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Usefulness of the various indicators of

Harmonic distortion
From Electrical Installation Guide

THDu is an indicator of the distortion of the voltage wave.

Below are given indicative values of THDu and the corresponding consequences
in an installation:
≤ 5%: normal situation, no risk of malfunctions,
5 to 8%: significant harmonic distortion, some malfunctions are possible,
≥ 8%: major harmonic distortion, malfunctions are probable. In-depth analysis and the installation of
mitigation devices are required.

THDi is an indicator of the distortion of the current wave.

The current distortion can be different in the different parts of an

installation. The origin of possible disturbances can be detected by measuring
the THDi of different circuits.

Below are given indicative values of THDi and the corresponding phenomena for
a whole installation:
≤ 10%: normal situation, no risk of malfunctions,
10 to 50%: significant harmonic distortion with a risk of temperature rise and the resulting need to
oversize cables and sources,
≥ 50%: major harmonic distortion, malfunctions are probable. In-depth analysis and the installation of
mitigation devices are required.

Power factor λ is used to determine the rating for the different devices of
the installation.

Crest factor is used to characterise the aptitude of a generator (or UPS) to

supply high instantaneous currents. For example, computer equipment draws
highly distorted current for which the crest factor can reach 3 to 5.

Harmonic spectrum provides a different representation of electrical signals

and can be used to evaluate their distortion.

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Category: Chapter - Power harmonics management

This page was last modified on 7 December 2016, at 23:51.

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