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Jakarta, August 13, 2014. As there had been many reports about Indonesian Manusia Membantu
Manusia (MMM) program, which is also named as Indonesian Mavrodian Community originated
from Mavrodi Mondial Moneybox, we have investigated and gained information that the MMM
program is a form of social financial networking, not of investment, since it does not involve
investment underlying.

In the matter of investment offers from this MMM program, more members of society addressed
their questions to OJK Consumer Service call center (500-655) to ask for explanation whether the
Indonesian MMM program owns business license from OJK.

OJK Consumer Service`s data as of August 8, 2014, shows that there had been 117 questions and 28
reports regarding the Indonesian MMM program. Most of the questions are about the program`s
legality and whether the MMM program is supervised by OJK.

Considering latest development, OJK therefore releases public information on the following matters:

1. Pursuant to the mandate of Law on OJK, OJK has the authority, duties and function to
regulate, supervise and protect financial industry in Indonesia, which comprises banking,
capital market and non-bank financial industry sectors.
2. Based on the definition, OJK supervises the whole financial services institutions that carry
out business activities in the three sectors mentioned above. And that includes giving license
to the financial services institutions.
3. Indonesian MMM program or Indonesian Mavrodian Community is not financial services
institution that carries business activities in financial sector as regulated and supervised by
OJK, therefore the Indonesian MMM program has not gained business license from OJK.
Consequently, OJK does not regulate and supervise Indonesian MMM program.
4. In the matter of receiving investment offers or other financial products/services, OJK really
hope that society will conduct a thorough examination and must understand about legality
aspect, benefits, risks and mechanism of the offers. Society must be vigilant to recognize the
characteristics of indistinct investments or products/services, such as promising extremely
high revenue (which is illogical compared to revenue offered by other financial products),
regulator or supervisor of the business is uncertain, and conveys unclear information
regarding business license and registered mark of the products and services.
5. In the matter of questions or reports regarding investment offers, members of society can
file their reports to OJK Consumer Service at phone number 500-655 or to Investment Alert
Task Force, which has the authority to handle and analyze reports of alleged illegal acts in
the field of investment management.
Investment Alert Task Force is accessible by:

Website :
Email :
Twitter : @satgasinvestasi


For more information:

• Lucky F.A. Hadibrata, Deputy Commissioner IB for Strategic Management, OJK. Phone: 021-
3858001, Email:

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