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Escola Estadual “Coronel Gabriel Capistrano” Nota

1ª Avaliação – 1º Bimestre

Nome Nº Turma
Disciplina Língua Inglesa Data / /2017 Valor 10 pts
Profº Esp. Leonardo de Souza Supervisora

01) A B C D 05) A B C D 08) A B C D

02) A B C D 06) A B C D 09) A B C D
03) A B C D 07) A B C D 10) A B C D
04) A B C D


Virtually every single member of congress, every senator, every White House advisor, and every major political reporter is a college
graduate. What’s more college graduates tend to socialize with each other. And among college graduates, there simply isn’t an
economic crisis in the United States.
( Acesso: 24/06/2014. Adaptado.)

Este texto, que é parte de um artigo, faz comentários sobre o gráfico apresentado. O título que melhor exprime as informações
fornecidas por ambos é:

A) Economic crisis in the United States.

B) Education in the American Government.
C) The benefits of a college degree.
D) Unemployment rates increase.


Yes, I still love you like you never went away

And I still love you like I did that every day
It’s like the time between is nothing but a blink
And all of our wounds are pale like faded ink
There is no space for bitterness and blame No
self-reproach or shallow shame
I only wish for light to shine
That we may see and not be blind That
you may fly just as you wished And I
might fade – and not be missed
( Acesso: 13/11/2013. Adaptado.)

Glossary: bitterness: amargura blink: piscar fade: desaparecer

self-reproach: autocensura

O texto se caracteriza por ser

A) um bilhete. B) um poema. C) uma carta. D) uma receita.


Este é um extrato do romance Rebbeca, que se passa em uma propriedade fictícia, chamada Manderley, localizada na Inglaterra.

I come to Manderley

We came to Manderley early in May. It was the best time of year, before the heat of summer. When we left London, it was raining hard. I
remember Maxim saying, “This is London rain. The sun will be shining for you when we come to Manderley.” He was right. Long before
we reached Manderley, there was blue sky over our heads. I was glad to see the sun. I welcomed it as a sign of happiness.
(du MAURIER , D. Rebecca. Oxford: Macmillan, 2002. p. 25.)

O tema principal desse texto é

A) a previsão do tempo para Manderley. a viagem para a cidade de Manderley.

B) o encontro com um amigo em Manderley. o mês ideal para visitar Manderley.


Prince William's Passion: New Father, New Hope Prince

William has given his first official interview to CNN since his wife gave birth to their first child. The future king of Britain sat down with Max
Foster to talk about baby George and what it's like to be a new father.
The interview is part of a one-hour special, "Prince William's Passion: New Father, New Hope." The special chronicles the prince's
passion for Africa and his dream to save the world's most endangered species. As a new father, the prince discusses his hope that one
day his son can experience the same Africa that he and Prince Harry did as young boys. In the one-hour TV special William tells CNN
how his love of Africa and its endangered species were instilled in him by his father, Prince Charles, and late mother Princess Diana.
( Acesso: 14/09/2013. Adaptado.)

No programa especial Prince William's Passion: New Father, New Hope exibido em um canal de televisão, o príncipe William da
Inglaterra falou principalmente sobre

A) a alegria de ser pai do bebê George.

B) a paixão que ele nutre pela África.
C) o amor de sua mãe, Diana, pela África.
D) o relacionamento entre ele e seu irmão.


Qual é a ideia do texto que a imagem reforça?

A) A água como essência da vida.

B) A necessidade de preservar água.
C) O poder das pequenas palavras.
D) O verdadeiro sofrimento sem fim.

Este texto é parte de um site sobre Mount Vernon, a residência de

George Washington.

Mount Vernon is an American landmark and an enduring reminder of

the life and legacy of the Father of Our Country. What was once an
active plantation is now one of the nation’s most visited historic sites.
Combining an iconic and authentic 18th-century home, beautiful
gardens and grounds, intriguing museum galleries, immersive
exhibits and programs, and first-rate dining and shopping, Mount
Vernon is an incomparable national treasure.
( Acesso: 16/11/2013.)

O título que exprime o conteúdo desse texto é:

A) Como chegar em Mount Vernon.

B) Fazer compras em Mount Vernon.
C) O que fazer em Mount Vernon.
D) Onde comer em Mount Vernon.


H.O.D: Head of department
prefects: professores,

A informação hierárquica que está contida nesse organograma é de


A) o administrador atua sob as ordens do diretor

B) o diretor não é auxiliado por ninguém abaixo dele
C) os alunos se reportam diretamente ao proprietário
D) os funcionários estão ligados aos departamentos

( Acesso:

( Acesso: 22/11/2013.)

Esse horóscopo diário está disponível em

A) um jornal impresso. B) um livro didático. C) uma rede social. D) uma revista eletrônica.


( Acesso: 10/12/2013.)

Esse texto se caracteriza por ser um

A) aviso. B) bilhete. C) cartão. D) postal.

Nelson Mandela death: World mourns South Africa's first black president
By Arwa Damon and Faith Karimi, CNN-US
December 6, 2013 -- Updated 1619 GMT (0019

Nelson Mandela, the prisoner-turned-president who reconciled South Africa after the end of apartheid, died on Thursday, December 5,
according to the country's president, Jacob Zuma. Mandela was 95.
Tributes planned
A state funeral will be held December 15 in his ancestral hometown of Qunu in the Eastern Cape province.
"I woke up and was shocked when I saw it on television," said Wilson Mudau, a cabdriver in Johannesburg. "It's sad, but what can we
do? Let him rest in peace. It's time ... Madiba has worked so hard to unite us.".
( Acesso: 08/12/2013.)

Qual o local e a data de publicação desse texto?

A) África do Sul, 08/12/2013.

B) África do Sul, 15/12/2013.
C) Estados Unidos, 05/12/2013.
D) Estados Unidos, 06/12/2013.

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