Building An Engaged Organization

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336 Focus Sessions: Top of the Table

Building an Engaged Organization

Jennifer A. Borislow, CLU and Mark S. Gaunya, GBA

We are excited to share why we believe it is important to build She learned early on in her career to focus on her unique
an engaged organization—one that will allow you to focus on ability and delegate the rest. To accomplish this goal, Jennifer
your unique ability and make a significant difference in the slowly started adding people to help support her practice.
lives of the people you work with and the clients you serve. Fast-forward to 23 years and only 12 years ago.
Let us start with sharing a little bit about our background
and how we built our business. Borislow: I had reached what I call a “ceiling of complexity.”
This is the point where I could only expand so much with the
Gaunya: Jennifer founded the business in 1982. She an- team I has assembled. We were, at that time, 13 women and
swered an ad in the local newspaper, the Boston Globe, which me. We were known as the all-female agency and struggling
was looking for a marketing management trainee. It turned with what was going to be our next step to grow to the next
out to be an advertisement for a life insurance salesperson. At level. This is where I was very fortunate to meet Mark. After
that time, Jennifer met Gene Doran, the local general agent, years of wearing him down and showing him “the light,” I
who convinced her that a career in life insurance sales would finally convinced him to leave a very promising career to join
be the right fit for her. The reason was unlimited income po- me as my business partner. It was one of the biggest sales of my
tential and flexibility based on your individual performance. life. So we became 13 women and one lucky guy! That’s a Fo-
The sky was the limit, and the harder you worked, the more cus Session all in itself. It has been a tremendous partnership,
likely you would achieve success. Very quickly, Jennifer real- and we have been business partners now for 12 years. Not only
ized that she would need help with the paperwork that had to are we business partners, but we are best friends as well. We
be done when you sold a life insurance or a disability policy. actually started as friends, and just like any married couple or

Jennifer A. Borislow, CLU

Borislow is a Past President of MDRT and the founding principal of Borislow Insurance (BI). A 29-
year MDRT member with one Court of the Table and 19 Top of the Table honors, she is a nationally
recognized expert, author, speaker and thought leader on employee benefits, insurance and related
business strategies. As the CEO and strategic coach of the organization, Borislow focuses her energy on
helping the agency create a unique experience for clients. For more than 34 years, Borislow has helped
business owners and executives develop a clear, forward looking strategic vision for their organizations
that leverages employee benefits, risk management, and much more.
Borislow Insurance Agency, Inc.
One Griffin Brook Drive, Methuen, MA 01844 USA
email: phone: +1 978.689.8200 website:

View this presentation in the Resource Zone at or purchase from

Mark S. Gaunya, GBA

Gaunya is an 11-year MDRT member with one Court of the Table and 10 Top of the Table qualifications.
He is a co-owner and the chief innovation officer of Borislow Insurance (BI). Located in the greater
Boston area, BI is highly regarded as a leading employee benefits brokerage and consulting firm
serving more than 350 corporate and 2,000 individual clients in 35 states across the country. BI has
been recognized by the Boston Business Journal as one of the best and healthiest places to work in
Borislow Insurance Agency Inc
One Griffin Brook Dr, Methuen, MA, 01844 USA
email: phone:.+1 978.689.8200

View this presentation in the Resource Zone at or purchase from

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Building an Engaged Organization 337

partnership like ours, we grow stronger together every day. I • Be intentional—Create vision, inspire others, and ad-
will borrow Mark’s line when he describes us like this: “The vance priorities and the mission of the organization.
love is always there—the like sometimes comes and goes!” • It’s all about the personal touch and wowing clients—Show
Since then, we have been very fortunate to build an orga- respect and compassion for the people we interact with,
nization today that has nearly 50 employees. We specialize and celebrate success.
in working in the employee benefits space. Some of the • Be hungry to learn and grow—Thirst for knowledge and
unique differentiators for us are that we’re really active in the self-improvement, and demonstrate the skills need to ac-
industry, and we are both association leaders on the state, complish all tasks.
regional, and national level. We serve on many advisory • Practice continuous improvements.
boards to major insurance companies, and we are fortunate • Be respectful—Collaborate for the common good of the
to be closely connected to governmental agencies on the people we interact with and the organization mission.
state and federal level. My partner holds a highly visible and • Give back—Commit to supporting charitable causes that
prestigious role, appointed by the governor of Massachusetts make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.
to the Board of the Commonwealth Health Insurance • Be engaged—Work with passion and feel a profound con-
Connector Authority. nection to our organization. Stay aligned with the orga-
We are very fortunate to be here to share our story and nization’s vision, goals, and strategy.
what we believe makes us an engaged organization with a And the most important core value is this: Enjoy what you
team of 47, who are really passionate behind our cause and do and have fun.
our vision.
Borislow/Gaunya: So now let’s take a look at our model.
Gaunya: We started out with a vision of who we wanted We have created a practice with eight subject matters that
to become. Jennifer talked about how we came together in surround our clients. We have decentralized the role of an
2005, and the reputation the firm had at that time. We now account manager and took each area and made it a separate
had an opportunity to craft a new vision for the organization discipline with subject matter experts. Today’s world is way
because of a regulation that was coming down the pipe. So too complex and moves way too fast. Building each area of
we shifted our model and ultimately decided that we wanted discipline took time as we had to find the right people who
to become the premier employee benefits firm and strategic had unique abilities in these areas. Our philosophy is to go
advisor firm in our region, recognized locally and nationally deep and wide in their subject matter. So instead of an ac-
for creating a community of health and well-being. When count manager having to know a little about a lot of things,
we talk about well-being, we are more than just wellness. we now have the account manager essentially being a scien-
When we talk about well-being, we are referring to five ele- tific project manager, where he or she is able to deploy one
ments: physical well-being, financial well-being, workplace of those practices to develop that customized solution that
well-being, community well-being, and mind and spirit clients are looking for to help them achieve their goals and
well-being. Those five things really set the foundation for us objectives and solve their unique challenges.
to build this community of health and well-being with the Our model really has been built to be flat and flexible
clients whom we serve. and built on interdependency, so we really require our
team members to work together collaboratively. If you’ve
Gaunya/Borislow: In addition to a very clear vision of our got eight people sitting around a table with a clear vision
work, we collectively established a set of core values that we and a three-year road map (which we develop for each of
update annually. These values are developed by our leadership our clients), then you have a powerful and dynamic team
team working collaboratively together and embraced by the working together to design a custom solution for the cli-
entire organization. They are as follows: ent. A powerful combination of talented people drives
• Anticipate change—Focus on progress rather than perfec- great results.
tion. We learn and adapt from our experiences.
• Operate with honesty and an ownership mindset—Take Gaunya: Each year we outline our strategic imperatives.
pride in everything that is fair, honest, and knowledge- These are the things that help us stay focused on growing our
able, and build trust in every situation. business, not just from a top line perspective. Our strategic

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338 Focus Sessions: Top of the Table

imperatives embrace revenue growth and enhance who we are doing. So we decided to create four levels: platinum, gold, sil-
as an organization, how we’re going to treat our clients, and ver, and bronze, and they’re not based on the size of the com-
how we’re going to treat the folks whom we work with. pany, but on the amount of business the company does with
The first strategic imperative is diversification of revenue us. So we now actually have conversations with our accounts
growth. While we do primarily focus on employee benefits that may be in that silver or bronze tier, and we say, “Well,
(or what you’d call group insurance), we also do a lot of work if you’d like to do more with us, we can bring you up a level,
on the individual side. We marry both the employee benefits and give you a higher level of consultation.” We’re upselling
along with the individual side of insurance and financial existing clients on a relationship that they already enjoy with
services and diversify our revenue. We have six pockets of us, and we’re having them pay more to us in order to get that
revenue that we look to to grow our firm in, and if one of individual one-on-one consultation they’re looking for from
those pockets is not performing up to par, we have five others our subject matter practice experts, which we’re going to get
that we are using to help us meet our growth goals and profit into in a few moments.
objectives for the organization.
Borislow: I think it’s also important to note that when we
Borislow: One of our other strategic imperatives is develop- look at a client, we look at total revenue. So even though
ing great people—finding great people, recruiting them to the bulk of our business is employee benefits, if a client is
the team, and then having them grow and develop. We have our single largest life client, that client is actually treated as
a motto in our office—“Recruit 365”—said among Mark, a platinum client. We look at the entire agency revenue, not
me, and our two senior leaders. We spend about 50 percent of just individual practices.
our time identifying great people to bring on the team. Really
great people are not really out looking to change jobs; they Gaunya: I would agree with that, and I’d also say that if you
have to be disrupted from their current environment to join take a look at strategic imperative number five with best prac-
our team, and a lot of times it’s a process. Some of our high- tices and ask clients to pay us more from the experience that
flying performers right now have taken us two to three years they have, we have to make sure that we create an unbeliev-
to cultivate in order to bring them into the agency. able experience, one that they want to go through with us and
Our third priority is creating an engaged culture. This would enjoy and appreciate. What we’ve done is streamlined
to us is paramount—that everybody believes and supports our process. We have learned that the way we grow expo-
the mission, understands our core values, and is passionate nentially is by understanding what our unique abilities are
about the work that we’re doing. We believe that you need to and focusing our attention on developing unique processes.
have passion for what you do. Take our receptionist. She is Creating that unique process, like the employee blueprint
not just a receptionist but the “director of first impressions,” process, allows us to walk clients through a process of how
and when you walk in the door, you’re going to know Briana we can solve their benefit needs with them, to give them their
and she is going to know everything about you. We are will- unique strategy and develop a unique solution.
ing to take risks on people who may not typically have the The sixth strategic imperative is something we’re both
right skill set but are passionate and willing to learn. Our really excited about. This is a program called Captivated
receptionist has passion; she actually came right from school Health. For those who may or may not be familiar with
and wasn’t sure what she was going to do, and we took a shot employee benefits or how business is done in the United
in hiring her. She was recently promoted to a new role where States, employers offer their employees group health insur-
she is thriving and growing with new responsibilities. ance. Typically, it is purchased on a company-by-company
basis. What we have done through our unique model is to
Gaunya: The fourth strategic imperative is what we call “ac- create a captive insurance program where a group of homo-
count value market segmentation.” Several years ago, we took geneous companies purchase health care coverage together.
a look at our business and recognized that we were treating It is an elegant form of self-funding and allows us to create
all clients the same way regardless of the amount of business and design tools to enable employees to become better con-
they do with us. And if you think about it, it really doesn’t sumers of health care. Traditionally, those employers have
make sense to treat a $5,000-revenue-generating client like a not been able to self-insure together because it’s too risky
$100,000-revenue-generating client, but that’s what we were or they can’t afford the reinsurance that they have to buy to

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mitigate the risk. What Captivated Health allows them to apart is that we let our clients and prospects know what our
do is be self-insured (changing the way they finance their culture is, because we believe that since they’re going to work
benefits), but then ultimately having them make it about the with us, they need to understand who we are.
members so that the member has a very unique experience,
and bringing them into the world of self-insured, which Gaunya: Jennifer and I have written three books. Our first
allows them to share risk. We could easily talk for hours on book was Bend the Healthcare Trend, which really is all of our
this exciting program as we are both very excited about its intellectual knowledge on HSAs and how to use the creative
potential growth as we roll it out on a national basis. solution to meet a client’s health care needs. And the second
two books are called Inspire to Act and Inspire to Act for Kids;
Borislow: I think what you’ll see, as we talk about our stra- this is our random act of kindness program and developing
tegic imperatives, is that Mark and I have different roles as an attitude of gratitude.
owners of our agency. Mark is the visionary and innovative We give these books to our clients, and they can see that
partner, and I’m all about the experience and how it impacts we’re passionate from a health care solution perspectives and
our clients and team. When you bring the two of us together, who we are as people.
which we feel is a unique partnership, it creates that ideal op-
portunity for the client. Clients are looking for innovation. Borislow: Our business model takes people and resources
They’re not looking for the same thing—we ask them what to execute. So where do we find all the talented people who
makes them different and unique and how they feel about help us move our vision forward? Let’s start with where we
working with our team. We believe that we bring that unique are today.
blend to our clients. Seventy-five percent of our employees have been with us
The last strategic imperative is our community involve- less than 10 years, and actually 50 percent of our employees
ment. Our community involvement is actually a cornerstone have been with us five years or less. This summer we cel-
of what we do, and social responsibility is a big part of it. ebrated all employees who have 10 years of service or longer
When you walk into our office, you are warmly greeted, and with us. We also have a great cross section of demographics:
if you look immediately to the left, you will see our philan- millennials, 20 percent; baby boomers, 25 percent; genera-
thropy Mission Statement on the wall. It reads, “Borislow tion Xers, 55 percent. The dynamics between the different
Insurance is committed to supporting charitable causes and personalities can be humorous and frustrating at times. An
organizations in our community dedicated to making a dif- example: Our millennials tend to be free spirits. Sometimes
ference in the lives of those less fortunate.” they show up late or sometimes they forget—they’re playing
We encourage our team to be really active. We have a com- golf—and they should be calling the office. So we’ve had all
mittee that meets every month, and we have a philanthropic of those challenges adopting our styles with millennials and
project every month, whether it’s packing backpacks, or it’s generation X. But we are very focused on a balanced life, and
turkeys, or it’s out doing roadwork. We’re really involved we allow a lot of flexibility in our office. As long as the work
with events every month in our organization. In addition, we is getting done, that is the most important thing.
invite our employees to participate in a community service
day. Every other year, we do a massive community service Gaunya: Our employees are very passionate about what they
day, where all employees are out for the day, and then, for do, and we find them working at night or on the weekend to
the off year, everybody gets a day off during the year to do respond to a text or an email for a client. We want them to be
a community service project, whether it’s volunteering for a available, but also to willingly take upon themselves to figure
golf event or being at their kid’s school. We provide them out what their own schedule is. We have actually used some
with that time off, and then they come back and talk about technology in our office that has allowed us some flexibility.
it at our agency meeting. Almost 50 percent of our employees travel more than an
We are also active on several local nonprofit boards. We’re hour every day to commute to work. Traffic and highway
particularly passionate about kids. We worked diligently congestion is tougher every day. In an effort to be flexible, we
with the local community to bring a YMCA chapter to our allow work from home and have also purchased two robots.
town in Methuen. As you can see, we’re pretty passionate It all started a couple of years ago. We were at a conference,
about supporting kids. One of the things that I think sets us and Mark really wanted to win a robot!

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340 Focus Sessions: Top of the Table

Gaunya: She thought I was crazy for wanting this robot, We believe in the ownership mind-set: Even though it’s
truth be told. only the two of us who are the owners of the company, we
have hired people and brought people on the team who have
Borislow: Yes, that’s true. They are actually called Beams. that ownership mind-set about the job that they do. They’ve
bought into the mission of helping us build and foster a com-
Gaunya: It looks like a vacuum cleaner, and on top is a munity of health and well-being, and they understand their
screen, which essentially allows me (through my computer) unique role on the team so that they can provide value to our
to dial in. You see my face, like on Skype, but I can control it client relationships and help our organization grow.
on my laptop. So I can literally dial into my office from wher-
ever I am in the world and roll the robot around. I can talk to Borislow: If we go back to that last thought, lots of flexibility
people, pull them into meetings, have them pull out a chair, is important, but we also think that creating that sum of just
and the robot rolls right up. It gives me a 360-degree view, the “wow” things that happen in the office is important too—
plus it has a screen down below with track lines on it so I the little things make a big difference. So when we say “little
don’t hit things. And at the end of the day, if I can’t physically things,” we have actually invested in a fitness area that is right
be present, I can remotely be present, but you can see my face in our space. We are on the second floor of a 22,000-square-
on the screen, so it’s highly productive, especially when you’re foot building and live in 16,000 square feet that’s our space.
taking a vacation—you can wear a work shirt but have your We have carved out 1,000 square feet and built a fitness area
swim trunks on and no one knows the difference. and hired a full-time trainer who works with our team any
time of the day. We really walk the talk; we’re trying to en-
Borislow: OK, so when those robots came into our office, courage our clients to take steps to create health care con-
the word creepy came up a lot. fidence and more opportunities to educate their employees.
We start everything with our own employees first, and that
Gaunya: It’s very quiet. culture starts with the investment in the gym and the invest-
ment in the trainer.
Borislow: It’s very quiet. I’m in my office, and Mark might When we ask our employees, “What kinds of things are
roll in, which will totally startle me. important to you?” we look for what makes a difference in
their lives. Sometimes it’s as simple as a potluck lunch or an
Gaunya: My assistant said to me, “You have to give me warn- ice cream break. The fitness area and our commitment to
ings!” their well-being is critically important. We’re in the benefits
business. So the one thing that you can be assured of when
Borislow: We make these robots available to our teams. A lot you come to work for our team is that you will have the best
of our employees travel quite a distance, and the commute in benefits around, because we test everything.
our area is getting more difficult as the day goes on, with a
lot of construction projects, so we encourage them to work Gaunya: As an organization, we have been awarded the rec-
from home. We really appreciate the collaboration and want ognition of Best Places to Work. We have also been honored
them in the office as often as possible, but there are all sorts (six years in a row) as one of Boston’s healthiest employers
of times when somebody has a doctor’s appointment, has to to work for. Not only are we out there working with our
take care of a child, or has a problem with infant day care, clients to help them build and foster health and well-being,
and they need that flexibility. So we are very much promoting but we’re living by example. When we bring our clients in—
that flexibility, that work-life balance, as much as possible. and we love to give the tour—we walk them around and
show them that fitness center. They’re just amazed and ask,
Gaunya: Obviously, Jennifer already mentioned that we place “You built a fitness center for your staff? You have a personal
a high premium on innovation—that’s the role I play; she says trainer? And then you tell them to take an hour out of their
she’s more focused on the experience. You could almost say workday and work out?” Yes, we do! Our only requirement
I’m paranoid about the competition catching up with us. I is that if a client needs you on the phone and you have to
don’t sleep at night if I don’t think we’re three, four, five years come out in your workout gear, then that’s the way it is. And
ahead of our competition. That’s a very big part of who we are. they’re OK with that!

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The fitness center has been a great benefit. The stress level a vacation!” Whatever it is, it’s a quick share, and you learn a
has reduced. We have a lot of working moms. The advent little more about each person. Even if we’re not there, some-
of the ACA, Obamacare, and all the stress with regard to body runs the meetings for us every month.
helping our clients, is the reason we actually created the On the professional development platform, we have
gym—for our folks. What we’ve actually seen, as a result of moved to quarterly coaching. In the past, we have been very
that, is that we get more work from our folks, even though systematic about an annual review process, which is really
they’re taking an hour out of their day. The reality is that laborious for us, and we dread it.
most of our team members check back in at night. They put
their kids to bed, and they’re back online. Borislow: Yes, so we’ve actually gone to quarterly coaching.
And that means that we’re meeting with our team members
Borislow: One of the things we’ve also seen is that the gym more often to provide them with personal feedback and work
creates a dynamic where different people who would not on their professional development plans. We don’t want to
typically be socializing together get together for workouts. wait till the end of the year to tell them about an area where
Because the fitness center is only 1,000 square feet, we only they may need improvement or not. We break it down into
allow three people to work out at the same time. We want two parts: directional and functional goals.
our trainer to have an eye on each person. Lots of friendships
have grown from working out together—it really has been a Gaunya: There’s more real-time feedback and we look for
remarkable side effect for us. coachable moments when they happen, as opposed to wait-
ing 12 months and then doing it in April, which is what we
Gaunya: Another big thing we’re serious about in our culture used to do each year. This is a lot more valuable for folks; they
is developing our people professionally. There are three things consider it an opportunity to get feedback from us.
we look for before we hire someone. We want to know if he
or she is a lifelong learner—we believe that you can’t teach Borislow: We’re in the camp of “You have to be constantly
somebody to be naturally curious; you either have that or learning,” so we want to make sure that they’re developing
you don’t. Second, we hire people with a strong work ethic— their unique ability, or their skill set, so we actually provide
you can’t teach it. You know what a good day’s work is, or those resources for them, whatever they may be.
you don’t. Third, you have to have a passion about what you
do. If you have those three things, we will find a place for Gaunya: And speaking of engaging our folks, one of the
you on our team. We will take the time to understand what things we’re doing with our staff—what we struggled with—
your unique abilities are and deploy you appropriately on the is, how can we gather feedback from them that’s candid, real,
team. From a professional development perspective, we know and genuine? You can ask a question as an owner, and people
that those three attributes you can’t teach. We can teach you will tell you what you want to hear. That doesn’t help us im-
insurance and we can teach you complicated structures, but prove our organization. We have embraced a tool called the
we can’t teach you the three things just mentioned. Engagement Multiplier. It is an electronic tool that we use to
measure the level of engagement of our staff every quarter,
Borislow: One of our greatest challenges (and we’ll tell you, and it is a survey that takes five to seven minutes to com-
we’re full of weaknesses as well as strengths!)—in any rela- plete. Each member of our team gets an email that comes
tionship as in any business—is communication. So we’re out from the Engagement Multiplier program. It specifically
constantly looking for new ways to improve our communi- focuses on two questions: “What are two things you can do to
cation within the organization. Communication is critical. improve your level of engagement?” and “What is one thing
Every month, we hold an all-company agency meeting, and leadership can do to improve its level of engagement?”
at that meeting, we always start with a positive focus. Believe Initially, when we started this, we saw very guarded feed-
it or not, all 50 employees go around the room and say the back because people were very unsure who was going to see it
one thing they’re excited or happy about that’s happened to and where it came from, but then we assured them that it was
them in the last 30 days. It really is a wonderful way to start confidential. The feedback has been really candid and direct,
a meeting, and you learn so much! A few examples: “My son which actually is very helpful for us. We have expanded the
won an all-star award!” “I’m going on vacation!” “I just had process to include a team of seven in our office, who now

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342 Focus Sessions: Top of the Table

review and compile the survey data back and then prepare Borislow: So we’re often asked, “Where do you find these
a recommendation of the two to four items that we, as the great people?” We recruit 365. Both Mark and I are always
four owners and leaders, need to do to focus on improving evaluating people we meet and ask for introductions to those
the level of engagement in the company. we don’t know. For us, many of the team members are re-
cruited from personal observation. Typically, we are target-
Borislow: This has become a really important process for us, ing a specific need and are laser focused on a candidate. We
because not only does it provide valuable feedback, but we have incentive programs in our organization to bring people
can talk about having an engaged culture, because part of on whom an employee knows and to introduce us to them,
being an engaged culture is understanding what your team because sometimes we have employees who are connected to
members like and what they don’t like and if we are off track. a past person who might be ideal for our team. We have an
If we’re off track, we can correct course very quickly to get internal incentive program for a referral.
back on track. The process is automated; it’s a digital survey We’re constantly linking in. Because Mark and I are so
with collective results. active in the community, we know a lot of people. We con-
stantly ask, “Do you know of somebody who might be perfect
Gaunya: We’ve talked a lot about this already, but it really for this type of role or situation?” And we are not shy to say
can’t be understated: We take our time hiring people until we that we’re growing—we are all in. A lot of people who do what
find great people. And we didn’t always do that. When you we do in our area have folded up. We have now become the
hire and make a bad hire, it’s so painful to get that bad hire largest privately held employee benefits firm in Massachusetts.
straightened out. We’ll actually leave a job position open if We love that honor, but we feel that a lot of people took the
we cannot find a great person, rather than settle and not have easy road out—and they’ve sold out. So that gives us the
a great person in the seat. It’s something that we’ve had to unique position, and it is an attractive thing for new people to
be very disciplined about. If you’re a lifelong learner, have a want to work for us, because we’re innovative. You don’t have
strong work ethic, and are very passionate about what you do, to go through layers. You see, Mark and I are actually hands-
then we know culturally that you’ll fit—and that’s important. on working on the business and in the business every day.
Then, secondarily, what’s important are your unique skills
and abilities that you bring to the table, which will allow us to Gaunya: We talked about retirement today and what that
deploy you on a team. Because we know culturally that you’ll means, and to me the term retirement means to be put out
fit in our company, but now we have to figure out where you of use. Who wants to be put out of use? No, thank you. We
can excel. We’re not big believers in people working on their can’t do that.
weaknesses, because they just become stronger weaknesses. This is a picture of our team. [visual] Not every one of
Take their strengths, deploy those strengths, and ultimately, our 47 people is there, but you can see that this is the rep-
if you can get 80 percent of what they’re doing every day fo- resentation of an amazing team that we’ve assembled—very
cused on that strength and 20 percent not, then chances are talented and committed people to the mission that we’ve
they’re going to be very high-performing individuals. undertaken.

Annual Meeting Proceedings | 2017 ©Million Dollar Round Table

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