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Consolidate AL2 - Consolidation Model

FI.Plan - PV2100(v4.1_2019.02.24)-TEG.2019.02.24 - Model Analysis

Ver. # Output Calculation Input Input Types Note


Tổng số headcount của SP Calculation - refer to #

- OVN sẽ phân bổ cho các SP VN gồm: NVN,
%Allocation Osscar (OVN,OTL)
[Tổng số headcount của SP] / [Tổng số headcount EVN, UVN, TopKid, EcoKid, CPD
1 cho từng SP theo tỷ trọng nhân
của tất cả các SP VN/TL] - OTL sẽ phân bổ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL,
sự (quy tắc Q001) NTL
Tổng số headcount của tất cả các SP VN/TL Calculation - refer to #

- OVN sẽ phân bổ cho các SP VN gồm: NVN,

%Allocation của Osscar
EVN, UVN, TopKid, EcoKid, CPD
2 (OVN,OTL) cho từng SP theo tỷ [100%] / [Số lượng các SP trong nhóm VN/TL] Số lượng các SP trong nhóm VN/TL Calculation - refer to #
- OTL sẽ phân bổ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL,
trọng đều (quy tắc K007) NTL


3 Giá trị P&L của OVN [Importrange toàn bộ sheet ] Sheet PL của OVN model

4 Giá trị P&L của OTL [Importrange toàn bộ sheet ] Sheet PL của OTL model

Giá trị PL.AL1 Importrange model SP

[Giá trị PL.AL1] + [Giá trị PL OVN/OTL phân bổ cho

5 Giá trị PL.AL2 của từng SP từng SP VN/TL tương ứng theo từng line item
Giá trị PL.AL1 OVN/OTL phân bổ cho từng Calculation - refer to
SP VN/TL tương ứng theo từng line item #5.1 & 5.2

Phụ thuộc vào các yếu tố sau:

- SP nhận phân bổ là SP nào (OVN sẽ phân bổ
Giá trị P&L.AL1 của OVN theo từng line item Calculation - refer to cho các SP VN gồm: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
PL #3 EcoKid, CPD)
Giá trị PL.AL1 OVN phân bổ - Line item của SP nhận phân bổ tương ứng
[Giá trị P&L của OVN theo từng line item PL] *
5.1 cho từng SP VN tương ứng chính xác với Line item nào của Osscar
[%Allocation tương ứng]
theo từng line item - Line item đó nhận quy tắc phân bổ nào (Q001
Calculation - refer to or K007)
%Allocation tương ứng
#1 *** Chi tiết tham khảo Appendix:
Allocation Code (line 20-37)

Calculation - refer to
Salary and bonus for Overhead Dep of OVN
5.1. Salary and bonus for Overhead [Salary and bonus for Overhead Dep của OVN] * [% Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
1 Dep Allocation theo Q001] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
% Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Business trips expenses of OVN
5.1. [Business trips expenses of OVN] * [%Allocation Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Business trips expenses
2 theo Q001] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Other labour costs of OVN
5.1. [Other labour costs of OVN] * [%Allocation theo Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Other labour costs
3 Q001] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001
Other non-labour costs (fees, media, etc. of Calculation - refer to
OVN #3
5.1. Other non-labour costs (fees, [Other non-labour costs (fees, media, etc. of OVN] * Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
4 media, etc. [%Allocation theo K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Recruitment of OVN
5.1. Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Recruitment [Recruitment of OVN] * [%Allocation theo Q001]
5 EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Office Rental Expense of OVN
5.1. [Office Rental Expense of OVN] * [%Allocation theo Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Office Rental Expense
6 Q001] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Public relationship expense of OVN
5.1. [Public relationship expense of OVN] * [%Allocation Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Public relationship expense
7 theo K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
External relations expense of OVN
5.1. [External relations expense of OVN] * [%Allocation Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
External relations expense
8 theo K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Water, Electric, Internet... of OVN
5.1. [Water, Electric, Internet... of OVN] * [%Allocation Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Water, Electric, Internet...
9 theo Q001] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Phone expenses of OVN
5.1. [Phone expenses of OVN] * [%Allocation theo Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Phone expenses
10 Q001] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Server_allocated from osscar of OVN
5.1. [Server_allocated from osscar of OVN] * Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Server_allocated from osscar
11 [%Allocation theo K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Value Added Tax of OVN
5.1. [Value Added Tax of OVN] * [%Allocation theo Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Value Added Tax
12 K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007
Depreciation of new equipment and software Calculation - refer to
of OVN #3
5.1. Depreciation of new equipment [Depreciation of new equipment and software of Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
13 and software OVN] * [%Allocation theo K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Depreciation of other investment of OVN
5.1. Depreciation of other [Depreciation of other investment of OVN] * Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
14 investment [%Allocation theo K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Interest from loan of OVN
5.1. [Interest from loan of OVN] * [%Allocation theo Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Interest from loan
15 K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Corporate income tax of OVN
5.1. [Corporate income tax of OVN] * [%Allocation theo Chỉ cho các SP: NVN, EVN, UVN, TopKid,
Corporate income tax
16 K007] EcoKid, CPD

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Phụ thuộc vào các yếu tố sau:

Giá trị P&L.AL1 của OTL theo từng line item Calculation - refer to - SP nhận phân bổ là SP nào (OTL sẽ phân bổ
PL #4 cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL)
Giá trị PL.AL1 OTL phân bổ cho - Line item của SP nhận phân bổ tương ứng
[Giá trị P&L.AL1 của OTL theo từng line item PL] * chính xác với Line item nào của Osscar
5.2 từng SP tương ứng theo từng
[%Allocation tương ứng] - Line item đó nhận quy tắc phân bổ nào (Q001
line item or K007)
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation tương ứng
*** Chi tiết tham khảo Appendix:
Allocation Code (line 20-37)

Calculation - refer to
Salary and bonus for Overhead Dep of OTL
5.2. Salary and bonus for Overhead [Salary and bonus for Overhead Dep của OTL] * [%
Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
1 Dep Allocation theo Q001]
Calculation - refer to
% Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Business trips expenses of OTL
5.2. [Business trips expenses of OTL] * [%Allocation
Business trips expenses Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
2 theo Q001]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Other labour costs of OTL
5.2. [Other labour costs of OTL] * [%Allocation theo
Other labour costs Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
3 Q001]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Other non-labour costs (fees, media, etc. of Calculation - refer to

OTL #4
5.2. Other non-labour costs (fees, [Other non-labour costs (fees, media, etc. of OTL] *
Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
4 media, etc. [%Allocation theo K007]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007
Calculation - refer to
Recruitment of OTL
Recruitment [Recruitment of OTL] * [%Allocation theo Q001] Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Office Rental Expense of OTL
5.2. [Office Rental Expense of OTL] * [%Allocation theo
Office Rental Expense Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
6 Q001]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Public relationship expense of OTL
5.2. [Public relationship expense of OTL] * [%Allocation
Public relationship expense Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
7 theo K007]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
External relations expense of OTL
5.2. [External relations expense of OTL] * [%Allocation
External relations expense Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
8 theo K007]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Water, Electric, Internet... of OTL
5.2. [Water, Electric, Internet... of OTL] * [%Allocation
Water, Electric, Internet... Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
9 theo Q001]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Phone expenses of OTL
Phone expenses [Phone expenses of OTL] * [%Allocation theo Q001] Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo Q001

Calculation - refer to
Server_allocated from osscar of OTL
5.2. [Server_allocated from osscar of OTL] *
Server_allocated from osscar Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
11 [%Allocation theo K007]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Value Added Tax of OTL
Value Added Tax [Value Added Tax of OTL] * [%Allocation theo K007] Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL

Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Depreciation of new equipment and software Calculation - refer to

of OTL #4
5.2. Depreciation of new equipment [Depreciation of new equipment and software of
Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
13 and software OTL] * [%Allocation theo K007]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007
Calculation - refer to
Depreciation of other investment of OTL
5.2. Depreciation of other [Depreciation of other investment of OTL] *
Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
14 investment [%Allocation theo K007]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Interest from loan of OTL
5.2. [Interest from loan of OTL] * [%Allocation theo
Interest from loan Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
15 K007]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Calculation - refer to
Corporate income tax of OTL
5.2. [Corporate income tax of OTL] * [%Allocation theo
Corporate income tax Chỉ cho các SP TL gồm: ETL, NTL
16 K007]
Calculation - refer to
%Allocation theo K007

Appendix - Allocation Code

STT HD Code Content Allocation code

1 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.NS.SAL Salary and bonus for Overhead Dep Q001

2 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.NS.CTP Business trips expenses Q001

3 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.NS.OT Other labour costs Q001

4 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.PNS.OT Other non-labour costs (fees, media, etc. K007

5 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.PNS.TD Recruitment Q001

6 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.PNS.WPL Office Rental Expense Q001

7 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.PNS.CON Public relationship expense K007

8 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.PNS.NG External relations expense K007

9 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.PNS.FAL Water, Electric, Internet... Q001

10 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.PNS.DTTH Phone expenses Q001

11 HD.CHI.G.OV.DP.PNS.SER Server_allocated from osscar K007

12 HD.CHI.CVT.OT.DP.VAT Value Added Tax K007

13 HD.CHI.IV.OT.DP.CA Depreciation of new equipment and software K007

14 HD.CHI.IV.OT.DP.OT Depreciation of other investment K007

15 HD.CHI.FI.OT.DP.BOR.INT Interest from loan K007

16 HD.CHI.CVT.OT.CPB Corporate income tax K007

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