Central Philippines State University Graduate School

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Graduate School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental



This chapter presents the respondents, data gathering

procedure, data gathering instrument, validity of the

research instrument, sampling method, research design,

research environment, and respondents of the study.

Research Design

This study will use descriptive method. Descriptive

method of research is described by Calderon and Gonzales

(1993) as a fact finding-study with adequate and accurate

interpretation of the findings. It describes what is. It

emphasizes what actually exists such as current conditions,

practices, situation, or any phenomena.

The data will be gathered through administering a self-

made test and interpreted using rubric. This study is

descriptive in nature because it described what is the

difficulty encountered by the students among the steps

mentioned in this study. The results will be used to describe

the attitude of the total population towards the research


Graduate School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

The researcher will use the Grade 7 students of Ayungon

National High School – Carol-an Extension A.Y. 2018-2019 as

respondents and the source of the data.

Data Fathering Instrument

The researcher will administer a self-made test to the

students that contain 5 worded problems and will be answered

by using the five steps of solving word problems namely;

comprehension, visualization, translating text to

mathematical equation, computation, and interpretation of the

answer. The scoring of the answers of the students will be

based on researcher-made rubrics on solving word problems.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will send a letter to the school registrar

to ask for the total population and list of names of Grade 7

students. Another letter will be sent to the school Principal

or Teacher-In-Charge requesting the approval for the conduct

of the test to Grade 7 students.

Lastly, the researcher will conduct a test to Grade 7

students who are selected randomly. The researcher will give

instructions to the respondents to answer the given five (5)

word problems by using the five steps in solving, the

Graduate School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

comprehension, and visualization, translation of text to

mathematical equation, computation, and interpretation.

Research Instrument

The self-mad test for problem solving contains five word

problems to be solved. To answer each problem the five steps

namely comprehension, visualization, translations of text to

mathematical equation, computation and interpretation will be

used. The test will be subdivided into five sets.

In set A, the respondents will be asked to paraphrase

all the five word problems stated. They can use English

language or Bisaya/Cebuano dialect in paraphrasing the

problem. In this set, the comprehension of the respondents

will be tested. In set B, with the same set of word problems

the respondents are required to draw a picture or diagram

that could best represent the situation in the problem. In

this instance, the ability of the respondents to visualize

the word problem are being examined. In set C, the knowledge

of the respondents to translate word to mathematical equation

are being checked with the use of the same word problems

stated as used in set A and B. the respondents translated the

concepts understood from comprehension and visualization. In

the next set, respondents are asked to compute for the

Graduate School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

respective solution sets out of the equation forms in set C.

This set determines the competence of the respondents to

perform the four fundamental operations in mathematics. In

the last set which is set E, the respondents are required to

interpret their answer in set D. This set determines if the

respondents are aware of what they are looking for in the

problem or what is being asked in the problem.

Validity of the Instrument

According to Oriondo and Antonio (1989), validity refers

to the extent to which the test serves its purpose or the

efficiency with which it measures what it intends to measure


In validating the research instrument, three experts

would take time to validate the face, content and construct

validity. They will evaluate the grammar, competencies and

content of the research instrument.

Population, Sample, Sampling Method

Since Grade 7 consists of two (2) sections the researcher

will used stratified random sampling method to determine the

sample size form the total population. The researcher make

used of Sloven’s formula and fish ball method in knowing the

Graduate School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

sample size and who will be part of the sample. The number of

sample taken from each section will be determined through

ratio and proportion.

Sloven’s Formula: n = 𝟏+𝑵𝒆𝟐

Where, N is the total population

e is the margin of error

n is the sample size

Research Environment

This study is to be conducted in Ayungon National High

School – Carol-an Extension. A public school in Municipality

of Ayungon.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher will evaluate the answers of the

respondents using the researcher-made rubrics then the scores

of the respondents will be tallied in each step of solving

word problem. The highest score given is 3 points which means

the answer is 100% correct, next is 2 points that means the

answer is 50% correct, then 1 point which means the answer is

Graduate School
Kabankalan City, Negros Occidental

10% correct, and last is 0. It is given when there is no

attempt at all.


Mean Interpretation of the Scores

Very Satisfactory 2.00-3.00

Satisfactory 1.00-1.99

Fairly Satisfactory 0.00-0.99

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