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Summary Product distribution: the basics

Transportation is very important in logistics when deciding how to send a product to
the customer in these factors helps in the processes of the company.

Modes of transport are also very important when you need to send a product that
requires customer attention.
The modes used are;
Aerial the fastest and safest but costly,
Iron, it's fast, it respects the environment and can be expensive,

Maritime, can be slow or fast, can send large volume of merchandise and type, it is
not so expensive except the express transport couriers.
Road, the most economical but not recommended for fast deliveries.

Also depending on the type of product that will be sent to the mode of transport,
when we transport valuable goods it is important to take it to a type of tracking that
we already know as is our product.

You must also take into account the costs of each mode for sending a product, with
the means that fit the measure in the most convenient way.

Important if we send by road with the limits of weight, height, volume among others
and know that it may take depending on traffic and inconveniences that occur in the

Aerial - aereo Maritime - maritimo
Business - negocios Means – recursos
Buyer - comprador Pak - paquete
Choosing - elegir Payloads – cargas utiles
Course - recorrido Paid - remunerado
Damage - daño Railway - ferrocarril
Daley - retrasar Reliable - de confianza
Ease - facil Seller - vendedor
Fuel - combustible Schedule - programar
Hazardous - peligroso Sheap - barato
Heavy - pesado Shipping - envio
However - sin embargo Speedy - rapido
Insurance - Seguro Some - algo
Journey - viaje Supplier - proveedor

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