that the MCFG pesticide

(Malunggay, Chilli Fruit and Ginger pesticide) is cheaper, effective and
safe as compared to the commercial one.


The researchers recommend a thorough study on the organic

pesticide using malunggay leaves, chilli, and ginger.

They also recommend to advertise the benefits in using organic

pesticide and the harmful effects of chemical based products.







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