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Unit 1 Mark’s New Pet B : No, you don’t.

You look like a

My Favorite Animal movie star.
G : What is your favorite animal? G : Really? Thanks!
B : My favorite animal is a cat.
G : Why do you like cats? Unit 4 The Cookie-Eating Contest
B : They are soft and cute. I like to A Contest on TV
hold them. B : I saw an interesting show on
G : Do you have a cat? Saturday.
B : No, I don’t. G : Really? What kind of show?
G : So where do you usually see cats? B : It was a quiz contest for high
B : My neighbor has a cat. school students.
G : What did students in the contest
Unit 2 The Postcard do?
A Visit to Hawaii B : They had to answer questions in
G : Did you enjoy your vacation in one minute. The questions were
Hawaii? hard.
B : Yes, it was great! We stayed there G : Who was the winner?
two weeks. B : A student from a high school in
G : What did you do there? Paris won.
B : Well, the first week, we just
stayed on the beach. Unit 5 Forest Friends
G : Nice! Things I Saw
B : The second week, we went B : Where can you see many
sightseeing. I prefer sightseeing! animals?
There are many interesting things G : At the zoo. I went there last
in Hawaii! week.
G : Wow, I want to go to Hawaii! B : Why did you go there?
B : You should! G : My uncle asked me to come. He
works there.
Unit 3 A Bad Haircut B : Lucky! What did you see there?
A New Haircut G : I saw some birds, some pretty
B : Did you get your hair cut? deer, and even a cute rabbit.
G : Yes, I got it cut two days ago. B : Oh. Didn’t you see any big
B : Nice! It looks really pretty. animals?
G : Do you think so? I don’t like it. G : Of course! I saw lions and tigers
B : Why? and bears.
G : I look like an old woman. B : Lucky!

Unit 6 For Sale G : We’re having spaghetti with peas
The Pet I Want and carrots. What kind of food
B : Do you want any pets? do you like?
G : Yes, I want a dog. B : I like spaghetti, but I don’t like
B : What kind of dog do you want? peas and carrots. Oh no!
G : I want a little dog that is really cute! G : What’s wrong?
B : I also want to get a dog. My B : I forgot my money.
mother wants a cat. G : Do you want some of my sandwich?
G : Cats can be nice pets.
B : Yes, I know. But I want a friendly Unit 9 The Raccoon and the
dog. Dogs like to play. Bees
G : Maybe you’ll get a dog. Good luck! A Scary Animal
G : What kind of animals are you
Unit 7 Whales scared of?
Interesting Animals B : I’m scared of rabbits.
B : What animals are interesting to G : Rabbits? Really?
you? B : Yes, I saw a rabbit in a field, and
G : Well, I like to read about blue it really scared me.
whales. G : How did it scare you?
B : What do they look like? B : It ran to me really fast.
G : They are very large. They can G : Did you run away?
grow up to be 100 feet long! B : Yes, I did. But it chased me!
B : That is really big!
G : And they are blue. Unit 10 A School Trip Plan
B : Where do they live? Yesterday’s Trip
G : They live in oceans around the B : Have you ever been on a school
world. trip?
G : Yes. We went to the zoo yesterday.
Unit 8 A Lunch Menu B : Did you learn anything?
What Is on the Menu? G : Yes. I learned about many
B : What are you having for lunch different animals.
today? B : Did you have fun?
G : I’m still thinking about it. What G : I sure did! It was great.
are you having? B : What was your favorite part?
B : I’m not sure. What is on the G : My favorite part was meeting the
menu today? zookeeper.

Unit 11 The Magic Eggs G : He was America’s first president.
A Magic Story B : Why was he important?
G : Do you know any stories about G : He helped America fight against
magic? England in a war. After the war,
B : Yes, I read a story about a magic America became a country.
word. B : He sounds really great.
G : What could the magic word do? G : Yes, he was.
B : The word could change things
into gold. Unit 14 Monkeys in the News
G : Wow! So, what happened in the Exciting News
story? G : Did you hear the news?
B : A bad witch changed all the people B : Yes, some lions got out of the
into gold. zoo.
G : Oh no! G : Right! People were so scared.
B : It’s OK. A good witch changed B : I bet! What did the zookeepers
them back. do?
G : They put some meat in the lions’
Unit 12 Picnic Tomorrow! cages.
Tomorrow’s Plan B : And the lions went back in?
G : Where are you going tomorrow? G : That’s right. The lions were
B : To the park. scared, too!
G : To the park! Wow, that’s great!
B : Yes, my school is having a school Unit 15 Tiger Woods
picnic there. A Favorite Sport
G : Are you bringing anything? B : What is your favorite sport?
B : I’m bringing my lunch and a soccer G : I like golf. Did you watch the
ball. tournament yesterday?
G : A soccer ball? B : Yes, it was exciting. When do you
B : Yes, we’re going to play soccer, play golf?
too. G : I play on Saturdays.
B : Are you a good golfer?
Unit 13 George Washington G : I’m a pretty good golfer. Not as
An Important Leader good as Tiger Woods, though!
B : Who was an important leader in B : Will you play in the city
the US? tournament?
G : George Washington. G : No, I’m not good enough for
B : Who was he? that.

Unit 16 Going to the Zoo B : Next, you cut the cheese.
I Love the Zoo G : What do you do then?
B : Where did you go yesterday? B : Put the cheese on a slice of bread.
G : I went to the zoo. It was great. Put another slice on top. Finally,
Do you like the zoo? eat your cheese sandwich!
B : I love the zoo, too. What animals
did you see yesterday? Unit 19 Olivia
G : I saw lions, tigers, giraffes, mon- A Naughty Sister
keys... so many different animals! B : I love my little sister, but sometimes
B : What animal did you like the most? she makes me mad!
G : I liked the monkeys. They were so G : What makes you mad?
funny! B : She likes to play tricks on me
when I try to sleep.
Unit 17 Zaya, the Friendly Dog G : What does she do?
Pet Pigs B : She tickles my ear with her
G : What kind of animal makes a fingers. I wake up because it
good pet? bothers me.
B : I heard that pigs make good pets. G : She is very naughty!
G : Pigs? Pigs are ugly. B : Yes, but I love her anyway.
B : Not all pigs. G : You’re a nice brother.
G : What do these other pigs look like?
B : They’re small and pink. I think Unit 20 Mary’s Future Job
they’re cute. When I Grow Up
G : What do they like to do? G : What do you want to be when
B : They like to go for walks and you grow up?
chase balls. They also wag their B : I want to be a police officer.
tails the same as dogs! What about you?
G : I want to be an animal doctor.
Unit 18 A Special Sandwich B : Why do you want to be an ani-
I’m Hungry mal doctor?
G : Are you hungry? G : I want to take care of animals.
B : Yes, I am! I will make a cheese Horses are my favorite animals.
sandwich. B : We should go riding sometime.
G : How do you do that? G : Sounds like fun.
B : First, you get some bread and
G : What do you do next?


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