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ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

REVIEWS Further Environmental Justice
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Annual Reviews content online,
including: Paul Mohai,1 David Pellow,2
• Other articles in this volume and J. Timmons Roberts3
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

• Top cited articles

• Top downloaded articles 1
School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
• Our comprehensive search Michigan 48109; email:
Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455;
Center for Environmental Studies, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island 02912;
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2009. 34:405–30 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on disproportionate impact, exposure, inequality, mobilization, pollution,
July 28, 2009
The Annual Review of Environment and Resources
is online at Abstract
This article’s doi: The article reviews two decades of scholars’ claims that exposures to
pollution and other environmental risks are unequally distributed by
Copyright  c 2009 by Annual Reviews. race and class, examines case studies of environmental justice social
All rights reserved
movements and the history and politics of environmental justice pol-
1543-5938/09/1121-0405$20.00 icy making in the United States, and describes the emerging issue of
global climate justice. The authors engage the contentious literature
on how to quantitatively measure and document environmental injus-
tice, especially the complex problems of having data of very different
types and areas (such as zip codes, census tracts, or concentric circles)
around polluting facilities or exposed populations. Also considered is
the value of perspectives from critical race theory and ethnic studies for
making sense of these social phenomena. The article concludes with a
discussion of the globalization of the environmental justice movement,
discourse, and issues, as well as with some policy implications of finding
and understanding environmental justice. One unique feature of this
review is its breadth and diversity, given the different approaches taken
by the three coauthors.

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

new social movement and of an issue that

Contents mainstream middle-class white environmental-
ists had failed to consider, i.e., that people of
1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
color and poor communities were facing eco-
logical risks far greater than they.
Soon afterward, environmental justice stud-
JUSTICE STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
ies emerged as an interdisciplinary body of liter-
ature, in which researchers were documenting
the unequal impacts of environmental pollu-
tion on different social classes and racial/ethnic
METHODOLOGIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
groups. Today, hundreds of studies conclude
3.1. Race versus Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410
that, in general, ethnic minorities, indigenous
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

3.2. The “Chicken and the Egg”

persons, people of color, and low-income com-
Debate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
munities confront a higher burden of environ-
mental exposure from air, water, and soil pollu-
tion from industrialization, militarization, and
consumer practices. Known variously as envi-
INJUSTICES EXIST . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
ronmental racism, environmental inequality, or
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

environmental injustice, this phenomenon has
also captured the attention of policy makers.
Thus, a substantial body of literature that
AND CASE STUDIES . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
documents the existence of environmental in-
equalities in the United States emerged (1–3).
Early findings were later amplified by a series
of studies focusing on the location of haz-
JUSTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
ardous waste sites, beginning with a study con-
ducted by the U.S. General Accounting Office
(GAO) (4) in 1983. This study documented that
African American communities in the south-
ern United States were playing host to a dis-
proportionately high number of waste sites (4).
That regional study was followed in 1987 by
1. INTRODUCTION the United Church of Christ (UCC) Com-
To understand why environmental justice mission for Racial Justice’s groundbreaking na-
matters, one need only remember that the tional study titled Toxic Wastes and Race in the
movement fighting environmental racism is the United States (5), which documented the un-
result of what happens when people fear that equal and discriminatory siting of toxic waste
their lives and health are being disproportion- facilities across the United States. The UCC
ately put at risk because of the color of their study concluded that race was the most impor-
skin or the sound of their accent. Environ- tant factor in predicting where these waste sites
mental racism burst onto the national political would be located.
and academic radar in 1982 when civil rights Benjamin Chavis, then executive director of
GAO: U.S. General activists organized to stop the state of North the Commission for Racial Justice of the United
Accounting Office Carolina from dumping 120 million pounds Church of Christ, first coined and defined the
(now, the U.S. General
of soil contaminated with polychlorinated term environmental racism in 1982 in the fol-
Accountability Office)
biphenyls (PCBs) in the county with the high- lowing manner: “Environmental racism is racial
UCC: United Church
est proportion of African Americans. Warren discrimination in environmental policy mak-
of Christ
County became a symbol of the birth of a ing, the enforcement of regulations and laws,

406 Mohai · Pellow · Roberts

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

the deliberate targeting of communities of color environmental justice groups must reach to re-
for toxic waste facilities, the official sanctioning ceive government attention.
of the life-threatening presence of poisons and Environmental justice claims remain con-
pollutants in our communities, and the history tentious for three reasons. First, in its early
of excluding people of color from leadership years, the mainstream environmental move-
of the ecology movements” (6). Thus, environ- ment ignored social justice and equality issues,
mental racism “refers to any policy, practice, or and many critics argue that it still does. Early
directive that differentially affects or disadvan- work by scientists and activists concerned about
tages (whether intended or unintended) indi- environmental issues was done with little re-
viduals, groups, or communities based on race gard to underlying social inequalities that drive
or color” (7). differential exposures to pollution and did not
Turning the issue on its head to define incorporate voices of people of color and the
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

the remedy for environmental racism, Robert working classes in solving them. In fact, there
Bullard (7) defined environmental justice as the is still debate among environmentalists about
principle that “all people and communities are whether they should attempt to address these
entitled to equal protection of environmental issues or should continue campaigning on is-
and public health laws and regulations.” In a sues they are more able to influence. That is,
1999 interview, Bullard described how “The there is not a consensus among environmental-
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

environmental justice movement has basically ists on whether broadening environmentalism

redefined what environmentalism is all about. to include justice is always a good idea.
It basically says that the environment is every- Second, documenting the existence of “dis-
thing: where we live, work, play, go to school, as proportionate impact” on people of color or
well as the physical and natural world. And so we poor populations has turned out to not be a
can’t separate the physical environment from simple issue. Because they diverted demands
the cultural environment. We have to talk about of environmental justice activists, a few studies
making sure that justice is integrated through- skeptical of environmental justice claims have
out all of the stuff that we do” (8). gained an extremely high level of attention in
After years of bureaucratic and legalistic research and policy circles. Dozens of studies
consideration, the U.S. Environmental Protec- have piled up as debates evolved on the best
tion Agency (EPA) definition further elaborates ways to solve research problems. Because so
on this principle by defining environmental much is at stake for policy in how one answers
justice as “The fair treatment and meaningful this question, a substantial portion of this re-
involvement of all people regardless of race, view considers this literature.
color, national origin, or income with respect A third reason environmental justice studies
to the development, implementation, and en- are controversial is that it is not immediately
forcement of environmental laws, regulations, obvious what should be done after an injustice
and policies. Fair treatment means that no pop- has been documented: Addressing environmen-
ulation, due to policy or economic disempow- tal injustice with public policy could involve
erment, is forced to bear a disproportionate complex and expensive local, national, or per-
share of the negative human health or environ- haps even global interventions. Solutions, such
mental impacts of pollution or environmental as relocation of affected communities, which is
consequences resulting from industrial, munic- so ardently sought by some local environmental
ipal, and commercial operations or the execu- justice groups, are themselves socially and eco-
tion of federal, state, local and tribal programs nomically disruptive, and these solutions rarely
and policies” (9). In spite of sharp changes in satisfactory in their outcomes. Workplaces pro-
U.S. presidential administrations from Clinton tected by better regulations and enforcement
to Bush and now Obama, this definition stands of occupational health standards still face plant
as the de facto official policy and legal bar that closure in the face of globalized production. • Environmental Justice 407

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

Even with agreement on the principle that haz- 2. THE RISE OF

ards should be reduced for everyone, nearer- ENVIRONMENTAL
term compensation and remediation plans turn JUSTICE STUDIES
out to be very messy. In the United States,
at least, these broad discussions of a proac- Many environmental justice scholars and ac-
tive environmental justice policy have barely tivists point to the Warren County, North Car-
taken place. It seems that societies that only re- olina, protests as launching the beginnings of
luctantly admit inequality and racial injustice the environmental justice movement. Several
have been hesitant to develop plans to solve the civil rights organizations, including the South-
problem. ern Christian Leadership Conference and the
In this review, we first describe the rise of the UCC Commission for Racial Justice, provided
idea of environmental justice in the academic leadership and support to the demonstrators.
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literature, as it developed in fairly close rela- The protests gained national media atten-
tion with a social movement of the same name. tion and were among the first to raise public
We review some of the key studies concerning awareness about the environmental concerns of
the causes of environmental injustice, focusing African Americans and other people of color
on the “chicken or the egg” debate on whether (6, 10, 11).
people of color populations or hazardous facil- The Warren County protests were not only
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

ities came to a location first. We review some important because they received national at-
contentious literature on how to quantitatively tention, but they also triggered subsequent
measure and document environmental injus- events that would increase the visibility and
tice, especially the complex problems of analyz- momentum of the environmental justice move-
ing a wide variety of data, such as postal codes, ment. One important consequence of the
census tracts, or geographic concentric circles. Warren County protests was that they
We review case studies of environmental justice prompted the GAO to investigate the racial
movements, especially focusing on the insights composition of the communities near the four
they provide on when these movements tend major hazardous waste landfills in the South
to win their objectives. We also briefly review the next year (4). The 1983 GAO study found
the rapidly evolving debate over the justice el- that, in all four cases, the communities around
ements of climate change, both within devel- the landfills were disproportionately African
oped nations and between them and the world’s American. And in three of the four cases,
poor nations. Although much of the review has a the communities were predominantly African
U.S. focus, the article concludes with a brief dis- American. Both the Warren County protests
cussion of the globalization of the environmen- and the results of the GAO study prompted the
tal justice movement, discourse and issues, and UCC Commission for Racial Justice to ask the
considers some policy implications of exposing question of whether the regionally dispropor-
and understanding environmental justice. tionate placement of hazardous waste facilities
One unique feature of this review is its and landfills in the South was part of a national
breadth and diversity, given the different expe- pattern. Accordingly, the UCC then sponsored
riences and intellectual approaches taken by the a study of the racial and socioeconomic compo-
three coauthors. The review attempts to point sition of communities around hazardous waste
readers to works on the quantitative complex- sites across the United States (5).
ity of documenting environmental injustice, on The results of the study were published
critical race theories that should be included in in 1987 in a report entitled Toxic Wastes and
any broader conceptual discussion of this issue, Race in the United States (5). The impact of
on case studies, on the history and politics of en- this report proved to be profoundly significant.
vironmental justice policy making in the United It represented the first national-level study of
States and on international climate justice. the racial and socioeconomic characteristics of

408 Mohai · Pellow · Roberts

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communities most proximate to hazardous The scientific analyses presented clearly docu-
waste sites; it was one of the first studies to mented and “overwhelmingly corroborated the
employ sophisticated multivariate statistical evidence of the General Accounting Office and
techniques in the analysis of waste and social the United Church of Christ reports” (13). The
characteristics; and the results were compelling. Proceedings of the Conference were forwarded
The study found that the average percentage to the EPA and influenced the agency to be-
of people of color in zip codes containing at gin its own examination of the evidence and
least one commercial hazardous waste facility begin drafting policy proposals. In 1992, the
was double that of zip code areas containing EPA published its findings and recommenda-
none, and where two or more facilities were tions in a report, entitled Environmental Equity:
located, the average percentage was triple. Fur- Reducing Risks for All Communities (14).
thermore, the percentages of people of color Since 1990, scholars have produced an ex-
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in the zip code proved to be the best predictor tensive and sophisticated literature on the di-
of where commercial hazardous waste facilities mensions of differential environmental risks on
were located—even after controlling in a mul- the basis of race and socioeconomic class posi-
tivariate statistical analysis for mean household tion (15, 16). Mohai & Bryant (17) performed
incomes, mean housing values, quantity of haz- a meta-analysis of 16 empirical studies on race
ardous waste generated, and number of aban- and class disparities in the distribution of en-
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

doned hazardous waste sites in the zip codes vironmental hazards, all of which found envi-
(5). ronmental disparities that were based on either
In 1990, sociologist Bullard published his race or income or both. In six out of nine stud-
now classic book, Dumping in Dixie (6). This was ies, race was a more important predictor than
the first major study of environmental racism income of where environmental hazards are lo-
that linked hazardous facility siting with histor- cated, confirming the UCC’s 1987 findings. In
ical patterns of spatial segregation in the south- a summary of 54 separate studies, Brown (18)
ern United States. Bullard found that commu- similarly noted that both race and class were
nities of color were being deliberately targeted significant determinates of proximity to known
for the location of society’s unwanted waste and prospective environmental hazards and the
and that these practices had their origins in timing and extent of remediation actions. Szasz
both historic and contemporary forms of insti- & Meuser (19) conducted a similar review with
tutional racism. This study began with Bullard’s similar findings in 1997, as did the U.S. Insti-
research on a lawsuit against a waste com- tute of Medicine in 1999 (9). In a more recent
pany accused of discriminatory facility siting in review of the literature regarding differential
an African American community in Houston, exposures to environmental pollution, Evans &
Texas, in 1979. Bullard published research on Kantrowitz (20) found that significant relation-
this and other cases of environmental racism ships exist between the ethnic and class charac-
as early as 1983 (12). That local research cul- teristics of a community and levels of exposure
minated in the publication of Dumping in Dixie, to environmental risk. Most recently, Ringquist
which may have also been the first study to con- (21, p. 223) conducted a meta-analysis of 49
sider the social and psychological effects of en- quantitative studies of racial and socioeconomic
vironmental racism on local communities. disparities in the distribution of environmen-
That same year (1990), sociologists Bryant tal hazards and concluded that “there is ubiqui-
and Mohai organized the Conference on Race tous evidence of environmental inequities based
and the Incidence of Environmental Hazards at upon race.”
the University of Michigan, bringing together The second result of the 1990 Michigan
researchers from around the nation studying meeting was the creation within the EPA of an
racial and socioeconomic disparities in the Office of Environmental Equity, later renamed
distribution of environmental contaminants. the Office of Environmental Justice. EPA’s • Environmental Justice 409

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

agency needed only to show that an action

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12898 OF FEBRUARY 11, by industry or government with regard to a
1994 polluting facility would lead to a disparate
outcome rather than show that an action
Sec. 1–101. To the greatest extent practicable . . . each Federal was motivated by an intent to discriminate.
agency shall make achieving environmental justice part of its mis- However, the effectiveness of applying Title
sion by identifying and addressing, as appropriate, disproportion- VI to future environmental justice cases was
ately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of later cast in doubt with a Supreme Court ruling
its programs, policies, and activities on minority populations and (Alexander v. Sandoval ) in 2001 (see below),
low-income populations. . . . and the general strategy of using legal actions
Sec. 2–2. Each Federal agency shall conduct its programs, to achieve justice in cases of environmental
policies, and activities that substantially affect human health or inequality has not fared well (22).
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

the environment, in a manner that ensures that such programs,

policies, and activities do not have the effect of excluding persons
(including populations) from participation in, denying persons
(including populations) the benefits of, or subjecting persons (in-
cluding populations) to discrimination under, such, programs,
policies, and activities, because of their race, color, or national While many policy makers were moving for-
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

origin. ward on environmental justice issues, there

were significant methodological questions in
scholarly circles around two major issues. First,
Environmental Equity Workgroup produced a what was the relative weight of environmental
report in 1992, entitled Environmental Equity: justice claims based on economic class differ-
Reducing Risks for All Communities (14). The re- ences versus race? As mentioned at the outset
port gave further weight and increased public of this review, the policy implications of these
attention to environmental justice concerns as kinds of findings are extremely complex, so any
it represented the first official acknowledgment doubt that can be raised has been amplified by
by the federal government of the existence of institutions representing economic and polit-
environmental inequalities and the importance ical interests wishing to avoid addressing the
of addressing them. The report was widely dis- problem. Second, and equally troublesome, was
tributed and almost immediately prompted the the debate over “which came first.” Did pol-
U.S. Congress to begin holding hearings on en- luting industrial facilities move into people of
vironmental justice. color and working-class neighborhoods? Or did
Several bills were also introduced in the the people move where the land was cheapest—
U.S. Congress and in various state legislatures, to those polluted communities that people with
and by 1994, public attention on environmental the means to do so avoided? This issue is im-
injustice had reached a point that President Bill portant both for assigning responsibility for
Clinton issued an executive order (see sidebar, addressing environmental injustices and for
Executive Order 12898, http://www.archives. avoiding the “resorting” of working-class and
gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/ people of color populations into areas around
12898.pdf ) calling on all the agencies of the toxic facilities because they are the only places
federal government, not just the EPA, to take they can afford to live. We address both these
environmental justice concerns into account debates more extensively in the next sections.
in all rule making. In the meantime, the EPA
continued to try to develop an implementable
environmental justice policy, principally by 3.1. Race versus Class
relying on the Title VI provisions of the 1964 Although the vast majority of studies of envi-
Civil Rights Act. By applying Title VI, the ronmental inequality conclude that racism is

410 Mohai · Pellow · Roberts

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the major driving factor, there has been consid- Despite the mounting evidence from the
erable debate in some corners about the degree UCC study and the early reviews, contrary ev-
to which this phenomenon is a function of racial idence began to emerge in the early 1990s.
TSDF: treatment,
inequalities or class-based market dynamics (17, The first serious challenge to the UCC find- storage, and disposal
23–26). This controversy has become known as ings came from Anderton et al. (23), who re- facility
the “race versus class debate.” This debate has ported in the influential journal Demography
both sociological and political dimensions. As results contrary to those of the UCC. Specifi-
Mohai (27) has argued, if we want to under- cally, they found few racial disparities in the dis-
stand the causes of environmental inequality, tribution hazardous waste treatment, storage,
we need to know what role both race and class and disposal facilities (TSDFs), even when con-
play because disparities have been found along trolling for regional variation. Socioeconomic
both dimensions. Whether racial factors have disparities were also found to be weak. The best
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an added (or interactive) effect with income or predictor of the location of hazardous waste
vice versa are empirical questions. TSDFs tended to be the percentage of people
To the extent that racial disparities persist employed in manufacturing occupations. The
when socioeconomic factors are controlled sug- researchers argued that the principal reason for
gests that social scientists need to better un- the differences in their findings from those of
derstand what aspects of race (whether related the UCC lay in the use of different units of
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

to housing discrimination, deliberate target- analysis. The UCC study used zip code areas,
ing of minority neighborhoods for society’s un- whereas Anderton et al. used census tracts. The
wanted land uses, or other factors) are causally researchers argued that because census tracts
related to the phenomenon of environmen- are smaller geographic units than zip code areas,
tal inequality. Similarly, a finding that socioe- they are less subject to ecological fallacy. That
conomic disparities persist when race is con- is, relationships found at a larger geographic
trolled suggests further investigation is needed scale may not exist at a smaller geographic scale.
of the causal links between socioeconomic Been (29) and Mohai (30) responded by ob-
characteristics and environmental inequality. serving that there were additional important
Such an understanding goes beyond simply an differences in the methodologies between the
academic understanding of environmental in- Anderton et al. and UCC studies than simply
equality; it also has implications for political differences in the selection of the geographic
and public policy developments. For example, units of analysis. Both recognized that the com-
because of the evidence of racial disparities in parison populations employed in the UCC and
the distribution of environmental hazards, the Anderton et al. studies were also constructed
EPA has employed civil rights laws (principally differently. Specifically, Anderton et al. did not
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act) to help consider rural areas in their analyses, but the
develop and implement environmental justice UCC study did. In addition, the UCC study
policy. The racial dimensions of environmental included all metropolitan areas in their study,
injustice have also been an important rallying whether or not the metropolitan area included
point and driver for the environmental justice a hazardous waste TSDF. The Anderton et al.
movement as seen in the growth of people of study excluded metropolitan areas not already
color environmental organizations (28) and the containing a TSDF, arguing that metropolitan
emergence and strengthening of environmental areas already not containing such facilities were
justice networks, such as the Indigenous Envi- not likely suited for them in the first place.
ronmental Network, the Black Environmental Both Been and Mohai questioned this assump-
Justice Network, the Asian and Pacific Envi- tion. In a subsequent empirical analysis, Mohai
ronmental Network, and the Southwest Net- (27) found that Anderton et al.’s principal in-
work for Economic and Environmental Justice dicator of industrial activity, percent employed
(representing primarily Latino communities). in manufacturing, was found to be statistically • Environmental Justice 411

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

indistinguishable between metropolitan areas or is coincident with a geographic unit) and

containing TSFS and those that do not. And (b) consider as part of the host neighborhood
supporting the UCC case, the best predictor all other units (not just the host units of census
of which metropolitan areas contain hazardous tracts or zip codes proper) that are within some
waste TSDFs and which do not was found to be determined distance from the sites. Ringquist
the minority percentages of the metropolitan (21) also found in his recent review that studies
areas. The result is that both Been and Mohai employing geographic information systems ap-
have concluded that Anderton et al.’s results do proaches (i.e., distance-based approaches) tend
not refute the UCC study’s findings. to find greater racial and socioeconomic dispar-
The early debates about the evidence used ities in the distribution of environmental haz-
in these studies sparked much interest in con- ards than those employing census tracts or zip
ducting further quantitative research on racial code areas alone (i.e., the unit-hazard coinci-
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and socioeconomic disparities in the distribu- dence approach). Distance-based methods have
tion of environmental hazards. Much of this re- also tended to lead to a finding of stronger
search tended to rely on a method that Mohai & independent race effects than income effects
Saha (31) subsequently referred to as the “unit- in predicting the locations of environmental
hazard coincidence” method. In this approach, hazards in multivariate analyses than has the
researchers select some geographic unit, such conventional unit-hazard coincidence method
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

as census tracts or zip code areas, determine (21, 31, 47).

which units contain the hazard of interest and In addition to improvements in proximity-
which do not, and then compare the demo- based analyses, advances have also been made
graphic characteristics of those containing the in employing risk-based approaches in environ-
hazard with those not containing it. Virtually mental justice studies. Rather than examining
all national-level environmental justice studies proximity to the sources of environmental
have employed this approach (5, 23, 29, 32–45). hazards, such as distances to industrial facilities
However, Mohai & Saha (31) demonstrated or hazardous waste sites, risk-based approaches
that the unit-hazard coincidence method does a examine the dispersion of the pollution risk
relatively poor job in determining the location itself to see where pollution burdens fall.
of the residential populations living near haz- Where pollution burdens fall geographically
ardous sites. This is because such sites are of- is typically estimated by mathematical models
ten located near the boundary of the host unit. that take into account the quantity and type
However, rather than considering these neigh- of toxic emissions released, timing of releases,
boring tracts as part of the host neighborhood, stack heights, exit velocities, wind speeds and
these tracts are lumped together in the com- directions, and other factors. In using such
parison group of nonhost tracts and considered approaches, Chakraborty & Armstrong (48)
to be similar to other nonhost tracts, some of found significant racial disparities in the dis-
which may be hundreds or thousands of miles persion of air pollution fallout in Des Moines,
from the hazardous facility. When neighboring Iowa. However, applying similar approaches
tracts are grouped with host tracts proper using to an analysis of pollution fallout in Allegheny,
distance-based methods, the concentrations of Pennsylvania, Glickman (49) did not find
poor people and people of color are found to be racial minorities to be more greatly impacted
much greater than what the previous national than whites. More recently, Ash & Fetter (50)
studies have shown, including the original UCC conducted a national-level study that exam-
study (31, 46, 47). ined the geographic dispersion of air toxics
The key features these methods have in risks modeled from the EPA’s Toxic Release
common are that they (a) take into account the Inventory (TRI) and found significant racial
precise point locations of hazardous sites (not disparities. Morello-Frosch & Jesdale (51)
just whether a site is located generally within recently examined cancer risk estimated from

412 Mohai · Pellow · Roberts

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

air pollution data in the National Air Toxic that, over a 30-year period, the correspondence
Assessment. These data take into account air between polluting facilities and minority com-
pollution risk from both industrial and mobile munities in the Los Angeles basin was based
sources. Morello-Frosch and Jesdale found that primarily on a pattern of disparate siting of fa-
metropolitan areas that were the most racially cilities in existing communities of color, rather
segregated were also the metropolitan areas than on geographic shifts in these populations.
with the greatest cancer risk from air pollution. In other words, toxic facilities tend to be located
Even whites living in segregated metropolitan in particularly vulnerable communities rather
areas were found to face greater cancer risk than than the other way around, contrary to the “mi-
whites living in metropolitan areas with little nority move-in hypothesis.” These communi-
segregation. Nevertheless, African Americans ties were being selected systematically for the
and Latinos were found to face the greatest can- location of noxious facilities.
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cer risk in the segregated metropolitan areas. In another recent study spanning a 50-year
Although the number of risk-based envi- period in the state of Michigan, Saha & Mohai
ronmental justice studies has been growing, (53) similarly found a distinct pattern of locat-
these are likely to complement rather than ing hazardous waste TSDFs in neighborhoods
replace proximity-based studies. This is be- disproportionately composed of working-class
cause proximity-based studies are useful in ex- and people of color residents. Theirs is one of
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

amining where people are located in relation the few studies to examine facility siting before
to physical structures that may generate envi- 1970. They found little evidence to indicate that
ronmental justice concerns beyond health out- disparities in facility siting began before 1970
comes. For example, communities are often but that such disparities increased significantly
concerned about the noises, odors, traffic con- during the 1970s and 1980s. They attribute this
gestion, risks to children, visual blight, falling phenomenon to rising public concerns about
property values, and social stigmatization as- environmental hazards during this period, es-
sociated with polluting industrial facilities and pecially about hazardous wastes after the enor-
hazardous waste sites. Furthermore, proxim- mous publicity given the Love Canal crisis in
ity data in a sense represent “hard” data, in the late 1970s, and the greater success of white
which the physical presence of noxious facili- communities at keeping noxious land uses from
ties is subject to minimal ambiguity. Risk anal- being sited in their neighborhoods. As a re-
yses are often hampered with incomplete data sult of this success, locally unwanted land uses
and imperfect modeling assumptions. Never- (LULUs) became increasingly diverted to
theless, there is increasing sophistication in the politically more vulnerable low-income and
methods employed in both types of approaches, people of color communities, corroborating
and the results obtained from them have helped Bullard & Wright’s (54) earlier argument that
to advance our understanding of the exis- “not in my backyard” (NIMBY) increasingly
tence, magnitude, and causes of environmental became “place in blacks’ backyards” (PIBBY).

3.2. The “Chicken and the Egg” SOCIOPOLITICAL,
On the chicken and the egg question of whether OF WHY ENVIRONMENTAL
hazardous facilities or poor/minority popula- INJUSTICES EXIST
tions came first, research on environmental in- Despite the current difficulties in pinning down
equality has moved toward longitudinal analysis the precise causes of present-day environmen-
of the creation of environmental inequalities. tal disparities, several major arguments have
In one important study, Pastor et al. (52) show emerged. Although going by slightly different • Environmental Justice 413

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names or labels, these can be categorized as eco- poorer, and because white residents on average
nomic explanations, sociopolitical explanations, have higher incomes and wealth, the propor-
and racial discrimination explanations. These tion of people of color in the neighborhood will
have been outlined previously by Mohai & Saha also increase. At the same time, the flight from
(46, 55) and Saha & Mohai (53). That is, af- the neighborhood will depress property values
ter documenting the existence of disparate im- and hence make housing in the neighborhood
pacts, there is the sociological question about more affordable. Thus, even more poor people
why such disparities exist so broadly. and people of color begin to move in, further
Economic explanations are sometimes referred increasing their concentration around the facil-
as market dynamics explanations (56). The ity and further aggravating the disparities in the
principal argument here is that industry is distribution of such facilities at large.
not intentionally discriminating against either Sociopolitical explanations involve the argu-
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racial and ethnic minorities or the poor. In- ment that industry and government seek the
dustry is simply trying to maximize profits and path of least resistance when siting new haz-
hence reduce the cost of doing business. Thus, ardous waste or polluting industrial facilities
when siting a new facility, industry seeks to (54). Industry is aware that many communities
place facilities where land is cheap and where will actively oppose the placing of such facilities
industrial labor pools and sources of materials in them. Because industry and government do
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

are nearby. These may be coincidentally where not want to generate controversy or experience
poor people live, and because racial and eth- delay in moving ahead with siting plans, they
nic minorities are disproportionately poor, the seek to avoid communities that are most capa-
places where industry sites a new facility may ble of mounting an effective opposition. These
also be coincidentally where people of color communities are those with abundant resources
live. This is the case, for example, along the and political clout and also tend to be afflu-
Mississippi River where old plantation lots rep- ent, white, and well connected. Poor communi-
resent large pieces of land with access to deep ties and communities of color become an easier
water ports, oil pipelines, and salt brine (11). target because they have fewer resources and
These places are also bordered by tiny towns are not well represented in the decision mak-
made up of shacks where ex-slaves were able to ing of industry and government. Saha & Mohai
settle after being emancipated during the Civil (53) have argued that NIMBYism grew in the
War. 1970s and 1980s as people’s awareness and con-
Furthermore, the racial and socioeconomic cerns about toxic hazards grew. Because af-
composition of the nearby neighborhoods may fluent white communities were more able to
significantly change after the facility has been mount opposition to the placement of new
sited, further aggravating racial and socioeco- hazardous facilities, such facilities became in-
nomic disparities around such facilities. This creasingly placed in poor and people of color
is because the facility may introduce negative communities. Thus, over time, racial and so-
impacts on the quality of life of the local resi- cioeconomic disparities in the distribution of
dents. Such impacts might include visual blight, such facilities have widened. That industry and
noise, noxious odors, traffic congestion, fear of government are cognizant of and concerned
health impacts, social stigmatization, and oth- about public opposition to the siting of nox-
ers. As a result, some residents will want to leave ious facilities has been verified in several well-
the neighborhood. Those most able to leave are publicized cases (22).
the more affluent residents who have the finan- Bullard (6) found that those communities
cial means to move to more environmentally most capable of mounting effective collective
desirable, and hence more expensive, neighbor- resistance tend to be better educated, have
hoods. Poorer residents without such means are greater levels of income, and fewer people
left behind. The neighborhood thus becomes of color. In other words, aside from various

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tactics, strategies, and political resources that Racial discrimination explanations expand
besieged communities can muster, the best pre- beyond those discussed above. It has been
dictor of success is pre-existing social capital. widely debated whether prejudicial attitudes or
This finding is troubling considering the re- racial animus play a role in siting decisions (65)
search on the relationship between toxic facil- or in the lack of responsiveness to the envi-
ity siting and social capital, which finds that a ronmental concerns of racial and ethnic mi-
lack of “pre-existing racially based social capi- norities (47). Furthermore, even though overtly
tal” places communities of color at a dispropor- racist attitudes and actions may be a thing of
tionately higher environmental risk than white the past in public policy circles, current deci-
communities (52). Communities with low lev- sions that may seem racially neutral on their
els of voting behavior, home ownership, wealth, face may nevertheless have discriminatory out-
and disposable income are more vulnerable comes because of past discriminatory actions.
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to high concentrations of polluting facilities Cole & Foster (22), for example, discuss the
than other communities. Unfortunately, these present-day effects of zoning decisions made in
characteristics are often highly correlated with the early 1900s that were intended to segregate
race. blacks from whites and place industrial zones in
Two theories not originally focused on en- African American communities. Even though
vironmental justice concerns might be catego- present-day siting decisions may be based on
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

rized as somewhere in between the economic a rational desire to put new facilities in areas
and sociopolitical explanations of unjust envi- that have been zoned industrial, these neverthe-
ronmental exposures. German social theorist less will wind up disproportionally in people of
Beck (57–59) argued that late modernity has color communities because of past discrimina-
brought an exponential increase in the pro- tory decisions about where to put the industrial
duction and use of hazardous chemical sub- zones (11). This is an example of what Feagin
stances. Despite eventually affecting everyone, & Feagin (66) refer to as side-effect discrimina-
Beck points out that the politics of the distribu- tion, i.e., discrimination in one area (zoning de-
tion of environmental degradation favor more cisions) leading to discriminatory outcomes in
powerful communities over others, which, of another (siting decisions), even though the lat-
course, is the basis of the environmental justice ter involves no discriminatory intent. And still
thesis. The treadmill of production model of other scholars (65, 67, 68) argue that present
Schnaiberg and colleagues argues that capitalist day racism and the quest for white privilege still
economies continuously create ecological and motivates policy decisions that result in racially
social harm owing to the inherent drive to make unequal outcomes.
a profit (60–64). Capitalist market economies Race can also play a role in the way en-
require increasing extraction of materials and vironmental burdens are distributed through
energy from natural systems, so when resources housing segregation (69). The economic expla-
are limited, the treadmill searches for alterna- nations discussed above argue that present-day
tive sources, which are often in indigenous and disparities around hazardous sites occur partly
minority communities. The treadmill of pro- because affluent (and hence white) people can
duction prioritizes market value uses of ecosys- more easily move away from contaminated
tems, despite the fact that other ecosystem areas, whereas the poor (and hence many
uses are biological and social necessities for all people of color) cannot because of constrained
classes of people. According to Schnaiberg and financial means. These explanations do not
colleagues, at the roots of these conflicts are take into account the further constraints on
power struggles over access to social, economic, people of color’s options to move because of
and environmental resources, located primarily housing discrimination.
in class differences between the wealthy and the Racism should not be reduced entirely to
workers. material explanations, however, because it is • Environmental Justice 415

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also a cultural, juridical, and psychological battles)? At the same time, if industry and gov-
phenomenon, and scholarship from the fields ernment consciously use the racial or socioeco-
of ethnic studies and critical race theory are nomic characteristics of communities (see, e.g.,
useful in that regard. In his “black trash” thesis, Reference 72) in making decisions about where
Mills (70) draws on philosophical and historical to site new locally unwanted facilities, do not
texts to connect white racism to an ideological such decisions begin to raise questions of intent,
framework that links images of people of even if the motives are economic? When there
color (specifically people of African descent) is no intent to discriminate in the siting process,
with barbarism, filth, dirt, and pollution. This but housing discrimination traps racial and eth-
also occurs within societies, such as in India, nic minorities in polluted neighborhoods, are
where the Dalits or “untouchables” are viewed environmental disparities then nevertheless still
as a form of contamination. According to an outcome of racial discrimination? Moreover,
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Mills, many whites in the United States and market forces and class inequalities are never
globally view African peoples as a form of race neutral, revealing what critical race the-
social contamination, hence making it that orists have termed intersectionality, which is the
much easier to legitimately locate industrial fact that race, class, gender, and other social cat-
waste and factory pollution in their nations and egories are always linked in the experiences of
segregated neighborhoods. The link between individuals and groups (73). Despite the diffi-
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

non-European peoples and symbols associated culties of sorting out and pinning down the fac-
with nature, such as danger, disease, filth, tors that may result in racial and socioeconomic
primitive, and savage, is common throughout disparities in the distribution of environmen-
European history, literature, and contempo- tal hazards, the above explanations, at the very
rary politics in the global North, whether one least, help identify the range of possible factors
is speaking of Africans, African Americans, that may account for disparate outcomes.
indigenous peoples, Asians, Latin Americans, Regarding policy implications, knowing
or the Roma of Europe. Like Mills, environ- what explains present disparities in the distribu-
mental philosopher Higgins (71) identifies the tion of hazardous and polluting sites may help
cultural sources of these meanings concerning policy makers (a) determine whether more at-
racial and social pollution, in that minority tention should be given to managing the siting
environments are seen as “appropriately process; or (b) if disparities are inevitable be-
polluted” spaces. Racial segregation at work cause poor people and people of color tend to
and at home facilitates the production of en- relocate where such sites are located, whether
vironmental injustice because “environmental more attention should be focused on eliminat-
pollution is fittingly relegated to ‘socially ing discrimination in the housing market and
polluted spaces.’” Mills and Higgins therefore better informing home buyers of the environ-
provide a framework for a broader cultural mental risks in neighborhoods. Regarding po-
logic and prevalence of environmental racism. litical implications, better understanding of the
Of course, the above three categories of ex- factors that result in environmental disparities
planations (economic, sociopolitical, and racial may help identify who is most responsible for
discrimination) are not necessarily mutually ex- such disparities and what role they should play
clusive or easy to disentangle. For example, in reducing them.
even if people of color communities are targeted
for the siting of new locally unwanted land uses
because they are seen as less likely to be able to 5. CONTEXTUALIZING
mount an effective opposition (i.e., are among ENVIRONMENTAL INJUSTICE:
the paths of least resistance), are not the mo- HISTORICAL AND CASE STUDIES
tives of industry also economic (i.e., to reduce In this section, we consider historical and
the costs associated with delay and possible legal case studies that give a more contextual

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understanding of why environmental inequal- clean air and safe neighborhoods, the authors
ities arise in the first place. We also consider argue that the growth machine was the major
the role of the environmental justice movement driving force working against the cause of envi-
as a political force that might challenge this ronmental justice. The idea of a growth ma-
phenomenon. chine comes from Logan & Molotch’s book
Taylor (74, 75) presents perhaps the most Urban Fortunes: The Political Economy of Place
historically comprehensive and conceptually (78). Contrary to earlier theories of urban soci-
inclusive analysis of environmental injustice ology, land parcels in cities are not simply empty
in communities and workplaces in the United fields awaiting human action. Rather, land is
States. She covers the period from 1820 to 1995 linked to specific interests—commercial, sen-
and investigates policies that produce social and timental, and psychological—that shape cities.
environmental inequalities among people of Critically important in this process of shap-
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color, women, and working-class populations, ing cities were the real estate interests of those
as well as resistance movements during that pe- whose properties gain value when growth takes
riod in a way that challenges traditional con- place. Dominant players in urban, national, and
ceptual frameworks that narrowly define both international politics share a consensus that un-
environmental concerns and the scope of so- limited economic growth is a positive force for
cial justice movements. This is a broad overview society. They may have varied interests, net-
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

that seeks to place environmental justice stud- works, and foci, but the one thing they all
ies in its proper historical context. The study is reach consensus on is the need for unrelent-
also of critical importance because it includes ing growth. They are united also in the belief
the workplace as a site of environmental injus- in value-free development—the belief that the
tice and of organizing against this oppression. free market alone should determine land use.
In another historical place-based study Logan & Molotch argue exactly the opposite:
of the case of the U.S. Steel Corporation’s that often growth is not good for all. And in fact,
sprawling ironworks in Gary, Indiana, historian growth is never distributed or enjoyed evenly
Hurley (76) found that Latinos and African across populations. Logan & Molotch argue
Americans faced disproportionately high levels that in the United States the growth machine
of exposure to environmental toxins both on ideology is so strongly ingrained in our culture
the job at the steel plant and in their neighbor- that resistance against it is often seen as an illog-
hoods, as a result of local racial discrimination. ical and disruptive effort to interfere with the
Class and race led to stark urban political natural forces of the market place. Roberts &
battles. Hurley’s book set a new standard for Toffolon-Weiss reveal that Louisiana’s unique
integrating the history of community and racial and industrial history intersected to pro-
workplace issues in an historical study through duce forms of environmental injustice perhaps
an environmental justice lens. Pellow & Park at the extreme of the U.S. continuum, suggest-
(77) found similar results in their research ing the need for further historical and placed-
on Latino and Asian immigrant workers and based scholarship on this topic that might
residents in Silicon Valley. complement the existing quantitative method-
In a book of four case studies, Roberts & ological research.
Toffolon-Weiss (11) argue that the primary In their study of the state of Massachusetts,
cause of environmental inequalities in the state Faber & Krieg (79) found that poor and
of Louisiana is an alliance among business, the working-class whites and people of color face
state, and other “growth machine” interests greater toxic threats than middle-class and af-
to create a good business climate that favors fluent whites. These threats include hazardous
private profits over public and environmental waste sites, landfills and waste transfer stations,
health. In cases of Native American, African polluting industrial facilities, power plants,
American, whites and other groups fighting for incinerators, and measures of cumulative • Environmental Justice 417

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environmental hazards. The authors found that unwanted land use and to that group’s success in
a combination of white flight and middle-class fighting it. However, there are some important
flight to the suburbs, the rise in the number insights we can draw from some of the substan-
of people of color in the central cities, and in- tial number of case studies that have now been
creases in illegal dumping and the siting of in- conducted on environmental justice struggles.
cinerators produced environmental inequalities Obviously, these cases answer different ques-
in that state. tions than the quantitative approaches, and/or
In studies of Torrance and Los Angeles, complement those findings.
California, Pulido et al. (68) demonstrated that, For those working-class communities fight-
as a result of racially biased urban planning ing waste incinerators, Walsh et al. (81) found
during the last century, Chicanos faced the that it was far more difficult for communi-
highest levels of exposure to industrial pollu- ties to close existing facilities than it was to
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tion in those cities when compared to Anglos. stop new ones. Roberts & Toffolon-Weiss (11)
Similarly, Boone & Modarres (80) argue that, found this pattern applied in Louisiana as well.
in Commerce, California, although hazardous Gaining the support of outside groups, such
industry was sited in close proximity to Latino as Greenpeace or the Louisiana Environmental
populations, zoning and urban planning prac- Action Network, which had experience fight-
tices had as much, if not more, to do with ing these sorts of battles, was important in
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

industrial location decisions as demographics drawing out these struggles and gaining press
and racial politics. As they state, “demograph- coverage. However, this was not sufficient to
ics alone are not responsible for the con- win, as the authors found with the Agriculture
centration of manufacturing in Commerce” Street Landfill and Grand Bois oilfield waste
(80). They emphasize the importance of place- dumping cases. Another key factor that cor-
specific analysis to determine the root causes of responded to environmental justice movement
environmental inequalities. success was whether communities had secured
On that note, Houston, Texas, is famous representation by public interest law clinics and
for its lack of zoning laws. Despite or because firms, rather than private injury tort lawyers.
of this absence of zoning, Bullard (6) demon- Earthjustice (previously named the Sierra Club
strates that all of the city of Houston’s munic- Legal Defense Fund) was a key part of the coali-
ipal landfills are located in African American tion that successfully blocked the Louisiana En-
neighborhoods. In this case, he maintains ergy Services uranium enrichment facility in
that there was de facto zoning by Houston’s Homer, Louisiana. The Tulane University En-
powerful white city leaders, who viewed African vironmental Law Clinic was also critical for the
American neighborhoods as appropriate sites successful effort to stop the Japanese Shin-Etsu
for waste disposal. Bullard concludes that Chemical Company from building a major fa-
racism is a fundamental organizing principle of cility in the majority African American town of
politics and planning in America. Convent, Louisiana (82).
Communities of color and working-class
neighborhoods have hardly been quiescent in
the face of environmental injustice. But when 6. THE GLOBALIZATION OF
do environmental justice movements arise and ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE,
under what conditions do they succeed or fail? THE RISE OF CLIMATE JUSTICE
Studies of environmental protest movements Shortly after the movement for environmen-
have tended to focus on the cases that garner tal justice in the United States made headlines
greatest media exposure and those in which par- in the early 1980s, activists and policy mak-
ticipants are successful. Therefore, it is difficult ers began to take notice of similar patterns
to say with certainty which factors lead both of environmental inequality around the globe.
to the mobilization of local people against an Scholars of environmental justice studies and

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international relations have begun to tackle Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect, deep-
the question of global environmental inequal- ening the linkages among the economies of the
ity/racism. Two levels of inequality are being in- United States, Mexico, and Canada. Trade of-
creasingly cited: transnational and global (83). ficials and politicians promised a cautious pub-
Extraction-based corporations are expanding lic in all three nations that jobs would be cre-
operations to the remotest corners of the world, ated and economic prosperity would prevail
but the people affected there are sometimes and that environmental problems would be ad-
able to utilize electronic communications to dressed through sustainable development (95).
gain wider attention to their plight. Transna- Instead, since NAFTA went into effect, hun-
tional solidarity work provides new approaches dreds of thousands of jobs left the United States
to formalize the gains of environmental jus- for points South, and eventually, some 240,000
tice movements and avoid the flight of firms jobs left Mexico for other nations with even
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

from environmental and worker health regu- lower labor costs (96).
lations at home (84). Meanwhile, some hazards On the environmental front, NAFTA’s
such as climate change are truly global, worsen- Commission for Environmental Cooperation
ing existing inequalities in terms of who caused (CEC) has the power to document environmen-
and suffers from the problem, and who has the tal injustices but has no enforcement authority
resources to cope with its mounting impacts to address these problems. Since 1994, truck
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

(83, 85). traffic from Tijuana, Mexico, to San Diego,

Much of the existing research on the inter- California, has increased 60%, pumping car-
nationalization of risks comes from legal schol- cinogenic diesel fumes into the air on both sides
ars wrestling with problems of international and of the border. Although the U.S. Toxic Re-
domestic law on the waste trade—specifically lease Inventory is certainly an imperfect system,
the legislation and treaties enacted to control Mexico’s version of the registry is far worse; as
these activities (86–89). The legal literature of 2004, only 5% of companies required to re-
centers mainly on one major pressing question: port their industrial toxic discharges were do-
To what extent can domestic regulation and ing so. Moreover, with the cancellation of the
international agreements control or minimize U.S. Haztraks program in 1993, today there is
the waste trade? A growing body of social sci- no functioning system that monitors the trans-
ence research has begun to pay attention to the portation of toxic substances across the bor-
social and economic driving forces behind the der (97). In Mexico’s Colonia Chilpancingo
waste trade as well (90–93). If one makes only community, a United States-owned abandoned
a cursory examination of the nations importing battery recycling factory left 23,000 tons of
waste (legally or illegally) into their borders, it toxics on site. NAFTA’s CEC deemed this
immediately becomes clear that they are states property a “grave risk to human health” but
on the geopolitical and economic periphery, na- had no authority to enforce a cleanup action.
tions that have endured colonization in the last Only when grassroots activists and social move-
several centuries, and they are most often na- ment groups came together to raise public
tions populated by a majority of people of color. awareness and demand action did the Mexican
Other studies observe that communities in the government begin to clean up the area. This
Global South—including and especially indige- was the result of cross-border, binational
nous communities—are targeted for polluting community-based organizing by social move-
industrial facilities and extractive industries and ments in the United States and Mexico. So
are fighting back (94). although NAFTA is a glaring example of the
The case of the United States-Mexico Bor- globalization of environmental injustice, the
der reveals a host of concerns associated with grassroots response on the border region re-
the globalization of environmental injustice. flects the globalization of environmental justice
In 1994, the North American Free Trade movements. • Environmental Justice 419

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

The electronics or information technology Apple, HP, and Compaq, to enact policies to
industry has been widely hailed as a founda- take back electronics at the products’ end of life
tion of the new high-tech economy and a sector to recycle them and prevent their export and,
where people can create and enjoy untold eco- in some cases, to reduce the use of toxic inputs
nomic prosperity. Industry executives and many in production processes. To better coordinate
elected officials have also declared electronics transnational movement activities concerning
an ecologically pristine and sustainable sector. the electronics industry, activists from around
Unfortunately, the evidence does not sup- the world convened to launch the International
port these claims. Low wages and significant Campaign for Responsible Technology in 2002.
occupational health hazards characterize many In the early 2000s, the term environmen-
production-level jobs in the industry, as unions tal justice began to be applied to issues outside
are virtually absent, and many workers con- of the United States. In some cases, the term
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front up to hundreds of chemicals on any work- was explicitly and consciously adopted with the
station. The electronics industry is heavily re- help of environmental justice leaders, such as at
liant upon industrial chemicals and produces a major conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in
extraordinary volumes of waste and wastewa- 2001 when several environmental sociologists
ter. Inside and outside the workplace, we find were among the Americans brought in specif-
evidence of environmental inequality, as many ically to share insights with Latin American
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

employees in the most hazardous jobs are immi- activists and academics from U.S. experiences
grants, female, and people of color; in addition, (99). Organizers of the conference, with fund-
the toxics discharges outside electronics plants ing from the Ford Foundation, saw the term en-
are strongly correlated spatially with class and vironmental justice as a way to weave together
race (77). the interests of two major factions in Brazilian
These patterns hold true for the disposal of movements: bioenvironmentalism/nature con-
electronic consumer products as well. When servationists, on the one hand, and those work-
the tons of obsolete electronics consumer goods ing on social justice, equity, and citizenship, on
are disposed of each year in wealthy nations, this the other. The meeting and additional orga-
“e-waste” is often shipped to urban areas and ru- nizing activities and academic work have led
ral villages across Asia, Africa, and Latin Amer- to the use of the term environmental injustice
ica, where residents and workers disassemble to describe the location of major hydroelectric
them for sale in new manufacturing processes projects, urban toxins and waste, and imported
or where they are simply dumped as waste. Be- hazardous industries in poor, ethnic minority
cause each computer contains several pounds rural regions, and indigenous communities in
of highly toxic materials, this practice creates Latin America. The term has also been applied
a massive transfer of hazardous waste products to the issue of climate change in the region. It
from North to South, and it is responsible for is safe to say that environmental justice has be-
impacting public health and the integrity of come a global concern and a global movement
watersheds in numerous nations in Asia, Africa, (100).
and Latin America. There is a sophisticated Climate change reflects and increases social
transnational movement effort that has come inequality in a series of ways, including who
together to document these problems, and suffers most its consequences, who caused the
activists have had success at changing corporate problem, who is expected to act, and who has
environmental policies and passing local, na- the resources to do so. Several studies have
tional, and international legislation to address documented this inequality at the international
the worst dimensions of the e-waste crisis (98). level (83, 101–103), but a growing number
Recently, these networks have succeeded in of groups and scholars are showing injustice
pushing several states in the United States, the within nations between who is vulnerable to
European Union, and companies, such as Dell, climate disasters by race, ethnicity, class and

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gender (e.g., Reference 104). Adaptive/ favor of a carbon charge proposal. In 2009, the
resilience resources are clearly unequally dis- West Harlem-Environmental Action, Inc. con-
tributed by old social divisions, as was shown vened a major conference on climate justice,
so clearly in the United States by the aftermath putting forward a platform for action in the
of Hurricane Katrina. United States.
A whole new sociology of Katrina has One difficulty and source of confusion is that
emerged, reflected in a collection of essays pub- there are differences in the uses of the term cli-
lished by the Social Sciences Research Coun- mate justice between European users and those
cil and recent research authored and edited by more common among U.S.-based environmen-
Bullard and his colleagues, among others (105– tal justice activists. One root of the split is a dif-
107). This work included research focusing on ferent approach on whether one is talking about
injustice in who lived in neighborhoods prone international dimensions of inequality and the
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to flooding, who got evacuated during the flood, flow of resources between states that a climate
experiences during evacuation, whose neigh- treaty might require, or simply raising the issues
borhoods have been rebuilt or given over to of environmental justice communities around
the swamp, who is represented in decision mak- the world that are suffering from climate im-
ing in the process of rebuilding New Orleans pacts. A related problem is the continuing use
and other locations around the nation, and so of the term by law scholars, implying that any
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

on. Major questions for this review are whether legal issues raised by climate change are issues
Katrina represents the tip of a very big iceberg of climate justice. This same issue plagues in-
of climate disasters, which divide humans by terdisciplinary and international work on en-
race and class, and what can be learned from vironmental justice, which many law scholars
this (truly dreadful) experience. The storm can and practitioners claim describes their work as
be seen as raising national and international ap- a whole.
preciation for the existence of savage inequali-
ties that leave communities very unequally ex-
posed to environmental risks. What remains 7. CONCLUSION: NEW
unanswered is whether addressing the issues of DIRECTIONS FOR
climate change and the need for environmental ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE
reform will come to include the need to address The U.S. environmental justice movement was
these deep social inequalities. largely stalled for the eight years of President
A climate justice movement is emerging that George W. Bush’s administration. A Supreme
seeks to assure that these kinds of lessons are in- Court ruling (Alexander v. Sandoval ) in 2001 re-
deed learned and incorporated into social policy versed earlier court interpretations of Title VI,
at the national and international levels. Several making EPA’s ability to rely on Title VI for en-
strands of the movement exist, and new fla- vironmental justice policy less certain. Indeed,
vors seem to be emerging. One group emerged environmental justice policy at the federal level
from the Durban conference on racism in 2001 has not made much progress in the past 10 years
and led to the creation and strengthening of (47). Greater optimism is seen for President
several international environmental justice and Barack H. Obama’s administration, especially in
human rights networks. Another group that light of greater Democratic majorities in both
emerged is the Environmental Justice and Cli- houses of Congress and the appointment of
mate Change network, which was launched the first African American EPA director, Lisa
in the run-up to the Poznan Conference of Jackson.
the Parties of the UN Framework Conven- In spite of the difficult climate during the
tion on Climate Change of that year. This net- Bush administration, attention to environmen-
work split explicitly from the major Climate tal justice was raised in 2007 by hearings held
Action Network, opposing carbon trading in in the U.S. Senate, focusing on EPA’s handling • Environmental Justice 421

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

Toxic Waste and Race at Twenty also contained a

ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE number of important recommendations for ad-
POLICY PROPOSALS dressing environmental injustices in the United
States. Ten key environmental justice policies
Key Policy Proposals from Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty 1987– were identified for implementation by Bullard
2007: Grassroots Struggles to Dismantle Environmental Racism in the and colleagues (47) (see the Environmental Jus-
United States, which the authors submitted to the Senate Subcom- tice Policy Proposals sidebar) and forwarded
mittee on Superfund and Environmental Health during hearings to Senator Hillary Clinton, who chaired the
held July 2007. 2007 Senate hearings. This letter was signed
by over 100 environmental justice leaders, or-
1. Hold Congressional Hearings on EPA Response to Contamina-
tion in EJ [environmental justice] Communities; ganizations, and academics.
2. Pass a National Environmental Justice Act Codifying the Environ- Because of the stalemate at the federal level
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

mental Justice Executive Order 12898; in the United States, considerable efforts have
3. Provide a Legislative “Fix” for Title VI of the Civil Rights Act been made at the local levels to develop envi-
of 1964 that was gutted by the 2001 Alexander v. Sandoval U.S.
ronmental justice policies. Currently 41 states
Supreme Court decision that requires intent, rather than disparate
impact, to prove discrimination; have some policy on environmental justice, and
4. Require Assessments of Cumulative Pollution Burdens in Facility California has enacted an environmental jus-
Permitting; tice law. In spite of these efforts, many believe
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

5. Require Safety Buffers in Facility Permitting; that federal and state actions have not achieved
6. Protect and Enhance Community and Worker Right-to-Know;
measurable results (47). Nevertheless, the envi-
7. Enact Legislation Promoting Clean Production and Waste Re-
duction; ronmental justice movement has raised public
8. Adopt Green Procurement Policies and Clean Production Tax attention and spurred some government ef-
Policies; forts on this issue. This review shows how aca-
9. Reinstate the Superfund tax; demic interest has increased rapidly in the past
10. Establish Tax Increment Finance (TIP) Funds to Promote Envi-
two decades with sponsored research and peer-
ronmental Justice-Driven Community Development.
reviewed publications appearing in a wide range
of disciplines, including sociology, law, geogra-
of environmental justice matters, and by the re- phy, urban planning, public health, economics,
lease earlier that year of an update of the UCC political science, and others. Many colleges
report, entitled Toxic Wastes and Race at Twenty and universities offer courses and even whole
1987–2007: Grassroots Struggles to Dismantle En- programs in environmental justice studies. Al-
vironmental Racism in the United States (47). By though many observers believe that the prob-
using updated information on hazardous waste lems associated with disparate environmental
facility locations, demographic data from the burdens will not be easily solved, and Foreman
2000 Census, and newer and better methods (108) argued that environmental justice would
of determining where facilities and people are quickly become a distant memory, the growth
located, this report found that the poor and in the numbers of grassroots organizations, aca-
people of color are more heavily concentrated demic institutions, and government agencies
around such facilities than what previous studies working on environmental justice have created
found, including the 1987 UCC Report. In fact, enough critical mass and momentum that it
the 2007 report found that people of color make does not seem likely attention to this issue will
up the majority (56%) of those living within fade any time soon.
3.0 km of where hazardous waste facilities are Looking ahead on new trends in research
located, in spite of being only 30% of the na- on environmental justice, we expect continuing
tional population (47). And where two or more studies in most or all the issues discussed above,
facilities are clustered, people of color make and two exciting new lines need special atten-
up 69%. In addition to the updated analysis tion. Although health concerns related to indus-
of the distribution of hazardous waste facilities, trial pollution and hazardous wastes often are

422 Mohai · Pellow · Roberts

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26

the trigger that mobilizes communities in en- out to be an automatic relationship, and the
vironmental justice controversies, surprisingly two can sometimes be quite different endeav-
little research has been conducted to determine ors. Therefore, a second and challenging new
the extent that racial and socioeconomic dispar- line of research is being opened by Agyeman in
ities in environmental exposures are related to questioning how justice and sustainability actu-
racial and socioeconomic disparities in health ally might fit together. His chapter in his 2003
and mortality (20, 56, 109). Although quanti- coedited volume Just Sustainabilities: Develop-
tative environmental justice studies have exam- ment in an Unequal World (110) and his 2006
ined racial and socioeconomic disparities in the book Sustainable Communities and the Challenge
distribution of environmental hazards and epi- of Environmental Justice (111) begin the develop-
demiological studies have examined the health ment of a new theoretical perspective. The Just
effects of the environmental contaminants, the Sustainability Paradigm is “the need to ensure
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

two bodies of research have not yet been effec- a better quality of life for all, now and into the
tively brought together. Evans & Kantrowitz future, in a just and equitable manner, while
(20) identify many of the challenges of doing so. living within the limits of supporting ecosys-
First, they point out that data on environmen- tems” (110). He argues that the Just Sustain-
tal exposures broken out by race and income ability Paradigm broadly “requires sustainabil-
are still very thin for many settings, includ- ity to take on a redistributive function,” and lo-
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

ing the workplace, schools, and neighborhoods. cal groups taking this approach “are operating
Second, even if such data were adequate, isolat- within an EJ [environmental justice] framework
ing the effects of environmental factors is very but are also exploring the wider and emerging
difficult as the populations that are exposed are terrain of sustainable development.” Returning
also affected by a myriad of other suboptimal to the core point, these two different demands
conditions, e.g., poor housing, poor schools, must both be kept in the forefront, and one
lack of access to health care, insufficient nu- alone will not lead us to enduring solutions.
tritious food, lack of outdoor recreational op- As mentioned in the last section, there are
portunities, neighborhood crime, psychologi- now numerous transnational social movement
cal stressors, and others. In addition, there is organizations concerned with environmental
currently a lack of sufficient longitudinal data justice and human rights issues focused on a
that would allow for an examination of how range of state and industrial sectors. Taken to-
changes in environmental exposures over time gether, these global organizations and networks
are linked to health outcomes over time as well constitute a formidable presence at interna-
as how such changes are moderated by race tional treaty negotiations; within corporate
and income. Evans & Kantrowitz point out that shareholder meetings; in the halls of congresses,
much more effort needs to be done to collect parliaments, and city councils; and within local
both environmental exposure data and health community settings. Even so, they are only
data by race and income. More also needs to be a part of the broader global movement for
done to examine temporal links and determine environmental justice. Arguably, the most im-
how race and socioeconomic effects on health portant components of that movement are the
are mediated by exposures to multiple environ- domestic local, regional, and national organi-
mental stressors. zations in the various nations and communities
On the basis of environmental justice/social in which scores of environmental justice battles
green ideology that environmental problems rage every day. Those groups provide the
were at their root based on human oppression frontline participants in the struggles and local
of other humans, for years people have acted legitimacy for transnational social movements
on the assumption that achieving social justice and their networks. Together, the numerous
would move us down the road to environmen- local grassroots organizations and their collab-
tal sustainability. This is certainly not turning orating global networks produce and maintain a • Environmental Justice 423

ANRV390-EG34-17 ARI 14 September 2009 9:26


Participants of the First National People of Color Environmental Leadership Summit, held October 24–27, 1991,
adopted the following principles:

1. Environmental Justice affirms the sacredness of Mother Earth, ecological unity and the interdependence of
all species, and the right to be free from ecological destruction.
2. Environmental Justice demands that public policy be based on mutual respect and justice for all peoples,
free from any form of discrimination or bias.
3. Environmental Justice mandates the right to ethical, balanced and responsible uses of land and renewable
resources in the interest of a sustainable planet for humans and other living things.
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

4. Environmental Justice calls for universal protection from nuclear testing, extraction, production and disposal
of toxic/hazardous wastes and poisons and nuclear testing that threaten the fundamental right to clean air,
land, water, and food.
5. Environmental Justice affirms the fundamental right to political, economic, cultural and environmental
self-determination of all peoples.
6. Environmental Justice demands the cessation of the production of all toxins, hazardous wastes, and ra-
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

dioactive materials, and that all past and current producers be held strictly accountable to the people for
detoxification and the containment at the point of production.
7. Environmental Justice demands the right to participate as equal partners at every level of decision-making,
including needs assessment, planning, implementation, enforcement and evaluation.
8. Environmental Justice affirms the right of all workers to a safe and healthy work environment without being
forced to choose between an unsafe livelihood and unemployment. It also affirms the right of those who
work at home to be free from environmental hazards.
9. Environmental Justice protects the right of victims of environmental injustice to receive full compensation
and reparations for damages as well as quality health care.
10. Environmental Justice considers governmental acts of environmental injustice a violation of international
law, the Universal Declaration On Human Rights, and the United Nations Convention on Genocide.
11. Environmental Justice must recognize a special legal and natural relationship of Native Peoples to the
U.S. government through treaties, agreements, compacts, and covenants affirming sovereignty and self-
12. Environmental Justice affirms the need for urban and rural ecological policies to clean up and rebuild our
cities and rural areas in balance with nature, honoring the cultural integrity of all our communities, and
provided fair access for all to the full range of resources.
13. Environmental Justice calls for the strict enforcement of principles of informed consent, and a halt to the
testing of experimental reproductive and medical procedures and vaccinations on people of color.
14. Environmental Justice opposes the destructive operations of multi-national corporations.
15. Environmental Justice opposes military occupation, repression and exploitation of lands, peoples and cul-
tures, and other life forms.
16. Environmental Justice calls for the education of present and future generations, which emphasizes social
and environmental issues, based on our experience and an appreciation of our diverse cultural perspectives.
17. Environmental Justice requires that we, as individuals, make personal and consumer choices to consume as
little of Mother Earth’s resources and to produce as little waste as possible; and make the conscious decision
to challenge and reprioritize our lifestyles to insure the health of the natural world for present and future

424 Mohai · Pellow · Roberts

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critical part of the transnational public sphere Importantly, principle 10 argues that govern-
(84). mental acts of environmental injustice are viola-
Today, environmental justice and human tions of international law and of “the Universal
rights movements are merging together as a Declaration On Human Rights, and the United
global force for social change and democra- Nations Convention on Genocide.” Taken
tization. Activists in Europe, the Americas, separately and together, these principles speak
Africa, and Asia are collaborating to challenge impressively to a body of international law and
socially and ecologically harmful state and human rights that has been in development for
corporate polices concerning hydroelectric six decades (112). More importantly, in order
power, incineration, and mineral extraction, for these principles to become reality, states and
for example, while offering alternatives for corporations would have to undergo dramatic
sustainability and social justice. Articulating transformations that would embrace democ-
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

a vision of global justice and human rights, racy as standard operating procedure. The
the Principles of Environmental Justice work of activists in the environmental justice
(see box)—drafted in 1991 at the First National and human rights movements has become quite
People of Color Environmental Leadership sophisticated at combating global environ-
Summit in Washington, DC—contained a mental inequalities through the engagement
number of key demands in this vein. The of a range of institutions, thus developing an
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

principles declared rights “to be free from emerging form of global citizenship that might
ecological destruction”; to be “free from any ultimately lead to greater democratization of
form of discrimination or bias”; the “right to our global society. In their turn, transnational
clean air, land, water, and food”; the “right to environmental justice movements may bring
political, economic, cultural and environmental new external levers and emerging global norms
self-determination of all peoples”; and the right back into the United States, whence this
“to a safe and healthy work environment.” movement and scholarly field began.

1. Environmental justice scholarship and the movement by the same name were inspired
initially by protests in Warren County, North Carolina.
2. Hundreds of studies have now documented unequal exposures by race, ethnicity, and
economic class.
3. Disproportionate impact of hazards on minority communities can occur regardless of
racist intent.
4. Unequal enforcement and unequal attention by agencies and corporations in cleaning
up affected neighborhoods or relocating residents also are part of the problem.
5. Explanations for the existence of environmental injustice include economic inequality,
sociopolitical exclusion, and racial discrimination.
6. Globalization has created new patterns of exposures and opportunities for environmental
justice movement building.
7. Climate change has been shown to create unequal impacts on communities of color,
indigenous peoples, the poor, and on developing countries. • Environmental Justice 425

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1. Research is needed to tie racial disparities in environmental burdens to racial disparities
in health. The same is true of economic inequalities.
2. Research is needed to examine the promises and pitfalls associated with the globalization
of environmental justice struggles.
3. Research is needed to explore the environmental justice implications of climate change
impacts and proposed solutions.
4. The potential role of green technologies and green businesses in reducing exposures and
unequal exposures to risks are unknown.
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

5. There is a critical need for understanding the role of efforts to achieve just sustainability—
the combination of social justice and sustainability in policy making.
6. Policy options in response to documented environmental injustice are underdeveloped.

by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

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J. Timmons Roberts was affiliated with the College of William and Mary when this article was

430 Mohai · Pellow · Roberts

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Annual Review of
and Resources

Volume 34, 2009

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

Preface p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pv
Who Should Read This Series? p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pvii

I. Earth’s Life Support Systems

by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

The Detection and Attribution of Human Influence on Climate

Dáithí A. Stone, Myles R. Allen, Peter A. Stott, Pardeep Pall, Seung-Ki Min,
Toru Nozawa, and Seiji Yukimoto p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
On the Increasing Vulnerability of the World Ocean
to Multiple Stresses
Edward L. Miles p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p17
Global Biogeochemical Cycling of Mercury: A Review
Noelle E. Selin p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p43
Interactions Between Biogeochemistry and Hydrologic Systems
Kathleen A. Lohse, Paul D. Brooks, Jennifer C. McIntosh, Thomas Meixner,
and Travis E. Huxman p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p65
Nitrogen in Agriculture: Balancing the Cost of an Essential Resource
G. Philip Robertson and Peter M. Vitousek p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p97

II. Human Use of Environment and Resources

Nuclear Power: Economic, Safety, Health, and Environmental Issues
of Near-Term Technologies
M.V. Ramana p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 127
Global Groundwater? Issues and Solutions
Mark Giordano p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 153
Crop Yield Gaps: Their Importance, Magnitudes, and Causes
David B. Lobell, Kenneth G. Cassman, and Christopher B. Field p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 179

AR390-FM ARI 14 September 2009 9:35

Water for Agriculture: Maintaining Food Security

under Growing Scarcity
Mark W. Rosegrant, Claudia Ringler, and Tingju Zhu p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 205
Emerging Threats to Human Health from Global
Environmental Change
Samuel S. Myers and Jonathan A. Patz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 223

III. Management, Guidance, and Governance of Resources and Environment

Connectivity and the Governance of Multilevel Social-Ecological
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resourc. 2009.34:405-430. Downloaded from

Systems: The Role of Social Capital

Eduardo S. Brondizio, Elinor Ostrom, and Oran R. Young p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 253
Economic Globalization and the Environment
Kevin P. Gallagher p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 279
Voluntary Environmental Programs: Assessing Their Effectiveness
by on 10/18/09. For personal use only.

Jonathan C. Borck and Cary Coglianese p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 305

The Economic Valuation of Environmental Amenities and
Disamenities: Methods and Applications
Robert Mendelsohn and Sheila Olmstead p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 325
Infrastructure and the Environment
Martin W. Doyle and David G. Havlick p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 349
Scientific Bases of Macroenvironmental Indicators
Gordon H. Orians and David Policansky p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 375
Environmental Justice
Paul Mohai, David Pellow, and J. Timmons Roberts p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 405
We Speak for the Trees: Media Reporting on the Environment
Maxwell T. Boykoff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 431


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 25–34 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 459

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 25–34 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 463


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Contents ix

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