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Learn Languages

Through TV Shows
You Love

The main focus of the app will be to allow people who “binge-watch” popular TV shows
repeatedly like the Office or Friends. The app will be interactive and have subtitles in the
language you wish to learn. You can pause and rewind, practice along, and click the words or
phrases to understand them better.

This is an educational app.


Considering the app will allow you to communicate with a broader set of people once you learn
the languages, it fits perfect for a communications major.
Other apps?

Language learning apps are very popular, like Duolingo or Babel. But there are no apps that I am
aware of that use popular TV shows to help people learn languages.
Target Audience

The target audience will be the large segment of people that watch the same shows over and
over, who also are interested in learning a new language. It allows you to be more productive
than you would be just watching the same show repeatedly.

There would be a lot of cost to make the app, so I imagine it would be a monthly subscription of
roughly 4.99. There would be a free trial for one or two episodes so that people knew how it

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