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Sci (2017) 6(1): 290-298

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 6 Number 1 (2017) pp. 290-298
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Review Article http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.601.035

A Growth of Different Types of Microorganism, Intrinsic and Extrinsic

Factors of Microorganism and their Affects in Food: A Review

Urmila Moral, Poonam Nagar*, ShivaniMaan and Kulvinder Kaur

Department of Microbiology, Rudhra Institute of Technology, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author:


Intrinsic factors,
In this reviews study, a growth of different types of microorganism in
Extrinsic factors, foods, Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors of microorganism (such as moister,
Microbial sources, temperature, pH, and nutrient content, biological structures) studied.
food products.
Atmospheres that have a negative effect on the growth of one particular
Article Info microorganism may promote the growth of another. This effect may have
Accepted: positive or negative consequences depending upon the native pathogenic
18 December 2016 micro flora and their substrate.
Available Online:
10 January 2017


Microorganisms have great importance and

different forms and more or less complex
impact on our lives, but not always in a
structures. Bacteria, molds, and yeasts are,
pleasant way. They are fundamental for
among all, those that generally have a greater
obtaining some food products, but are also the
impact on food deterioration. In what
main cause of most cases of food and cultivar
concerns food borne illnesses bacteria are
deterioration. Aside from this, they also play
without doubt the main agents (United States
an important role in food poisoning, as they
Department of Agriculture, 2012). Many
are the main cause of outbreaks and
factors contribute to the presence of
referenced situations. There are many factors
microorganisms in foods, the endogenous
that influence the growth of microorganisms
presence and cross contaminations are the
in foods, if they do not produce the same
factors most pointed out as being ―sources‖ of
effect on the growth of microorganisms, they
microorganism in foods. We are in the
all must be considered when trying to prevent
presence of all favourable conditions for
the occurrence of food intoxications. There
microorganisms to grow and dwell on the
are many types of microorganisms of

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 290-298

foods, causing by its ingestion, or with the bacteria) cannot. Generally, spores that resist
ingestion of toxins, typical symptoms of heat also are highly resistant to destruction by
various types of forborne intoxications. chemicals. There are bacterial spores that can
However, and according to what was referred survive more than 3 hours in sanitizing
in the ―Costs and implications of food safety solutions normally used in a food-processing
flaws‖ chapter, microorganisms are not the plant. These same sanitizing agents easily
only cause for food borne illnesses nor are destroy vegetative cells (Traisman, 1999).
they the only existing hazard. Chemical Because bacterial spores can survive in
substances (dioxins, lead, insecticides, etc.), unfavorable conditions, they can be present in
physical substances (pieces of glass, metal food before, during, and after lethality
and bones, etc.), as well excess substances treatment is applied. This is why the time it
(salt, fat, etc.) also cause hazards to the takes to heat and/or cool product during food
consumer (Montville et al., 2001). processing is so important. If the food product
is not heated or cooled appropriately – that is,
Microbial sources the product stays for too long in a temperature
range that is favorable to bacterial growth—
Microorganisms such as molds, yeasts, and the spores will change to a vegetative state
bacteria can grow in food and cause spoilage. and start reproducing.
Bacteria also can cause forborne illness as
well as them most important and troublesome Molds
of all the microorganisms for the food
processor. They are multiple cell organisms forming
tubular filaments. Molds demonstrate
Bacteria branching and reproduce by means of
fruiting bodies, called spores, which are
Bacteria are the most important for the food borne in or on aerial structures. Their
processor. Bacteria are single-celled living mycelia, or intertwined filaments, may
bodies. They are among the smallest living resemble roots. They are many times larger
creatures known. They can use as foods; than bacteria and somewhat longer than
byproducts resulting from the breakdown of yeasts. Molds are widely distributed in
these foods; tolerance to oxygen; growth nature, both in the soil and in the dust carried
temperatures; resistance to destructive agents, by air. Under suitable conditions of moisture,
such as heat and chemicals; ability to perform air and temperature, molds will grow on
certain biochemical reactions in the almost any food.
laboratory; and possession of certain genetic
sequences. The four major bacteria that are The black or green discoloration that appears
involve in food C. botulinum, C. perfringens, on moldy bread is familiar evidence of such
B. cereus, and Bacillus anthracis (B. growth. Molds also are able to survive on a
anthracis). These bacteria are normally wide variety of substances not normally
present everywhere in the environment, which thought suitable for the support of life
can make them difficult to control in a food- (United States Department of Agriculture,
processing facility (Tanaka, 1996). Bacterial 2012). Mold growth can even occur in
spores can survive in boiling water (212 °F or refrigerators, because molds are much more
100 °C) for more than 16 hours, but tolerant to cold than heat. Molds can grow at
vegetative cells (same organisms in the reduced water activities and can be a
vegetative state and the non-spore-forming problem in improperly processed dry and

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 290-298

semi-dry fermented products. Molds, such as nature and are particularly associated with
Aspergillus, Rhizopus, and Penicillium, are liquid foods containing sugars and acids
responsible for the spoilage of cured meats. (Department of Agriculture, 2011). They are
Some molds, in the right conditions, produce quite adaptive to adverse conditions such as
mycotoxins. acidity and dehydration. Like molds, yeasts
are more tolerant to cold than to heat.
Molds are capable of consuming acids, Compared to bacterial spores, yeasts and their
thereby raising the pH of products. On very spores possess little resistance to heat.
rare occasions, their growth in foods has Heating to 170 °F (77 °C) destroys most yeast
removed the acid conditions that inhibit the forms. In canned food, the presence and
growth of C. botulinum; however, never in growth of yeast may result in spoilage,
meat or poultry products. Although not generally in the form of alcohol production
normally a problem in meat and poultry and large amounts of carbon dioxide gas,
products, Aspergillus flavus (A. flavus) and which swells the container? If this happens,
A. parasiticus are two molds of importance gross under processing, post-processing
as potential food borne pathogens. At a contamination or leakage must be suspected.
favorable temperature, around 77-86 °F Yeast growth in processed foods does not
(2530 °C), and moisture level of 13-18 present a public health problem.
percent, certain strains of these molds
produce mycotoxins known as aflatoxins, Intrinsic factors
which have been found as contaminates in
tree nuts, peanuts, other oilseeds (including Moisture content
corn and cottonseed), and milk. The major
aflatoxins of concern are B1,B2, G1, and G2. Microorganisms need water in an available
Aflatoxins cause aflatoxicosis, characterized form to grow in food products. The control of
by the acute death of tissue, cirrhosis, and the moisture content in foods is one of the
carcinoma of the liver in a number of animal oldest exploited preservation strategies. Food
species. Although aflatoxicosis is rarely microbiologists generally describe the water
reported in humans, it is believed that the requirements of microorganisms in terms of
aflatoxins would have the same effects on the water activity (aw) of the food or
humans as it does in animals. environment. Water activity is defined as the
ratio of water vapor pressure of the food
Yeasts substrate to the vapor pressure of pure water
at the same temperature (Jay, 2000). The food
Yeasts another microorganism of importance describes the degree to which water is
to food preservation/spoilage. Yeasts are "bound" in the food, its availability to
single-cell, microscopic living bodies, usually participate in chemical/biochemical reactions,
egg-shaped. They are smaller than molds, but and its availability to facilitate growth of
larger than bacteria. Their greatest thickness microorganisms. Most fresh foods, such as
is about 1/2,000 of an inch. Yeasts reproduce fresh meat, vegetables, and fruits, have
mainly by budding. A small bud forms on the awvalues that are close to the optimum
parent yeast cell, gradually enlarges, and then growth level of most microorganisms (0.97 -
breaks off into another yeast cell. A few 0.99). The aw can be manipulated in foods by
varieties reproduce by forming spores within a number of means, including addition of
a special cell; later, these spores may form solutes such as salt or sugar, physical removal
new yeast cells. Yeasts are widely found in of water through drying or baking, or binding

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 290-298

of water to various macromolecular of the food, as well as in any potential

components in the food. microenvironment.
Microorganisms respond differently to aw Nutrient content
depending on a number of factors. Microbial
growth, and, in some cases, the production of Microorganisms require certain basic
microbial metabolites, may be particularly nutrients for growth and maintenance of
sensitive to alterations in aw. Microorganisms metabolic functions. The amount and type of
generally have optimum and minimum levels nutrients required range widely depending on
of aw for growth depending on other growth the microorganism. These nutrients include
factors in their environments. One indicator of water, a source of energy, nitrogen, vitamins,
microbial response is their taxonomic and minerals (Mossel and others, 1995; Ray,
classification. For example, Gram (-) bacteria 1996, Jay, 2000). Amino acids serve as a
are generally more sensitive to low aw than source of nitrogen and energy and are utilized
Gram (+) bacteria. It should be noted that by most microorganisms. Some
many bacterial pathogens are controlled at microorganisms are able to metabolize
water activities well above 0.86 and only S. peptides and more complex proteins. Other
aureuscan grow and produce toxin below aw sources of nitrogen include, for example,
0.90. It must be emphasized that these are urea, ammonia, creatinine, and methylamines.
approximate values because solutes can vary Examples of minerals required for microbial
in their ability to inhibit microorganisms at growth include phosphorus, iron, magnesium,
the same aw value. To illustrate, the lower aw sulfur, manganese, calcium, and potassium. In
limit for the growth of Clostridium botulinum general, small amounts of these minerals are
type A has been found to be 0.94 with NaCl required; thus a wide range of foods can serve
as the solute versus 0.92 with glycerol as the as good sources of minerals. In general, the
solute (Mossel and others, 1995). When Gram (+) bacteria are more fastidious in their
formulating foods using aw as the primary nutritional requirements and thus are not able
control mechanism for pathogens, it is useful to synthesize certain nutrients required for
to employ microbiological challenge testing growth (Jay 2000). For example, the Gram (+)
to verify the effectiveness of the reduced aw food borne pathogen S. aureus requires amino
when target aw is near the growth limit for the acids, thiamine, and nicotinic acid for growth
organism of Because aw limits vary with (Jay 2000). Fruits and vegetables that are
different solutes or humectants, other deficient in B vitamins do not effectively
measures may provide more precise moisture support the growth of these microorganisms.
monitoring for certain products. For example, The Gram (-) bacteria are generally able to
factors other than aw are known to control the derive their basic nutritional requirements
antibotulinal properties of pasteurized from the existing carbohydrates, proteins,
processed cheese spreads (Tanaka and others lipids, minerals, and vitamins that are found
1986). Also, aw may be used in combination in a wide range of food (Jay, 2000). An
with other factors to control pathogens in example of a pathogen with specific nutrient
certain food product. Care should be taken requirements is Salmonella Enteritidis.
when analyzing multi components foods, Growth of Salmonella Enteritidis may be
because effective measurements of aw may limited by the availability of iron. For
not reflect the actual value in a example, the albumen portion of the egg, as
microenvironment or in the interface among opposed to the yolk, includes antimicrobial
the different components. In these cases, the agents and limited free iron that prevent the
aw should be measured at the interface areas growth of Salmonella Enteritidis to high

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 290-298

levels. Clay and Board (1991) demonstrated others, 1995, Jay, 2000). During the
that the addition of iron to an inoculums of preparation of foods, processes such as
Salmonella Enteritidis in egg albumen slicing, chopping, grinding, and shucking will
resulted in growth of the pathogen to higher destroy the physical barriers. Thus, the
levels compared to levels reached when a interior of the food can become contaminated
control inoculums (without iron) was used. and growth can occur depending on the
intrinsic properties of the food. For example,
The microorganisms that usually predominate Salmonella spp. has been shown to grow on
in foods are those that can most easily utilize the interior of portions of cut cantaloupe,
the nutrients present. Generally, the simple watermelon, honeydew melons (Golden and
carbohydrates and amino acids are utilized others, 1993), and tomatoes (Lin & Wei,
first, followed by the more complex forms of 1997) given sufficient time and temperature.
these nutrients. The complexity of foods in
general is such that several microorganisms Fruits are an example of the potential of
can be growing in a food at the same time. pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate intact
The rate of growth is limited by the barriers. After harvest, pathogens will survive
availability of essential nutrients. The but usually not grow on the outer surface of
abundance of nutrients in most foods is fresh fruits and vegetables. Growth on intact
sufficient to support the growth of a wide surfaces is not common because food borne
range of food borne pathogens. Thus, it is pathogens do not produce the enzymes
very difficult and impractical to predict the necessary to break down the protective outer
pathogen growth or toxin production based on barriers on most produce. This outer barrier
the nutrient composition of the food. restricts the availability of nutrients and
moisture. One exception is the reported
Biological structure growth of E. coli O157:H7 on the surface of
watermelon and cantaloupe rinds (del Rosario
Plant and animal derived foods, especially in and Beuchat, 1995). Survival of food borne
the raw state, have biological structures that pathogens on produce is significantly
may prevent the entry and growth of enhanced once the protective epidermal
pathogenic microorganisms. Examples of barrier has been broken either by physical
such physical barriers include testa of seeds, damage, such as punctures or bruising, or by
skin of fruits and vegetables, shell of nuts, degradation by plant pathogens (bacteria or
animal hide, egg cuticle, shell, and fungi). These conditions can also promote the
membranes. Plant and animal foods may have multiplication of pathogens, especially at
pathogenic microorganisms attached to the higher temperatures. Infiltration of fruit was
surface or trapped within surface folds or predicted and described by Bartz and
crevices. Intact biological structures thus can Showalter (1981) based on the general gas
be important in preventing entry and law, which states that any change in pressure
subsequent growth of microorganisms. of an ideal gas in a closed container of
Several factors may influence penetration of constant volume is directly proportional to a
these barriers. The maturity of plant foods change in temperature of the gas. In their
will influence the effectiveness of the work, Bartz and Showalter describe a tomato;
protective barriers. Physical damage due to however, any fruit, such as an apple, can be
handling during harvest, transport, or storage, considered a container that is not completely
as well as invasion of insects can allow the closed. As the container or fruit cools, the
penetration of microorganisms (Mossel and decrease in internal gas pressure results in a

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 290-298

partial vacuum inside the fruit, which then The redox potential (Eh) is measured in terms
results in an influx from the external of millivolts. A fully oxidized standard
environment. For example, an influx of oxygen electrode will have an Eh of +810 mV
pathogens from the fruit surface or cooling at pH 7.0, 30 °C (86 °F), and under the same
water could occur as a result of an increase in conditions, a completely reduced standard
external pressure due to immersing warm fruit hydrogen electrode will have an Eh of -420
in cool water. mV. The Eh is dependent on the pH of the
substrate; normally the Eh is taken at pH 7.0
The egg is another good example of an (Beuchat et al., (2001). The major groups of
effective biological structure that, when microorganisms based on their relationship to
intact, will prevent external microbial Eh for growth are aerobes, anaerobes,
contamination of the perishable yolk; facultative aerobes, and microaerophiles.
contamination is possible, however, through Examples of food borne pathogens for each of
transovarian infection. For the interior of an these classifications include Aeromonas
egg to become contaminated by hydrophila, Clostridium botulinum,
microorganisms on the surface, there must be Escherichia coli O157:H7, and
penetration of the shell and its membranes. In Campylobacter jejuni, respectively.
addition, the egg white contains antimicrobial Generally, the range at which different
factors. When there are cracks through the microorganisms can grow are as follows:
inner membrane of the egg, microorganisms aerobes +500 to +300 mV; facultative
penetrate into the egg. Factors such as anaerobes +300 to -100 mV; and anaerobes
temperature of storage, relative humidity, age +100 to less than -250 mV (Farber JM.et
of eggs, and level of surface contamination al(1991).For example, C. botulinumis a strict
will influence internalization. The rule anaerobe that requires an Eh of less than +60
mandates that eggs should be kept dry and mV for growth; however, slower growth can
chilled below 7.2 °C (45 °F) to prevent occur at higher Eh values. The relationship of
growth of Salmonella Enteritidis (Food Eh to growth can be significantly affected by
Labeling, Safe Handling Statements, Labeling the presence of salt and other food
of Shell Eggs; Refrigeration of Shell Eggs constituents. For example, in one study with
Held for Retail Distribution, 65 FR 76092 smoked herring, toxin was produced in
[Dec. 5, 2000]). Heating of food as well as inoculated product stored at 15 °C (59 °F)
other types of processing will break down within three days at an Eh of +200 to +250
protective biological structures and alter such mV (Huss and others 1979). In this case, the
factors as pH and aw. These changes could major oxidant would be trimethylamine
potentially allow the growth of microbial oxide, which becomes the electron acceptor
pathogens. for C. botulinum. The anaerobe Clostridium
perfringenscan initiate growth at an Eh close
Redox potential to +200 mV; however, in the presence of
increasing concentrations of certain
The oxidation-reduction or redox potential of substances, such as salt, the limiting Eh
a substance is defined in terms of the ratio of increases (Morris, 2000). These values can be
the total oxidizing (electron accepting) power highly variable depending on changes in the
to the total reducing (electron donating) pH of the food, microbial growth, packaging,
power of the substance. In effect, redox the partial pressure of oxygen in the storage
potential is a measurement of the ease by environment, and ingredients and composition
which a substance gains or loses electrons. (protein, ascorbic acid, reducing sugars,

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 290-298

oxidation level of cations, and so on). Another partition coefficients. The effective use of
important factor is the poising capacity of the combinations of preservatives with other
food. Poising capacity, which is analogous to physico-chemical parameters of a food
buffering capacity, relates to the extent to formulation can stabilize that food against
which a food resists external affected changes spoilage organisms or pathogens. Leistner
in Eh. The poising capacity of the food will systematically developed the "hurdle concept"
be affected by oxidizing and reducing to describe these effects (Leistner, 1995). The
constituents in the food as well as by the hurdle concept states that several inhibitory
resence of active respiratory enzyme systems. factors (hurdles), while individually unable to
Fresh fruits and vegetables and muscle foods inhibit microorganisms, will, nevertheless, be
will continue to respire; thus low Eh values effective in combination. A classic example
can result (Morris, 2000). In addition to of applying the hurdle concept is the anti-
naturally-occurring antimicrobial compounds botulinal stability of certain shelf-stable
in foods, a variety of chemical preservatives processed cheese formulations. Combinations
and additives can extend the shelf life of food of moisture, total salt, and pH have been
and/or inhibit pathogens, either singly or in shown to allow for the safe storage of these
combination. Table 3-7 lists some of the most products at room temperature for extended
frequently used preservatives in the United time even though the individual factors, taken
States by food category (Lück and Jager, singly, would not support that practice
1997). The selection and use of these (Tanaka and others, 1986). In combination
preservatives is typically governed by food products, the effectiveness of an antimicrobial
law regulation of a country or region of the may be altered by other factors including the
world. A number of criteria should be potential for migration of the antimicrobial to
followed when selecting a preservative for a other components of the food and the
specific food application. Ideally, the different food parameters at the interface
preservative should have a wide spectrum of There are a number of food formulations that,
activity against the target spoilage organisms either by addition of preservatives or through
and pathogens expected to be encountered in the application of the hurdle concept do not
the food. The preservative must be active for require refrigeration for microbiological
the desired shelf life of the food and under the stability or safety. However, in the absence of
expected formulation conditions in the food. a well-defined and validated microbiological
It should cause minimal organoleptic impact model, it is usually difficult to evaluate the
on the food and should not interfere with microbiological safety of these products. In
desirable microbiological processes expected the majority of these cases, the application of
to occur in the food, such as the ripening of appropriate microbiological challenge testing
cheese or leavening of baked goods. is the most effective tool for judging the
suitability of these formulations for non-
Added antimicrobial compounds can have an refrigerated storage.
interactive or synergistic effect with other
parameters of the formulation. One example Extrinsic factors
is the interaction with pH. Many preservatives
have an optimum pH range for effectiveness. Many scientific studies have demonstrated the
Other factors include aw, presence of other antimicrobial activity of gases at ambient and
preservatives, types of food constituents, sub-ambient pressures on microorganisms
presence of certain enzymes, processing important in foods (Loss and Hotchkiss,
temperature, storage atmosphere, and 2002).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2017) 6(1): 290-298

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How to cite this article:

Urmila Moral, Poonam Nagar, Shivani Maan, Kulvinder Kaur. 2017. A Growth of Different
Types of Microorganism, Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors of Microorganism and their Affects in
Food: A Review. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 6(1): 290-298.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2017.601.035


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