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KYFur Telegram Chat

Guidelines – Modified for Lex Chat

3 Strike system
We operate on a '3 strikes you’re out' policy that extends first into a kick (temporary ban) and then into a
permanent ban.

The protocol is as follows:

•Strikes: A mod or admin will contact you to warn you about behaviors that are not allowed in chat. If in danger
of violation, this constitutes a warning. If in violation, this constitutes a Strike. Mods are not required to warn
you. Mods are required, however, to notify you of a strike. You are allowed to accrue three strikes before you
will be temporarily removed from the group in a Time-Out period of 6 months. Otherwise, each strike resets
after 6 months – e.g. if you have 2 strikes, you will have only 1 strike in 6 months.
•Bans: If at any point you reach three strikes, you will be notified and removed from the group. You are allowed
an appeal to your strike but to have it revoked it must be a unanimous decision of the mods. Otherwise you will
be removed for 30 days, after which you may appeal to be allowed back into chat. If your appeal is met and you
are allowed back in chat, you will have a probationary period of 6 months during which you will only be given
ONE STRIKE. If you reach that strike, you will be permanently banned without appeal. If you reach your 6
months with no problem, your 3 strikes return and you are a permanent member again.
If you get invited back by an admin, you may return before your 30 days are up. If you are invited back
by a member and a second member is found who agrees to the invite, you will also be allowed back.
If you are ever told you are banned but you have never been made aware of any previous strikes, this
is not allowed. Any strike against you must be made aware to you or it does not count in this system.
If you are aware you have done something that would get you a strike but you leave chat instead of being
removed, in an attempt to avoid the strike, the temp ban still applies.

(All of these strikes/steps are at mod discretion. Bans usually must be approved by a admin or voted
on by the majority of mods unless the violation falls within the zero tolerance category.)

Zero Tolerance
The following violations are met with zero tolerance and warrant an immediate temp ban or ban at the
mod/admin discretion.
•Raiding Chat: (i.e. multiple bots or members joining to spam and harass)
•Block or Ban Evading: Using the chat to bypass someone personally blocking you. Do not ask why they did it
in chat. If you know that person doesn’t want to talk to you, don’t talk to them in chat! Also, if someone was
banned from chat and made a new account and we find out, the new account will be automatically perma-
•Harassment: Do not threaten or harass other users. PM harassment counts and can be reported to a mod if the
person being in chat makes your presence uncomfortable. This constitutes grounds for a temp ban and will be
further discussed by admins to determine whether a ban is warranted from this point.
•Potentially Dangerous Illegal Activity: Any activities that would be considered against Kentucky/federal law
are prohibited from being talked about as active participants, within chat. Some examples being; theft, drunk
driving, drinking underage, etc. This especially includes animal abuse and zoophilia! We’re talking about
breaking the law actively and engaging in behaviors that are dangerous to either oneself or those that are around
them. This does not include minor traffic violations (e.g. speeding). We do not tolerate potentially dangerous
criminal activities, and if it is discussed in open chat we (or other users) may notify the appropriate authorities.
Mods will decide whether a temp ban or perma-ban is appropriate dependent on the situation. According to the
risk, users discovered to be dangerous via means other than the Lex chat can still be subject to a strike or ban.
•Gore: Absolutely no gore or horrific images. Non-medical/non-scientific horror images and gore WILL result
in a perma-ban, without question. Scientific images may be quickly removed or otherwise repealed. Nobody
wants to see your cartel video!

Chat Etiquette

This is a SFW chat and as such avoid the following pitfalls:

directed homo/xeno/trans-phobic remarks. Also includes anti-semitism, misogynistic, misandristic remarks,
negative comments on disability.
2. DO NOT ADVOCATE HARD DRUGS Pot is fine lmaoooo
3. NO DRAMA: This chat is supposed to be fun and friendly! PLEASE keep drama out of Lex chat.
4. NO NSFW: Innuendo is fine, non-sexual images are fine (cartoon butts, cats in bras, etc). No RP and no sex
talk unless educational.
5. While you may talk about these subjects it is best to stay away from politics and religion in the interests of
courtesy. If you must talk, CIVIL BACK AND FORTH ONLY, NO ARGUING!
6. NO STICKER SPAM! No more than three stickers, GIFs, or images in a row without text.
7. VIOLENCE: Adding to the “No Gore” policy, we do NOT tolerate pictures or drawings of violence towards
yourself, others, or animals. This includes blood, self-harm, violence, murder, rape, etc. ILLUSTRATIONS for
ANATOMICAL and EDUCATIONAL purposes are allowed.
8. NO ADVERTISING: Don't advertise other groups in chat! This includes art channels/chats. If you want to
enter a chat someone talks about, or want to tell someone about a chat, please DM! We DEFINITELY do not
allow money making scams or begging for hand outs. (i.e. take this survey and get money or Nigerian princes.)
9. NO SOLICITING!: If you would like to announce about your local band or art commissions being opened this
is allowed. However, these posts must be approved by a moderator of the chat BEFORE being posted publicly!
Posts are not to exceed a maximum of a paragraph (3-5 sentences) long. Links to external social media are
alright so long as the users page is family friendly (meaning no nsfw content). Posts about art commission opens
are allowed once a week so as not to spam and flood the chat. If you have an art telegram channel you’d like to
advertise do not post a link, put something along the lines of “Pm for art channel link”.

Other Rules

1. INACTIVITY WILL RESULT IN A STRIKE!: MUST attend at least one meet per quarter – that's one
meet per roughly 90 days. Mods will be keeping tabs of everyone who attends meets. We believe it is
not unfair to request four meets a year from our members. We are Limiting Chat Access to Furs “In
Area”, with an exception of about 90 minutes
2. IF AN RSVP IS REQUESTED, YOU MUST RSVP!: If you are going to an event you MUST RSVP
with the host. And please remember, saying “no” is just as important as saying “yes”! If you don't
RSVP and show up, you will be issued a warning. Upon a second time of this occurring, you will be
issued a strike. If you do RSVP and don't show up, you will immediately be issued a strike.
3. MUST Read Meet Rules and Pins!: If you have not read the rules and do something against them,
you can be penalized at the meet accordingly.
4. PUBLIC BEHAVIOR REFLECTS HIGHLY UPON THE GROUP! How we act at meets affects how
non-furries see us. PLEASE consider this when we are in public, especially when there are suiters and
furry paraphernalia at play. If you act poorly in public, it will be taken even more into account than your
chat behavior.
5. CHAT IS NOT A HOOK-UP: If you meet a partner through chat, that's fine. But please do not hit on
people in chat or use it just to find a partner.
6. NO SECRET MEETS! The chat is a place to post meets. If you hold meets that go behind the back
of the chat, they are suspicious. Hanging out with a few friends is one thing, but holding full monthly
meets without going through the chat is exclusionary and can issue the host a strike.
7. PLEASE APPROACH THE GROUP OWNER OR A MOD if you see inappropriate behavior. You are
allowed and encouraged to speak up if something is bothering you. This chat is meant to be safe and
inclusive and should not be a place where you should feel worried.
8. NO FIGHTING WITH MODS! If you think your strike has been unjustly delivered the best thing to do
justify your reasons for that belief, not argue against the mod.
9. DO NOT SHARE CHAT LINK: PM a Mod to ask about adding a New Member.

Public Reprimanding:
Owner and Mods reserve the right to publicly discuss warnings and adherence to chat rules.
While discussion is encouraged, mods will do the best they can to always discuss things on a one-on-one basis
unless other users are involved in a situation. If evidence, witnesses, or other such things are required from the
rest of chat, mods may discuss a warning/strike within the public chat space instead of via DM. This is at a mod's

Appeals System:
Was a mod or admin unprofessional with you? Do you not like how they conduct themselves? Submit all
relevant information and screencaps for review. We take complaints seriously and will investigate and discuss if
any administrative action needs to be taken. Also, if you have information that may change our decision on a ban
it will be reviewed. Any complaint against another user’s behavior is discussed and voted on within the admin
chat. We take every complaint seriously. Furthermore, any complaints within public chat will not be addressed in
a public venue.

Mod and Admin Staff:

Mods can be found by locating the star next to their name in the chat user list.
Group owner: @FiggyPambo

Announcements and Events/Meets are posted in the pinned message at the top.


If you would like to pin a meet fill out this form as ONE message:

Event: Name of the event

Host: provide a telegram name so everyone can contact you for more information
When: Date and time and time zone if anything but EST
Where: Full address of the location
Fursuiting: Y/N (add detail if needed)
Cost: Approximate cost of the meet per attendee
Extra: Sell your meet here. Keep it short. Around three to four sentences.
Once this form is filled out turn it in to a mod who will Pin it for you! Alterations may be made based on how
clearly things read for a viewer.

Meet/Event Standards & Practices:

Bad behavior at meets carries over to our chat. If you have been particularly disruptive at a meet, we can deter
you by way of removing you from our group so you no longer have access to the pins where meets are posted.

*By joining the Lex Furs Telegram Chat you agree to abide by all these rules and addendums.

**Lex Furs Staff Reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time.

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