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A P4903 Pages: 2

Reg No.:_______________ Name:__________________________

Course Code: EC302
Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours
Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks Marks
1 a) Consider a random process X(t) = Acos(2πfct+ø) where A and fc are constants and (7)
ø is uniformly distributed over the interval (-π, π).
(a) Check whether the given random process is WSS.
(b) Also check whether the given random process is ergodic
b) Derive impulse response and frequency response for Duobinary encoder (8)
2 a) Derive the impulse response for matched filter (7)
b) The bandwidth of an output signal to the PCM is restricted to 4 kHz . The input (8)
signal varies in amplitude from 3.8 to +3.8 V and has the average power of 30
mW. The required SNR is given as 20 dB. The PCM modulator produces binary
(a) Find the number of bits required per sample.
(b) Outputs of 30 such PCM codes are time multiplexed. What would be the
minimum required transmission bandwidth for this?
3 a) Prove that analog signal can be reconstructed from the knowledge of samples by (6)
passing the samples through a low pass filter
b) Explain the block diagram for Delta Modulation with relevant equations (9)

Answer any two full questions, each carries 15 marks

4 a) Three signals s1 (t ), s2 (t ) and s3 (t ) are shown in Fig. 1 (10)

(a) Apply Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization procedure for finding the orthonormal

basis for the signals.
(b) Express the signals s1 (t ), s2 (t ) and s3 (t ) in terms of the orthonormal basis
(c) Plot the signal constellation diagram.

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A P4903 Pages: 2

b) Distinguish between ML rule and MAP rule. (5)

5 a) Draw the constellation diagram for QPSK modulation and explain the block (7)
diagram for generation and detection of QPSK signals
b) Derive the Bit Error Probability (BER) for QPSK modulation. (8)
6 a) Draw the block diagram for BFSK generation and detection with relevant (7)
b) Derive an expression for probability of error for BFSK (8)

Answer any two full questions, each carries 20 marks
7 a) Distinguish between Delay spread and Doppler spread (4)
b) Define Jamming Margin (4)
c) Explain the block diagram for FHSS and distinguish between SFHSS and FFHSS (12)
8 a) The FH/MFSK signal has the following parameters (10)
Number of bits per MFSK symbols, K=2
Number of MFSK tones M=4
Length of PN segment per hop, k=3
Total number of frequency hops=8
Assuming binary data sequence to be 10001101000111111001, illustrate the
variation of FH/MFSK signal for the given binary sequence. Assume that the
carrier hops to a new frequency after transmitting two MFSK symbols or 4 bits.
Also, PN sequence is 000100110101111
b) Explain the properties of PN sequence (10)
9 a) Explain the block diagram for OFDM transmission and reception (10)
b) Distinguish between flat fading and frequency selective fading (5)
c) Distinguish between Doppler spread and Delay spread (5)

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