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 Learning Activity 1
Distinguishes a managerial position from a non-managerial one.
The correct answer is: Coordinating and integrating others' work

Mintzberg identifies twelve managerial roles grouped into three classes: Interpersonal, inter-
organizational, and decisional.
The correct answer is: The statement contains two errors.

Supervisory management spends most of his/her time:

The correct answer is: Directing and controlling

Strategic planning is done by:

The correct answer is: Top managers

Which of the following is not included in our definition of management?

The correct answer is: Balancing efficiency against effectiveness

 Short Quiz 1

When call center managers spend much of their time monitoring customer calls and giving
employees feedback about how to improve their dialogue with customers in the future, these
managers are using __________ skills.
The correct answer is: Technical

Modern managers are:

The correct answer is: All of the given options.

A successful person in which of the following positions may be promoted to a management

The correct answer is: All of the options may lead to successful management positions

Which statement is wrong?

The correct answer is: Disseminator role is under Interpersonal managerial roles

They manage the activities of other managers.

The correct answer is: Middle managers

In the twenty-first century the four functions of management are:

The correct answer is: planning, organizing, controlling, and leading employees

Which is Characteristic for Organization?

The correct answer is: All of the given options

Individuals in organizations who direct the activities of others.

The correct answer is: Managers
_____ in businesses and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to
accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively:
The correct answer is: Management

 Learning Activity 2

Which of the following best describes Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

The correct answer is: It is a highly flawed model, although it does recognize that people are
motivated differently.

It combines tech with business to get people the information they need to do their jobs
The correct answer is: Management Information System

The application of scientific principles to management is called:

The correct answer is: Scientific management

It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs into outputs.
The correct answer is: Operations management

The offering of employee health insurance addresses which of Maslow's needs?

The correct answer is: Safety

 Short Quiz 2

What characteristics is not a key feature of the 'Open System' model of management?
The correct answer is: Morale

Systems theory holds that:

The correct answer is: The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

Which of the following is not an example of bureaucratic functioning in organizations?

The correct answer is: Advertising and marketing brochures

Fayol's functions of management include:

The correct answer is: Planning, commanding, organizing, coordinating, controlling.

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a bureaucratic organization?

The correct answer is: Change

Which of the following is not a feature of a bureaucracy?

The correct answer is: Generalism

The main schools of management thought are:

The correct answer is: Classical, human relations, systems, contingency.
The study of management theory is important for which of the following reasons:
The correct answer is: Management theories are interpretive and evolve with organizational

Humanistic realities were originally advocated by:

The correct answer is: Maslow

Which of the following is most closely associated with Henry Fayol?

The correct answer is: Classical Management School

 Learning Activity 3

A small business owned by one person can only be set up as a sole proprietorship.
The correct answer is 'False'.

Used to describe a framework for the analysis of macro environmental factors:

The correct answer is: PEST Analysis

Which of the following is not considered as an internal strength of firms that succeed in cost
The correct answer is: Access to leading scientific research

These factors include demographic and cultural aspects of the external macro environment and
affect customer needs and the size of potential markets.
The correct answer is: Social factors

PEST stands for: The correct answer is: Political, Economic, Social, Technological

 Short Quiz 3

Which of the following is an opportunity for an organization? The correct answer is: Rapid
market growth

The simplest form of business ownership is a: The correct answer is: Proprietorship

A sole proprietorship is the simplest form of business organization. The correct answer is 'True'.

The form of business organization that has the largest sales volume is the: The correct answer
is: Corporation

Which of the following is a Threat for an organization? The correct answer is: Economic

Which of the following does not form part of a firm's macro-environment? The correct answer is:
internal environment
The agreement to form a partnership may be oral, written, or implied from the conduct of the
The correct answer is 'True'.

Which of the following is an advantage of a sole proprietorship? The correct answer is: All of the
given options

The main disadvantage of a general partnership is The correct answer is: the unlimited liability
of the partners

A _______ is a business with two or more owners: The correct answer is: Partnership

 Long Quiz 1

Mintzberg classified the activities of monitoring, disseminating and being a spokesperson as

part of a manager’s ____ role. The correct answer is: Informational

_____ in businesses and organizations is the function that coordinates the efforts of people to
accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively.
The correct answer is: Management

The application of scientific principles to management is called: The correct answer is: Scientific

This is something that at some time in the future may destabilize and/or reduce the potential
performance of the organization. The correct answer is: Threat

A company picnic addresses which of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: The correct answer is:

PEST stands for: The correct answer is: Political, Economic, Social, Technological

Individuals in organizations who direct the activities of others. The correct answer is: Managers

In the twenty-first century the four functions of management are:

The correct answer is: planning, organizing, controlling, and leading employees

The first step in management by objectives is: The correct answer is: managers set goals for
their departments

The offering of employee health insurance addresses which of Maslow's needs? The correct
answer is: safety

Humanistic realities were originally advocated by: The correct answer is: Maslow

Manage the activities of other managers. The correct answer is: Middle managers

In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, which is the highest level of need? The correct answer is: None
of the given options
The simplest form of business ownership is a: The correct answer is: Proprietorship

Which of the following does not form part of a firm’s macro-environment? The correct answer is:
internal environment

Technical skills are most important for which of the following: The correct answer is: First line

Which of the following does not form part of an organization’s micro-environment?

The correct answer is: Statute legislation

A successful person in which of the following positions may be promoted to a management

The correct answer is: All of the given choices may lead to successful management positions.

Strategic planning is done by:

The correct answer is: Top managers

A _____ is a business with two or more owners The correct answer is: Partnership

Which of the following is an opportunity for an organization? The correct answer is: Rapid
market growth

Which of the following is an example of the Hawthorne experiments? The correct answer is: All
of the given options

Which of the following hygiene factors are in Herzberg's theories? The correct answer is:
company policy and administration

The three main types of managers include: The correct answer is: general, functional, and front-
line managers

Which is a characteristic for organization? The correct answer is: All of the given options

Which of the following is not an assumption of Theory Y? The correct answer is: primary
motivators are fear and money

Which of the following is an advantage of a sole proprietorship? The correct answer is: All of the
given options

The most effective form of business organization for raising capital is the: The correct answer is:

SWOT is an acronym for: The correct answer is: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats

 Learning Activity 5

Contingency plans anticipate changing conditions. The correct answer is 'True'.

Programmed decisions are decisions that are made for situations that have occurred often in
the past and allow decision rules to be developed to guide future decisions. The correct answer
is 'True'.

A major advantage of the Delphi technique over other group decision-making techniques is that
bias effects of group interactions are eliminated. The correct answer is 'True'.

The main difference between risk and uncertainty is that with risk you know the probabilities of
the outcomes. The correct answer is 'True'.

Programmed and structured are the two classifications of management decisions. The correct
answer is 'False'.

 Short Quiz 4

Assumptions about the environment in which the plan is to be carried out. The correct
answer is: Premises

They are a complex set of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assignments, steps to be
taken, resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to carry out a given course
of action. The correct answer is: Programs

They are general statements or understandings that guide or channel thinking in decision
making. The correct answer is: Policies

These permit managers to delegate authority and maintain control over what their
subordinates do. The correct answer is: Policies

It means at the end of the period it should be possible to determine whether or not objective
has been achieved. The correct answer is: Verifiable objectives

It is a statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms. The correct answer is:

They are the ends toward which activity is aimed The correct answer is: Objectives

It is the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of
courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goals.
The correct answer is: Strategies

_____develop and carry out tactical plans The correct answer is: Management by

In Setting goals the "S.M.A.R.T" stands for: The correct answer is: Specific, Measurable,
Attainable, Realistic, Timely
 Learning Activity 4

Planning helps management pull the individual to achieve common goals by

The correct answer is: Provision of well-defined objectives

To be effective, an organization must have clearly defined sets of goals and objectives.
The correct answer is: False

First-line supervisors are responsible for directing the day-to-day activities of operative
employees. The correct answer is: True

Short term goals are a means to achieve long term goals. The correct answer is: True

Planning is choosing a goal and developing a method of strategy to achieve that goal.
The correct answer is: True

 Short Quiz 5

The first step in decision making is to: The correct answer is: Recognize need for a decision

Decisions fall into two categories: The correct answer is: Programmed and non-

What are factors managers should consider in evaluating alternatives? The correct answer
is: All of the given options

A manager who is helping a customer return some shoes they purchased last week is
dealing with what type of decision? The correct answer is: Programmed decision

Problems are usually of the following type(s): The correct answer is: All of the given options.

It is the ability of the decision maker to discover novel ideas leading to a feasible course of
action. The correct answer is: Creativity

SWOT is an acronym for: The correct answer is: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

A solution to a problem that is arrived at through an unstructured process of decision

making is called a: The correct answer is: Non-programmed decision

A decision for repetitive or routine problems for which the responses have been already
been decided and been known to the person who will make the decision is called:
The correct answer is: Programmed
 Long Quiz 2

Planning guarantees organizational success. The correct answer is: False

They are general statements or understandings that guide or channel thinking in decision
making. The correct answer is: Policies

Strategic planning is usually carried out by top management. The correct answer is: True

It means at the end of the period it should be possible to determine whether or not objective
has been achieved The correct answer is: Verifiable objectives

Decision making is (simplistically) typically described as which of the following?

The correct answer is: choosing among alternatives

They spell out specific required actions or non-actions, allowing no discretion.

The correct answer is: Rules

They are a complex of goals, policies, procedures, rules, task assignments, steps to be
taken, resources to be employed, and other elements necessary to carry out a given course
of action. The correct answer is: Programs

The function of management that determines the objectives of business and how best to
achieve them is called: The correct answer is: Planning

Which of the following is incorrect? The correct answer is: Planning is a one-time event.

The last two steps in the planning process are implementation and control.
The correct answer is: True

where we are to where we want to go. The correct answer is: Planning

Strategic objectives are set by: The correct answer is: Top management.

The basic purpose or function or tasks of an enterprise or agency or any part of it.
The correct answer is: Mission

Comprehensive, long range planning, focusing on broad enduring issues is called:

The correct answer is: Strategic planning.

In Setting goals the “S.M.A.R.T” standing for:

The correct answer is: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
It is the determination of the basic long-term objectives of an enterprise and the adoption of
courses of action and allocation of resources necessary to achieve these goals.
The correct answer is: Strategies

Goals must be specific. The correct answer is: True

They permit managers to delegate authority and maintain control over what their
subordinates do. The correct answer is: Policies

It means that the whole is greater than its parts. The correct answer is: Synergy

They are the ends toward which activity is aimed. The correct answer is: Objectives

Planning is a primary function of: The correct answer is: management

Assumptions about the environment in which the plan is to be carried out. The correct
answer is: Premises

Programmed decisions are more likely to occur at the top management level.
The correct answer is: False

The first step in the decision-making process is which of the following?

The correct answer is: recognize need for a decision

A company decision to diversify into new products and markets is an example of non-
programmed decisions. The correct answer is: False

Which one is benefit of planning? The correct answer is: All of the given options

It is a statement of expected results expressed in numerical terms. The correct answer is:

They are usually the simplest type of plan. The correct answer is: Rules

The strategic planning process begins with:

The correct answer is: defining the mission, vision, and values of the organization

_____develop and carry out tactical plans. The correct answer is: Management by
 Short Quiz 6

_____ is the process of using the resources and personnel of an organization in an orderly
way to achieve the objectives and long-term goals of the organization.
The correct answer is: Organizing

Which of the following applies to the matrix structure?

The correct answer is: It attempts to merge the benefits of decentralization with co-
ordination across all areas of the business

The framework of interrelationships among individuals and departments that describe

relationships of reporting and accountability is called: The correct answer is: Organizational

What is the term used to define the number of subordinates directly controlled by a
manager? The correct answer is: Span of management

The divisional structure may contain which type of division(s)?

The correct answer is: Both product and geographic divisions

Which of the following can affect the span of management? The correct answer is: All of the
given options.

____is a diagrammatic representation of organization structure show names designation

functions of personnel in the organization. The correct answer is: Organizational chart

______ is the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization.

The correct answer is: Organizational structure

The span of control refers to:

The correct answer is: the number of subordinates reporting directly to a given manager or

_______ is the form of departmentalization that groups similar jobs and activities into
departments. The correct answer is: A functional structure

 Learning Activity 6

Organizing in management refers to the relationship between _____used to achieve the

common objectives. The correct answer is: All of the given options

The term organizational hierarchy implies The correct answer is: All of the given options.
Specialization of labor refers to focusing an individual's efforts on a particular product or a
single task. The correct answer is: True

It is a design of organization movement or blueprint The correct answer is: Organization


Functional structure is created based on the various ____ of an organization.

The correct answer is: Functions

 Learning Activity 7

Formal organizations are designed to make work more efficient.

The correct answer is: True

What is the duty to act according to the authority that has been given?
The correct answer is: Responsibility

Authority moves _______, while accountability move________ within the organization.

The correct answer is: downward, upward

Formal organization is objective oriented. The correct answer is: True

Organizing, as a management function, is accomplished by doing all of the following except:

The correct answer is: monitoring performance to measure what is taking place

 Short Quiz 7

The systems approach ______.

The correct answer is: Encourages managers to view the organization both as a whole and
as part of a larger environment

Which statement is wrong about Formal organization? The correct answer is: It is temporary
and unstable

The study of management theory is important for which of the following reason.
The correct answer is: Management theories are interpretive and evolve with organizational

Scientific management is based on the assumption that:

The correct answer is: The scientific observation of people at work would reveal the one
best way to do the task.

Which of the following are sub-groupings of the classical approach?

The correct answer is: Scientific management and bureaucracy
Which approach to the study of organizational behavior emphasizes the formal structure,
hierarchy of management, the technical requirements and the assumption of rational
behavior? The correct answer is: The classical approach

Systems theory holds that: The correct answer is: The whole is greater than the sum of the

It is a network of interpersonal relationships that arise when people associate with each
other. The correct answer is: Informal organization

In order to accomplish the process of organizing, management must:

The correct answer is: All of the given options

It is the intentional structure of roles, in a formally organized enterprise.

The correct answer is: Formal organization

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