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Company Page Consolidation Acknowledgement Form

Name and Title of Requestor: Kelvin S. Villafuerte ________________________________________________________

Company Name: Asiapro Multi-Purpose Cooperative_

Company Page #1 Name (Parent): AsiaproPH

Company Page #1 URL:

Company Page #2 Name (to merge): ASIAPRO COOPERATIVE

Company Page #2 URL:

Company has two LinkedIn Company Pages, and requests that LinkedIn consolidate Company Pages into one LinkedIn Company
Page. Upon completion of this LinkedIn will move the affiliated Employees of Company Page #2 to Company Page #1,
deactivating Company Page #2.

A. Rightful Admin(s) of above referenced Company Pages represent s and warrants that:
1. He/She is authorized to act on behalf of Company in relation to this request to consolidate Company Page #1 and
Company Page #2.

2. All work history of member profiles associated to Company Page #2 (current and former Employees) will be associated
to Company Page #1 upon consolidation. The consolidation process will take approximately 24 hours to complete.
Upon consolidation Company Page #2 is deactivated.

3. All data related to Company Page #2 (including content, Marketing Campaigns, Sponsored Updates and update history)
will no longer be accessible.

4. Company Page #2 will no longer be discoverable through LinkedIn search.

5. Admins of Company Page #2 will no longer be Admins of Company Page #2.

6. The requestor is authorizing LinkedIn to update the profiles of current & former Employees that have associated their
profiles to Company Page #2, to now be associated to remaining Company Page #1.

B. Requestor acknowledges that this consolidation request is irreversible. In other words, Company Page #2 will no longer be
able to be active on LinkedIn and the affiliated Employees of Company Page #2 will be moved to Company Page #1 and will not
be able to be moved back to Company Page #2.

Signed by Admin of Company Page #1

Signature: _____________________________________

Print name: KELVIN S. VILLAFUERTE Date: MAY 29, 2019

Signed by Admin of Company Page #2 -- Note: Only required if Admin of #2 is not the same person as Company Page #1.

Signature: _____________________________________

Print name: _____________________________________ Date: _____________________________________

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