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Vissanu Zumitzavan, Ph.D, Sarinthree Udchachone, and Varit Intrama, Ph.

An Improved Organizational Performance

Influenced by Leadership Styles and
Innovation: A Case Study of Hotel
Industry in Thailand
Vissanu Zumitzavan, Ph.D.
Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
Mahasarakham Business School (MBS), Mahasarakham University, Kantharawichai,
Khamriang ,Mahasarakham, 44150, Thailand.

Sarinthree Udchachone
Department of Management, Essex Business School, University of Essex, UK

Varit Intrama, Ph.D.

Mahasarakham Business School, Mahasarakham University
Mahasarakham Business School (MBS), Mahasarakham University, Kantharawichai,
Khamriang ,Mahasarakham, 44150, Thailand.

Abstract - This research aims to investigate Welcome to the digital age, the success
the relationship between leadership styles, of an organisation in a world of tentative
innovation and organisational market is directly associated with ways of
performance. A quantitative approach will innovative leaders managing in the digital
be applied to analyse the data. This economy. Business requires managers
research seeks to investigate the composing impacts by competing
relationship between leadership styles, successfully in the context of globalisation .
innovation, and organisational Scholars have proposed the concept of
performance. In addition, the mediation organisational learning to enhance
will also be analysed to understand to organisational performance in which
what extents the leadership styles and managers encourage a learning environment
innovation may be related to the within their organisations; knowledge
organisational performance. Hence, this therefore needs to be distributed at every
research aim to designate the effective level of the organisation. In addition, in
leadership styles of the managers and how small firms, managers are the key persons in
they should contribute to creating a making day-to-day decisions, and they are
conductive environment to encourage considered as the most imperative drivers of
innovation in the organisation, and in turn success in enabling firms to achieve their
improve organisational performance. organisational goals . This strengthens that
the decisiveness of the manager is an
Keywords - Organisational Performance, essential contribution towards organisational
Leadership styles, Innovation. success .In particular, managers are
instrumental in creating an organisational
I. INTRODUCTION ethos of learning for each member of the
An improved Organisational Performance Influenced by Leadership Styles
and Innovation: A Case Study of Hotel Industry in Thailand

organisation . Furthermore, establishing and that in 2017 the most jobs in voyage and
sharing a company ethos and culture is seen tourism industry are from Asia: China, India,
as a desirable outcome for organisational Japan, Indonesia and Thailand in
success. This is that attempting to secure the respectively . It clearly sees since Thailand is
best from employees through direct gaining business opportunities for service
supervision is at best costly and often simply sector under ASEAN Economic Community:
unattainable . A number of researchers have AEC. Thai businesses have good prospects
emphasised that leadership is most following the gradual reductions in goods,
significant in organisations seeking to services, trade facilitation, although the pace
transform themselves through organizational of liberalisation is slower than targeted .
learning . Handy highlighted that managers Chung-Herrera et al. verified that
play an important role in contributing leadership is often raised as a core
knowledge and encouraging a learning competency in the hospitality arena. They
environment in the organisation. Similarly, believed that leadership interconnections can
Senge said that the sort of changes needed in be asserted by the development of the
the creation of organisational learning are competency model. Moreover, Michie and
extremely challenging and would need “real Sheehan found that different leadership
leadership”. styles may lead to different levels of
organisational performance. At the same
II. LITERATURE REVIEWS time, Mabey found that different leadership
Based on the Resources Based View styles may create different levels of the
-RBV, internal capabilities enhance innovation. Hence, this may indicate that
competitive advantage and performance. different leadership styles with different
For example, a system of knowledge levels of creating innovation in the
and a system of learning increase organisation may lead to different levels of
competitive advantage through innovation organisational performance.
and strategic linkage of products . Georgellis More specifically, scholars have
et al. discovered that innovation in products indicated that leadership styles, innovation
and services are connected to providing and performance are important and
competitive advantage. While the system interrelated variables contributing to
may be restricted by the managers’ prior organisational performance and thus there is
experience, Brush and Chaganti emphasise a critical need to examine these
that the managers’ human capital is expanded relationships . Leadership may be observed
through the introduction of systems of as part of a learning process taking place
organising. Occasionally these systems are through carrying out day-to-day
adopted from formal training to address responsibilities and in turn influencing to
specific problems such as quality, from create innovation and leading to increase the
customers or business support agencies, or organisational performance. Hence, adopting
from specific techniques such as HRM appropriate Leadership Styles may help to
policies . relocate and hearten learning in the
One of the challenges in the tourism organisation and this would lead to creating
and hospitality is a people-business requiring the innovation and improving employees’
a large number of organisational members skills, which in turn could improve
committed to penetrating customers’ needs . organisational performance overall.
Furthermore, the manager is the key person
who can make an impact to compete
successfully in the dynamic world economy. III. LEADERSHIP STYLES
Especially in Asia, where regulations are not It is widely accepted that the managers,
as stringent in others developed economies as leaders, play key parts in ensuring
p. 218. According to Williams, he predicted organisational learning. Highlighting this key

Vissanu Zumitzavan, Ph.D, Sarinthree Udchachone, and Varit Intrama, Ph.D

role, Senge p. 321 asserted that “the leadership style describes the managers
neglected leadership role is that of the likely to focus on higher motivation
designer of the ship; no one has a more development and motivate the subordinate’s
sweeping influence on the ship than the motivation by inspiring vision of the future .
designer”. Leaders also face the task of Elaborating further, transformational
developing and sustaining fundamental leadership theory could be considered a form
change in order to encourage learning in the of behavioural theory. It is based on the
organisation. Daft suggested that the premise that leadership could be learned [33,
leader’s role in the process of organisational 36]. More importantly, there is substantial
learning can be divided into three distinct evidence indicating that transformational
roles: to create and share vision; to design an leadership helps to increase higher levels of
appropriate horizontal structure to help to individual performance . For example, Judge
achieve this vision; and to act as “servant and Piccolo (2004) established that managers
leaders”; servant leadership facilitates the at Federal Express who were rated as
growth, goals, and empowerment of transformational received higher
followers. Additionally, research underlined performance evaluation. However, Yukl
that transformational forms of leadership are argued that Bass and Avolio’s leadership
particularly important in promoting theory would be more prominent if the
organisational learning (Bass 1985b; Bass essential influence processes were identified
and Avolio, 1989, Gleue, 2002). more clearly and used to explain how each
It has been suggested that the type of behaviour affects each type of
transformational leadership approach is more mediating variable and outcome.
effective than others in creating change in an Compared to transformational
organisation compared with transactional leadership approach, transactional leadership
leadership. In recent literature, Bass and is recognised as the traditional management
Avolio are widely acknowledged for function of leading . There are three key
developing these new leadership concepts. dimensions making up transactional
According to Bryman , their basic ideas are leadership namely contingent rewards,
heavily influenced by Burn’s work. Burn management by exception-active and
believed that transactional leadership is more management by exception-passive.
common place than is transformational Contingent rewards refer to the degree to
leadership, if less dramatic in its which the leader sets up constructive
consequences. Bass however, further transactions or exchanges with subordinates.
developed the concepts of transactional and Transactional leadership clarifies
transformational leadership. He established expectations and establishes the rewards for
them as two separate theories and meeting these expectations. On the other
distinguished the different features for hand, management by exception-active refers
transformational and transactional leadership to managers who monitor subordinates’
. behaviour, anticipate problems and take
Bass proposed that transformational corrective actions before the behaviour
leaders are likely to make their employees creates serious difficulties. In contrast,
trust, respect, and admire them by management by exception-passive means
concentrating on idealised influence, that the managers will take action when the
individualised consideration and behaviours of their subordinates have already
inspirational motivation, which in turn, produced problems .
implies serving as a charismatic role model Managers who have this leadership
and expressing a vision that could be created. style are less likely to support their
It also suggests a need for intellectual employees in terms of developing their
stimulation, defined as questioning old skills. Instead they prefer to provide
assumptions and the status quo [32, 33]. This appropriate rewards and focus on clarifying
An improved Organisational Performance Influenced by Leadership Styles
and Innovation: A Case Study of Hotel Industry in Thailand

the role and task requirements of employees premeditated in relation to leadership. To a

and initiate structure (Kuhert, 1994). These large extent, the leadership style which is
attributes of transactional leadership could supportive to this particular business is in
lead to an increase in organisational need of further investigation. Taking into
performance as researchers have also account the various strengths and limitations
suggested that managers with this leadership of previous research into leadership styles,
style are likely to be diligent and broad- this study attempts to incorporate Bass and
minded. They are more concerned with the Avolio’s leadership theory specifically and
efficiency of the tasks than building study its relationship to organisational
members’ abilities. They often stress the performance.
impersonal aspects of performance such as
plans, schedules and budgets. They also tend IV. INNOVATION
to follow the organisational norms and According to the study of Schumpeter
values (Daft, 2000). Nonetheless, some (1934, 1942), innovation is influenced by
studies have found both positive and firm’s sizes. the larger organisation
negative correlations between transactional elaborates the greater of economies, smaller
leadership and performance (Jens and risk, greater market better appropriation
Kathrin, 2007). possibilities and on the other hands, the
In comparison to transformational and smaller organisation could have greater
transactional leadership, laissez-faire or non- flexibility, better communication and greater
leadership describes managers who are specialisation possibilities, informal and
neither task oriented nor people oriented. strategic control. Moreover, Horowitz
They let their subordinates work on their (1962), Lunn and Martin (1986), Braga and
own. They avoid making decisions, often Willmore (1991), Henderson and Cockburn
hesitating to take action and are more likely (1996) Gumbau (1997) and Arundel and
to be absent when needed. Laissez-faire Kabla (1998) also supports the relationships
leadership is also related to management by of organisation’s size and innovation through
exception-passive leadership (Judge and their empirical findings. Another factor for
Piccolo, 2004). It appears that they are not innovation is the level of debt, there are
highly motivated, their power only comes several academic researches expose the
from their position in the organisation but negative effect toward innovation
they are less likely to carry out their (Grabowski, 1968; Elliott, 1971; Kamien and
responsibilities. Almost inevitably, laissez- Schwartz, 1978; Hall, 1990; Long and
faire leadership is likely to result in Revenscraft 1993; Branch, 1994; Giudici and
damaging consequences for the working Paleari, 2000)
environment, health and well-being of The intangible factors toward
employees . innovation are relatively difficult to
To conclude, Bass and Avolio’s delineate. Since intangible resources are
approach to leadership is arguably one of the more difficult to measure due to the
most prominent theories in contemporary difficulty of empirical literature (Cohen,
research. It provides much insight into how 1995). Nevertheless, intangible factors for
to create change and sustain organisational innovation are very crucial for better
learning for the entire organisation . understanding of innovation. The works of
Although a number of scholars have claimed Galende and Suarez (1998, 1999) and
that leadership is positively related to Martinez-Roz and Salas (1999) demonstrated
organisational performance, the interplay the positive influence of human resources
between leadership and diversity remains comprise a team of scientists and technicians
largely unexplored , p. 812. Kristy et al. with qualification and experience in R&D
(2007) strongly suggested that the and innovative activity, towards innovation.
demographics of managers also need to be

Vissanu Zumitzavan, Ph.D, Sarinthree Udchachone, and Varit Intrama, Ph.D

Excluding human resource, Freeman Organisational Performance

(1973) and Rothwell et al. (1974) proposed Organisational learning plays a vital
the significance of commercial resources, the role in sustaining the company and achieving
understanding of user’s necessities and the its organisational goals, which in turn leads
better efforts in marketing and publicity. to superior organisational performance.
Thus, commercial resources could also Thus, many authors consider learning to be a
describe the success or failure of the fundamental aspect of competitiveness and
innovation. According to Bughin and link it with knowledge acquisition and
Jacques (1994) and Dyerson and Mueller organisational performance (Lopez et al.,
(1999), the organisational resources may 2005). Michie and Oughton (2003) seek to
generate the prodigious relationships to illustrate how knowledge can improve
innovation. They found that efficiency and organisational performance, and they believe
synergies occur between marketing and that the organisation should create a learning
research and development (R&D), environment to encourage members to
communication capability within the continue to learn. In pursuit of the
organisation, managing and organisational development of learning in the organisation,
excellence, promoting of integration of recent researches confirmed that the
knowledge through teamwork and fostering capability of the manager to support
of learning from external sources, have members of the organisation should not be
positive association with innovation. In underestimated, including encouragement of
addition, the importance of organisational appropriate learning in a way productive
strategies may also cause the huge impact on corporately and individually (Mabey, 2002).
innovation particularly diversification Correspondingly, Beaver and Jennings
strategy. Several academic researches (2001) suggested that the manager in the
highlighted the negative association between small organisation is in the best position to
diversification and innovation (Hoskisson, make the learning environment happen. In
1989; Baysinger and, Hoskisson and each small organisation, the manager may
Johnson, 1992; Hoskissonet al., 1993; and have varied perspectives, so the goals will be
Hoskisson and Hitt, 1998). However, at different levels. Grunburg (2004) and Wall
McEachern and Romeo (1978), Link (1982) et al. (2004) suggested that subjective and
and Chen (1996) proposed and expressed the objective measures are important factors in
positive influences. Further, diversification measuring organisational performance,
strategy, internationalisation strategy was dependent on the goals of each organisation.
also premeditated. It could manifest the Objective measures can be considered in
relationship towards the development of different categories, such as profits, sale
technology. There are a quantity of academic volumes, market shares, and return on
researches established the positive investment, while subjective measurement
relationship between innovation and the depends on, for example, the perceptions of
organisational performance (Meisel and Lin, managers.
1983; Lunn and Martin, 1986; Braga and De Hoogh et al. (2004) studied small
Willmore, 1991; and Kumar and Saqib, and medium sized enterprises in the
1996). Netherlands, examining the relationship
In sum, the findings of this research are between leadership and organisational
anticipated the remaining gab to investigate performance; they focused on the objective
whether different leadership styles may measure of financial performance,
support to create the innovation occurred in comprising profitability, liquidity and
the organisation. In particular, which type of solvency. They found that leadership is
the leadership styles may lead to create positively related to profitability but
supportive innovation in the organisation. unrelated to liquidity and solvency.
An improved Organisational Performance Influenced by Leadership Styles
and Innovation: A Case Study of Hotel Industry in Thailand

Swinney et al. (2006) considered the that organisational performance can be

association between managers’ levels of typically evaluated on a rating scale whereas
education, gender and organisational importance can be either rated by the
performance and focused on subjective respondents or estimated on the basis of
measures obtained from managers’ performance. Similarly, research to date has
perception. Results indicated that level of used both objective and subjective
education and the gender of the managers indicators, the results showing that both
interact to have an impact on organisational approaches have been highly correlated or
performance. Wang and Ang (2004) applied equal (see, for example, Dess and Robinson,
subjective or self-reported measures in three 1984, Pelham and Lieb, 2004; Garg et al.,
dimensions: growth in market share, growth 2003, Ghobadian and O'Regan, 2006; Guest
in cash flow, and growth in sales, to et al., 2003; Jennings and Young, 1990; Wall
investigate how to develop organisation’s et al., 2004).
performance. Questionnaires were However, one may question whether
distributed to local organisation in the self-reported measures may be biased for
Singapore. They found that there is a measuring organisational performance.
significant correlation between environment, Yeung and Berman highlighted that ‘a weak
resource-based capabilities, strategy, and measure on the right issue is better than a
venture capital in a organisation’s strong measure on the wrong issue’ (Yeung
involvement and performance. and Berman, 1997, Mabey and Ramirez,
Ardichvili (2001) studied the 2005). Nevertheless, the literature suggests
relationship between leadership styles of that responses on performance achievements
entrepreneurs and managers in three large are reliable (Nayyar, 1992; Tan and Litschert,
manufacturing companies in Russia. Three 1994, Ghobadian and O'Regan, 2006).
subjective measures were used: satisfaction Hence, it appears that to understand the
(satisfaction with the managers’ leadership organisational performance of each
styles), extra effort (the extent to which organisation, gathering data using a rating
managers were able to elevate employees’ scale from the manager is also an effective
motivation beyond their initial expectations), form of measurement.
and performance meeting employees’ needs). In conclusion, organisational
Results indicated that there is a significant performance can be measured on a variety of
difference between entrepreneurs and dimensions and no single measurement
managers in all three leadership styles completely describes all aspects of
(Transformational, Transactional, and performance. In line with Walton and Aerts
Laissez-faire leadership) and subjective (2006), financial performance is an
measures. appropriate way to measure the basic overall
Similarly, Wall et al. (2004) suggested performance of each organisation against
that it is valid to use different aspects of others within the same business area. Due to
subjective data; however, researchers need to the nature of small business, the manager
take care in data collection. Generally, plays a vital role in determining the creation
financial records are confidential and most and development of the organisation (Bellas,
organisation are unwilling to provide these 2004). Also, as suggested by Oliver (1997)
kind of data, so some researchers have asked and Eskilden and Kristensen (2006)
respondents to rate the performance of their organisational performance can be typically
organisation by using a rating scale which evaluated on a rating scale whereas
compares them with other competitors in importance can be either rated by the
their business sector (Love et al., 2002; Pett respondents or estimated on the basis of
and Wolff, 2007; Wiklund and Shepherd, performance. It appears that to understand
2005). In support of the previous concept, the organisational performance of each
Eskilden and Kristensen (2006) suggested organisation, gathering data by using a rating

Vissanu Zumitzavan, Ph.D, Sarinthree Udchachone, and Varit Intrama, Ph.D

scale from the manager can be an effective any particular paradigm is stronger than the
form of measurement. Therefore, in this other. In each review there are relative pros
study, the managers of each organisation and cons specific to any research question
were asked to evaluate their financial under investigation . Hence, there are two
performance compared with other approaches of philosophy underpinning the
organisation in their sector. way the knowledge is developed; the
positivism and interpretivism. The research
V. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES model and design of this research have been
The aim of this research is to developed based on the theories moreover
investigate which types of management data will be collected and developed theory
leadership style are supportive of the as a result of data analysis.
company. Hotels in Thailand will be used as There are several main characteristics
a case study. of the deductive approach. Firstly, there is
Research questions: The research is designed the search to explain casual relationships
to answer the question ‘Which types of among variables that will be investigated.
management leadership style are supportive This approach is engaged to investigate the
to the hotel? Hotel in Thailand will be used main objectives of this research to identify
as a case study. The research question has the characteristics of hotel managers and to
been generated by these research objectives explore their relationship with the success of
which is to investigate the relationship organisation in consideration of the
between leadership styles, innovation and, leadership styles theory. Upon this study the
organisational performance. Thus, this research questions will be defined supportive
research question reflects the specification styles of the managers in the organisations.
linked to the relevant literatures and also, Secondly, according to Saunders et al (2003),
promises insights into the research topic. “to pursue the principle of scientific rigour
the deductive approach dictated that
Research Philosophy academic researchers should be independent
The philosophy of social science is to of what is being observed”. For this reason,
establish relations between the research demographic data and length of management
interests of those being studied, and to experiences, need to be operationalised in the
ensure that the result of research can be ways generating questions measured
applied universally. For the social science, quantitatively . Regarding these factors, the
gaining knowledge is by both deductive and leadership styles of managers who have
inductive. While, deduction tends to be different demographic backgrounds may
related to the quantitative approach, generate different levels of the business
induction seems to be correlated to a success. Furthermore, the analysis is
qualitative approach. Accordingly, the implicitly related to the complex of business
element of deductivism and inductivism are situations; therefore, this research requires an
indicative of the positivist basis quantitative understanding of the perspective of managers
research. Therefore, this paper is thus in term of managing the innovative
essentially found on positivist organisation.
epistemological position. It has enabled to The third characteristic of deduction is
investigate which styles will be the most to collect and analyse data to answer the
supportive leadership styles to create research questions. It will show which type
innovation within the firms and also of leadership styles of the managers in those
improved organisational performance. leading organisations. Moreover, those
The philosophical paradigms, deductive and leadership styles of mangers of innovative
inductive approaches can be compared organisation will be particularly discussed
through a series of the studies. The and explained.
descriptive of these studies do not imply that
An improved Organisational Performance Influenced by Leadership Styles
and Innovation: A Case Study of Hotel Industry in Thailand

The deductive and inductive approaches themes in management research . Leadership

have uniquely different advantages. researches have been grounded in the
According to Saunders et al , “the majority positivist, objectivist, quantitative paradigm
of managers are familiar with the deductive to identify and understand leadership
approach so that those managers or policy- problems and develop solutions that
makers tend to put faith in the conclusions scientifically tested, verified, and replicated .
emanating from this approach”. Thus, it In addition, Lee , the positivistic approach
would be useful to apply this approach to involves “the manipulations of theoretical
collect data because the respondents of hotel propositions, using the rules of formal logic
hold management positions. and hypothetico-deductive reasoning so the
However, there are disadvantages of theoretical proposition satisfies four
the deductive and inductive approaches that requirements: falsifiability, logical
are necessary to appreciate. The deductive consistency, explanatory power, and survival
approach may not be suitable for the depth of or the ability to survive attempts aimed at its
complexity that underpins the business confirmation through controlled empirical
situation. Focusing on the highly structured testing” (p.351).However, Lincoln and
approach rather than the individual Gubaasserted that the weakness of the
differences and there might be a possibility positivist approach included the assumption
that questionnaire will not be returning in the that phenomena can be broken down and
sufficient amount. Also, for the purpose of studied independently, while ignoring the
forming a general conclusion, it is necessary whole. In this sense, in case the environment
to select a sample of sufficient size. This may not be consistent; therefore, the findings
means that this research approach requires a may be varied or misconstrued.
degree of exertion to access the necessary The purpose of this study is to explore
range of data. For the inductive approach, the the performance attributes of managers in
process of data collection and analysis terms of leadership styles which may impact
requires an extended time commitment. organisational performance. Hotel industry
Nonetheless, as highlighted by Saunders et al in Thailand was selected as the unit of study.
(2009), “Not only is it perfectly possible to A quantitative approach was applied to study
combine approaches within the same piece the relationship of the variables in the
of research, but in our experience it is often context of this business. The study of the
advantageous to do so.” Thus, combining quantitative approach helps to examine
these different approaches could generate relationships among the variable that will be
various advantages to this study. However, investigated in this study. Two distinctive
due to the limitation such as time and cost advantagesof quantitative research are:
constraints, this research aims to apply firstly, statistics can ensure levels of
deductive approaches to measure and reliability and validity.
examine the data.


AND METHODS In excess of 2,400 hotels are
In regards to the scientific method, registered in Thailand and samples will be
quantitative approaches generally rely on classified by the Stratified Random Sampling
testing theoretical proposition. Positivists can method, ensuring that the samples will be
establish relationships between social equitably selected whilst each sample locates
phenomena by applying theory to generate in different provinces. Respondents: The
hypotheses analysed by observation. Lincoln respondents will be the managers of each
and Guba also disagreed that positivism can hotel in Thailand. Different statistical tests
be broken down and studied independently. will be applied in this research such as
Leadership theory is one of the central Descriptive Statistics. The major tool for

Vissanu Zumitzavan, Ph.D, Sarinthree Udchachone, and Varit Intrama, Ph.D

data collection is the survey; questionnaire complete the questionnaires. The results may
will be probed and developed by the experts leads to explain the supportive leadership
in the academic research and management styles of the managers by maintaining the
fields. In the stage of the pre-test, the employees’ skills and encouraging
managers will be asked to participate to innovation in the organisation, and in turn
answer the questionnaires. Subsequently, the increasing organisational performance.
levels of the validity and reliability will be Different types of documentary
tested to ensure whether they are in the secondary data may support the analysis of
satisfaction levels. Data collection methods the research questions and meet the research
used in this study included survey objectives. The main advantage of using
questionnaires; the data were subjected to secondary data is the saving of resources
Multiple Regression Analysis. such as time and money . It is also easily
Questionnaire: this method is suitable accessible, relatively inexpensive and
for the research objectives to identify the quickly obtained . In line with Saunders et al
traits of leaders. There are also some that stated ‘if you need your data quickly,
disadvantages of using this method. Robson secondary data may be the only viable
states that “what they say might contradict alternative.’ Consequently, using secondary
with what they have done and they will not data could help save a lot of time and money
necessarily report their real attitudes”. and then it could allow researcher to have
Although, there are several advantages by more time to think about theoretical aims and
using questionnaires It represents a substantive issues . However, there are some
straightforward approach to the study’s disadvantages of secondary data; for
attitude, beliefs and motives . And it is also instance, it may cost a lot of money to access
efficient in term of time limitation and an important data. Saunder and Lewis
budgeting. However, the disadvantages of suggested that there are a wide range of
conducting questionnaires; then the answer available online sources with direct
might be incorrect. In conclusion, combining connections to downloadable files, but such
primary and secondary data would be the data may not be valid or reliable.
best way of enhancing the validity and Nevertheless, the secondary data used in this
reliability of this study. research will be suspiciously selected.

VII. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION Figure 1:Research Conceptual Framework

This study critically discusses the research
question acquiring adequate information to
frame the work. Then, philosophical
approaches are considered to select the
quantitative approach related to the
appropriate methods for this specific
research. In addition, to investigate the
relationships between leadership styles,
innovation and organisational performance,
this research aims to ascertain ‘which type of
leadership styles is suitable for hotel
manager?’ and to recommend the hotel
managers the ways to sustain the
organisational performance. In particular, the
hotel industry in Thailand where service Independent variables: Demographic
sector is one of the main economic driven profiles, leadership styles of managers of the
GDP rate [54]. The hotel executives and/or hotels in Thailand. At the same time, the
managers authorised to probe the survey will
An improved Organisational Performance Influenced by Leadership Styles
and Innovation: A Case Study of Hotel Industry in Thailand

innovation created in each organisation will In this study, we will investigate the
also be investigated. relationship between leadership styles,
Dependent variable: Organisational innovation and organisational performance.
Performance: the managers of each hotel will A quantitative approach will be applied to
be asked to evaluate their financial analyse the data. We would like to find out
performance compared with other firms in that the leadership styles will have a positive
their sector. correlation with organisational performance,
Figure 1 demonstrated the connection and which styles will be the most effective
between leadership styles, innovation, and leadership styles. At the same time, we
organisational performance. These concepts would like to know that in case the
are applied to elucidate the rendition of innovation occurred in the organisation
leadership and innovation into organisational would bring out the different levels of the
performance. In addition, regarding the organisational performance. Hence, this
ASEAN community, there is the research has thus indicated how managers
consideration of the continually growing might contribute to creating a conductive
numbers of tourists travelling all around the environment to support innovation in the
world. The well-understanding concerning organisation, and in turn improve
how to meet customers’ satisfactions may be organisational performance.
needed for any organisation to survive in
today business in the Southeast Asia, LIMITATION AND
especially in Thailand. IMPLEMENTATIONS
This section considers limitations that
VIII. CONCLUSIONS may take place in this research. There may
In conclusion, organisational be difficulties of quantifying participants’
performance can be measured on a variety of response to questionnaires concerning
dimensions and no single measurement incomplete data consequent upon issues of
completely describes all aspects of confidentiality. For instance, although the
performance. In line with financial researchers emphasised confidentiality and
performance is an appropriate way to made attempt to reassure participants of
measure the basic overall performance of agreement, certain questions relating to
each organisation against others within the costing and accounts proved to be sensitive.
same business area. Due to the nature of Moreover, some leaders may be reluctant to
small business, the manager plays a vital role provide information about their management
in determining the creation and development style and monetary returns. Restricted access
of the organisation . will affect data collection. To conquer this
Also, as suggested by Oliver and limitation, participants will be offered the
Eskildsen and Kristensen organisational declaration of confidentiality.
performance can be typically evaluated on a The results of this research may also
rating scale whereas importance can be either recommend the pathway to increase the
rated by the respondents or estimated on the performance of the organization by
basis of performance. It appears that to suggesting the appropriate implementations
understand the organisational performance of and types of leadership styles which are
each organisation, gathering data by using a supportive to the organization. In addition,
rating scale from the manager can be an the results of this research may be useful for
effective form of measurement. Therefore, in other allied industries and regions enclosed
this study, the managers of each organisation the relevant conditions such as behaviours,
were asked to evaluate their financial cultures and environments.
performance compared with other
organisation in their sector.

Vissanu Zumitzavan, Ph.D, Sarinthree Udchachone, and Varit Intrama, Ph.D

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