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Detailed Lesson Plan in Understanding Culture Society and Politics

At the end of 60 minutes discussion, 80% of the students must be able to:
1. determine primary education as human right;
2. perform a 5-minutes speech about primary education as human right; and
3. appreciate primary education as human right.
A. Topic: Primary Education as Human Right UCSP11/12HSOpIIf-27
B. Reference: Understanding Culture Society and Politics/ page 215-216
C. Materials: Projector, Laptop, pentel pen, manila paper, cartolina paper
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
- Good morning class. - Good morning Sir JM.
- if I say, good morning class, you
will say, I can feel it! - I can feel it!
- Good morning class!

3. Checking of the attendance

- Are all present today? - Yes sir!

4. Setting of classroom standards

- What are the rules to follow while - Listen carefully to the discussion.
the class is going on? - Participate actively in the class.
- Raise your hands when you want
to speak out.

5. Review of the previous lesson - Education is an institution that

 What is education? typically is established through a
collective social desire to have civil
and supportive societies.

- The importance of education in the

 What is the importance of society is that it plays a vital
education in the society? support in the pillar of society that
teaches discipline and helps to
develop individuals who appreciate
the importance of adhering to a
 How does education affect the - Education affects the lives of
lives of people in the society? people in society throughout the
world, and it has become a vast
and complex social institution that
prepares citizens for roles
demanded by other social
institution, such as family,
government, and economy.

6. Motivation
Picture Analysis

- The first picture sir illustrates

- How would you describe the two students striving on education for
pictures? brighter future, while the other one
emphasizes the out of school
youth who are working and
laboring for survival.

- Do you feel privilege that you are here - Yes sir!

in school?

- What can you say to those who did not - We feel pity on them for they have
experience to go to school?” not experienced the joy of learning
B. Presentation of the Lesson

1. Activity

Slogan Interpretation
- The class will be divided into 5

- Each group will be given 10

minutes to interpret the slogan,
“Education is right, not a privilege”.

- Each group will write down their

interpretation and one
representative from your group will
read their output.

2. Analysis

 Why primary education

- Primary education becomes a
become a human right?
human right because there is
evidence that educated citizens
care more about the environment,
they are more tolerant of others
who are not like them, and are
more likely to strive for gender
 Why education is not a - Primary education is a right of
privilege but right? every child and it simply means of
investing in education is investing
in the future of the country and
therefore should have high priority.
3. Abstraction

 The Universal Declaration of Human

Rights states that everyone has the
right to education.

 Education is the human right since this

is one of the few avenues that can
allow social mobility for everyone
regardless of their background.

 Education is an important requisite for

the exercise of other human rights.
This is because education enables the
individual to enjoy freedom, and this is
instrumental towards empowerment.

 Education is a powerful tool by which

economically and socially marginalized
adults and children can lift themselves
out of poverty and participate fully as

 In the Philippines primary education is

considered a right of a child. It is
enshrined in the 1987 constitution of
the Republic of the Philippines.
Attendance to school is mandatory.

4. Application

5-minute Speech

 In the same group.

 In 15 minutes, each group will prepare
a 5-minute speech highlighting why
primary education is a human right and
why it should be accessible to
 Each group will choose a
representative to present their
prepared speech in the class.

Here’s the rubrics for this activity.

Score Descriptions
5 Oral presentation is exceptionally
clear, thorough and easy to follow
4 Oral report is generally clear and
reflective of students’ personalized
3 Oral report reflective of something
learned; it lacks clarity
2 Oral report is unclear and
impossible to follow
1 No oral report was presented.

Determine the primary education as human right. Write the correct letter of your answer on
before the number.

1. What is the important requisite for the exercise of the other human rights?
a. skill c. talent
b. education d. training
2. Which of the following stated that everyone has the right to education?
a. Universal office of the Philippines rights
b. University of the Philippines d. Office of the human rights
c. Universal declaration of human
3. Complete the idea. Education is a ______ tool by which economically and socially
marginalized adults and children.
a. powerful c. moderate
b. lesser d. sovereign
4. Which of the following law promotes that primary education considered as a right of a child.
a. Republic of the Philippines Sec. 147 c. 1975 constitution
b. 1987 constitution of the Republic d. Republic of the Philippines
of the Philippines
5. Education is the human right since this is one of the few avenues that can allow _____ for
everyone regardless of their background.
a. social mobility c. emotional mobility
b. upper mobility d. lower mobility


½ yellow paper

Research on the nature or religion.

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