Media Handbook

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Table of Contents

Ⅰ. The Leaders 2

Ⅱ. Media ID Badges 6
1. Distribution of Media ID Badges
2. Accreditation Policy
3. Access Restrictions to Media ID Badge Holders

III. Program and Media Coverage 7

1. G20 Seoul Summit
1-1. Leaders’Program
1-2. Spousal Program
2. Seoul G20 Business Summit
3. Media Pool
3-1. Pool Coverage of the G20 Seoul Summit and the Spousal Program
3-2. Pool Coverage of the Seoul G20 Business Summit

Ⅳ. International Media Center (IMC) 10

1. Location & Hours of Operation
2. Main Facilities and Services
2-1. Main Press Center (MPC)
2-2. International Broadcast Center (IBC)
2-3. Media Delegation Meals and Lounge Areas
3. Main Services
3-1. Video Feed
3-2. Photographs and News Feed
3-3. Telecommunication Service
3-4. Press Release Forwarding Service
4. Media Facilities & Services

Ⅴ. Other Facilities 14
1. Press Conference Room
2. Briefing Room
3. Interview Room

VI. Transportation 14
1. International Media Center (IMC) Shuttle Bus
2. Seoul G20 Business Summit Shuttle Service
3. Transportation Arrangements for the Media Pools

VII. Seoul City Press Tour 16

VIII. Nearby Amenities 18

[Appendix] 23
Local Time Conversion Table & Country Codes
List of Diplomatic Missions in Korea
COEX Floor Plan (1st and 3rd Floor)
Ⅰ. The Leaders
G20 Members (in alphabetical order)

Her Excellency Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

The Honourable Julia Gillard
Prime Minister

His Excellency Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva

The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister

His Excellency Hu Jintao

His Excellency Nicolas Sarkozy

Her Excellency Dr. Angela Merkel

His Excellency Dr. Manmohan Singh
Prime Minister

His Excellency Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

His Excellency Silvio Berlusconi
Prime Minister

His Excellency Kan Naoto
Prime Minister
Korea ( Republic of )
His Excellency Lee Myung-bak

His Excellency Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa

His Excellency Dmitry Medvedev

Saudi Arabia
His Royal Highness Prince Saud Al-Faisal
Minister of Foreign Affairs

South Africa
His Excellency Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma

His Excellency Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
Prime Minister

United Kingdom
The Right Honourable David Cameron
Prime Minister

United States of America

The Honorable Barack H. Obama

European Union
His Excellency Herman VAN ROMPUY
President of the European Council

European Union
His Excellency José Manuel DURÃO BARROSO
President of the European Commission

Ⅰ. The Leaders
International Organizations

United Nations (UN)

His Excellency Ban Ki-moon

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Juan Somavia

World Bank (WB)

The Honorable Robert B. Zoellick

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Managing Director

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)

Angel Gurría

World Trade Organization (WTO)

Pascal Lamy

Financial Stability Board (FSB)

Prof. Mario Draghi
Invited Countries

His Excellency Meles Zenawi
Prime Minister

His Excellency Bingu wa Mutharika

His Excellency Lee Hsien Loong
Prime Minister

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
President of the Government

His Excellency Nguyen Tan Dung
Prime Minister

Ⅱ. Media ID Badges
1. Distribution of Media ID Badges
Registered journalists should pick up their media ID badges at the Registration
Center, located on the 2nd floor of Hanbit Hall, a secondary building of the Korean
Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) located across the street from COEX (see map
below). Passport and letter of assignment are required to pick up the badges. If you
have renewed your passport after registering with your old passport, you will need
to bring both passports. Media ID badges for members of the media accompanying
the Heads of Delegation will be given to the delegation’
s Media Contact Point (MCP)
for distribution.

Registration Center
Hanbit Hall (2F),
Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO),
#411 Youngdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Hanbit Hall
Youngdong daero

Hours of Operation
Nov.9(Tuesday) - Nov.11(Thursday) 08:00~20:00 EastGate
Nov.12 (Friday) 06:00-20:00

ㆍIssuance and reissuance of Press ID badges
ㆍProvide Press Kit Vouchers

Press ID badge Replacement

Fill in loss report → Issue replacement badge
→ Sign security statement and receive replacement in person
☞ Please do not lose your press ID badge; it will take a considerable amount of time
to re-issue a press ID badge. During the re-issuing process, you will have no access
to the venue.
※A ‘Press Kit Voucher’ will be provided along with the media ID badge. You will
need to present this voucher at the press kit distribution table in the lobby by the
COEX East Gate to receive your press kit.

2. Accreditation Policy
Media ID badges should be worn at all times. Access to many of the event venues
will be restricted to media badge holders.

3. Access Restrictions to Media ID Badge Holders

Each area in the COEX has a different limitation as to which badge holders are
permitted access. Members of media are given yellow badges and are permitted
access to the International Media Center (IMC) on the 1st floor. However, the
auditorium on the 3rd floor of COEX will be permitted on Friday, November 12th
at 4:00 pm to 4:30 pm for the Chair’
s Press Conference. To access the 3rd floor for
yellow ID badge holders, you must meet two conditions: a site-specific floater must
be attached to the ID badge, and must be escorted by a Media Liaison Officer.
III . Program and Media Coverage
1. G20 Seoul Summit
*Subject to change
1-1. Leaders’
Program **HB: Host broadcaster (KBS)
***HP: Host photographer (Yonhap News Agency)

Date Time Program Media Coverage Venue

Nov.9 HB**, HP***, Int’l

accompanying media, Int’l Seoul Air Base
TBD Airport Arrival Pool (Official press included) or Incheon Int’l
/ Arrival Scene Airport
(Thu.) ※HB Live (Seoul Air Base)

HB, HP / Arrival Scene

※HB Live

18:00~ HB, HP, Int’l Pool

Welcome (Official press included) /
19:00 Reception Welcome Welcoming Scene
※HB Live
Nov.11 National Museum
(Thu.) of Korea
Reception HB, HP / Reception Scene

G20 Working
19:00~ Dinner:
HB, HP / Opening only
21:00 Global Economy
& Framework

08:00~09:00 Arrival of Leaders HB, HP / Arrival Scene

※HB Live

G20 Opening
HB, HP, Int’l Pool
Plenary Session 1:
09:00~10:00 (Official press included) /
Global Economy &
Framework (cont.) Opening only

G20 Plenary
Session 2:
10:00~11:00 Closed to media
IFIs Reform /

HB, HP, Int’l Pool (Official

11:00~11:30 Family Photo press included)
※HB Live

G20 Plenary
Session 3:
11:30-12:30 Development Closed to media

G20 Working
Nov.12 Lunch
Part I: Trade COEX
(Fri.) 12:40-14:10 HB, HP / Opening only
Part II: Climate
Change and Green

G20 Plenary
Session 4:
14:15-14:55 Financial Closed to media

G20 Plenary
Session 5: Energy,
Anti-Corruption Closed to media
and Seoul G20
Business Summit

G20 Final
Plenary Session:
15:20~ Declaration
Closed to media
15:30 of the G20
Seoul Summit

Date Time Program Media Coverage Venue
s Press All media
Conference ※HB Live

SME Finance COEX

16:40~16:51 Challenge Award All media
Nov.12 Presentation
Gala Reception HB, HP, Int’l Official press Grand
Dinner /
18:30~21:00 Cultural Intercontinental
Cultural HB, HP, Int’l Pool (Official
press included) Hotel

1-2. Spousal program

*Subject to change

Date Time Program Media Coverage Venue

HB, HP / Arrival at the
Nov.11 venue, family photo,
19:20~21:00 Dinner Leeum
(Thu.) reception and opening of
the dinner
HP, HB / Arrival at the
venue, welcome, family
Visit to Changdeokgung
10:00~11:40 photo, watching the Korean
11.12 Changdeokgung (Secret Garden)
traditional dress (Hanbok)
(Fri.) fashion show
HB, HP / Opening of the Korea Furniture
12:00~13:30 Lunch
lunch Museum

2. Seoul G20 Business Summit

*Subject to change
*Roundtable sessions where G20 leaders are not in attendance will be closed to media.
*Details on the schedule of Open Interviews to be announced later.

Date Time Program Media Coverage Venue

Nov.9 Business Summit

10:30~11:30 All media
(Tue.) Report Briefing

Open Interviews /
09:00~17:00 Further details to All media
Nov.10 18:00~19:00 Welcome Reception Pool
Pool / Opening and
19:00~20:30 Welcome Dinner
introduction of CEOs only

08:20~09:20 Opening Plenary
※HB LiveSheraton
Roundtable Session I Walkerhill
[Trade • Investment] Hotel
Revitalizing World
[Finance] Financial
Nov.11 Regulatory Reform
(Thu.) Pool / Speeches of
to Support Economic
09:40~10:40 Participating G20 leaders’
[CSR] Unleashing
Productivity Growth
[Green Growth]
Improving Energy
Date Time Program Media Coverage Venue

Roundtable Session II
[Trade • Investment]
Ensuring Foreign Direct
[Finance] Coordination of Pool / Speeches of
Exit Strategies
11:00~12:00 Participating G20
[CSR] Reducing Youth leaders’ only
[Green Growth] Encouraging
Use of Renewable and Low
Carbon Energy

12:20~13:40 Luncheon Pool / Opening toast

Nov.11 13:40~14:00 Photo Session Pool Walkerhill
Roundtable Session III
[Trade • Investment]
Nurturing SMEs
[Finance] Funding Pool / Speeches of
Infrastructure and Natural
14:30~15:30 Resources Participating G20
[CSR] Healthcare in leaders’
Developing Economies

[Green Growth]
Creating Green jobs

15:50~16:20 Closing Plenary Pool

Press All media
16:30~17:30 Conference ※HB Live

* Live coverage feed from the Seoul G20 Business Summit will be provided at the International Media Center (IMC) in COEX.
* Media ID badges for the G20 Seoul Summit and the Seoul G20 Business Summit will be distributed separately. Journalists who also
applied to cover the Seoul G20 Business Summit when they registered for the G20 Seoul Summit will be able to pick up their media ID
badges for the Business Summit at the G20 Business Summit press center (Grand Ballroom), located on the 1st basement of Sheraton
Walkerhill Hotel.

3. Media Pool
3-1. Pool Coverage of the G20 Seoul Summit and the Spousal Program

Due to security concerns and limited space, a pool system will be in place for
coverage of some of the official events. For further information, please refer to
‘ Transportation for Media Pool’ in this handbook or contact the Media Support
Office at the Main Press Center (MPC) at 82-(0)2-800-1105~6.

3-2. Pool Coverage for the Seoul G20 Business Summit

The Seoul G20 Business Summit is organized and operated by its own organizing
committee ( For further information, you
contact the Seoul G20 Business Summit Media Center registration desk or One-
stop Help Desk at 82-(0)2-800-0041~5.

8 •9
Ⅳ. International Media Center (IMC)
1. Location & Hours of Operation

* Location:Hall A & B (1st Floor), COEX

-Main Press Center (Hall A): 100 meters westbound from the East Gate
-International Broadcast Center (Hall B): 80 meters Northbound from
the East Gate

* Hours of Operation
Nov. 9 (Tuesday) : 09:00 - 23:00 Nov. 10 (Wednesday) : 07:00 - 24:00
Nov. 11 (Thursday) : 00:00 - 24:00 Nov. 12 Friday : 00:00 - 24:00

* International Media Center Floor Plan

West Gast

West Gast1

North Gast1

West Gast2

East Gast

2. Main Facilities and Services

2-1. Main Press Center (MPC)

Work Stations
1,330 work stations will be available in the Main Press Center, each equipped with
Ethernet cables (Internet), and news research desk. Wireless Internet is available at
Media Lounge.

Impressive Vivid Screen (IVS) provides live broadcast of the G20 Summit ceremonies:
It will cover the Welcome Reception, G20 Working Dinner, Arrival of Leaders, Family
Photo, Chair’s Press, and some briefings upon request of a host. Digital Information
Display (DID) provides updated information on the G20 Seoul Summit’s programs
and facilities.

Main Information Desk

Main Information Desk at the Main Press Center (MPC) provides general
information, including the G20 Seoul Summit schedules of televised programs,
information of traffic and tour, prints/fax service, and technician service. Also
complaints reception and the lost and found are located at the Main Information
Desk. For further information, please call 02-800-1401~2.

The Main Press Center (MPC) offers on-site 14 languages assistance (English,
Japanese, Chinese, Russian, German, French, Arabic, Turkish, Hindi, Portuguese,
Spanish, Italian, and Indonesian). Interpretation service off-site is not available.
Supply Rental Services
Equipment rental services for media booth such as LCD Projector, Screen, PDP, 3D
LED TV, LCD TV, TV Stand, Audio, PC, Monitor, Printer, FAX, Copier, etc. are available.
For further information, please contact Supply Rental Services, which is located next
to the Main Information Desk. Their dedicated phone line is 02-800-1600~5.

KT Telecomm Support Center

The KT Telecomm Support Center is located behind the Main Information Desk.
The KT Telecomm Support Center will sell international phone cards, translating
devices. The KT Telecomm Support Center will also provide free internet related
services and inquiries. You can forward KT Telecomm Support related questions to
Mr. Hong-Geun Kang at 82-(0)10-3010-0658.

Print Station
Print Station, located beside the Media Support Office, provides document related
services. Computers (6), Printers (6), Copy machines (4), Shredder (1), Fax machines
(3) are available.

Media Support Office

Media Support Office, located behind the Main Information Center, provides
administration support services: facility maintenance and administrative solutions.

Standup Positions
Standup positions are installed at the Main Press Center (MPC), East Gate of COEX
(outside, by the flag posts) and in the Grand Ballroom of Sheraton Walkerhill Hotel.
On-site booking is available at the HB Booking Office in the International Broadcast
Center (IBC), next to the Master Control Room (MCR).

2-2. International Broadcast Center (IBC)

Equipped with 130 media booths, the IBC provides video and audio footage. HB
(KBS) and HP (Yonhap News Agency) are stationed and offer related services. KBS
provides live TV and radio coverage (KBS). News feed of Summit events in Korean
and English and operating a photo web-site are offered by Yonhap News Agency.

Master Control Room

The Master Control Room is Host Broadcaster’
s (KBS) video footage editing room.

HB Booking Office
You will be able to inquire about all services the Host Broadcaster will provide at
the HB Booking Office. The HB Booking Office will be open at 07:00 on Tuesday,
November 9 and will close at 19:00 on Friday, November 12. Outside the regular
business hours, the Master Control Room (MCR) is available to take inquiries. For
further information, please call 02-800-1111~5.

Media Delegation Office

The Media Delegation Office is located on the northwest side of the International
Broadcast Center (IBC). The area is provided with 4 designated seats for the Media
Contact Point (MCP) of 24 countries, including the G20 members and five invited
countries, wire-based internet connections, and power supply. You will be able to
rent office equipment (such as phones and fax machines) from the Supply Rental
Services Center. KT Telecomm also provides phone and fax line installation.
*Phone and Fax Line installation manager: Ms. Hyo-Sook Jeon (82-(0)10-6822-9339)

10 •11
2-3 Media Delegation Meals and Lounge Areas

Catering Zone
Refreshments, including drinks and light snacks, will be available from
November 9th to November 12th in various locations close to the Main Press
Center (MPC). The dining areas include seating for up to 100.

Hours of Operation
Lunch 11:00~14:00 Dinner 18:00~21:00 Late Meals 22:00~24:00

Media Lounge (Main Lounge Area)

The Lounge A is located between the Main Press Center (MPC) and International
Broadcast Center (IBC). The Lounge B is located inside the Korea Experience
Zone which is in the east gate lobby. There are four self-service cafeterias: One
in front of the Main Information Center, Two located near the Media Catering, and
One near the Korea Experience Zone. Wi-Fi is available at this location.

Other Rest Areas

There are 5 other resting areas besides the Media Lounge (Main Rest Area).
-1 Located in front of the Main Information Desk
-2 Located in the Media Catering Zone
-2 Located in the first floor of COEX, outside the International Media Center (IMC)

Snacks and refreshments are provided in each rest area.

[Refreshments (Nov.9-12)] Drinks 07:00~24:00, Light Snacks 09:00~11:00,

3. Main Services
3-1. Video Feed

Video footage covered by the Host Broadcaster will be available online for search
at Advanced booking is required for the HB video footage
service. For the full list of host broadcast services, service fee, service booking
and more information, please visit HB On-site
Booking Office for the broadcast services will be located near Master Control
Room (MCR) inside of International Broadcast Center (IBC). HB Booking Office
will operate for 24 hours beginning 9:00 on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 until 24:00
on Friday, November 12, 2010. For additional information, please contact Mr. Ki
Peom Yoon at 82-(0)10-5151-8170.

3-2. Photographs and News Feed

Photographs, articles (news feed), and VOD (video footage) covered by the
Host Press can be searched and downloaded through
mediapool (ID: media, PW: media). Main articles (news feed) and photographs
will also be available in Korean, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Japanese and
Spanish. VOD (video footage) service will be provided via
mediapool (ID: media, PW: media) and (ID: g20media,
PW: g20media). Translation services are not available for VOD (video footage).
For additional information, please contact Mr. Il Joong Kim at 82-(0)10-3782-
3-3. Telecommunication Service

Wire-based internet services will be available free of charge. The KT

Telecommunication Support Center will sell international phone cards,
translating devices. The KT Telecommunication Support Center will also provide
free internet related services and inquiries. Cell phone chargers will be available
at 4 different points inside of the Main Press Center (MPC) and at 2 different
points near the East Gate of COEX (indicated in the IMC floor plan). For any other
service regarding internet and telecommunication, requests can be made at
The KT Telecommunication Support Center. For additional information, please
contact Mr. Hong-Geun Kang at 82-(0)10-3010-0658.

3-4. Press Release Forwarding Service

Korean/English press releases and backgrounders will be provided at the Main

Info Desk inside of the Main Press Center (MPC). At the conclusion of the meeting,
a joint communique will be distributed by hand.

4. Media Facilities & Services

4-1. Reference Desks

Reference Desks are located by the Work Stations in the Main Press Centre (MPC),
all rest areas, and in the Korea Electric Power Company (KEPCO) building.
The following are the materials that will be available at the Reference Desks:

Policy Related Releases

-Expo 2012 Yeosu Korea: The Living Ocean and Coast
-Statistics Korea: Explore Korea Through Statistics
-Ministry of Government Legislation: Laws on Green Growth and Economic
Investment in Korea
-Ministry of Environment: 2010 World Conservation Congress, Green Start
-Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs: Leading the New Green
-Green Growth Korea: East Asia Forum Quarterly
-The Korea Institute of Public Administration: Korea from Rags and Riches

Korea & Seoul Information Releases

-Korean Culture and Information Service: Facts about Korea, Welcome to Korea,
People & Culture Korea
-Seoul City: Seoul Press Kit
-Korea Tourism Organization: Korea Tourist Map, Korea Tourist Guide
-Gangnam-gu Office: Restaurant Guide in Gangnam
-COEX: Facility guide

4-2. Prayer Rooms

There are five prayer rooms within the International Media Center (IMC). Three
prayer rooms are located by the Main Lounge. Two prayer rooms are located in
the northwest corner of the International Media Center (IMC). They are divided
into men’s and women’ s.

4-3. IT Korea Experience Zone

The Korea Experience Zone, located in the East Gate Lobby, includes 4 exhibition
rooms. The facility provides the 3D presentations of UNESCO cultural heritage
tours, including tours of Gyeongju Bulguksa, Andong Hahoe Folk Village,
Gyeongju Yangdong Folk Village, Tripitaka Koreana of Haeinsa Jeju Island,
and Changdeokgung. There is also a gallery of traditional culture: a visual
presentation of the histories of Chonggye Stream and the Han River and an area
dedicated to tradition Korean dress.

4-4 Smoking
Smoking is not permitted in the premises.
12 • 13
Ⅴ. Other Facilities
1. Press Conference Room

Family Photo session (Nov.12 11:00-11:30) and The Chair’s press conference (Nov.12
16:00-16:30) will take place in the Auditorium located on the 3rd floor in north side of
COEX. The Auditorium for the closing press conference will be opened from 15:30 on

2. Briefing Room
There are seven briefing rooms on the 3rd floor of COEX. Six of these rooms can seat 90
people while the other room can seat 70. Briefings held in Room I and Room II can be
broadcasted live to the Main Press Center (MPC).
Each briefing room is equipped with backdrops, lighting, audio, visual equipment, tables,
chairs and two simultaneous interpretation booths (Korean-English, English-Korean
interpretation service). Each delegation may bring their own interpreter to the briefing
rooms. Briefing room is available from Nov.9-Nov.12 according to an advance order.
Reporters planning to cover press briefings must pick up floaters (temporary IDs) and
must be accompanied to the briefing rooms by a member of the International Media
Center (IMC) team. The schedule of distribution for temporary floaters will be announced
at the briefing day. For inquiries regarding the briefing rooms, please contact Deputy
Director Yoo, Joon Koo from the Media Support Division of the Presidential Committee for
the G20 Summit at 82-(0)10-8628-5155.

3. Interview Room
There are 3 interview rooms, next to the International Broadcast Center (IBC) on the 1st
floor of COEX.
The interview rooms can be used on requests for interviews between journalists and
delegations. For further questions, please contact Mr. Jang, Dae-Hyun from the Media
Support Division of the Presidential Committee for the G20 Summit at 82-(0)10-3932-5637.

VI. Transportation
1. International Media Center (IMC) Shuttle Bus

On Friday, November 12, the traffic in the Yeongdong main street (Yeongdong-daero) will
be partially restricted. The southbound lane in front of COEX East Gate will be closed off.
The northbound lane in front of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) building
will remain open, and allow two-way traffic.

Please follow the guidelines below to get to the International Media Center (IMC).

- By Car
Those planning to travel by car on Friday, November 12, can park in the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO)
paid parking lot (able to accommodate approximately 100 cars) and walk to the International Media Center (5 minute
walk) or take the provided shuttle if necessary. However, it is recommended to travel by public transportation due to the
limitation of parking space in the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCO) parking lot.

- By Public Transportation
Those planning to travel by city bus on Friday, November 12, can get off at the stop in front of the Korea Electric Power
Corporation (KEPCO) building and walk to the International Media Center (IMC).

Those planning to travel by subway on Friday, November 12, can detrain at Seolleung station or the Sports Complex
station (both located on Line 2) and take the shuttle bus to the Samseong Station and walk to the International Media
Center (IMC).

*IMC Shuttle Bus Schedule

Hours of Operation Stops Note
Seolleung Station - Samseong Station - Seolleung Station Exit 1
Media ID Badge required to board
Sports Complex Station Samseong Station Exit 4,8
Intervals: 5-10 minutes
Nov.12 (Fri.) : 06:30-23:00 Sports Complex Station Exit 5
KEPCO Secondary Building (Registration Media ID Badge required to board
KEPCO Secondary Building
Desk) - COEX Departs on demand
Parking Lot
Nov.12 (Fri.) : 06:00-22:00
2. Seoul G20 Business Summit Shuttle Service

Shuttle service will be provided from the International Media Center (IMC) to the Sheraton
Walker Hill Hotel for those planning to cover the Seoul G20 Business Summit from the 9th
(Tue.) to the 11th (Thu.). In case of inquiries, contact Mr. Kyung Hoon Kim (+82-(0)10-9394-
5936) for further information.

Departures from COEX Departures from

Date (In front of East Gate) Sheraton Walker Hill Estimated Time
(In front of the Casino)

09:00-12:00 10:00-13:00
Nov.9 13:30-16:30 14:30-17:30
(Tue.) (1 hour interval) (1 hour interval)
17:00 18:00
09:00-12:00 09:00-13:00 20~30
13:00-20:00 14:00-21:00 Minutes
(30 minute interval) (30 minute interval)

07:00-12:00 08:00-13:00
13:00-20:00 14:00-21:00
(30 minute interval) (30 minute interval)

3. Transportation Arrangements for the Media Pools

Transportation services will be provided for the Media Pools to cover the events happening
outside of COEX (There will be no transportation service provided for events happening
inside or in the vicinity of COEX).

Each event’s Media Pool will gather at the IMC in the waiting room located between the
Main Press Center (MPC) and the International Broadcasting Center (IBC) to be escorted
as a group by a Media Liaison Officer (MLO) to the event’s venue. The exact meeting time
for the Media Pool will be notified to each media delegation via the Media Contact Point
*Subject to change
Meeting Departure and
Date Time Program Media Coverage Time Time Transpor-

HB, HP, Int’l accompanying Seoul Air

Nov.9 3 Hours 2 Hours Base or
media, Int’l Pool
(Tue.)- before before Incheon
TBD Airport Arrival (Official press included) /
Nov.11 HOD’s HOD’s Int’l
Arrival Scene Airport
(Thu.) ※HB Live (Seoul Air Base) arrival arrival

HB, HP / Arrival Scene

※HB Live
15:10 16:00

HB, HP / Welcoming Scene 15:10 16:00

※HB Live
18:00- Welcome
19:00 Reception Welcome
Nov.11 Int’l Pool (Official press Museum
(Thu.) included) / Welcoming 15:30 16:20 of Korea
Scene (Car)

Reception HB, HP / Reception Scene 15:10 16:00

G20 Working Dinner:

Global Economy & HB, HP / Opening only 15:10 16:00
21:00 Framework

14 • 15
Meeting Departure and
Date Time Program Media Coverage Transpor-
Time Time tation

08:00- HP, HB / Arrival Scene

Arrival of Leaders 06:00 06:50
09:00 ※HB Live

HB, HP / Opening only 06:45 07:35

09:00- G20 Opening Plenary
Session 1: Global Economy
10:00 & Framework (cont.) Int’
l Pool (Official press
07:30 08:20
included) / Opening only

09:00 09:50
11:00- ※HB Live
Family Photo
11:30 Int’l Pool
09:30 10:20 COEX
(Official press included)
(On Foot)
G20 Working Lunch
12:40- Part I: Trade
Nov.12 HB, HP / Opening only 11:00 11:50
14:10 Part II: Climate Change and
Green Growth

16:00- Chair’s Press Conference All media 13:40 14:30


16:40- SME Finance Challenge

All media
16:51 Award Presentation

HB, HP 16:40 17:00 Grand

l Official press 17:00 17:20 Inter
Gala Dinner / conti-
18:30- Cultural
21:00 Performance Cultural
HB, HP 16:40 17:00 nental
Perfor- Int’
l Pool (Official press Hotel
mance 16:40 17:20 (On Foot)
included) (TBD)

1-2. Spousal program

*Subject to change
Meeting Departure and
Date Time Program Media Coverage Transpor-
Time Time tation

HB, HP / Arrival at the venue,

Nov.11 19:20- Leeum
Dinner family photo, reception and 16:45 17:35
(Thu.) 21:00 (Car)
opening of the dinner
HP, HB / Arrival at the
Visit to
venue, welcome, family Changdeok-
10:00- Chang-
photo, watching the Korean 07:15 08:05 gung
11:40 deok-
traditional dress (Hanbok) (Car)
Nov.12 fashion show
12:00- HB, HP / Opening of the Furniture
Lunch 09:20 10:10
13:30 lunch Museum

VII. Seoul City Press Tour

Seoul City Government will provide Press Tour for the media who visit Seoul to cover the
G20 Seoul Summit.
For more information, please refer to the‘Seoul Tour Guide’in the press kit.

1. Press Tour schedule: Nov.9 (Tue.) - Nov.11 (Thu.) 3 days

2. Tour Program (Total of 12 Tours)

2-1 Themed Courses: 2/Day (Max.4hrs/Course)
Departing Time - 09:00 & 14:00
No. Course Program Contents Duration
A tour experiencing the unique design
Dongdaemun History
properties, vision and design street
Design &Culture Park →
1 of Seoul which has been designated
Seoul Design Seoul Street in
as the World Design Capital 2010 and
Samcheong dong
the UNESCO Creative City of Design.
DMC Gallery → Digital A tour introducing Korea’s world-
2 IT Seoul Pavillion → Korean Film class IT industry and promising film
Museum industry.

A tour of the Hangang River Park plus

Yeouido Hangang River
Hangang a river cruise that runs through Seoul
3 Park → River Cruise
River Tour to sense the spirit of‘recovery’ and
Tour (Approx. 100 min.)
‘creation’ of the river.
Gyeongbokgung Palace A tour of spaces that capture the past
4 → Bukchon Hanok and the present of the capital with a
Village time-honored history of six centuries.

World Cup Park → An eco-tour of Nanjido Island, which
5 Mapo Recycling Center was converted into an ecological park
from a landfill

A tour of the refreshing urban space
Downtown Museum → Cheonggye
6 stretching between Cheonggyecheon
Tour Plaza → Gwanghwamun
Stream restoration.
Square → Seoul Plaza

2-2 Courses in vicinity of COEX: 2/Day (Max.2hrs/Course)

Departing Time - 10:00 & 14:00
No. Course Program Contents Duration
A tour of a rare historical site
situated in the downtown area,
Seonjeongneung →
the home of Taekwondo, Korea’
Seonjeongneung World Taekwondo
s proud national martial art, and
7 Royal Tomb Headquaters →
‘Media Poles’ , the installation of
Park Gangnamdaero
a public media board that allows
U-Street & U-park 2 hrs
ubiquitous access to media right
on the street.
Bongeunsa Temple* An experience of exotic Buddhist
→ Garosu-Gil → culture, a scenic street lined with
8 Temple and
Fashion Street in beautiful trees, and a stylish fashion
Cheongdam-dong street in the heart of Seoul
*Please register for the Bongeunsa Press Tour (Temple Life Program) at

2-3 Other tours: 1/Day (Approx.3-4hrs)

Departing Time - 10:00
No. Course Contents Duration

Individual Studio → Permanent Gallery →

9 Seoul Design Studio 3hrs
→ Joint Workspaces

Seoul Art Space in Sindang →

10 Seoul Art Space Tour 4hrs
Seoul Art Space in Seongbuk

National Theater of Korea →

Seoul Fortress on
11 N Seoul Tower → Bong Soo Dae → 4hrs
Mt. Namsan
Baekbeom Square

High-Tech Transport
12 TOPIS Center Auditorium 3hrs
System (TOPIS, BMS)

16 • 17
3. Arrival and Departure
Jamsil Sports Complex, Hodoree Square
*Shuttle Bus schedule (From: Bus stop, COEX, East gate / To: Jamsil Sports Complex)
Date Schedule Duration
Depart: COEX Depart: Jamsil
Arrive: Jamsil Sports Complex
Sports Complex Arrive: COEX

08:00 -
08:30 -
09:00 -
(Tue.) 09:30 -
- 13:00 13:00
13:30 13:30
14:00 14:00
- 14:30
- 18:00
- 18:30
- 19:00
- 19:30

4. Contact
- General Inquiries: +82-(0)-2260-2051
- Transportation: Mr. Yang, Seung-Yeop (+82-(0)10-4608-5203)
- On-Site registration: Mr. Lee, Joo-Kyung (+82-(0)10-6396-5033)

5. Private Tour Registration

- Inquiries: E-mail Telephone: +82-(0)2-0413-0412~3
- On-Site registration: Registration Desk inside Jamsil Sports Complex

VIII. Nearby Amenities

1. COEX Mall
The operation of major facilities inside COEX will be restricted on November 11th (Thu.)
to November 12th (Fri.).
The information on major facilities’locations is available at the COEX main website
( → COEX Directions Menu) or the Digital Information Displays (DID)
installed inside COEX.
For inquiries about facility operations, call the COEX general information desk

COEX User Application for Smart Phones

- The
“myCOEX” application enables the user to receive information on major
amenities, exhibitions, and shuttle schedules concerning the vicinity of the COEX
convention center. Moreover, the application provides navigation and various guide
- Supported Devices: iPhone (3G Model or higher), New iPod Touch (iOS 4.0 or
higher), Android (OS 2.1 or higher)
- Application Installation

• Apple App Store, Google Android Market, SK Telecomm Store- Search T Store for
2. COEX Vicinity Information
Category Store Name Hours of Location Telephone No.
Seoul Gangnam
General Hospital 82-(0)2-3430-0200
09:00-17:30 Station,
*Emergency 82-(0)2-3430-0570
(E.R. open 24h) Exit 7 & 8
Services (E.R.)
(3 Minute Walk)
Kwang Dong Station, Exit 7,
08:30-18:00 82-(0)2-2222-4888
Oriental Hospital Towards KEPCO

Lotte Duty-Free
Shopping 10:00-22:00 Intercontinental 82-(0)2-3484-9600
Hotel, B1-B2

Gangnam Police
24hr. Station, Exit 1, 82-(0)2-568-4400

Nov. 11(Thu.)
City Airport, Samseong
Logis & Travel Station, 82-(0)2-551-0077
Closed on
Korea Exit 5 & 6
Nov. 12(Fri.)
Station, Exit4,
FedEX, Kinkos 24hr. Semyung 82-(0)2-566-4491
1st Floor

Taxi 24hr. - 82-(0)2-1644-2255
(Korean, English,
Japanese, Chinese
Services available)

3. 24hr. Telephone Information Service

- Seoul General Information : 120 (Dasan Call Center)
- Korean Tourism Information : 1330 (Korea Tourism Organization)

4. ATM Information
By using your card (Visa, Master, Cirrus, etc.), you can withdraw cash in Korean
Won (KRW) at any Global ATM and hotels in COEX. Check out the location of
available Global ATMs on

Banks will operate financial trouble-shooting call centers with English speaking
assistants to deal with any issues you may encounter, and English-speaking
tellers will assist you at every bank branch (Shinhan Bank, Korea Exchange
Bank, KB Kookmin Bank, Woori Bank) within COEX.

5. Emergency Assistance
Participants in the G20 Seoul Summit can call +82-(0)2-501-6975 for assistance
in an auto accident or breakdown. Staff at the auto accident solutions hot line
available from November 9 through 13 will fast access the scene of an accident or
breakdown, and provide one-stop services ranging from emergency assistance
to insurance services.

18 • 19
List of Diplomatic Missions in Korea
Chunwoo B/D 5 Floor, 534 Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-861
T: 02)796-8144
F: 02)792-5820

19th Floor Kyobo building, 1 Jongno 1-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea 110-714
T: 02)2003-0100
F: 02)2003-0196

4th, 5th Floors Ihn Gallery Bldg., 141 Palpan-dong, Chongno-gu, Seoul 110-220
T: 02)738-4970, 720-4428
F: 02)738-4974

16-1, Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-120, C.P.O.6299
T: 02)3783-6000
F: 02)3783-6239

54, Hyoja-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-033
T: 02)738-1038
F: 02)738-1077
1418, U 2-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan 612-022
T: 051)743-7983
F: 051)743-7987

European Union
SEAN Bldg., 16th Floor, 16 Shinmoonno 1-ga, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-700
T: 02)3704-1700, 735-1101
F: 02)739-3514

30 Hap-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-030
T: 02)3149-4300
F: 02)3149-4310

308-5, Dongbingogo-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-816, C.P.O. Box 1289, Seoul 100-612
T: 02)748-4114
F: 02)748-4161

37-3, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-210
T: 02)798-4257, 798-4268, 798-0962
F: 02)796-9534,

55 Yeouido-dong, Yeoungdeungpo-ku, Seoul 150-896
T: 02)783-5674~7
F: 02)780-4280
3 Floor, Ilshin Bldg, 714 Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-894
T: 02)796-0491/5
F: 02)797-5560

18-11, Junghak-dong, Jongro-gu, Seoul 110-150
T: 02)2170-5200F: 02)734-4528
1147-11, Choryang-3dong, Dong-gu, Busan 601-836
T: 051)465-5101~6
F: 051)464-1630

33-6, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 140-885
T: 02)798-1694/5, 790-0938
F: 02)790-0939

34-16, Cheong-dong, Jong-gu, Seoul 100-120
T: 02)318-2116~8
F: 02)754-0417
8th Floor, Korea Exchange Bank Bldg., 89-1, Jungang-dong 4-ga, Jung-gu, Busan 600-814
T: 051)441-9904/5
F: 051)464-4404

Saudi Arabia
36-37, Itaewon 1-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, 140-201
T: 02)739-0631~4
F: 02)739-0041

South Africa
1-37, hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-884
T: 02)792-4855
F: 02)792-4856

Vivien Bldg, 4th Floor, 4-52 Seobinggo-dong Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-240
T: 02)794-0255/3778
F: 02)797-8546, 796-0030

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Taepyeongno 40, 4 Jeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul 100-120
T: 02)3210-5500
F: 02)725-1738

United States of America

32 Sejong-no, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-710
T: 02)397-4114
F: 02)738-8845 (
Room No. 612, Lotte Gold Rose Building, 150-3 Yangjung-dong, Busanjin-gu, Busan 614-050
T: 051)863-0731/2
F: 051)863-0734 (

20 • 23
Local Time Conversion Table & Country Codes
Korean standard time zone is GMT + 9 hours. The following list indicates the time
differences (in hours) between Korea and other G20 countries, as well as individual
country codes.

For calls outside Korea, please dial 001 +Country Code +City Code.

Country Capital Time Country City Code

Differen Code

Mexico Mexico City -14 52 5

USA Washington D. C. -13 1 202

Canada Ottawa -13 1 613

Argentina Buenos Aires -12 54 1

Brazil San Paulo -12 55 11

London -8 44 20

Germany Berlin -7 49 30

Italy Rome -7 39 6

France Paris -7 33 1

Cape Town -7 27 21

Riyadh -6 966 1

Turkey Istanbul -6 90 212

Russia Moscow -5 7 495

India New Deli -3.5 91 11

Indonesia Jakarta -2 62 21

China Beijing -1 86 10

Japan Tokyo 0 81 3

Australia Canberra +1 61 6

Seoul 0 82 2
of Korea
COEX Floor Plan (3rd Floor)

22 • 23
COEX Floor Plan (1st Floor)
24 • 25

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